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A Celebrity/Author On A Cruise


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OP -- I don't think your idea/gift is dumb at all. I think it is a very thoughtful gesture. I used to receive gifts from clients and many of the gifts were not my taste. But that didn't for an instant diminish my appreciation of the thoughtful gesture, knowing that someone thought enough of me to do something special for me.


This is the best post in a long time. Kindness. It never gets old.:halo:

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With all due respect, your decision is made and I think you should turn and run from this thread because I'm betting most replies will not be what you had hoped to read. :(


Enjoy your cruise.


LOL, Karen -- you Do know how to read the tea leaves!;)

To the OP: I think it's a lovely idea, and the recipients will appreciate the thought. In a world where insincerity abounds, heart-felt Thank You's can be rare. :halo:

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Kindness. It never gets old.


Unfortunately, kindness seems to have gone the way of good manners. I think the idea of giving a gift, no matter the gift or the recepient, is a wonderful thing. I wonder, who on these CC boards doesn't like getting gifts? Not me! Bring 'em on!

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Unfortunately, kindness seems to have gone the way of good manners. I think the idea of giving a gift, no matter the gift or the recepient, is a wonderful thing. I wonder, who on these CC boards doesn't like getting gifts? Not me! Bring 'em on!


Actually, while I enjoy receiving gifts, I don't enjoy receiving gifts that have no value to me. Feigning appreciation for something I don't want or need is putting me in a position of being kind to the giver in return. But not being put in a position to fake that sentiment in the first place would be an even kinder act by the giver. Unless someone knows a person well enough to choose something that they will value, it is better to simply give them card with something nice hand written in it and hold off on a physical gift that they will now have to dispose of.


Unless, of course, giving the gift is more about the giver feeling good about themselves, and less about showing appreciation for the recipient. ;p

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Do you really think they are actually giving up their personal private time?


Realistically they are getting paid to join this cruise and you paid a premium to book your cruise through whatever company organized this group cruise.


Oh and those books they sign....are they being given to you for free? I bet that is also incorporated into the premium price you paid for your cruise and I'll even bet that they will be signing books for anyone on that cruise ..even those not part of your group...who didn't pay the premium you did for the cruise but are willing to buy the book . Of course who really buys a book on a cruise anyway as I've got to believe it's a hardcover signed book.


Unless this is some sort of benevolent charitable organization that is donating all profits to a charity... my take is that some organizer got these actors/not actors (what do you mean by that anyway?) who are also authors as well as the "common folk" portrayed by them on this show...whatever that is all about too...to come on this cruise and is paying them an agreed upon salary...then this organizer is adding up all his costs and adding a 100% profit to it....then pricing it out and selling it....to you and others...who have an interest in these...actors/non actors (again whatever that means) lol


Please think logically on this



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I have NO expectation of getting anything special, attention or otherwise.


The 'star' of the show does the voice over. It is his life being depicted in each episode. And he has made (as far as I know) one brief appearance in a movie to say 1 or 2 lines. SO, not an actor in the typical sense. His wife (real wife in real life) has made 1 or 2 appearances on the show.


Premium? I have not paid a premium. My cabin that I booked on my own is about $1000 less than what the TA is charging. I am bringing my own books (1 for me & 1 for my SIL).


Is he & all of the others from the show getting paid &/or freebies? Of course they are.


Will they 'love' my gift? I don't know ... will it end up in a trash bin? Maybe ... I don't know. I think it's a unique piece of nostalgia. I have zero expectation of what will happen when I hand it to them or after I leave.

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Perhaps you ask as you want us as strangers to be impressed with your brush with celebrity and your intention to connect with him? I am genuinely curious and not intending to be critical but as others have mentioned, your decision is clear by the purchase you have already made, and you don't agree with the opinions you have sought, and you will do as you want anyway. So why do you ask in the first place.....just go about your plan privately.


No, I am not trying to make strangers be impressed with any brush with a celebrity. As I've stated, the 'star' of the show does the voice overs. Majority of the populace would have no idea who he is.


And your last sentence could be said of ANYONE/EVERYONE who posts on CC. WHY does anyone post questions here? Like, how is the pizza on xyz? What beer is served on xyz? Should I cruise or shouldn't I?

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So you paid a premium so this chap & his wife can get a free cruise to market his product. In addition, you spent more money on a gift !!


