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Project Runway?


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Good question about Alexander. I'm guessing he has the strongest network from friends/family supporting him with phone calls/whatever?


I've certainly never called/whatever about someone on any of these types of shows. I think it takes a personal relationship -- along maybe obsessive repetition -- to achieve fan favorite status.

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Whaa??? Sandhya is out??? I don't get it! She was the darling of the judges, even as recently as last week, and now she is out??? I was never a fan, but this is a shock! I couldn't tell why the judges liked her so much, but I honestly thought she would be showing at fashion week! I am gobsmacked.


Otherwise, I thought this was a pretty lackluster show. I have five sons, no daughters, so maybe the "American Girl" challenge just doesn't resonate with me.


It was interesting to me though that everybody loved Kini's outfit so much -- it was about the farthest thing from a "girlish" outfit as anything on the runway. Even the judges talked about the girl going to Chanel to buy it wiht her own credit card :cool: and then wearing the outfit to a theater premiere. Come on -- that is not a girl's style of dress or coat at all -- just a miniature version of a red carpet dress (minus the coat) for a grown-up star. Bogus, IMO, for the kiddie challenge.


And how many ruffled-hip dresses has Kini made now this season? I love his talent, but come on -- isn't he pretty much a one trick pony?



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Whaa??? Sandhya is out??? I don't get it! She was the darling of the judges, even as recently as last week, and now she is out??? I was never a fan, but this is a shock! I couldn't tell why the judges liked her so much, but I honestly thought she would be showing at fashion week! I am gobsmacked.


Otherwise, I thought this was a pretty lackluster show. I have five sons, no daughters, so maybe the "American Girl" challenge just doesn't resonate with me.


It was interesting to me though that everybody loved Kini's outfit so much -- it was about the farthest thing from a "girlish" outfit as anything on the runway. Even the judges talked about the girl going to Chanel to buy it wiht her own credit card :cool: and then wearing the outfit to a theater premiere. Come on -- that is not a girl's style of dress or coat at all -- just a miniature version of a red carpet dress (minus the coat) for a grown-up star. Bogus, IMO, for the kiddie challenge.


And how many ruffled-hip dresses has Kini made now this season? I love his talent, but come on -- isn't he pretty much a one trick pony?




Remember: Sandhya DID show at Fashion Week. All final 9 did. And, her collection was quite different from what we've seen so far. However, I really, really hated this outfit on every level. I could always see why the judges liked other things but this was a complete disaster.


I think the underlying moral of this episode was: use some of the fabric the sponsor gave you. Kini used a LOT.


But, so did Char, and I thought her outfit should have won. Much more fun and way cuter. More salable, too.


Agree that Kini's choice seemed way sophisticated, but it was inspired by his character, who sounded a lot like Eloise -- rich and spoiled.


Personally, I loved Emily's sweater and skirt. Who needs to see a kid's waist anyway? They don't have one, which is why so many girl's outfit's are high or low waisted. It was my favorite concept and profile. I agree the color was drab, but I'm so tired of pinks and purples for little girls.


Alexander and Sean? Boring in the extreme.


And, Alexander continues to be the crowd favorite. He must have a lot of friends with busy fingers.

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I thought it was quite interesting that Tim said something along the lines of, he didn't get Sandhya's design or color sensibilities, but yet seemed to be loved by the judges.


It's a moot point now, but it's not a good idea to voice disagreements with the judges, as Sandhya did, rather than just accept what they say.

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Sandhya's doll represented a girl from the early 19th century. Back then, little girls wore frilly long dresses, not jump-suites. Sandhya, in my opinion, missed the challenge completely.


Her model was not pleased with the outfit, after the judges criticized it.


They were all supposed to be doing a modern take on the clothes.


But mainly I wanted to say that those girls really did sell their outfits. Much more so than the pros. Even Sandhya's model was positive until Sandhya was not present (as I recall). They were champs.

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Remember: Sandhya DID show at Fashion Week. All final 9 did. And, her collection was quite different from what we've seen so far. However, I really, really hated this outfit on every level. I could always see why the judges liked other things but this was a complete disaster.


I think the underlying moral of this episode was: use some of the fabric the sponsor gave you. Kini used a LOT.


But, so did Char, and I thought her outfit should have won. Much more fun and way cuter. More salable, too.


Agree that Kini's choice seemed way sophisticated, but it was inspired by his character, who sounded a lot like Eloise -- rich and spoiled.


