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Project Runway?


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So, what did ya'll think?


I am glad Joe won:) and FINALLY....FINALLY...FINALLY......

Daniel is out of there!!!!! They got that right!


And it was fun seeing Chris again:D

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I've been a die hard watcher of Project Runway since the beginning (though I am completely partial to Season 2).


How great was the drag queen challenge. They should do that every week!


HAlf the time I think the show worries way too much about keeping the good characters instead of the good designers.


Daniel at least could make quality looking clothes, as opposed to both Blaine & Kevin.


Jerrell's dress last night was something I would wear, just a bit more toned down :)

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Over the top!!!! Fun to watch, but does this really demonstrate a useful skill for a "Project Runway" winner? I suppose maybe the ability to design for even the most oversized, taste-challenged client? :D :D


That said, while Joe's jumpsuit was good, I was rooting for Terri's "Samurai on Acid" outfit. Just thought it was really cool and different (not all sequins and glitz, which was the easy route for this challenge...)


I am glad to see Daniel go, although he took it so hard that I felt bad for him. No more whining about his taste level! He's taste-licious! Or maybe tasteless-licious......


Holla atcha boy!


(P.S. Used to hang out in the same clubs as RuPaul in Atlanta in the 1980s. S/he was hot stuff!!)

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LURVED this challenge!!


I thought the judges got it right this week. Joe did a fabulous job of addressing his client's needs and wants - and honestly I could see non-drag queens liking that jump suit! Terri's was fabulous as well. The whole kabuki/samurai thing was well executed.


I liked Korto's due to the embellishments around the neck. The other people that tried to put pieces around the neck area (Blayne, Jerrell) failed in their execution - she did it the right way IMO.


I think Jerrell's ended up in the bottom 3 for that neckline, and do think the dress should've been shorter for the client. Still it was an okay design (as AntsyforAlaska said, she'd wear it), just not spectacular which is what this challenge called for.


I'm getting tired of Keith's swatches and strips and fringes. Overall his design fell flat for me. I think the judges were right in that it was messy. He needed to put a little more thought into where the fringes were going to lay on the body. Also, the choice of colors. The client was an admitted rocker girl, with a Tina Turner inspiration. Yes, Tina wore black and white at times but they were always vibrant. Maybe it was my TV but the black and white he chose looked very flat and dull.


Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Yet another cocktail dress. Going for a neon orange (which doesn't look that good on your client) does not make it anything but yet another boring dress. Sure the shape and cut was okay but when are you going to learn that a pretty cocktail dress does not work for every situation. And he kept talking about his taste level - which we never really saw.


One thing I noticed as I watched is the designs that I really liked were the ones that the clients seemed to love the most. It really showed in their faces if they didn't like the outfit designed for them, even though they were trying not to.

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There are still some of the older model video cameras and video stock used that will have "the crawl" effect. You can see it once in a while on local television stations on the news or interviews.


My polka dot crawl shoot was about 15 yrs. ago. I've never used anything but solids since then. Once burned... LOL.


Daniel's dress was rather pretty -- just not right for the challenge.


I would have given the challenge prize to the samuri get up. That was way, way cool. For straight (no pun intended) drag queen glory, they picked the right one; but I didn't see anything very innovative about it.


Overall I have not been impressed by this season's designers. Maybe it's too soon. Maybe I'm too jaded.


And that dude who is trying to recreate Christian's fierce branding with his "licious" might just as well have a big "L" on his forehead.:p


I was glad to see Chris again. I just so loved his sense of humor -- and his designs.

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Daniel at least could make quality looking clothes, as opposed to both Blaine & Kevin.


I don't think that I'd agree with that. I have yet to see something that would qualify as quality from Daniel. Blayne, well, last weeks was done well it just wasn't appropriate to the task. He's the next that should go in my opinion. Kevin, I really liked his look last week (which did win), but he needs to go outside his box of scraps of fabric.


Needless to say, I was happy to see Daniel go. Yes, I'm sick of licious this and licious that, and Blayne's designs aren't much better, but at least his design was in keeping with this week's task. I do hope he'll go next.


I was really excited to see Joe win. I've liked what he has done this season (for the most part) and his drag queen was totally loving her/his outfit. It was well fitted and completely appropriate for the task. I would have been ok if the other two (Terri and Korto) would've won, but I was totally cheering Joe on at the end last night.

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It occurred to me this morning why Daniel always annoyed me so . . . other than the constant whining and "poor me, I can't stoop this low to do this challenge" -- it's that he had absolutely zero sense of humor. He never laughed at himself like some of the other contestants -- for example, when Blayne was making fun of Stella (maybe in episode 2) and she just joked back that he was still in diapers. Daniel never seemed to have any fun.