Is that dumb? - only you know that.


However, it isn't something we would consider. We select cruises based on the ship & itinerary and certainly wouldn't consider a cruise where the cruise line has to pay some "Name" to fill their ship.



NOT the cruise line. Is a private group that is a small % of the total passengers. I really enjoy the show that depicts this man's life. I find this man to be very interesting and his life's work pretty remarkable.


If there had been a cruise 10 years ago with a special group for Dr. Michael Stone ... I would have been the first to sign up. BRILLIANT man ... fascinating work ... to this day I would love to pick this man's brain!

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You've made it clear that you're going to do whatever you want, so the purpose of your OP is quite obvious, and it is not that you were honestly seeking an opinion. But I'm going to give mine anyway.


These "celebrities" are not doing this cruise out of the goodness of their hearts. There is a financial advantage to them in one form or another. So giving them a thank you gift is naive.


Your taste in art may not be the same as these "celebrities". You have a taste for watercolours, in presumably a nostalgic/Norman Rockwellish style. The objects of your affection may well prefer a totally different style - perhaps modern art or urban photography. While I'm sure you will be thanked politely before these cards are quickly passed to their handler, don't be surprised or devastated that they will be preserved for posterity in a circular file folder.


My hair dresser gets paid for what she does ... and yet I give her a gift after each visit. A cash gift = tip.

My waiter/waitress gets paid for what he/she does and yet I give them a gift after I eat. It's a gift of appreciation. Again = tip.

My boss pays me every 2 weeks for work that I do. I also 2x a year get a big fat 'thank you' from the boss & other dept. heads in the form of a bonus.

Some bosses gave me actual gifts ... ballet tickets. Clothing. All the gifts were wonderful.


My taste is most definitely NOT watercolors. But I found these cards and they are so beautiful and nostalgic I thought they were fitting. Again ... whatever happens to them is up to them.

Edited by CruiseGal999
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I think its a lovely thing to do, but I wouldnt do it. Chances are it would go in a donation pile. Speaking for myself, i wouldnt want someone to gift me art work because my house is decorated thie way i want it.


What if you took them and offered them to the couple as in, I dont want these, do you?


Whatever happens to the cards after I give them ... is up to them.


I have no idea what your last sentence means. ??? Doesn't make any sense.

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So why would you buy them in the first place if you wouldn't want them? Kind of a disingenuous way to offer a gift, don't you think? I really don't want / need / like these things but thought maybe you would???


If you are buying a gift for someone, then just give it as a gift. If you are uncertain that it would be appropriate or appreciated, then don't buy it in the first place.


Especially if you are trying to impress someone such as a celebrity.....


I hope you know that I, the OP, didn't write that sentence. That is someone else and it doesn't make any sense to me either.


Not trying to impress anyone, anywhere. I think they might appreciate the gesture ... if they don't ... that's fine too. I am no more invested other than handing the cards over and telling them I thought they'd enjoy them. That's it.


My other 'expectation' is to get 2 photos while he signs both books. One for me & 1 for my SIL.

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I cannot believe, or understand, the amount of vitriol on this thread.

There is nothing wrong with the OP wishing to give a gift to her favorite author.


If I were the celebrity, I would gladly accept a gift from a fan, whether I liked it or not. It is what people do in civilized societies (as compared to the "nothing matters but me" society of today).


I wish her the best of luck with her cruise.


Thank you. I appreciate the people who have wished me well and bolstered my decision.

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Exactly. I do have zero expectation from this. I do hope they aren't embarrassed by the gesture.


Will they 'love' my gift? I don't know ... will it end up in a trash bin? Maybe ... I don't know. I think it's a unique piece of nostalgia. I have zero expectation of what will happen when I hand it to them or after I leave.


Whatever happens to the cards after I give them ... is up to them.



I truly don't get it. If you aren't concerned that they throw your gift away or not, why are you giving it to them in the first place? Wouldn't it be better if you gave them something you knew they would appreciate? If you were doing it for them, you'd take the trouble to select something you knew they would like and want to keep, and not something that you liked. Otherwise, as others have said, it appears to be more about feeling good about yourself than for their benefit.

Give them something they will want to keep, or don't bother. It makes no sense to give them something they may not like. If you honestly want them to know you appreciate them for their work, then tell them so in heartfelt words and forget about giving them a gift they may not want.