Personally, I loved Emily's sweater and skirt. Who needs to see a kid's waist anyway? They don't have one, which is why so many girl's outfit's are high or low waisted. It was my favorite concept and profile. I agree the color was drab, but I'm so tired of pinks and purples for little girls.


Alexander and Sean? Boring in the extreme.


And, Alexander continues to be the crowd favorite. He must have a lot of friends with busy fingers.

So I am a little confused -- all 9 of the designers who were in last week's episode showed at fashion week, and their shows are available to be seen online, right? So do folks already know who won PR? If anybody does know, please DON'T TELL ME!


So all the hoop-la in past seasons about only 3 or 4 designers showing at Fashion Week has been bogus, because way more than that have actually been showing, all these years? So I guess I have been totally naive :o (well, ignorant) of how things work on this show, certainly because I have never made an effort to find out!


Now I sort of wish I did not know all the behind-the-scenes stuff... More fun to live in a fantasy world, I guess. :rolleyes:

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So I am a little confused -- all 9 of the designers who were in last week's episode showed at fashion week, and their shows are available to be seen online, right? So do folks already know who won PR? If anybody does know, please DON'T TELL ME!


So all the hoop-la in past seasons about only 3 or 4 designers showing at Fashion Week has been bogus, because way more than that have actually been showing, all these years? So I guess I have been totally naive :o (well, ignorant) of how things work on this show, certainly because I have never made an effort to find out!


Now I sort of wish I did not know all the behind-the-scenes stuff... More fun to live in a fantasy world, I guess. :rolleyes:


Actually, I like the idea that more designers are able to show at fashion week. Gives them a chance to "be seen" and maybe make their design dreams come true even if they don't make it to the final three.

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I always thought that it made good sense for more than the final 3 to always show at fashion week since that was filmed way ahead of airing...if only 3 showed, then everyone would already know who the final 3 were...at least, when more show, everyone still has to guess who makes it to the Project Runway Finale show and has a chance at winning.


Oh! Hello! I really enjoy watching PR and follow this discussion. :D

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Actually, I like the idea that more designers are able to show at fashion week. Gives them a chance to "be seen" and maybe make their design dreams come true even if they don't make it to the final three.


I always thought that it made good sense for more than the final 3 to always show at fashion week since that was filmed way ahead of airing...if only 3 showed, then everyone would already know who the final 3 were...at least, when more show, everyone still has to guess who makes it to the Project Runway Finale show and has a chance at winning.


Oh! Hello! I really enjoy watching PR and follow this discussion. :D

You are both absolutely right, of course! It is not that I don't "like" how things are -- I really don't have an opinion on how many should show their designs -- I just didn't imagine that was how it worked -- actually, I never gave it much thought! :rolleyes:


So if I understand correctly, by the time the contestants show at FW, we viewers already know which nine are still in the competition, just not who will go forward? If so, I am OK with that -- I just hate spoilers!


And one more question -- did those who watched the MBFW see the actual designs that the final three or four PR contestants will show on TV in the final episode? (I presume this is so.) If so, I will not look at the FW shows online until after the final PR episode.


So if MBFW was in early Sept., then I must have been in NYC during the filming of PR (I was there in early August) -- should have gone over to FIT!


BTW, Anita -- love your screen name -- sometimes "Anita Latte" myself! ;)

Edited by SeagoingMom
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Sometimes it takes a bit of digging to find the collections. Tom and Lorenzo did an excellent job on their website however -- two shots of each look. The collections were put online in groups of three. However, I noticed fade's collection was separated out recently. You might check that one out, since we know he's gone.


Yeah, all that talk on the show about getting to show at MBFW is just that. But I am always so glad more designers get to show. Sometimes there have been real surprises. You wouldn't know it was the same designer as on the show. At one point they were presenting them so no one knew who did what collection -- all anonymous. This is much better for the designers.


I felt pretty sure that Tom Gunn's save was timed to get Char (or, possibly, whoever was auf'd that week) to fashion week. Think about it -- it wouldn't really make any difference to anyone after that point. Never paid attention before but I'll look for that in the future.

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Just checked the Tom and Lorenzo site and Snadhya's collection is up alone now, too. So they're obviously breaking them out as they are eliminated. So you can take a look with no spoilers.

Thanks a bunch, Bunny. (May I call you Bunny? :rolleyes: ) This is great to know, and I will definitely take a look!

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I thought the right one went home. Outfit looked like a home ec project. Yes, I realize it was a rework but there have been some great things that came out of a short amount of time.


