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Project Runway?


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Yeah, he made some comment about what his design was about. That's all well and good, but I thought the point of the show was to take your point of view and apply it towards the task? Not ignore what the task was really about and design whatever you wanted. Although, I have to say, Brooke Shields rather set him up when she picked his design as one of the six. I suppose it could've been done better, but even if so, who could wear Bermuda shorts to the office?



Bermuda shorts would be appropriate in some offices, definitely not in mine though where conservative is the key! But the overall outfit was too, too, too casual for an office. And then again too, too, too casual for night.


I liked the top choices, and the bottom two were definitely my least favorite.


Kelly and Daniel's outfit was the worst of the two IMO. And as much as I would've like to have seen Daniel go based on past work (and the original skirt he made), the overall outfit was just a combination of poor choices in design and fabric and construction and that can be attributed to Kelly.

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I saw on Sportscenter this morning that Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day! :eek:


Madelinerose - I love the Inner Harbor and Camden Yards! My husband's favorite thing to do after watching baseball is take a water taxi, and of course, eat crab cakes!


Yeah, and the 12,000 is all carbs and sugar! :eek:


The Inner Harbor is still Baltimore's main attraction. Can't beat a Maryland crab cake. Although we've had some decent ones on ships, they just can't compare.


I'm always forget the names of the players on Project Runway, but the judges choice agreed with mine last night. ;)

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Completely forgot about PR...caught up in the Olympics.:D



Where was your reminder, or where you watching Michael also?:)


I was on the computer but just forgot:eek: but I did watch the show.

And next week is going to be something else!


I did watch Michael though. He has 3 more chances for

gold medals.....Tonite, tomorrow and Saturday:D

The funky thing is the timing....have to stay up so late

to see the races live.

They are 11 or 12 hours ahead of East Coast time:confused:


I liked the winner but I really liked Jerrell's dress better.

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I think Blaine should go, his shorts outfit this week looked like the model was going to Summer Camp. I think Bermuda shorts can work at the office, but they have to be dark and tailored, and balanced with a dressier shoe and a jacket on top.


I did like Jarell's outfit, it looked great for TV, but did you see what HE was wearing? He gets weirder looking every week, last week a deranged dictator and this week in a white lace dress?!

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This week the designers have to design for a high powered and glamorous professional woman.


It turns out to be for Brooke Shields for her character in the "Lipstick Jungle" television show. Important to note that the character has a bohemian background, but needs to go from the boardroom during the day to a music nightclub in the evening.

This is the challenge.


A few things that they didn't edit onto the show, but were an unwritten part of the challenge. It needs to be fitting for Brooke Shields personally, and also be appropriate and look good on camera for television.

(This is also different than what looks good under the runway lights on the Project Runway stage).


They first all have to "pitch" their ideas personally to Brooke.

She will pick the top 6 that she likes. Then they will randomly choose partners.



Let me say this before we start here...

I absolutely hate when they do this on challenges every season. It always ends up badly.

This is why I hate it - the team leaders are the ones who pitched the best ideas (in theory). So in general, they should already start out with higher scores (1 through 6 rankings) than the designers who didn't even get close or interesting enough in their original design idea (those designers should then be ranked 7 through 12).


But then, almost always the team leader is the one deemed "responsible" and sent home. How can that be fair, when designers 7 through 12 didn't even come up with an idea to win through the first round?


See where I'm going with this? I don't understand why someone gets "punished" for having a better initial design idea than 6 other people - who didn't even have enough of a good idea to get chosen as team lead?


I mean, seriously think about it.

Sleathah designed a dominatrix leather bustier for Brooke, and she could hardly keep a straight face at how ridiculously wrong that idea was for the challenge.

Then Sleathah gets assigned to make a leather belt, (which is the only thing that she did) and makes it through over someone else?

(Not that I'm picking on her over the other bottom 6 in my mind, she's just the perfect example here).


That being said, please hold your comments until I can get all 6 designs posted. Thank you!

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And the winner is Keith (with Kenley)


And I completely agree with this win.

It is perfect for Brooke, and something that the other designers didn't quite do (and I honestly don't even think the judges really and truly were aware of) - but this is so perfect for a TV show.

The print and cut at the top, is perfection for close shots, the color and petal cuts of the skirt are perfect for long shots.