Edited by PTMary
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OP -- I don't think your idea/gift is dumb at all. I think it is a very thoughtful gesture. I used to receive gifts from clients and many of the gifts were not my taste. But that didn't for an instant diminish my appreciation of the thoughtful gesture, knowing that someone thought enough of me to do something special for me.


Thank you. That's exactly it ... it's a gesture. Whatever happens ... happens.

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Actually, while I enjoy receiving gifts, I don't enjoy receiving gifts that have no value to me. Feigning appreciation for something I don't want or need is putting me in a position of being kind to the giver in return. But not being put in a position to fake that sentiment in the first place would be an even kinder act by the giver. Unless someone knows a person well enough to choose something that they will value, it is better to simply give them card with something nice hand written in it and hold off on a physical gift that they will now have to dispose of.


Unless, of course, giving the gift is more about the giver feeling good about themselves, and less about showing appreciation for the recipient. ;p



NOPE ... not about me. It's a thought I had ... a gesture. That's it. Whatever happens afterwards ... completely up to them.

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I truly don't get it. If you aren't concerned that they throw your gift away or not, why are you giving it to them in the first place? Wouldn't it be better if you gave them something you knew they would appreciate? If you were doing it for them, you'd take the trouble to select something you knew they would like and want to keep, and not something that you liked. Otherwise, as others have said, it appears to be more about feeling good about yourself than for their benefit.

Give them something they will want to keep, or don't bother. It makes no sense to give them something they may not like. If you honestly want them to know you appreciate them for their work, then tell them so in heartfelt words and forget about giving them a gift they may not want.


I HAVE selected a gift that I 'think' they'll enjoy. But the reality of whether they DO like it ... is out of my control.


Now, you do know that I am NOT talking about a steward or any cruise employee, don't you? Do you KNOW that every gift you have ever given was loved and cherished and kept? NO, you don't. But you bought each gift with the belief that they'll like it. That's all any of us can do.


There literally is no way for me to KNOW what they want/like/ would keep/love to receive, etc. It is a thought/impression I have and is just a gesture.

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I HAVE selected a gift that I 'think' they'll enjoy. But the reality of whether they DO like it ... is out of my control.


Now, you do know that I am NOT talking about a steward or any cruise employee, don't you? Do you KNOW that every gift you have ever given was loved and cherished and kept? NO, you don't. But you bought each gift with the belief that they'll like it. That's all any of us can do.


There literally is no way for me to KNOW what they want/like/ would keep/love to receive, etc. It is a thought/impression I have and is just a gesture.


I don't give gifts for my benefit. I give them only for the benefit of the person I am giving it to, so what I like is not the deciding factor in choosing that gift. I also don't give gifts to people who I don't know well enough to know what they like and don't like. That's too impersonal for my tastes. I save my gift giving for those people who mean something to me and who I know well enough to know what they will like. I don't think that giving a person something that I like without any idea if they will like it is appropriate. Giving someone a gift that has no meaning to them implies that the gift was not very well thought out.

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And your last sentence could be said of ANYONE/EVERYONE who posts on CC. WHY does anyone post questions here? Like, how is the pizza on xyz? What beer is served on xyz? Should I cruise or shouldn't I?


I ask questions here to learn something. I certainly don't ask questions to get validation only from people who agree with me, and then get annoyed at those who have an opposite point of view on the subject of my question. And I would bet that the majority of people here actually are looking for a best answer when asking questions, and not for only the answer that approves of what they have already decided to do as you are doing.


That you argue with people who are telling you it is not a good idea, and thanking everyone who agrees with you, it is extremely clear that you aren't looking for the best answer, but looking for people to tell you what a wonderful thing you are doing. :rolleyes:

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If a person I did not know gave me a personal gift, I would find it very creepy (for lack of a better word). But I guess that is just me. But a psychologist might focus on why the OP even posted on a public forum and used the term "Celebrity." Not only is a bit "creepy" but might be construed to border on Celebrity Worship Syndrome.



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If a person I did not know gave me a personal gift, I would find it very creepy (for lack of a better word). But I guess that is just me. But a psychologist might focus on why the OP even posted on a public forum and used the term "Celebrity." Not only is a bit "creepy" but might be construed to border on Celebrity Worship Syndrome.





LOL .... :') :') This is funny. You SO missed the mark.

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