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How would you feel? Child accidentally left at kids club lobby during registration

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The kid's 9, and you're on a boat in the middle of the ocean. He won't get far, even if he gets lost. I mean, these ships are big, but they're not *that* big.


I agree with the posters who feel your husband needed to do more to ensure your child's safety. It's never a bad idea when signing up for something, to ask at the end "OK, so is there anything else I need to do or are we good to go?" Had that question been asked, doubtless none of this would have happened.


I can't comment on the specific procedure they had in place for registration since I wasn't there, but it wouldn't surprise me if you're entirely correct that there are ways they could have been more clear in what was happening where.


The upshot of this is that this was a mixup in communication, but it did not lead to a tragedy, nor was it likely to. Sometimes stuff just happens - wires get crossed and unexpected results happen. Your kid was never in danger, and at the end of the day the responsibility for keeping a kid out of danger lies with the parents, and that includes verifying beyond any doubt that custody of the kid has been transferred properly before running off to the casino.


I will say that when you ask for opinions, and then you attack those providing opinions which you do not like, it suggests that you did not want diverse opinions so much as an angry mob backing up your foregone conclusions. Hopefully that's not the case, but it's the impression some of your subsequent replies can give.

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I thought it opened after dinner is ended for the late night activities for the adults?


Correct. On Oasis Class ships, Adventure Ocean opens at about 8:00 pm the first night. Just returned from cruise (Oasis). Dropped our son off on the first night. Same thing happened on Allure in 2012. Not so much on the other classes, not even Freedom.

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Yes. This is my child and the registration paperwork was all completed will all information about our child disclosed. My husband didn't realize that he had to physically walk him down the hall to the age appropriate room AFTER he registered. On other cruises we were always given a phone in case of an emergency due to our son's medical problems.


I don't think there was anywhere to bring him though as I don't think there was any kids club that night. Correct me if I am wrong. That is why they sent him away.

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Yes. This is my child and the registration paperwork was all completed will all information about our child disclosed. My husband didn't realize that he had to physically walk him down the hall to the age appropriate room AFTER he registered. On other cruises we were always given a phone in case of an emergency due to our son's medical problems.

I’m sorry you feel attacked but you asked for opinions and then we’re upset that you got some that differed from your own. While your husband may have thought registration was sufficient, the fact remains that he just left your poor son standing there rather than hand him over to a counselor (at which point I’m sure he would have been given a pager when he explained your son’s physical issues). That didn’t happen because your husband didn’t follow through and I’ll have to agree with others who felt he just wanted to leave your son to be babysat so he could enjoy his evening in the casino. I do get it. Your heading should have been way different. I can understand the staff confusion and they could have maybe done things differently but I feel you would be way out of line to make a fuss with anyone other than your husband.

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Correct. On Oasis Class ships, Adventure Ocean opens at about 8:00 pm the first night. Just returned from cruise (Oasis). Dropped our son off on the first night. Same thing happened on Allure in 2012. Not so much on the other classes, not even Freedom.


Thanks. My kids were in the kids club in 2008 on NCL, 2010 on Oasis and I remember both times it was not open the first night. I urged my oldest in 2014 to meet other teens on Allure on the first night and she went but I don't think it was open for my youngest (even though he was not interested in going even after walking him around earlier). I also remember back in 2013 on Allure all the kids were around the first night as it was not open either. Maybe it is something new or for the older kids which I find better so they make friends sooner than later.

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The OP starts a thread....Child "accidently" left....really? While the father was signing up the child, where was mom? Don't parent's escort their child(ren) to the room and meet the councilor, and introduce themselves and advise on any medical/food situations that "may" occur? Maybe scan the room see what projects are planned for the week? Seems to me the parents are blaming the staff for their mistakes. But in today's society, finger pointing seems the norm

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I would be absolutely furious and have the Guest Services Director sweating for his job.


I would be absolutely furious and have the Guest Services Director sweating for his job.


Why should the Guest Services Director be sweating for his job? The person/people who made up the policy to send the kid back to their cabin should be.


One good thing was that he was able to get into their room and contact his parents. I agree that the parents should be very pissed and upset and should take this up to the CEO.

