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Epic Disappointment


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So, I am that person that always sees the glass half full. I have gone on four cruises (to some that is not a lot, but to a hard-working person, it is a gift), and although there may be things that are not so perfect, I always think how blessed I am to even be able to have the luxury to cruise. I think of those who cannot, and count my blessings. Nothing is perfect, and I would rather have an "iffy" day at sea, than a good day at the office.


My first was the Getaway 3 years ago, and my favorite. They always say your first cruise will always be your favorite. I agree. Because of this, I have only chose to cruise with Norwegian. Some would consider me a "Norwegian Snob". I am a Silver Latitude Member (not that this matters). I tell everyone how wonderful NCL is, and that I wouldn't consider cruising another line. Until this trip....


I was on the Epic in November. I loved it so much, I booked it again for last week's sailing. In fact, I wrote a review about my November sailing, and had people ask me if I was on the same ship as them, as they had a horrible time. Like I said, I see the glass half full. I am always extremely polite to staff, count my blessings, and consider the circumstances before responding. Yes boarding is a little long, but it's 4,000 excited people trying to get on one ship at the same time. I knew that, so I knew what to expect. No complaints. I'm getting on a ship for vacation, not an elevator for work. Think positive.


In November I booked a balcony. I read all the reviews and knew what I was getting into with the bathroom situation. There is nothing like falling asleep to the sound of the waves, so I picked my battle. I was fine with that. This cruise I picked a solo cabin. I stayed in one on my first cruise and loved it. They are so cozy, and tons of storage (trust me, I pack. A lot!). I was so excited to stay in a solo again. I walked in my studio cabin (12509) and the entire closet door was missing. A huge disappointment. But, I knew (or thought I knew), I could just call Guest Services, and they would have it fixed. I called, and they told me "Oh, that must have happened on the last cruise". I asked if they could fix it, and she said that they could only put up a sheet. OK, seriously? A sheet? I work hard for my money, and cruising is a luxury for me. I told them that was not acceptable. She apologized, and that was that. I am now staying in a run-down hotel. Wonderful. I spoke to my room steward Bryan (who was absolutely fantastic!), and he said he would check into it. Two days later I had a door.


That night, I woke up to use the bathroom, and walked into a puddle of what I was praying was water on my bathroom floor (I showered at 2:00 AM to be safe - seriously. Just gross). I called Housekeeping that morning and they said they would send someone up. I got ready for the day and left my cabin. I came back to my room late afternoon and there was more water in the bathroom. I put towels on the floor so I wouldn't step in it. I explained it to my steward that I wasn't being rude leaving towels scattered on the floor, it was because of the leak. I got ready for dinner, and went to Guest Services. They said they were sorry, and send someone to look at it. They told me I should have contacted them instead of Housekeeping?? The next morning, someone looked at it, as I now had towels crammed up against the walls in the bathroom soaking up the water. Hello Motel 6. I went to Guest Services again and spoke to a gentleman there. He told me it looked like it was water leaking in from the AC pipe (which was somewhat reassuring as I thought it was waste). I explained that I truly am a nice person, and not a complainer, but this was getting out of hand. He told me not to worry, he completely agreed with my concerns, and the ship is not a good ship "and that is why I'm transferring to another". He explained how it was the only one built in France, etc. He was very kind and polite.


So, now it's tendering day to Grand Cayman. I absolutely LOVE Grand Cayman. It is safe, beautiful, the people are gracious and kind. Just wonderful. So, the first day after I boarded, I went to Taste to lunch so I could use my iconcierge app to book my tender right away as I wanted Tender 1. It took me about 20 tries to connect and I was finally able to. I felt so bad that I was being rude to my waiter (who was so nice) because my head was stuck to my phone trying to book. Score! I booked the 1st tender off the ship! In the Daily, it said tendering would begin approximately 9:00. I thought I would be clever and get there early in line. Ha. Everyone was clever that day! :) The line snaked out of the dining room. But, that was OK. I was booked on Tender 1. I thought "man, that must be a big tender boat to get all these people on it". It turns out that no one was checking bookings, so people just got in line who weren't even in Tender 1 and got right on the boat. I ended up on the 2nd tender. I didn't complain, as I was on Grand Cayman, didn't have a specific place or time to be (I just wanted a long day) and that was all that mattered. So, don't worry if you don't book a tender. It looks like you can tender whenever you want. Just get in line whenever you want.


