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Gratuity Removal Too Easy?


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I usually get paid grats from my TA and use that as a bonus. If I don’t have them, then I’ll remove the auto grats.



No matter which situation, I always get envelopes from GS’s and tipout myself. It’s more personal and it is the preferred method by all the crew I’ve encountered.




So your TA takes care of your gratuities and you cash them out for a bonus?



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We have NEVER removed gratuities . The staff works very hard to make our cruising very enjoyable :D


That being said ,if a passenger feels that the service they are receiving is sub par then they need to address this matter ,at the time service is rendered & not wait until the end of any cruise ,to say remove my tips . That type of decision is selfish & has NO character :(


We have sailed on 80 cruises with 5 different cruise lines & never had any problems with staff that could not be resolved equitably :)


That is a very judgmental attitude. We always have our tips removed. We prefer to dole out our $$ to each crewmember because we want to thank them in person. We are not selfish and have plenty of character:mad: On almost every cruise to date we have given above the suggested tips to our crew members.


That being said, tips are personal and by their definition are optional. What a bunch of snoots on here.

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So your TA takes care of your gratuities and you cash them out for a bonus?



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Lol, no, i don’t even think you can do that. I meant it’s a bonus to the RC Staff. The real tips come from me personally.

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I would be surprised if the house keeping staff, laundry staff and the waiters in the buffet preferred your method which leaves them out in the cold.


Where else on the planet do people who do not interact with guests rely on tips? :confused:

that is to say they earn wages for their work. I tip for service and I have found unequivocally that cash is king. Royal's option; you choose your way, I choose mine. I'm sure plenty of people are NOT walking on a ship with $500+ so don't get very indignant.

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But let me guess - not the full amount for the whole family?




I’m still unsure why some feel the need to harass those who do not “auto tip” while falsely accusing ‘they must not tip’ ‘they are cheap’ or do not tip fully- whatever that means. Do you mean what the cruise line “recommends” is a full tip? Are we given a allocation statement showing which crew member gets what amount of our “auto tip”? No, we don’t.


I’ve been thanked many times for handing folks cash. That’s my preferred method of tipping and no one will change my mind- just like no one will change yours about auto tipping. We agree to disagree and move on with our lives.



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I’m still unsure why some feel the need to harass those who do not “auto tip” while falsely accusing ‘they must not tip’ ‘they are cheap’ or do not tip fully- whatever that means. Do you mean what the cruise line “recommends” is a full tip? Are we given a allocation statement showing which crew member gets what amount of our “auto tip”? No, we don’t.


I’ve been thanked many times for handing folks cash. That’s my preferred method of tipping and no one will change my mind- just like no one will change yours about auto tipping. We agree to disagree and move on with our lives.



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You said this much better than I could have.


Next cruise we have a dining package; gratuity covered for those. We will eat in MDR 2 or 3 times on a 9 night cruise. We will use kids camp. If I am well within Royal's rules to use cash and tip who I want, and nothing is confiscated from them, they are not being shaken down after work, why should I get the third degree on here? Spot on with that "total amount" comment too. Average service = average tip. Above average = great tip, and I believe nothing incentivizes service staff like the opportunity to earn cash in hand.

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Where else on the planet do people who do not interact with guests rely on tips? :confused:

that is to say they earn wages for their work. I tip for service and I have found unequivocally that cash is king. Royal's option; you choose your way, I choose mine. I'm sure plenty of people are NOT walking on a ship with $500+ so don't get very indignant.


The answer is nowhere, it is not the responsibility of guest to tip works they have no direct interaction with. And tips are voluntary and not required.


The cruise industry is pulling one of the biggest con jobs in history here. That is one reason they are very general when talking about service fees, they do not want the details known. While most cruise ships are not registered in the United States for many reasons one major reasons is simple. The way these cruise lines operate (If US Flagged Ships) they could be prosecute under RICO Act as while as numerous labor laws broken across the board.