I also loved seeing Chris March again. Talk about a sense of humor!


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So, we have the challenge to design outfits for drag queens!

As I queried before (in a post above) I wondered how this had anything to do with real world or an actual challenge test.

Never fear. The point of the challenge (which I applaud) was to stretch the designers to design as big and theatrical as possible, but at the same time satisfy the needs and personality of their client.

Actually a very good challenge concept. Also kind of like the avant garde challenge last season, where the point was to be as big and theatrical as possible.

Also a great opposite from last week, where the challenge was to be classy, this one was specifically to be almost "tacky".

Back to back in the challenges, it really showed who could adapt and adjust from conservative to "out there" and back again.


And, all in all, it was fun! Although I do have a couple of crushes on some of the female models this year (Kenley's, Kelli's, and Suede's), they're going to look almost boring compared to some of those Drag Queens that were strutting down the runway (like the female wrestlers last year, or the ladies who lost all the weight).


It does seem like Michael and even Nina(!) had actual fun on this challenge!


So, please hold your comments until I get all the pictures posted.

Thanks in advance for your patience.

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And the winner is Joe!


And I think there was merit in the other designs, but in the entire context of the challenge I think he deserved the win.


He went way over and outside his own comfort zone. He listened well and worked with his client, and he completely embodied his client so well - that Chris March knew who his client was, just by seeing the dress form!

He paid attention and listened to the challenge and the client.


And that fit and tailoring was absolutely impeccable, I truly don't know how he did it.

So, I give him applause and a big thumbs up. Although totally funny and ironic that the only straight guy wins the drag queen challenge.:D


I also loved this girl at the fittings, on the runway, and at the judging panel! I loved the sense of humor about herself.


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Second is Korto!


And I would have been fine for this to win as well. Again, she listened to the client. And she even listened to Chris March, and then changed and adapted the long skirt part to be removable!

This girl was awesome on the runway, and at the judging.

I also thought she was hysterically "witchy" during the fittings "I didn't ask YOU, other designer"!

I'm beginning to see Korto as at least top 5 if not top 3.



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Terri is third!


And I'm okay with it, but I don't lurv it the most. I do think it was extremely dramatic on the runway. But also, after reviewing, I find a lot of the drama in the model's makeup and hair and accessories.

If you take those away, then the outfit downgrades a bit.

Take away the shoes, the tights, the makeup that is actually all the way down her chest (at first it looked like part of the dress design, but that yellow and red is just pancake makeup on the skin) and it's a short kimono with cool sleeves and a funky corset.

(it's what Sleathah wanted to design for Brooke Shields last week!)

Very cool, and deserving of near the top, but again not quite as awesome as it first appeared on the runway.


Side note, I'm really curious about now. Did you see her "pout face" after not winning? Apparently she had a big argument with our beloved Tim Gunn during the design portion.:eek: I'm trying to dig up info from my sources about how "bad" it was, but they're just giving me a silent look. They're not supposed to "talk" about it. Hmmmmm.

She thought that since he had supposedly made clothes for drag queens before, that she had this win in the bag!


Uh oh Terri! Don't get a diva attitude on us!

(Unless now, we're going to have the final diva contest at the end between "Good Witch" Korto and "Bad Witch" Terri. Just a possible outcome.)

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And the person who was robbed the most this week is...



Complete Robbery! This should have been in the top 3, if not a contention for the win!

Why? First of all her drag queen had some image of futuristic, or space-y.

Totally almost the opposite of Leanne's sensibility.


Then somehow, Leanne worked her own fabric folding/layering/sculpting style into the look. It looks classy, different from the rest of the designs, but forward thinking, "out there", yet still Leanne!

I think she should have been second if not first. Look at it again in the context. It's amazing.

From her robbery for the round grate dress, to the design that she didn't get to make for Brooke Shields last week, to now this - I'm hoping she keeps increasing in the challenges and goes farther.

I'm very interested and intrigued to see what she does, and I see a future for her as a designer with her own "voice".

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More midpack is Suede.


I liked this. I thought it was fun and perfect for his client.

I liked Hedda Lettuce, even though I was annoyed with her at the same time.

I mean, if you're going to call yourself that, and wear green wigs, then don't say you look like Godzilla when someone designs an all green dress to match your hair!

But, I loved her "letting it all go", and completely working it on the runway.

Seriously some of the little hops and jumps these "ladies" did absolutely cracked me up! I was trying to imagine the regular models trying to pull off some of those moves.

