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Liberty 3 Day Bahamas Cruise Review


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Just back from another wonderful Carnival cruise, this time a short 3 day trip to the Bahamas on Liberty on 9/13. I love reading other people's cruise reviews while waiting for my next cruise to begin and I hope that by sharing my trip with others, I can help someone else pass the time as well.


A couple disclaimers, I LOVE cruising and always have a good time. But I like to be honest in my review. Everything is not perfect on a cruise and I do intend to include the bad with the good. Just because I complain, does not mean I did not have a great time.


Also, I may not hit on everything that interests you as a cruiser. I would say from reading many reviews that my cruise style is different from the norm, and that is okay. Please feel free to ask questions about something I do not cover and I will do my best to answer anything that you would like to know about.


About Me:


I am 30 years old and am lucky enough to live in Florida so taking cruises is more affordable and easier to do than for many people. This was my 19th cruise, 15th on Carnival, and my second time on the Liberty.


I traveled solo on this cruise. I did this once before also on the Liberty for 3 days followed by 7 days on the Splendor. I was not sure how I would like being solo, sure it sounds great to have the freedom to whatever you want without checking in with someone and making compromises, but it could also be boring. That was never a problem for me and I loved having ultimate freedom all week to do my vacation my way. Perfect.


That was in May 2017 and for one reason or another each of my next cruises were with either my mom or my good friend M. But I was determined to book another solo trip again by the end of this year even if I went broke paying the single supplement charged for going solo.


I got a slight discount through the casino (and I do mean slight) and put a deposit down on an 8 day cruise on Sunshine leaving 9/29. Fast forward another month and I got an offer to go on an Ultra cruise with Carnival. I did not plan on taking one this year if I was invited because the dates were always in November and December and it is just too hard to get those days off from work. But this year there were two choices in October.


A quick call to my wonderful PVP at Carnival and she was able to change my booking for just $50 instead of me having to lose my entire deposit. Thank goodness. I was going to rebook Sunshine in January because I still want to sail that ship again before it leaves Florida, but the great deals just kept rolling in. I got an offer for a free cruise to Cuba departing on New Years Eve on MSC. Of course I could not pass up an offer that good.


So now I had a cruise that I still had to book and any further out is just further out that I care to book plus I still wanted to do a solo trip since I will be doing the Ultra and Cuba with M. So i picked a quick three day trip to fill in the gap I now had between cruises.

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As usual, I waited until the last minute to start getting ready. When I went to book parking through Country Inn & Suites like I always have when I sail out of Port Canaveral they were completely booked. I like comfortable and I was now going to have to come out of my comfort zone and book with someone else. I chose 528 cruise parking and hoped for the best. All worked out and they were a great company to do business with.


I left my house that morning and arrived at the parking lot at 10:30 right as a shuttle was leaving. The instructions indicated that a shuttle leaves every 30 minutes so I feared I would now be waiting for a half hour for the next one. Within 5 minutes another shuttle pulled up. The sign on the shuttle said they wait 20 minutes before leaving so I figured it would still be close to 11 before we left, but at least I was in AC instead of the hot Florida sun. Not even 3 minutes later, and we were on the road.


My first glimpse of the Carnival Liberty.




I arrived at the terminal just before 11 and was pointed into the priority waiting area. We were informed there was a coast guard inspection and it would be about a half hour before we would start boarding because they had to release the ship first. I know these things happen and there is nothing I can do about it. Just sit back and relax. But a tiny little part of me was irritated this was happening when my cruise was already so short. Silly I know but I am ready to get this party started!


There was a false start where they started boarding before the coast guard gave the okay. We had to sit back down but everyone was in pretty good spirits about the situation. Finally we boarded for real a couple minutes before 11:30.

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The day before this cruise I received a call from the Upsell Fairy.....ummm Upsell Wizard cause it was a guy. He offered me a balcony right below Lido for $50 or an OV right below the galley for $30. I told him no thanks I am a light sleeper and would prefer a quieter location. He put me on hold and when he came back he said he was able to get a balcony on 7. I took it knowing there would be some challenges involved with changing my booking so close to sailing. I did not know the room was right next to the housekeeping closet and was still very noisy but I probably would have taken it anyway. I would probably not still make that choice again.