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Well, this thread has given me a few bits of internet entertainment but now I think I've had quite enough. Gratuities by definition are optional and voluntary; therefore, should be easily removed if the cruiser so chooses. If they are added as part of the cruise fare, they then become non-optional and involuntary, which means they can no longer be considered gratuities..... by definition.


As a side note, the hostile atmosphere of this thread and general discord and judgement of most of the posters is yet another reason why our country (US) has gotten itself where it is today. People are so consumed with what others are doing, i.e. how others are spending their money on vacation, which leads them to a seemingly innocent comment on a public forum that then sparks hundreds of intimidating, browbeating, pretentious comments by people thinking they can say whatever they want with no consequence. No wonder we see the now daily headlines in the news of our young people doing what was once unspeakable when they have role models and examples like this to lead them.


At any rate, that's just my observations. I have no doubt most of you won't care for them, and frankly I really don't care. My family and I will be on our cruise in a couple of months. We will pay.... or not.... our gratuities as we please and you may do the same. I will think no better or worse of you for it. :)

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So, can I just go up to guest services on day 1 of my cruise and say that I want the auto grats removed? Do I have to argue or give a reason?


Yes they are not required, You do not need to give a reason or explain your actions. If a staff member falsely wants to question you tell them to read the official corporate policy and that you do not need to explain your actions....



Well, this thread has given me a few bits of internet entertainment but now I think I've had quite enough. Gratuities by definition are optional and voluntary; therefore, should be easily removed if the cruiser so chooses. If they are added as part of the cruise fare, they then become non-optional and involuntary, which means they can no longer be considered gratuities..... by definition.


As a side note, the hostile atmosphere of this thread and general discord and judgement of most of the posters is yet another reason why our country (US) has gotten itself where it is today. People are so consumed with what others are doing, i.e. how others are spending their money on vacation, which leads them to a seemingly innocent comment on a public forum that then sparks hundreds of intimidating, browbeating, pretentious comments by people thinking they can say whatever they want with no consequence. No wonder we see the now daily headlines in the news of our young people doing what was once unspeakable when they have role models and examples like this to lead them.


At any rate, that's just my observations. I have no doubt most of you won't care for them, and frankly I really don't care. My family and I will be on our cruise in a couple of months. We will pay.... or not.... our gratuities as we please and you may do the same. I will think no better or worse of you for it. :)


Agreed but the guest that have fallen to the PR that the company post will call anyone who does not auto tip, or questions auto tips a monster, cold heart , cheap, etc.....


About 242 years ago a group of men meet and sign a protest against what they believed was wrong. And the majority of the World called them much worst than what people have said here. But they were right and they took a stand for principles.... It seems to have turn out very well for them and the World.


I have never mind being a underdog and not going with the crowd.... principles are more important than being popular. If you care to check up about these men who stood for principles and what was right please see the Declaration of Independence.

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Hypothetically, if you bought a Bloody Mary for Breakfast or a glass of champagne prior to the cocktail hours, how much would you tip, if any?

We pay for a hot room service breakfast every morning and i give $3 tip to the waiter who brings it.

It is extremely rare that i would drink any alcohol before 4pm.

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Tried to resist posting on this thread, but couldn't help myself!

If so many people think it is an appalling practice to remove gratuities, why are so many still opposed to having the charge included in the cruise fare?

Reports suggest that if you have a problem with service, you report it and have it rectified, rather than removing the gratuities.

In the UK, and many other countries, the pay for the staff is included in the cost of the meal or the hotel stay, and it would be impossible to single out what percentage relates to the service. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide an acceptable service, not the responsibility of the customer to monitor and pay for the service separately ! Additionally, staff get paid for the hours they work, not for the number of customers the restaurant or hotel attracts.

How unfair is it, as in the USA, that staff earn less if there are fewer or no customers! Not their fault!

When I book a cruise, I have an expectation that this includes my food being cooked and served, my bed made, and my cabin cleaned. And I am happy to pay for that. Which part of that is optional? Can I remove my 'gratuity' if I undertake to tidy my own room and make my bed? And fat chance of the cabin attendant getting to go home early or take on a second job!

