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Project Runway?


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Hey, Nancy,


DH made the better choice: the best episode of Criminal Minds ever since Mandy Patankin left. Maybe ever. Go on line and watch.


CJW, you never comment on the fact that the final 6 get to show during Fashion Week. So what do you know that I (maybe others?) don't know? What difference does it really make if you're third or sixth?


I'm always surprised that people coming into this game don't seem to prepare/think/plan. Or maybe they specifically pick folks who don't. Wouldn't you have a mental plan for about 50 design scenarios?


I have them but I can't sew. LOL

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I liked the judges decision to have all four make a collection, and then one of them will be "aufed". This way they have a real chance to show what they can do.


Jerell's dress was gorgeous, but he doesn't manage his time well and often his things are never quite finished, and so they lack the final polish that makes couture, couture. He design concept is great, but can he follow through? This unexpected challange will tell.


Leanne's dress was gorgeous from the waist up, but she went over the top with the sew-on pieces that she cheapened it. And the blue in the back - to quote Heidi on a previous design - looked like the dress was "pooping fabric". After some sleep and with having more time, her finished pieces will be thought through better. As Curt said, by this time, they're all beyond exhusted and just totally burnt.


Same with Korto's dress. Gorgeous from the waist up, absolute couture sewing, magnificently fitted bodice;

but then cheap, JC Penney level quality on the bottom with the lace trim.


Kenley - Yes, I hated the petals. They were ridiculous looking. And while I didn't love the fabric choice, that's just a matter of personal opinion, it did reflect the flower. I'm glad she wasn't aufed as her dress was the most finished and polished. It was divine in fit and construction. A real couture piece in terms of the quality of her workmanship.


And so for that, I agreed with the judges not to eliminate one last night. Give them all a breather, and some time to come up with a real collection and then vote one off.


As far as Kenley not playing nicely with others, and therefore should be auf'ed, I have to disagree with everyone here who feels that way. This show is about being a designer, not about being a manager, a salesperson, a customer service representative, or a teacher. I do see a problem with her listening skills, and I do think she's the kind of designer that needs her own label. She can't design for anyone else. As opposed to Joe, who is a very good designer, but doesn't have a strong personal point of view. He could be a lead designer in any company. (but that's utlimately why he was voted off) Kenley could not. She needs her own platform and I'm sure she could quickly get a following. Look at Betsey Johnson, who's been around for over 30 years selling her distinct point-of-view. She could never design for anyone else. and she's no picnic to work with. I've done it.


So, I don't agree that Kenley should have been auf'ed because she made silly fish petals; and she's whiny and annoying......which I agree she it, I can't stand her. But at the end of the day, she's the only one that sent down a dress that was totally finshed and beautifully made.


If we're talking about who nice and who's not....I'm not wild about Nina Garcia or Heidi Klum. Nina's nasty, but does make excellent points and does really give constructive criticism. Heidi smiles and tries to be cute when she's nasty and condescending. Her "let them eat cake" attitude puts me on edge, and I don't think her presence adds anything to the show. Wouldn't bother me if Heidi was "aufed". :)


My point being, that while "nice" is nice, it doesn't make for a winner; and while I love dissing the stupidity of some of the contestants (mr licious, and suede) and the nastiness of others (Kenley), I think that the merits of the clothes are what makes someone win.


And lastly, a BIG BEAR HUG for Mr. CJW, who tirelessy get's the pix up and gives us some inside info. What a sweeeeeeeeetie for doing that. THANKS!

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And lastly, a BIG BEAR HUG for Mr. CJW, who tirelessy get's the pix up and gives us some inside info. What a sweeeeeeeeetie for doing that. THANKS!


Yeah - He RAWKS!!!:)

We need a hugging smilie....that would totally work!!


That being said.......


Even though I'm irked by the judges......I really enjoyed the challenge.


Jerrell's dress was pretty, but like Heidi, I wanted to pull up the top - I was worried about a "wardrobe malfunction"!!:eek:


Kenley's dress was neat - but I didn't think it fit the challenge. Jane is right though - it was complete and very well made.


My favorite was Leanne's dress. I LURVED the style - especially the bodice. I get that she was trying to put in the second color as a contrast, but I don't get why she put it where she did. To me, it looked like the contrast color was thrown in as an afterthought.......:eek:

I would have liked to see some of the sewn in ruching pieces done in the contrast color - I think that would have balanced everything out more and made it look more like the real flowers.


Korto's dress was a close second for me. Again, the top is really fabulous. I would love to be able to wear that type of bodice.:)

The color was to-die-for!! I've seen those flowers around here - don't know what they are called, but I want some!!:D


I would wear Leanne's or Korto's dress on a cruise in a N.Y. second.....if I could.......:)


Oh, and,

Thanks Again, CJW!!