This looks business, but pretty.

Then (which you don't see in this picture) the sleeves can untie to reveal her shoulders in a cutaway for the evening/nightclub.

This is even more important and showing day to evening in a close shot, as you will see the transition even if you just see her face in a shot from the shoulders up...


I'm pretty sure that Brooke used her final veto power for this to win.

As she should have, as it was the best one for the challenge.


I think that the judges really thought this should have been second place - but then they are thinking "runway" and "fashion" and none of them are aware of actual needs for television drama and sitcom lighting and camera reading - which is totally different than how things appear on camera on the Project Runway stage.


So, totally the best one for the win.

I'm not being a fan of Kenley laughing at Daniel's statements on the runway though. The reason being...

I do understand that Daniel has been talking about his "taste level" for weeks now, and they are also on that runway actually for hours that we don't see - so I can understand her giggles.


But at the same token, her taste level almost derailed this outfit with her slightly tacky flower print that she was determined to use for the top.

Thankfully Keith was strong enough (with a massive assist from Tim Gunn) to win his choice in that print.

It was much more sophisticated, as well as way better read on a drama television show camera.

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Second place goes to Jerell (with Stella)


Now Jerell really stepped up to the plate with this one. It's unquestionably his best. This is such a close second, and I think if it was just for the runway and not for an actual TV show filming this would have won.

I think that the judges were really leaning towards this as a design - as a whole.


But, not quite as interesting if it's in close shots. Just not quite as good or dramatic to go from day to evening. But, so, so, so close for the win.


I also think that he should get massive points for using Sleathah to his benefit. It really was all his design, and he just gave her the leather to work with on the belt and let her go.


The belt is really what takes it up a level to really good interesting fashion, as it wouldn't be at that level without it.


But Sleathah just made a friggin' leather belt - that Jerell designed.

Great on the runway, but edged out by better TV for the other design.

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Terri (with Suede) are safe.


This is one that I actually could have seen as great for TV as well.

Shoulders up for the daytime work office, shoulders down for the evening nightclub.


All good. All interesting. All great for Brooke as a person and a TV character.


I think they're editing up the Terri/Suede dysfunctional drama (suddenly, so I know they're up to something) but I'm not sure what the producers are wanting us to feel here.


Just pay attention that it was put there for a reason and setup for something in the future. When we see it, then this sudden Terri/Suede edit will make sense.

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Korto (with Joe) are also safe.


I think that this is also good for the challenge.

I'm not sure how they adjusted the top/jacket to make it work so well.

Was it just a belt? Or did they make some tailoring adjustments?


Again, I think more edited drama than needed.


But I begin to wonder now as I'm sure that either Terri or Korto is in the finals.

Or both. Can't quite tell yet.


Are they editing this to be a "diva showdown"?


Still not sure, but pieces are starting to fall into place.


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Blayne (with Leanne) are bottom two


I don't have the huge problem with this that a lot of people do.

I can see the TV potential. I think that with different colors and fabrics, this could have looked really sophisticated and high end.

But, you can't see that from the drawing.


And I bet you if Tim Gunn had been in charge of buying just the fabric alone here, based on the drawing...

He would have chosen the perfect fabric to make this stunning.


I could also see this working for Sarah Jessica Parker on Sex and The City.

Just the fabric choices took it down to casual.


I also don't understand why Brooke (methinks producer meddling) didn't choose Leanne's design as one of the top - as she obviously lurved it.

It really was a great idea and design, so I wish we could have seen her design as one of the options.


Alas, we didn't.


I'll put it out here now, that if you all really think about it (Jane110 and others) it's fairly easy though to see some different richer fabric choices and colors that could have made this totally work in the context.


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Kelli is out (with Daniel scraping by)


Again, I sense lots and lots of producer meddling here.


Here is my big problem with this decision (and therefore the entire challenge in the context).

Kelli didn't design this. Kelli's design was a one piece dress, which looked pretty perfect from the drawing and design.


Brooke changed it to a two piece (three piece). Then the top was too short (therefore the hoochie momma comments), and Daniel really didn't help Kelli in the context.


If Brooke didn't like Kelli's design as is, then she should have gone with Leanne's.

The entire design concept was almost changed from what it started out to be on paper.


I think that at this point though, the top three or four have already been decided by the judges and producers.