Is it my imagination or does Korina criticize the others more than anyone else? She seems to have a real disdain for Char. Even though someone may feel that another designer doesn't belong there, I think it's rather gauche to publicly say it.

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I thought the right one went home. Outfit looked like a home ec project. Yes, I realize it was a rework but there have been some great things that came out of a short amount of time.


Is it my imagination or does Korina criticize the others more than anyone else? She seems to have a real disdain for Char. Even though someone may feel that another designer doesn't belong there, I think it's rather gauche to publicly say it.


She does do a lot of sniping and eye-rolling.


I could understand why the designers were upset. How could they say "no" to Tim without looking like a jerk. I think they should have all had the extra ten minutes for last minute tweaks.

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Has anyone else concluded that what we have here is a bunch of really untalented people, relative to many seasons in the past? The most that can be said is that some are good tailors -- Kini, in particular, but even he has had a couple of bad garments -- and that some have once or twice shown some quirkiness.


To me, this season's designers are too "all over the place.". None of them seems to consistently show a strong point of view, and I just don't feel that any of them is "advancing" in any way as the season progresses. Maybe this is due to the fact that nobody -- and I mean nobody -- can figure out what on earth the judges are looking for. The designers cannot improve if they keep getting mixed messages. But even in past seasons where the judges couldn't seem to communicate what they really wanted to see, some designers had the talent and chutzpah to simply design what they wanted to, and they often succeeded to impress the judges by sheer boldness. No one seems to succeed at boldness this season -- most seem not even to try. No one really seems to have that spark of genius demonstrated by the many designers in past seasons.


I am frankly just getting bored. (Keep in mind that my current opinion is based on what I have seen on the show, as I have not yet looked at the collections they showed at Fashion Week.)


But then again, this is Season THIRTEEN! :eek: Who would audition to be a contestant on Season 13 anyway? Isn't that a bit like booking a cabin on Deck 13? :rolleyes:

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Has anyone else concluded that what we have here is a bunch of really untalented people, relative to many seasons in the past? The most that can be said is that some are good tailors -- Kini, in particular, but even he has had a couple of bad garments -- and that some have once or twice shown some quirkiness.


To me, this season's designers are too "all over the place.". None of them seems to consistently show a strong point of view, and I just don't feel that any of them is "advancing" in any way as the season progresses. Maybe this is due to the fact that nobody -- and I mean nobody -- can figure out what on earth the judges are looking for. The designers cannot improve if they keep getting mixed messages. But even in past seasons where the judges couldn't seem to communicate what they really wanted to see, some designers had the talent and chutzpah to simply design what they wanted to, and they often succeeded to impress the judges by sheer boldness. No one seems to succeed at boldness this season -- most seem not even to try. No one really seems to have that spark of genius demonstrated by the many designers in past seasons.


I am frankly just getting bored. (Keep in mind that my current opinion is based on what I have seen on the show, as I have not yet looked at the collections they showed at Fashion Week.)


But then again, this is Season THIRTEEN! :eek: Who would audition to be a contestant on Season 13 anyway? Isn't that a bit like booking a cabin on Deck 13? :rolleyes:


Agree that this is a lackluster group. In fact my DIL, who mainly does cosplay design, has talked about applying for PR after seeing this crowd. They're just not that strong.


The judges are always all over the place. But now we know they aren't necessarily doing the judging. Maybe that explains things? Maybe?

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The judges are always all over the place. But now we know they aren't necessarily doing the judging. Maybe that explains things? Maybe?


I would like to hear more about that judging thing. Whoever judges, what are they looking for? They sent home the designer who has been the fan favorite almost every week so they aren't looking for audience response. :confused::confused::confused:

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Frankly, I'm very miffed at Tim Gunn for allowing more time to fix the zipper. Extra time has never been given to anyone else, and yes, because she was saved once already, this looks like he was playing favorites. I think to be fair they should have all left the workroom on time and the model could have been given safety pins to close up the side. BUT - she should have had to pin the side together herself without her designer's help.


I love Char to pieces, but her outfit was really ugly to begin with, then throw in the broken zipper and she very easily could have been sent home. Plus, Tim Gunn clearly didn't want to mention zipper-gate at all. I think he swayed the outcome, which he is not supposed to do.

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She does do a lot of sniping and eye-rolling.


I could understand why the designers were upset. How could they say "no" to Tim without looking like a jerk. I think they should have all had the extra ten minutes for last minute tweaks.


They couldn't let the client walk the runway exposed. After all, she is a pre-school teacher.

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