Great Stirrup Cay. I would book a cruise just to go to this island every day. It is beautiful, so many things to do. Just a relaxing, perfect day. Last time I was there, I missed the taco stand that everyone was raving about, so decided to wander over. I ordered a fish taco, and as I was chewing started coughing and gagging on something. This lovely piece of thick yellow plastic was in my taco (I took a picture for my new best friend at Guest Services). Needless to say, I visited the bathroom to get sick (the thought still makes me gag), and that was the end of my eating for the day.


On a positive note, I want to say the staff was over the top amazing. I continually tipped my bartenders, servers in the specialty restaurants, my steward Bryan, my casino dealers for the great service they provided. . Not to get good service, but because they provided good service. They were genuinely nice (yes, before they even got a tip). I don't know how they remembered my name with so many people on board, but always made a point to say hello to me, or ask me about my day or plans I had. I met so many people on board, and made a lot of new friends. I participated in many activities (the Ice Bar, Escape Room, gambled, danced the night away, water slides, chocolate/wine paring). I filled out and left many cards in the box at Guest Services with the names of specific staff that really stood out to me. They truly deserved positive recognition, and I gave it.


I see a lot of negative reviews and comments, and I didn't want to be another faceless person to Norwegian about my experiences, so I booked an appointment with the head of Guest Services. I went in and met with her, and explained my situation. I told her I am not one looking for a handout, or is always unhappy or complaining. This was my first time ever experiencing this. I told her about all the positive things that happened, but never experienced anything like I did on this cruise. I was going to do the "CruiseNext" to book Bermuda and Hawaii this year (Happy Birthday to me), but cancelled it. She said she never heard about any of my problems, and would look into it and get back to me. I have not heard a word from Norwegian since.


I was not going to write a review until I heard back from Norwegian, and heard their explanation. Obviously they do not have one. I understand things go wrong, and not everything is perfect. But, this was a bit much for me.


My girlfriend is cruising on her honeymoon this year, and I went on and on about how she needs to book with Norwegian. I told her to look into another line. I would be so embarrassed if this happened to one of my friends or family.

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I'm so sorry. It is really difficult when something you work so hard for doesn't hold up it's end of the bargain. Things will go wrong - which you seem to understand and you still try to be fair and positive. A missing door or a leaking bathroom is not ok - but their response (or lack thereof) is what was really subpar in your situation. Hoping your future cruises will be much better. :)

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I was on the Epic 2/10/18 and also found a door missing on my closet (Cabin 12516). I just assumed there were no doors so never made a fuss about it. There was also some kind of plumbing/water problem 2 doors down which left a horrible smell throughout the hallway. Never complained about that either.


I try to enjoy the moment and not let the little things bother me, but I will say that I was more than disappointed that I never once saw my cabin attendant. The cabin was always made up, but no effort was ever made to introduce themselves even on the first day. I never complained, but decided, no interaction, no tip. I just gave their portion to another employee who went above and beyond.


I would agree that the studio cabin was somewhat shabby, and in need of a deep cleaning, but like you, I try to see the bright side of things.

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I can certainly relate. I took a cruise on CCL to celebrate my retirement. It turned into the cruise from hell. Guest services tried to help but it really didn't help. I swore off of cruising. Two years later CCL finally won me back with a great casino offer. We had a blast. I am now addicted to cruising and I love NCL, I have had three great cruises on the Epic. My point is don't give up on cruising and who knows NCL might win you back. Thanks for an honest review. I swear it seems like sometimes things just start compounding.

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I was on the Epic last week as well. I think the issues with your cabin are uncommon. I'm actually surprised that your cabin steward would clean that room without a closet door and not get the issue addressed. It took you escalating it and then he was able to make on appear. That I don't like. But the issue with the air conditioner leaking wasn't an ongoing issue and was addressed.