And Kelli is not one of them (too reminiscent of Sweet Pea).


So, she served the purpose of being a somewhat shocking elimination for right now.

Saving their other favorite females for the top spots, and leaving the good TV guy fodder for more drama later (and they won't win or get to the finals).


Let's see if I'm correct here.

There you go!

Comment away!



PS I also think that this was edited to be a big controversial water cooler talk episode - but they didn't take into consideration the fact that everyone would be glued to The Olympics, so this drama is nothing in comparison.


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thanks as usual for your commentary, Curt...I am disappointed that I missed the earlier airings of the show yesterday evening...I had a relative visiting from out-of-town and didn't get home until late...I then tried to stay up for the last replay of the night--which was at 1:00 a.m. I think...and I just couldn't stay up for it :(


It is being replayed again tonight in about 45 minutes...I am trying to keep myself awake so I can watch it, but I am not sure I can make it all the way through...but at least I got to see all the contenders posted here, and I could read other posters' opinions :)


I also agree with the top two...and even agree with the choice of winner


also, I agree with the bottom two choices....I think, though, I would have chosen to "off" Blayne...that outfit looked terrible, even on a beautiful model...it also was entirely inappropriate for most offices and certainly for a night on the town...I agree that it could have looked much better and been more appropriate with different fabric choices...however, a big part of fashion I believe is the choice of fabrics..textures....colors...and combinations thereof


I don't think the producers were ready yet to get rid of Blayne...that is why I think they went with the design choice that they did for the loser...but they could have solved that by voting Leanne out


oh well...let's hope I can stay up for the show

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Blayne (with Leanne) are bottom two


I don't have the huge problem with this that a lot of people do.

I can see the TV potential. I think that with different colors and fabrics, this could have looked really sophisticated and high end.

But, you can't see that from the drawing.


And I bet you if Tim Gunn had been in charge of buying just the fabric alone here, based on the drawing...

He would have chosen the perfect fabric to make this stunning.


I could also see this working for Sarah Jessica Parker on Sex and The City.

Just the fabric choices took it down to casual.


I also don't understand why Brooke (methinks producer meddling) didn't choose Leanne's design as one of the top - as she obviously lurved it.

It really was a great idea and design, so I wish we could have seen her design as one of the options.


Alas, we didn't.


I'll put it out here now, that if you all really think about it (Jane110 and others) it's fairly easy though to see some different richer fabric choices and colors that could have made this totally work in the context.



Agree Curt, different fabric and a more "dressy" cut on the shorts. These were too tight for office wear. A wider leg creating a more tailored short, worn with a mid-high heel is what many young women wear to work in NYC, if they're in creative fields, and it looks great on them. Very polished and professional.


This whole outfit, from the poorly fitting shorts and the shirt over the tee just looks horrible. Or rather looks horrible for the office. It would be fine with a pair of keds for a picnic in the park or taking the kids to a soccer game.


BTW, I totally agree with your annoyance with the team concept and have thought the same thing. The leader is the one that comes up with the idea and then risks getting aufed. The people who come up with lousy idea's, aren't leaders, and so are off the hook and safe because they don't have any responsibilty. It's a really bad system.

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Korto (with Joe) are also safe.


I think that this is also good for the challenge.

I'm not sure how they adjusted the top/jacket to make it work so well.

Was it just a belt? Or did they make some tailoring adjustments?


Again, I think more edited drama than needed.


But I begin to wonder now as I'm sure that either Terri or Korto is in the finals.

Or both. Can't quite tell yet.


Are they editing this to be a "diva showdown"?


Still not sure, but pieces are starting to fall into place.



I think they did do some tailoring. Just adding a belt wouldn't have looked good given how full the jacket was. I thought Joe was very passive/aggressive and his dress didn't fit well at all when she took off the jacket. I did like the jacket a lot and could easily see myself wearing something like that for dinner on a cruise!


Since I don't know about TV requirements, I'll agree with you reluctantly that they picked the right winner. I personally liked Jarrell's outfit better. And Sleatha should just become a belt designer right now. That was a very nice touch and put the outfit up an extra notch in my opinion.

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I really liked the outfit by Jerell and thought that it should have been the winner. The belt was the WOW factor and especially well done. Without the belt the dress would have been ordinary.


