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**Near-Live Blog of Zaandam Inca and South America Cruise 24 Sep - 3 Nov 2018**


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Oh my heavens Rich, what a tremendous writer you are.  You are truly talented.


What a fantastic read and unbelievable photos and videos.  So descriptive - you really took us along on your trip!


Thank you for taking us along with you.  Amazing two days for you and Roger and an amazing read for all of us 😄


Truly a wonderful adventure!

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Loving every word of this review!!


Your account of your visit to Machu Picchu was so vivid and descriptive that I felt like I was there in person! Having the photos and videos was certainly icing on the cake!


I can’t imagine the exhaustion you must have felt (on top of being sick). Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us.


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Kevin and I really enjoyed reading the post, watching the videos, and looking at the pictures.   The bird food comment by Dad was funny.  Kevin suspects that he was talking about the sheep testicles in Oklahoma.  So glad that you both made it to Machu Picchu, we're a bit jealous.  Safe Travels :-)

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Amazing adventure, Rich!  Thanks for sharing it with us.  I now feel no need to do it myself.  And I know I couldn't....

When our daughter went there she said the thing that amazed her the most was the intricate rock walls, and I could see  that in some of your photos.


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Thanks for all the wonderful feedback!  Makes it very worthwhile. 🤪


John, I'd imagine that Snoopy's Sopwith Camel dog house would be a nicer ride than the Antonov..... 🐶🛩️


Posting a few more videos of the Machu Picchu excursion....


Sacred Valley:


Walking around Machu Picchu:






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Day 23 (10/15)


Sea Day


When we had arrived back at the ship yesterday we were tired and hungry but very pleased with ourselves.  We quickly ate lunch and headed to our cabin to unpack.  I think Roger was especially tired as he took first 1 nap, then unpacked, then took a 2d, longer nap.  I napped too for a short while but decided I wanted to be able to sleep overnight more than I wanted to just then.


Maybe it was all the exertion or the tiredness or Machu Picchu itself, but my cruise crud started to relent after returning.  Not so much coughing any longer, my nose now decided to open the faucets and run, run, run!  So annoying when it does that; I soaked a couple of handkerchiefs by day's end.


Thank goodness today is a sea day.  We need the rest.  Everyone I see who went says the same thing; they all slept like babies and are sore here and there and feel tired but happy.  We are all happy there are 2 sea days in a row now.

We share our photos with anyone who wants to see them and probably some who don't, but we don't care.  We still feel like rock stars.  But I do want to apologize for some of the mistakes in grammar and spelling and mixed tense I'm sure many have found in the last entry.  In my haste to try and capture the feelings and all that happened I didn't proofread like I should have.  I'm sure you'll understand.  The facts stand for themselves though, which is all that matters.


I also wish to thank the many people who made our trip possible.  The EXC Guides who re-configured our trip in such a short time and did it so well really deserve a big thanks.  I don't want to sound like a cheerleader so I'll just say they really earned their keep on this one.  Without their efforts, there wouldn't have been a trip at all for us.  Second, I want to thank the Peruvian travel agency and guides who made the changes happen and were with us every step of the way from the dock in Callao to the farthest reaches of Machu Picchu and back again (this would be Jenny) and Katherine and the 2 other guides who kept us safe and orderly and organized and on time from Cusco and back.  All 4 were a pleasure to spend time with and were knowledgeable and professional the whole time.  To think they do that twice a week when it's busy is amazing.  Also, many thanks to EXC Guide Maria and GRM Andreea for their shepherding and oversight of the tour, we truly enjoyed their companionship.  All the crew who were up early Saturday morning to assist our departure, making breakfast happen so early and seeing to our needs.  HD Francois Birarda without whose work in the background leading and managing this great group of people this tour and cruise would not be the pleasure it's all been and lastly, thanks to Captain Friso for seeing us safely all the way from Seattle to Lima and beyond.  His sound guidance provided the means to permit us to so enjoy all the above.  For all those I don't know to mention, I also thank you.  Lastly, thanks to everyone here on Cruise Critic who have been reading and encouraging me and have been patient enough to wait during the upgrade.