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The OP starts a thread....Child "accidently" left....really? While the father was signing up the child, where was mom? Don't parent's escort their child(ren) to the room and meet the councilor, and introduce themselves and advise on any medical/food situations that "may" occur? Maybe scan the room see what projects are planned for the week? Seems to me the parents are blaming the staff for their mistakes. But in today's society, finger pointing seems the norm


She was already in the casino as she stated in her first post the father was coming to meet her there.

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And...if I am correct (from having kids with me and on other cruises where the kids are never in the kids clubs the first night), the kids club is not opened the 1st night. The OP said this was their 14th cruise. They didn't know this?


The kids club absolutely is open night one - opens at 8 PM.

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You are totally wrong on so many levels. I am glad that you are such a perfect parent. Yes, my husband made a mistake. But I think its ridiculous that the staff didn't try and ask where we were or treat my child as they would a lost/abandoned child. We have never been on that ship before and he thought it was the kids club sign in. They were literally inside the doors of the kids club at tables. I think the staff could have told people they had to go further inside to properly sign their kids in. I don't know that I would have known it either. And I am not angry. I am just seeing what everyone else thinks to decide if its something I should pass on so it doesn't happen to any other children. Also, my son has medical issues and was not authorized to sign himself out. But, I guess that's somehow my husband's fault too. It's a shame this board has turned into to people trolling and attacking other people when they simply ask for advise.


On his first day of Kindergarten, did you walk him to the front door and say “bye!” or did you walk him to his class room? I’m betting the latter.


It’s dad’s responsibility to make sure he followed the procedures. On a new ship, if I’m ever unsure I ask questions. It definitely sounds like he was in a rush to scoot out of there.


As I already said, if this was my child and this situation occurred, I would also be very upset. I would have meet with the head of Adventure Ocean immediately to discuss. But, as I also said, I wouldn’t just assume my child was secure - I would make sure before leaving. You’ve been in 14 cruises, I assume several of those with the kids utilizing kids clubs, you should know by know if your child is signed in or not - the process is virtually the same on every ship and cruise line.

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He walked away to go to the casino to meet me....


seems to me that's all that needs to be focused on. If you weren't comfortable enough to allow your child to freely walk around the ship on his own, which is your right as a Parent, than the father should have made damn sure that the child was properly checked in to the kids club rather than rushing off to the casino.


Thankfully nothing happened as it turns out, your son sounds very resourceful and was able to navigate himself back to his room. Regardless of people agreeing with it or not, it's a family cruise ship. Kids are wandering around all the time by themselves. Staff doesn't have time to triage every child to determine which are "lost" and in need of assistance and which arent. As so many others have said, your son didn't appear to need any assistance based on the conversation with staff so they recommended what seemed to be an appropriate response of him going back to his room. Not being privy to the conversation, i have no clue what transpired but again, with the thousand of kids on the ship at any given time, if they had take in every child who was standing around unattended, they wouldn't have resources necessary to actually help the kids that needed it.


after 14 cruises, a seasoned traveler should have taken a few extra minutes....shame on Dad.

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I can see why you would be upset and also why your husband might have got confused, but I think this was just an unfortunate situation.

Your husband thought he had signed your son in, should he have stuck around to see if he wasn’t ok and settled in? Probably but he thought his role was done and left.

The staff now have a child they have not been given responsibility for. They were unable to contact you, and your son said he knew where he was going and was able to do so. They can’t restrain him and keep him there if he is saying he is ok to leave, and they don’t know what’s going on. I understand they could have asked where you are and maybe brought him to you, or put a call out, but you could have been quite happy in the casino and annoyed to be interrupted as as far as you knew your son was off doing his own thing around the ship as a lot of kids his age do.

How would I have felt if it happened to me? Well I’d have tore my husband a new one for not checking everything was done and dusted and my son was settled, I’d have praised my son for being calm and contacting us but tell him to ask for help next time if he’s in a new situation even if he’s thinks he knows where he’s going, and I’d have asked to talk to a member of staff, who would hopefully apologise and explain their policy and that would be the end of it.

Saying this as a mother of two and also someone who’s worked in holiday clubs in the past.

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I am shocked by nimbernof posters who are ok with RCCL’s behavior. Now if OP put down son for sign out privelage for child I would feel differently. How would people feel if this happened at school or a mall? Still think the 9 year old would be just fine being sent home?