I absolutely hated Great Stirrup Cay. I don't find it pretty at all. I've been cruising NCL for more than 20 years. GSC used to be a pretty island! There used to be sand!! Now it's just a big mound of hard coral. People were tripping over the mounds of coral. It's not a sandy nice beach like it used to be. You can tell the island construction and the numbers hurricanes have wiped the sand right off the coral base! The water was frigid and the waves were so rough, as they usually are in the many, many times I've been there, it's not easy to get in the water at all. Much less snorkel. it used to be that passengers could get off and explore the entire island. I remember being able to walk all the way to the light house! Now that's all barricaded off. Cruisers are contained into a tiny part of the island. It used to be you could walk 1/2 mile to the other side of the island and find a stretch of beach all to yourself. Now they put 4000 passengers on a tiny fraction of the island, full of hard coral. My advice, WEAR SNEAKERS, not flip flops because it's not easy to walk on that coral island base!


I don't love the Epic but I think NCL does a pretty good job with it. I liked the food, they do a much, much better job with food than they used to. NCL's food, back when I was a silver latitudes customer was truly horrible. That's back when we called horrible....."subjective". But I do miss the lobster! Even 2 years ago lobster was everywhere available. Now you can't even buy it as an uncharge. Lots of people could care less about lobster but lots of people want lobster on vacation. This is my single complaint about the food. Other than that, everything was great. Except desserts. Not great at all but I am a big fan of soft serve ice cream and I got all I wanted.


I was disappointed in the shows. Not that I was offended by the overtly homosexual dominance in all the shows, but it was too much. Priscilla obviously but even Burn the floor pushed the homosexual thing too far. Even the Cirque show has a strong homosexual flair to it that it never had before. I think the new Australian Dance Company really takes pushing their homosexual agenda overboard. Especially since most of the passengers last week were probably an average age of 62. I'm 50 traveling with teenagers and I felt I was bringing the average age down dramatically. If I felt the homosexual agenda from every show so strongly I can't imagine what the majority of the people cruising thought. Most people on the Epic were 60's and 70's and I thought the homosexual push was just to much for this demographic.


AS far as the tenders. I didn't see that as a big deal at all. NCL has really got the tender thing down! They can load 2 tender boats each holding 250 people in just a few minutes. There was minimal waiting for tenders! Again, I've been cruising NCL for a long time, I remember waiting an hour or more in line for tenders. They never had tender boats that held 250 and they never loaded 2 at the same time like they do now. Tendering is nothing!


I was a little concerned from previous reviews that it would be hard to get a drink. Nope. Never, not once. With 4000 people you'd think to expect long lines. Nope.

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I was on the Epic 2/10/18 and also found a door missing on my closet (Cabin 12516). I just assumed there were no doors so never made a fuss about it. There was also some kind of plumbing/water problem 2 doors down which left a horrible smell throughout the hallway. Never complained about that either.


I try to enjoy the moment and not let the little things bother me, but I will say that I was more than disappointed that I never once saw my cabin attendant. The cabin was always made up, but no effort was ever made to introduce themselves even on the first day. I never complained, but decided, no interaction, no tip. I just gave their portion to another employee who went above and beyond.


I would agree that the studio cabin was somewhat shabby, and in need of a deep cleaning, but like you, I try to see the bright side of things.


I was in that cabin the week before and there was no closet door either. Also never saw my cabin attendant.

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I was in that cabin the week before and there was no closet door either. Also never saw my cabin attendant.


Buffy Angel - Thank you for your reply. I was hoping the person who was in my cabin before would comment if the door was there or not. So, they knew it was missing, and never replaced it. They told me it was from the previous cruise (you). That is very disappointing to hear. You hope you pay for and get what you see in the pictures. Yes, obviously wear and tear on the carpet are normal, or scratches, etc. But knowingly having a closet door missing (for two cruises), is truly not acceptable. They should have not booked that cabin or repaired the closet before hand. Very disappointed in Norwegian.

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Sorry you had so many disappointments on this cruise. But it sounds to me like you had a lot of positives as well.


It's too bad that you would let the bad experience, tarnish your loyalty, considering you say that your other cruises with NCL were great. Maybe this was just a crap happens cruise, or as friends of mine like to say "fecal matter occurs" LOL


I can't say the Epic is my favorite ship, as a matter of fact, I probably wouldn't sail her again unless the stars were aligned to meet my vacation criteria.