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Leanne's dress was gorgeous from the waist up, but she went over the top with the sew-on pieces that she cheapened it. And the blue in the back - to quote Heidi on a previous design - looked like the dress was "pooping fabric".


The pooping fabric comment was actually made by Michael Kors, right? I don't think Heidi could have come up with something that clever. :)


I LOVE Michael Kor's "zingers." He has some of the best and most amusing lines in the show!!!


P.S. Hope you all don't mind if I jump in this thread time to time, I'm a HUGE fan of this show!

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I liked the judges decision to have all four make a collection, and then one of them will be "aufed". This way they have a real chance to show what they can do.


Kenley - Yes, I hated the petals. They were ridiculous looking. And while I didn't love the fabric choice, that's just a matter of personal opinion, it did reflect the flower. I'm glad she wasn't aufed as her dress was the most finished and polished. It was divine in fit and construction. A real couture piece in terms of the quality of her workmanship.


And so for that, I agreed with the judges not to eliminate one last night. Give them all a breather, and some time to come up with a real collection and then vote one off.


As far as Kenley not playing nicely with others, and therefore should be auf'ed, I have to disagree with everyone here who feels that way. This show is about being a designer, not about being a manager, a salesperson, a customer service representative, or a teacher. I do see a problem with her listening skills, and I do think she's the kind of designer that needs her own label. She can't design for anyone else. As opposed to Joe, who is a very good designer, but doesn't have a strong personal point of view. He could be a lead designer in any company. (but that's utlimately why he was voted off) Kenley could not. She needs her own platform and I'm sure she could quickly get a following. Look at Betsey Johnson, who's been around for over 30 years selling her distinct point-of-view. She could never design for anyone else. and she's no picnic to work with. I've done it.


So, I don't agree that Kenley should have been auf'ed because she made silly fish petals; and she's whiny and annoying......which I agree she it, I can't stand her. But at the end of the day, she's the only one that sent down a dress that was totally finshed and beautifully made.


If we're talking about who nice and who's not....I'm not wild about Nina Garcia or Heidi Klum. Nina's nasty, but does make excellent points and does really give constructive criticism. Heidi smiles and tries to be cute when she's nasty and condescending. Her "let them eat cake" attitude puts me on edge, and I don't think her presence adds anything to the show. Wouldn't bother me if Heidi was "aufed". :)


My point being, that while "nice" is nice, it doesn't make for a winner; and while I love dissing the stupidity of some of the contestants (mr licious, and suede) and the nastiness of others (Kenley), I think that the merits of the clothes are what makes someone win.


And lastly, a BIG BEAR HUG for Mr. CJW, who tirelessy get's the pix up and gives us some inside info. What a sweeeeeeeeetie for doing that. THANKS!


I agree with a lot of what you say -- especially with regard to Kenley. I though it was funny they referred to the embellishments at the hem as "fish scales" when they were actually shaped like flower petals (fish scales are usually scalloped shaped not pointy). And, that was funny because her coleus leaves had scalloped edges which would have made it even more fish like if she had followed them exactly.


But the flower pictures were for inspiration not imitation. Though I saw little of either in Jerrel's design.


As to Kenley's behavior.... well, I agree with you there, too. She can be obnoxious as all get out but there she was was sitting on a table talking to her model (even after making an extra run to Mood) while the rest of them were freaking out mere minutes before the runway. She didn't cut corners but she did manage her time and produce something that was fit and finished.


Betsey Johnson is the perfect comparison to a Kenley! My greatest wardrobe regret is getting rid of the Betsey Johnson sweater I bought in 1972. I wore it for ages (it was always "outside" the fashion main) then stored it with love. But then I let it go as too young for me. Big mistake. It was too young for me, but it was too awesome to let go.


I favored Leeanne's dress. Do any of you think maybe she just tucked that contrasting fabric in at the last minute? I sure got that feeling watching the show.


I sometimes wonder how much info the judges have of what goes on before the runway. That would explain their comments there.


CJW, do you know?


And, I, too am tired of all the judges. They could dump the lot of them as long as they kept Tim Gunn.

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The pooping fabric comment was actually made by Michael Kors, right? I don't think Heidi could have come up with something that clever. :) quote]


Actually, it has been said twice this season. I'm pretty sure the first time it was Heidi and the second time was Michael referring to Heidi's previous comment. Regardless, that was what came to my mind too when I saw the back of Leanne's dress. And, I'm pretty sure she even said something the morning of the show how she had to figure out how to add that blue onto the dress, so my take on it is that it was very last minute.

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Hmmm .. Leanne's dress was lovely from the front .. but I just don't see somebody framing my butt in ruffles and then hanging blue toilet paper from it .. all I could think was ICK when I saw the back.

Jerell's dress was lovely .. but it would have been lovlier if it had the more finished look as Jane pointed out.