But assuming no sign out allowed I would be LIVID. Yes of course husband made a mistake but I don’t see this any different as a lost child anywhere on ship. To send a 9 year old off on their own is UNACCEPTABLE. The fact it was by a child care staff makes it even worse. They should have had parent paged or taken child to guest services. What would have happened if child couldn’t find room and someone up to no good found child? Or child jumped off ship? Ok I know both scenarios are unlikely but they COULD happen.


OP As I said I’d be LIVID and lodging major complaints (and I’m not a complaint lodger ever). 100% unacceptable. I would never trust my child in their care again.


I have lost track of the number of older kids I’ve seen wandering around trying g to find their room. These kids are well over 9. A couple of them in full tears (we helped them). Nope my 9 year old is not being left to wander a huge ship himself.


So glad it ended ok.

Totally agree with you. I have enough trouble finding my way around these damn ships, much less sending a child. Hubby screwed up by not making sure everything was taken care of for sure. But for trained child care staff (which these people allegedly are) to have handled it this way? I shudder to think of what could have happened. It's up to a parent to decide if they are okay letting a 9 year old wander around a ship with thousands of people unsupervised. It's not up to Royal Caribbean staff to make that decision. Pretty clear if he was standing there by the sign up booth the intention was for him to be checked in. They should have attempted to contact you or your husband instead of letting him wander off alone. We've never been on RCI (but we look forward to our first cruise this fall on LOTS). But I have been on Disney with my daughter and I can't even begin to imagine their staff handling something this way based on my experience.

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She was already in the casino as she stated in her first post the father was coming to meet her there.


OH, so being the perfect parent, she couldn't tear herself away from the slots to take her kid to the club and make sure he was settled in either.....Shame on both of them




I wonder how the child spent the rest of his cruise...probably didn't see his parents until they disembarked

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Totally agree with you. I have enough trouble finding my way around these damn ships, much less sending a child. Hubby screwed up by not making sure everything was taken care of for sure. But for trained child care staff (which these people allegedly are) to have handled it this way? I shudder to think of what could have happened. It's up to a parent to decide if they are okay letting a 9 year old wander around a ship with thousands of people unsupervised. It's not up to Royal Caribbean staff to make that decision. Pretty clear if he was standing there by the sign up booth the intention was for him to be checked in. They should have attempted to contact you or your husband instead of letting him wander off alone. We've never been on RCI (but we look forward to our first cruise this fall on LOTS). But I have been on Disney with my daughter and I can't even begin to imagine their staff handling something this way based on my experience.

But they don’t know if the parents have decided if they could walk around or not, the child is just there, the parents haven’t signed him in so legally they can’t take responsibility for him.

I see what you’re saying and in a rational world maybe, but they don’t know if the child has been told to go back to his cabin by his parents, decided to go to kids club instead and just tried to come in. Can you imagine the kick up if they took him in and the parents got back to an empty cabin? Until the child is signed in they cannot make choices for him and by their policy he is old enough to go to his cabin himself as he states. If he was upset, or very young, or if the policy is that NO children under the age of say 13 should be alone then I would hope it would have been different but it wasn’t. They did try and contact the parents and were unable to. It does sound like a dammed I felt you do, dammed if you don’t situation.

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We were just off the Allure on Sunday and had a few issues with the kids cub that we have not had on any of our 14 other cruises on multiple lines so I am wondering what other people's thoughts are on the issue we experience and give a warning to other parents so it doesn't happen to them. So, here's what happened:On the first night my husband went to take our son to the Adventure Ocean club. Because it was the first night, they had sign up tables in the lobby area. My husband gave the crew member assisting him the information requested and thought that he had signed our son into the kids club. He didn't realize that this was just a registration table and the room our son needed to go to was further inside this hallway area. He walked away to go to the casino to meet me. About 30 minutes later our 9 year old called us from his iPad and said the kids club wouldn't let him in.

So, I went to the kids club to find out what happened and the crew member said my husband walked away so she tried calling our cabin and no one answered. So, she asked our son if he knew how to find his way to our cabin and he said yes. (This was our first night on the Allure and we were on deck 17, which you can only access from the rear elevators and stairwells- opposite of the kids club). So, he was told to go back to the cabin and wait for us. If we did not have the wifi package, there was no way for our son to contact us and we would have never known he was back in the cabin by himself. In addition, he got lost several times trying to find his way back to the cabin.