Hope whatever you choose for a next vacation is great. Thanks for sharing.


This cruise I picked a solo cabin. I stayed in one on my first cruise and loved it. They are so cozy, and tons of storage (trust me, I pack. A lot!). I was so excited to stay in a solo again. I walked in my studio cabin (12509) and the entire closet door was missing. A huge disappointment. .


A final note on the closet doors.


I was on the Epic in February and heard this from many solo travellers in solo cabins. Some had loose closet doors, some none at all. I heard the reason for this was a design flaw and although initially they tried to fix them, they couldn't easily be fixed to stay in place and not continually fall off. So as they came loose or fell off they were just leaving them off.


I have no idea whether this information is correct or not.

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I was on Epic February 10, 2018 in cabin 12523, no door on the safe closet. In a way that worked out well because I could use the shelf for a place to put my phone, etc. at night.


Mano, the hotel director stated that many guests didn't like them and had requested they be removed. They do have doors though - I was walking aft from my room one day and a staff door was open on the right and there were about 10 doors in the room along with various other items.

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If you have ever been in an Epic studio in rough seas and watched those closet doors slam from one end of the track to the other you would ask to have it taken off too. Really unsafe to have them free slide with no latch. I’ve always just put duct tape on it rather than bother the steward to remove it. Maybe he was new to the ship or studios and didn’t realize it was pretty common for them to be taken off.

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. . . I walked in my studio cabin (12509) and the entirecloset door was missing. A huge disappointment. But, I knew (or thought Iknew), I could just call Guest Services, and they would have it fixed. Icalled, and they told me "Oh, that must have happened on the lastcruise". I asked if they could fix it, and she said that they could onlyput up a sheet. OK, seriously? A sheet? I work hard for my money, and cruisingis a luxury for me. I told them that was not acceptable. She apologized, andthat was that. I am now staying in a run-down hotel. Wonderful. I spoke to myroom steward Bryan (who was absolutely fantastic!), and he said he would checkinto it. Two days later I had a door.


. . .



I see a lot of negative reviews and comments, and I didn't want to beanother faceless person to Norwegian about my experiences, so I booked anappointment with the head of Guest Services. I went in and met with her, andexplained my situation. I told her I am not one looking for a handout, or isalways unhappy or complaining. This was my first time ever experiencing this. Itold her about all the positive things that happened, but never experiencedanything like I did on this cruise. I was going to do the"CruiseNext" to book Bermuda and Hawaii this year (Happy Birthday tome), but cancelled it. She said she never heard about any of my problems, andwould look into it and get back to me. I have not heard a word from Norwegiansince.

While I can't/wont factually state your issue in 12509 didn't "happen on the last cruise", I would readily bet $$ that it had been that way for quite some time. Those material coverings (most are much heavier than a sheet, but they might have run out of the better ones) have been used since 2017.

And you are SO right about Bryan being a great, and attentive, steward. :) He left the studios last Saturday for a different location.

Aminta was very aware of the challenge with the studio closet doors.

Jennifer, and her team at the CruiseNext desk, probably were not. They'd not have reason to, but now that you've shared the details, they now are aware.



I was on the Epic 2/10/18 andalso found a door missing on my closet (Cabin 12516). I just assumed there wereno doors so never made a fuss about it. There was also some kind ofplumbing/water problem 2 doors down which left a horrible smell throughout thehallway. Never complained about that either.

. . .


I would agree that the studio cabin was somewhat shabby, and in need of a deepcleaning, but like you, I try to see the bright side of things.


That left closet door in 12516 has been missing since, at least, September 2017, and the right door (by the sink) since at least early December 2017.

When the refurb on Epic was done in September 2015, quite a bit of the planned updates for the studios area was omitted . . . including a solution to the sliding wheels on those doors.



I was on the Epic last week as well. Ithink the issues with your cabin are uncommon. I'm actually surprised that yourcabin steward would clean that room without a closet door and not get the issueaddressed. It took you escalating it and then he was able to make on appear.That I don't like. But the issue with the air conditioner leaking wasn't anongoing issue and was addressed.


. . .