Kenley is Kenley and I like some of her designs 9not so much this particular one)... I mean one would wear the clothing and the possibility of having to put up with the designer is remote .. but she is like fingernails on a chalk board to watch ..

Korto .. Again .. loved this gown. I would love to see it in a deeper shade though .. just my preference.

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I liked the shade Korto picked, but I just don't think it flattered her model, actually. I just don't think it went well with her skintone, there wasn't enough contrast, or something (not saying the model was orange, but hopefully you know what I mean).


Now that I've thought about it, perhaps the pooping fabric comment was made previously by Heidi. I looked it up online, and it appears she made the comment last season. Oops! Well, either way, I did agree with the comment in regards to Leanne's dress. I LOVED the bodice/front of her design, though! :)


I think overall, I would like Leanne to win, although I would be happy with Korto or Jerell. Kenley has had some good designs, but I just don't think she is as adept at creating different looks.


I am curious to see what all four come up with.

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...here's the smilies for nlvc12 that I couldn't fit in that other post...



Just so that she knows I'm just "busting her chops" and giving her a jokingly hard time.:cool:


Call me stupid, but I didn't pick up anything in your Post that seemed directed at me or to which I should take offense! guess I'm not as sensitive as the Runway contestants!





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Call me stupid, but I didn't pick up anything in your Post that seemed directed at me or to which I should take offense! guess I'm not as sensitive as the Runway contestants!






My take on it is that he is teasing you for posting in the middle of his review. I think it was just meant as a bit of good natured teasing and nothing more.


I also have enjoyed reading the reviews and comments and a big thank you to Curt Jerome Wild for your insights. There are many things that you pick up on that I missed completely untill you point it out. I'm acquiring a new way to look at clothes and fashion.


I do wish tho, that Project Runway would adjust their season so that the season runs earlier and only the TRUE finalists actually get to show at fashion week. I'm really disappointed that the final 6 all get to show collections. That's like giving everyone the gold medal regardless.

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I do wish tho, that Project Runway would adjust their season so that the season runs earlier and only the TRUE finalists actually get to show at fashion week. I'm really disappointed that the final 6 all get to show collections. That's like giving everyone the gold medal regardless.


I'm totally with you there.


But here is the best and funniest yet from The Advocate review of this episode. Click and laugh out loud.



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My take on it is that he is teasing you for posting in the middle of his review. I think it was just meant as a bit of good natured teasing and nothing more.


I also have enjoyed reading the reviews and comments and a big thank you to Curt Jerome Wild for your insights. There are many things that you pick up on that I missed completely untill you point it out. I'm acquiring a new way to look at clothes and fashion.


I do wish tho, that Project Runway would adjust their season so that the season runs earlier and only the TRUE finalists actually get to show at fashion week. I'm really disappointed that the final 6 all get to show collections. That's like giving everyone the gold medal regardless.



Thanks, VMom, for the explanation. Actually, in one of those time-warp online things, CJW's review wasn't up on my screen when I started my post. Also, since I was new to the thread, I wasn't familiar with his weekly review. And to CJW, I DO humbly apologize.... and just one more thing!






No harm, no foul!



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I liked the judges decision to have all four make a collection, and then one of them will be "aufed". This way they have a real chance to show what they can do.


If you remember back to season 1 when they were picking the final 3 to show at Fashion Week, everyone figured it would be Jay, Kara Saun and Austen. Well, Wendy really pulled one out of her a$$ and won that challenge, because Nancy O'Dell picked her design to wear at the Grammys. Doing it this way, it makes sure the three that compete for the final, are the three best designers.

Wouldn't you love to see a challenge where the designers all had to design for plus size women? Anyone can design for stick insect. The real challenge would be to design for a not so perfect body. We have seen past challenges where some of the designers had to work with plus size women, but I'd like to see them all tackle that one.

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I am so not with the times:eek: ....At this point I haven't purchased

a new DVD player and haven't had a VCR in years.

No HDTV either and no TEVO.

Guess I am not in the 21st Century:rolleyes:

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I'm COMPLETELY in the dark having missed 2 weeks. Haven't even had time to catch up on this thread to see what has transpired. Got home Sat. from a b2b to find a couple we have known for years died in a car accident...funeral today, so sad.:(

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I'm COMPLETELY in the dark having missed 2 weeks. Haven't even had time to catch up on this thread to see what has transpired. Got home Sat. from a b2b to find a couple we have known for years died in a car accident...funeral today, so sad.:(


Ohhh....so sorry! :(

((((((hugs))))))for you and my best wishes and heartfelt

condolences to you and to the family.

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I'm COMPLETELY in the dark having missed 2 weeks. Haven't even had time to catch up on this thread to see what has transpired.

Cyber hugs to you and their family...


And that's a good reason for doing what I do here.

Now you can somewhat catch up, and also read everyone's feelings and comments!

Welcome back.

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