The winning design this week was not one I cared for. From the colors to the cut I didn't think the silhouette would flatter a taller/fuller figure.


Blaine make the wrong type of Bermuda short for the challenge. It should have been dressy and not so sporty. Still, I wouldn't have sent him home for it.

The person I would have sent home is Daniel. He whines all the time and is a poor spot to boot. So far I haven't see any examples of his good taste. Instead of doing the best he could with sewing the skirt all he said it wasn't his design. This led me to believe that he is certainly not a team player and this was a team challenge.

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Just relocated this thread. I don't see a "fashion" page option on CC anymore. Used Google to find this.


CJ Wild, I haven't shot any commercials in about a year, but I recall prints "crawling" on video. So do stripes and dots. I can't think of seeing them much on TV at any rate. anyway, I automatically eliminated the print styles for that reason.


On one shoot we had a costume emergency for a pregnant lady, and put her in an unplanned dress with polka dots (not little ones, not huge either, a touch smaller than quarters and fairly widely spaced). The dang dress crawled like crazy. We only used the full figure shot for a half second to establish her condition, and even that made my eyes hurt.


So, am I that out of date now? I really am curious.


The shorts outfit had such potential but was wrong in just about every way.

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Just relocated this thread. I don't see a "fashion" page option on CC anymore. Used Google to find this.


CJ Wild, I haven't shot any commercials in about a year, but I recall prints "crawling" on video. So do stripes and dots. I can't think of seeing them much on TV at any rate. anyway, I automatically eliminated the print styles for that reason.


On one shoot we had a costume emergency for a pregnant lady, and put her in an unplanned dress with polka dots (not little ones, not huge either, a touch smaller than quarters and fairly widely spaced). The dang dress crawled like crazy. We only used the full figure shot for a half second to establish her condition, and even that made my eyes hurt.


So, am I that out of date now? I really am curious.


The shorts outfit had such potential but was wrong in just about every way.


Hi, the forum is "Fashion and Beauty"...you found it;)

Check under "Topics"....its next to "Cruise Air"

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I guess I'm just blind -- I sure didn't see the fashion topic.


But, I think I have to take back what I said about prints, etc. crawling. Watching an episode of Monk, I noticed a character wearing a top with thin stripes and they didn't crawl. I don't know if it's the high def thing or what. But I retract my question.

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I guess I'm just blind -- I sure didn't see the fashion topic.

Glad to have you back though...

And you missed an entire season of Top Chef over here:



But, I think I have to take back what I said about prints, etc. crawling. Watching an episode of Monk, I noticed a character wearing a top with thin stripes and they didn't crawl. I don't know if it's the high def thing or what. But I retract my question.

You actually had a valid question - so just for people's curiosity sake...

There are still some of the older model video cameras and video stock used that will have "the crawl" effect. You can see it once in a while on local television stations on the news or interviews.


But, also a lot of television shows are actually filmed on film stock. So the patterns (if they are the right ones) can be a visual benefit and not a hindrance.

And even the new digital video cameras are almost film quality now.

It's funny that now, some lower budget big screen movies are filmed entirely in video - while higher budget TV shows are on film.;)


So there you go - maybe one of you can win a round on Trivial Pursuit with that info.


Tonight should be a fun episode (hopefully), although I'm not sure how they are going to make it more of a "real world" challenge or skill?:confused:

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Hi,:) I just hope I will be able to watch it.

This area of the country is having horrible weather at the

moment:eek: I hope my electric stays on.

We are supposed to be getting up to a foot of rain:rolleyes:

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Hi,:) I just hope I will be able to watch it.

This area of the country is having horrible weather at the

moment:eek: I hope my electric stays on.

We are supposed to be getting up to a foot of rain:rolleyes:


Faye sure is reminiscent of her cousin Allison that visited Houston a few years ago. Isn't that the way with unwanted visitors? They tend to stay too long!

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Faye sure is reminiscent of her cousin Allison that visited Houston a few years ago. Isn't that the way with unwanted visitors? They tend to stay too long!


Just rain today..thankfully....but they are saying tonite

and tomorrow we are really getting flooded:eek:

But I have electric so will be able to watch the show


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But I have electric so will be able to watch the show




That's good news as it's on now. Of course when I got home this evening, I had no power.:eek: Thankfully mine is back on now but it was close!

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