I was disappointed in the shows. Not that I was offended by the overtlyhomosexual dominance in all the shows, but it was too much. Priscilla obviouslybut even Burn the floor pushed the homosexual thing too far. Even the Cirqueshow has a strong homosexual flair to it that it never had before. I think thenew Australian Dance Company really takes pushing their homosexual agendaoverboard. Especially since most of the passengers last week were probably anaverage age of 62. I'm 50 traveling with teenagers and I felt I was bringingthe average age down dramatically. If I felt the homosexual agenda from everyshow so strongly I can't imagine what the majority of the people cruisingthought. Most people on the Epic were 60's and 70's and I thought thehomosexual push was just to much for this demographic.


. . .

I was a little concerned from previous reviews that it would be hard to get adrink. Nope. Never, not once. With 4000 people you'd think to expect longlines. Nope.

I so totally agree with your last observation. Beverage service was amazingly fast and efficient everywhere I went.

You lost me on some of the entertainment comments. Beyond the two BTF comic characters during the pre-show, I didn't notice the strong content you observed. And I didn't notice it during the Cirque Dreams performance either. Perhaps I wasn't paying as close attention as I thought I was. I could be totally wrong, but still lost on the observation.



There's supposed to be closet doors??? Iwas in 11515 last month & didn't have any. I thought it was weird, but Ithought it was just bad design, not that the doors were missing.


Yep, multiple studio cabins on both deck 11 and 12 are missing closet door/doors, and there is no real plan to replace them at this time. That's unfortunate. I love love love Norwegian Epic, and this newest challenge (albeit a smaller one on the grand scale of overall experience) is a bummer. Few would enjoy this visual appearance of a cheap college dorm.

Edited by DGP1111
copy/past challenge
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While I can't/wont factually state your issue in 12509 didn't "happen on the last cruise", I would readily bet $$ that it had been that way for quite some time. Those material coverings (most are much heavier than a sheet, but they might have run out of the better ones) have been used since 2017.

And you are SO right about Bryan being a great, and attentive, steward. :) He left the studios last Saturday for a different location.

Aminta was very aware of the challenge with the studio closet doors.

Jennifer, and her team at the CruiseNext desk, probably were not. They'd not have reason to, but now that you've shared the details, they now are aware.





That left closet door in 12516 has been missing since, at least, September 2017, and the right door (by the sink) since at least early December 2017.

When the refurb on Epic was done in September 2015, quite a bit of the planned updates for the studios area was omitted . . . including a solution to the sliding wheels on those doors.




I so totally agree with your last observation. Beverage service was amazingly fast and efficient everywhere I went.

You lost me on some of the entertainment comments. Beyond the two BTF comic characters during the pre-show, I didn't notice the strong content you observed. And I didn't notice it during the Cirque Dreams performance either. Perhaps I wasn't paying as close attention as I thought I was. I could be totally wrong, but still lost on the observation.





Yep, multiple studio cabins on both deck 11 and 12 are missing closet door/doors, and there is no real plan to replace them at this time. That's unfortunate. I love love love Norwegian Epic, and this newest challenge (albeit a smaller one on the grand scale of overall experience) is a bummer. Few would enjoy this visual appearance of a cheap college dorm.



Your description of the studio cabin was spot on "a cheap college dorm". It is very unfortunate and disappointing.

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You lost me on some of the entertainment comments. Beyond the two BTF comic characters during the pre-show, I didn't notice the strong content you observed. And I didn't notice it during the Cirque Dreams performance either. Perhaps I wasn't paying as close attention as I thought I was. I could be totally wrong, but still lost on the observation.


Lost me here too. The two Cirque acts that might be referenced: 1. The bathtub dance. But the male dancer was interacting with a female character before he went up on the silks, so I don't know what was gay about that. 2. The two male acrobats doing the strength floor routine. Well, OK, those type of acts always come off as a bit homoerotic (in a good way,) because how can it not, when you've got two buff guys in Speedos touching & lifting each other? But in the show I saw, they would occasionally break their expressionless, robotic form to interact with a woman in the audience. Catch someone's eye & grin & flex, that kind of thing. I think they added that part deliberately to tone down the "OMG homosexual" factor.


The tall blonde that did the pole dance, on the other hand, was ALL UP IN the male dancer's business. I don't personally have an issue with it, but you have to wonder about NCL pushing such a strong heterosexual agenda.

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