And for those who complain that if the service was included, and because of tax implications, the price of the cruise went up, why are you happy to put the service staff in a vulnerable position re their earnings, just to save some extra money?

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Tried to resist posting on this thread, but couldn't help myself!

If so many people think it is an appalling practice to remove gratuities, why are so many still opposed to having the charge included in the cruise fare?......


It is not a gratuity why does the line keep wanting to call it a gratuity and not a service fee?


Because cruise lines are playing the con game trying to tell guest it is gratuity, shifting large percent of the crews compensation to this pool and in doing so avoid all the fees, costs, and results of just saying it is a service fee. Sorry will not fall for this con act. But you are free to pay them if you want just never try to tell myself and others what we need to do.

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“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”


—John Wooden


I don’t think I would want to play golf with someone I knew who removed grats w/o cause. Too much chance they’d pull a Judge Smails on me. Just my .02




#FOTD [emoji481]


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I’m amazed that people remove the gratuity! It’s understood when you cruise unless it states that the gratuity is included, you are expected to pay one. We would never remove it. If there are service issues we address them but in 32 cruises have rarely had to do that.


We often tip the waiter in the MDR extra because we are there 80% of the time and most of them are great! We tip per drink for the Diamond plus hour at the bars and at the end of the cruise in the lounge. We also tip on excursions. We tip the porters and the Uber driver. We do base all the extra tips on service given. We consider it part of the cost of our cruise just like insurance.


I realize it may not be in some of your cultures but it’s expected. And if I travel somewhere I try to do what’s expected and be a good visitor. I’m feeling like after reading this thread I need to tip more to make up for those of you who don’t tip. Don’t be so cheap! Give back a little.


I take care of people all day at work, no tips. I so appreciate a week or more of someone taking care of me! A kind word and a little extra cash given out is the least I can do.

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“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”


—John Wooden


I don’t think I would want to play golf with someone I knew who removed grats w/o cause. Too much chance they’d pull a Judge Smails on me. Just my .02




#FOTD [emoji481]


Great laugh.

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"I realize it may not be in some of your cultures but it’s expected. And if I travel somewhere I try to do what’s expected and be a good visitor. I’m feeling like after reading this thread I need to tip more to make up for those of you who don’t tip. Don’t be so cheap! Give back a little."


But are people still opposed to the staff being paid properly in the first place, by having the 'gratuity' or 'service charge' being included in the cruise fare?


"I take care of people all day at work, no tips. I so appreciate a week or more of someone taking care of me! A kind word and a little extra cash given out is the least I can do.


But presumably, you are paid a wage / salary and are not dependant on tips to make up your pay? For a week of someone taking care of me, the least I could do is lobby for the staff to be paid properly and consistently.


Sorry, cruiselvr04, this wasn't meant to be aimed at you personally, but you have raised a couple of points that I could use as examples.


For anyone who thinks I'm a cheapskate, I pay the gratuities in advance whenever possible, so that I and the staff know that they are getting paid. If I have an issue, I will take it up with the cruise line, as that is who I have my contract with.

However, that doesn't mean I am happy with an insulting arrangement that demeans the service staff, adds uncertainty to their remuneration, and adds to tax avoidance.

Several cruise lines respect both their Australian customers and the service staff by including the staff pay ( the so called gratuities ) in the cruise cost. Some are starting to do so for cruises out of the UK. Not everyone who cruises reads Cruise Critic. I am sure that there are plenty of UK cruisers who would be horrified to discover that the 'gratuities' are not the voluntary tips we might give as an extra for exceptional service, but part of the pay for the service we were expecting as part of our cruise, and would be a legal requirement in the UK.


And another reason they probably don't refer to these charges as a service charge is that in the UK, compulsory service charges have to be included in the total cost, as Donald Trump has just discovered at his resort in Scotland!

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Maybe they remove them because they tip individuals in cash?


We book suites and have hit a few promos where the gratuities were included in the fare. In other instances, we remove the auto gratuities and tip in cash, throughout the week. We tend to tip the suite attendant, on day one and then another towards the end of the voyage.



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