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I liked it, and I loved Tim's comment about it looking like a gay pterodactyl from Jurrasic Park. Not the best, but he embraced the challenge and tried.

I just think that the shoulders or wings or whatever needed to be more integrated into the dress itself.

And yes, I am done-a-licious with him (although, now we're all saying it - ugggghhhh!)

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Didn't love this, didn't hate this. I do think that it is actually the model's own hair and outstanding jewelry that makes this look better than it is for the challenge. I could have dealt with this as bottom three, but not "auffed". Again, it's not quite over the top enough for the challenge, but I give her a couple extra points because she has stretched out of her comfort zone with this.


But oddly enough, Sleathah's personality is growing on me. She has complained about her own need to use leathah, but at the same time, even when other designer's have ragged on her - she shrugs it off and makes jokes. She doesn't say hurtful things to the other designers - jokes but not mean.

I hope that this warm side of her comes out more and more.

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Jerell is bottom three


And this drives me crazy, because I swear that I know a lady that looks exactly like this model!


But, I didn't see it as bad as the judges saw it. It was sequiny! But maybe the downfall was that I noticed that his model was commenting about changes, and Jerell didn't do any changes. So, points go down for that.


Just the judge comments about it being to normal and average looking (even with the big collar pop!) - I thought could easily apply to the two dresses above as well.

But he's safe, so that's okay.

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Keith is bottom two


And I don't see it as badly as the judges do again. I can totally see a Tina Turner stage performance in this, and it would look great and move.

Maybe just brighter colors would have changed the judges take on it?

The difference between this and the others, is that this doesn't look ordinary. It's doesn't look like your aunt could wear it to a bar mitzvah, like some of the other dresses. It looks more rock n roll drag queeny.

(How's that for a sentence I never imagined I'd type in a billion years?)


I have a scoop also regarding the judge comments about the belt and bottom sticking out. Apparently this drag queen insists that every item she wears must show her bra, and must show her panties/slip!

The sliver on the bottom was Keith's concession to her to show her panties, so he made silver ones to make her happy.


Also Ru-Paul said in the judging room (not shown on TV) that she wanted this outfit to wear on stage. Ru-Paul's comments about the changes to the outfit during the judging (note that she said "I would put the longer fringe in the back" and "I would") were literally Ru-Paul saying the changes he wanted to the outfit so that she could wear it!:eek:


Shows you what a difference editing makes.


At any rate, I also don't like the inconsistencies in the judging or at least the producer choices in editing on this point:

"You're doing the same thing".

I have a problem with it, because they pick and choose who they say this to...

When they choose to do so, they ignore the other's that do the same thing all the time. They've done that every season.


I'd just like them to be consistent in their judging criteria, but I guess it's too much to ask.:(

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And Daniel is aufed!


...for not listening to the context of the challenge for the third week in a row.

This is an okay dress. It's almost even more ordinary, and not listening to the challenge than ever before.

I don't think it's even a flattering color combination on this model.

And for the third time, not listening to Tim Gunn's advice - how many shows and how many seasons is it going to take some of these people to pay attention to Tim seriously!?!?


When people listen, they get better. When they don't, they do worse.

How difficult is that to know at this point?

I do think at this point, it was the right auffing (was it one week too late for Kelli?).


I think he is talented, he just hasn't listened at all. If you're not mature enough to do that (even Christian finally figured out to start doing that) - then you aren't mature enough to go out into the real world business.


Oh well, he and Wesley are dating and deliriously happy together.

This is why they had so much time to get to know each other and date after both getting auffed.


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Final thoughts...

I thought that Ru-Paul was a good and perfect judge for this.

I was really happy to see Chris March in any context again.


But now in the fun of the context and the board here...

You are invited on a Halloween cruise, and are required to wear one of these outfits for a charity fundraiser!

(It's for starving children, so you can't say no)...

Which outfit do you choose?

What is most "you" on Halloween, or the one that you'd have the most fun with?

(Obviously it's going to be sized and adjusted for you, and what slight changes would you make to have it be more "you")?


Have fun, and have at it!

Thanks for your patience.


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But now in the fun of the context and the board here...

You are invited on a Halloween cruise, and are required to wear one of these outfits for a charity fundraiser!

(It's for starving children, so you can't say no)...

Which outfit do you choose?

What is most "you" on Halloween, or the one that you'd have the most fun with?

(Obviously it's going to be sized and adjusted for you, and what slight changes would you make to have it be more "you")?





If it's Halloween, I'm definitely picking Terri's outfit. I'm a child of the 1980s so if I had the chance to dress up as the love child of David Bowie and Dr. Frank N Furter, I'd go for it!

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