When I asked the crew member why they would let a 9 year old go back to the room by themselves, they said that they followed their policies. I guess I just don't understand why our son wasn't treated like a lost child and taken to guest services while they attempted to locate us. We told our son where we would be at but no one ever asked him this.

So, my question is whether everything thinks this is okay or not? It could have been hours before we knew that our son was not in the kids club.


My first instinct would be "horrified" that the child went back to the room on his own. However, once I discovered that I had not actually checked my child in to the program I would be very embarrassed that I had left my child standing alone at a table. Since there are different areas for the different age groups, I would have wanted to take him to his actual "location" to see where he would be for the evening. (even if I thought I had already checked him in)


I am not sure why you feel he should be treated as a "lost" child since you knew where you left him. He knew where you left him. He told the staff he could get back to the room on his own. None of those are scenarios of a "lost child".

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All y'all are taking the wrong lesson from this story. OP should be proud that their nine year old was able to independently find his way around a new and confusing place, even after getting turned about, and was responsible enough to contact his parents rather than take advantage of the situation to go off on his own.


Royal Caribbean didn't do anything wrong; kid wasn't checked into the club. They had no responsibility for him, nine year olds are free to roam the ship (and Disney World for that matter), without parental supervision.

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Agree with others here who say the cruise line was damned if they did anything and damned if they didn't. I can see a situation where a parent signed their kids up that first night but then didn't expect them to go to the club. Maybe the staff thought this was the situation, we really don't know from what was provided here. If this was the case can you hear the outcry, they put my kid in the club without my knowledge and I didn't know where they were.


My kids are way out of the ages to be in the clubs but I remember gates/doors that parents couldn't get through. Is this still not the case? I would not have left my child until I knew they were safely on the other side of that gate.


OP thanks for sharing your story, if nothing else maybe another parent will take those few extra seconds to say are we all good before heading out for their night.


Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk

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I think the correct statement is: "Hopefully that was the last time you trusted your husband with your son. Your husband needs some training...."


In any case, your son answered yes to the question on if he could find his way back to his cabin and they let him do so.


If you find it unacceptable that he was left on his own, then the onus is on you and his father to make sure he is not left alone.


Your husband made the mistake, not the crew.



This (y)

How does one just drop off their child at a registration desk and just leave. The Word/Sign is registration. How are they, the staff, to know you or your husband doesn't understand that word. There seems to be some "projection" of feelings and "embarrassment" being pushed on to staff. I have seen parents just drop off their children at a birthday party when invitations state children must be accompanied by an adult. I've seen parents at a community pool sit around and gossip while their children are left along basically unattended and then yell at another parent for rescuing their (the unattended child) drowning child.


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Agree with others here who say the cruise line was damned if they did anything and damned if they didn't. I can see a situation where a parent signed their kids up that first night but then didn't expect them to go to the club. Maybe the staff thought this was the situation, we really don't know from what was provided here. If this was the case can you hear the outcry, they put my kid in the club without my knowledge and I didn't know where they were.


My kids are way out of the ages to be in the clubs but I remember gates/doors that parents couldn't get through. Is this still not the case? I would not have left my child until I knew they were safely on the other side of that gate.


OP thanks for sharing your story, if nothing else maybe another parent will take those few extra seconds to say are we all good before heading out for their night.


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Yes, kids are still kept in a secure area, and if parents are wandering in and signing the kids up, clearly it's not secured.

I don't see how the dad thought he signed the kid in. Did he not think the child needed to be in a secure area? I've never signed my kid up for anything and then walked off without making absolutely sure they were in the right place.


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as it seems, the OP was obviously comfortable with leaving their son on the ship while in port so i'm not sure why any of this is even an issue for them




our son has medical problems but is an active, stable 9 year old. On NCL, we were told that someone has to stay on the ship at all times while he is in the kids club due to his medical problems. I am wondering if anyone knows whether royal carribean has the same policy or not? I would not be interested in taking an excursion away from the ship but maybe walking around the port area. And I have international service on my phone so I could be contacted in case of an emergency.
Edited by ToddnMichelle
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Pretty good, the OP starts (at least) two threads on "kids clubs" and then gets offended when people start giving advise and pointing fingers back to them....


"I am sorry that you feel the need to tell me how to take care of my child" from the OP's other thread....

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