So, I should have found my wand of bug repellent I see, and you will too, below.  Something bit me on Machu Picchu just as we were warned.  No itching, no swelling, nothing sore, just these funny little pox marks.  I wear the scrape on my leg as a badge of honor and tell everyone who asks that I fell off of Machu Picchu rather than the truth that I tripped on the step stool getting into the van on the way there.  I get some raised eyebrows and perplexed looks and enjoy them all.  Eventually I explain what really happened.


This morning we find that the Zaandam Zoo animals have escaped their confinement wherever it is they are kept and are napping and lazing about on the Lido pool deck.  I like that HAL has started doing this; we first saw it on the Nieuw Amsterdam in February of 2017.


Leaving last evening was a bit sad.  We both found the people of Peru to be warm, friendly and genuine in their desire to be a part of a greater good.  We never once witnessed anything but politeness and sincerity in all we saw them do.  Also, we are over half way through our cruise of 40 days now.  Our goal of getting to Machu Picchu has been achieved and, while we are looking forward to Patagonia and the Falkland Island, or Malvinas Islands, we are now heading to colder country and lovely vistas.


Callao port not long before leaving:



Fishing fleet of Lima:



Towel Animal Zoo:



My bug bites and scrape from my tripping:



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Hope your sea days provide you much needed rest!  I love all the details you’ve provided about your adventure to Machu Picchu, even your bug bites.  Would you have done anything differently to try to avoid the pox other than bug spray?

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WOW I had the same thing!!! Took a long time to go away those weird bites and I remember they didn’t bother me either! The vendors bring back fond memories too! Bought a Lama with lama hair so cute for our dear friends daughter.

Im saving your videos too! 

Ready for your next port and reviews Rich.



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10 hours ago, Mtn2Sea said:

Hope your sea days provide you much needed rest!  I love all the details you’ve provided about your adventure to Machu Picchu, even your buog bites.  Would you have done anything differently to try to avoid the pox other than bug spray?


I think that all those who wore long pants did not suffer any of these bites.  Certainly Roger did not.  No one that I know of was bitten like this above the waist, on bare arms or neck or face.  All the bites seem confined to exposed parts of peoples legs.


I'm happy that I wore shorts though, but I would recommend bug spray if you want to avoid the bites.  I've not met anyone bothered by them beyond looks but I suppose there are those who are sensitive to whatever bugs these are.  The guides definitely advised bug spray and even offered some of their own to us.

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9 hours ago, roberts2005 said:

In reading your post, you mentioned your group to Machu Picchu was silver.  What did the gold get that was different.


For one, the Gold package was something like $1200 per person more expensive, even after our missed port and the reduction in price of $600 p/p.  So, some might say "fleeced" (I would not) but I didn't hear anyone complaining who was on the Gold package. 


I believe the primary difference was where the Gold group stayed, their meals and Machu Picchu tour.  I understand that the group stayed at the JW Marriott El Convento Cusco, a former, historic convent located in the Old Town area that has some great reviews online.  We were in a nice Hilton Garden Inn but could also have stayed at a Ramada Inn had the Garden Inn been full.  Also, they traveled in the Hiram Bingham car on Inca Rail to and from Machu Picchu, which is a whole step above the first class car we traveled on.  It evidently includes an open bar and restaurant service.  From the original tour, they were supposed to travel to Machu Picchu earlier than we and have a entrance time that gave them special access before others were able to enter.  We weren't particularly bothered by the other tours and independent travelers around us but to have been there without them might have been nice.  Not sure that their group (of 12?) was smaller than any of ours (of 9) because of the circumstances but as it turned out because the big 45 to 60 people buses just aren't able to get around in the small towns preceding Machu Picchu, so all groups are limited by that.  We did not see any large groups of people following flags or cards around any bigger than our own.  I think the Gold group also was to eat lunch at Machu Picchu in the restaurant at the entrance but I doubt they had any more time than we did for that, although they may have had dinner there instead of lunch.  They should have also had a meal on their train car but I can't confirm.  We did not see them until Sunday morning at the Cusco airport so all I have are the snippets of information I gathered there while waiting for our flight back to Lima.


Yes, there are cheaper ways to see Machu Picchu than what we paid for either the Silver or Gold packages.  But, from a cruise ship that has an itinerary to keep, not quite so easily or cheaply.  Roger and I chose to take the EXC tour through HAL and pay more for one simple reason: we got to Machu Picchu even with the last minute changes.  There were some who spent time trying to find alternative ways to get there from Lima who were frustrated in their attempts and those who had independently booked tours who also missed their opportunity when Salaverry was canceled.  I hope they got whatever deposits they put down back and expect that reasonable tour operators would have done so.  HAL offered 100% refunds to any who wanted it (in fact we all got full refunds of the original price and were subsequently charged the new price) and we still got to go.  I feel HAL did a highly commendable job of re-arranging the tour for those of us who still wanted to go.  Lastly, we KNEW the ship would either still be in Callao if we were delayed returning on Sunday or, lastly, that we'd be transported to Coquimbo or San Antonio to rejoin the ship.  I know I don't feel the slightest bit fleeced and I'll bet neither do those who were on the Gold package.

Edited by 0bnxshs
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10 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:

WOW I had the same thing!!! Took a long time to go away those weird bites and I remember they didn’t bother me either! The vendors bring back fond memories too! Bought a Lama with lama hair so cute for our dear friends daughter.

Im saving your videos too! 

Ready for your next port and reviews Rich.




I'm really happy that even the bug bites bring back good memories of a trip well made, Denise.  I too bought a small llama and he hangs out next to my bed on the stand. :classic_smile:

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On 9/19/2018 at 5:29 PM, 0bnxshs said:

This is going to be my first attempt at blogging any cruise. I expect to update it every few days, perhaps more often than that, as we go along, depending of course on internet connectivity and cost as well as whether I do anything noteworthy and can motivate my "short attention span" self to actually do it. I'm hoping that getting it started now might aid in that latter effort.


Pictures; I hope to post a few along the way as well. We'll see how that goes too.


Questions; I'll do my best to answer any questions anyone might have. If the information is readily available, shouldn't be a problem. If it's something I need to ask someone about, between my attention span issues and failing memory... I'll do my best. Give me a few days for those. 😕 Even in packing I'll walk from one end of my small house to the other and, upon arriving there, have no idea why I made the trip, only to leave and, half way back, remember what I was trying to accomplish and head back, usually interrupted by a maddening trip to the restroom. No, lists don't work as I usually misplace the list at some point (I often find them in the restroom or garage). I'm a visual person; I have to see it in front of me to know I've gotten it. Hence the following pictures.




Shoes and other packing stuff. I like using the plastic bags that linens, sheets and such come in for containing like items.




The Participants: Myself and my father-in-law, Roger (not to mention a ship full of others as well). We've gone on cruises together before without either of us wishing the other somehow would become shark-bait along the way. The most recent was the 29 day Amazon Explorer cruise in Nov-Dec 2016. Before that we'd done a couple of shorter cruises to the Caribbean and Alaska together. We get along quite well, mostly because he is so easy to get along with. I've been married to his oldest daughter for 40 years. She'll be staying behind working and caring for our 2 mini Schnauzers and her mother (not necessarily in that order) and trying to scare away any tropical storms eyeing Florida. It's thanks to her efforts that I get to cruise and I really and truly appreciate her. The pups aren't so happy with knowing they're being left behind and I've been getting the evil eye a lot....




Reigna swore last time (after my DW and I cruised to Hawaii in April 2018) that she'd not miss the next one....




Our cruise leaves Seattle on Monday 24 Sep and we are flying out of Orlando on Sunday morning. We'll be staying at the Marriott Waterfront near Pike's Market. I think it's the same hotel that the famous "gambee" of the well known cruisewithgambee.com blog site stayed at this summer. From Seattle we'll stop in Vancouver and then head all the way down the west coast of the new world, turn the corner at Cape Horn, skid out to the Falklands and then make our way back to the east coast of South America and wind up in Rio de Janeiro. With a bit of luck we will depart the ship in Trujillo, Peru and travel to Machu Picchu, rejoining the ship in Lima after 2 nights. We have a couple of other HAL excursions and a couple of private ones already planned too. In Manta, Ecuador Roger's brother (who has a condo and lives part-time there) will meet us and take us around for the day. The rest of the trip is mostly unplanned and we'll spontaneously decide from day to day what to do. Just as we like it.


I hope to post next from Seattle on Sunday unless something spectacular happens before then or there's a question needing an answer.


Please follow along and participate as you like! I do hope my efforts do justice to your expectations. 😄




can anyone send me the link to the blog please?



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