I made my way to my room. I always walk to the back of the ship and come back toward the front. I do that to avoid the crowded forward elevators, and the mid-ship elevators are closed for luggage distribution. Walking back toward the front I peeked in all the open doors. These rooms were a complete mess still and were to be turned over in two hours. Simply not going to happen. While the coast guard inspections were going on, room turnover was halted. Rooms were ready on time, which is pretty gross to think about knowing how few people were involved in cleaning this many rooms in such a short period of time.


When I reached my room the door was open and a lady was standing there. I explained that my boarding pass did not have my correct room listed but I think this was my room and asked if she could check. She must not have understood my question because she asked another person if my room was ready. He said no it needed to be vacuumed they were behind because of the coast guard inspections. I asked if I could drop my stuff off and I would come back. He said yes but not in a "yes it is fine" kind of way but more a "yes because I cannot tell you no" kinda way.


So I dropped my stuff off and headed up to Lido. I left my camera in my bag so still no pictures but they are coming soon I promise :)

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To Cheers! or not to Cheers!:


The only other time I have purchased the Cheers! package was my last time doing this short 3 day cruise. It was a good a chance as any to test out if it was a good investment for me or not. Although I got my money's worth, I decided that it was probably not for me.


Fast forward to my last cruise on NCL. The break even point with their program when you get it as a "free" perk is two and a half drinks. I drank quite a bit during that cruise and I felt like perhaps I needed to reevaluate if I felt like I could get my money's worth out of it so I purchased it again for this three day cruise.


My first stop was the bar at the back of Lido. I was the first person out there and it still felt like I was the only person on board. I ordered a Fun Ship and handed her my boarding pass since I had no sail & sign yet. She said her computer said my room was empty. I gave her what I thought was my new room # (7334) and she was able to find me which told me I left my stuff in the correct room and not just some random person's room.


With funship in hand I went up one deck for some BBQ at the BBQ spot above lido. I was pretty hungry after skipping breakfast so I was expecting to be blown away by my lunch just because I was so hungry. It was not bad, but it did not really have much flavor. I have eaten here before and usually come out with a more positive experience here than many posters but I was not feeling it today and I did not make it back here this cruise.


Next I went down to Lido for some dessert. I was hoping they had the new cakes like they had on Magic but they still had the old style desserts. Please please be on my next cruise, those things were so freaking good.

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After lunch I checked back on my room. Now the door was closed and there was no key waiting outside my box. I packed a little extra patience and took this time to check out the casino and order a vitamin water from the coffee bar.


I checked back on my room - nothing. I flagged down the assistant steward from before and asked if my room was ready. She came over and said because the key is not out it is not ready. I still don't think she really understood me. I found another lady that I thought was someone important and asked her, she apologized and said she was not sure and that I would have to go to guest services.


That is what I should have done but I was not trying to seem impatient if the room just wasn't ready. I didn't want to be "that guy". I understood that the rooms were running behind because of the inspection, and that my room may not have been indicated for priority turnover since I booked this room so late.


So I went back out and about on the ship. I didn't really need to explore, I knew what the ship looked like and how it was laid out. I went back to the aft pool bar and it was pretty crowded now. Amazing how different the scene changed in just a couple hours! I ordered a Bahama Mama and then made my way to the room as it was now past 1:30.


Still no key so I asked yet another person walking by. He got on his phone and I guess it cut off on him. He said he would be right back he would find someone. After a couple minutes it became clear this guy was not really coming back.


I went to guest services like I should have done to begin with and they confirmed the problem was me changing rooms and got me a key printed. I chalk this up to normal first day snafus that tend to happen. I think the situation could have been handled better if the assistant steward had understood me better but that is more forgivable than the lady who understood me but wasn't listening or the guy who lied about finding someone to help me. Lesson learned and in the future I will just go right to guest services. I also recognize this whole situation would have been avoided if we still got our cards at check-in. I still prefer this new method any day over the old way.


Finally in my room!



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I tried something this cruise. I have always been a pretty light packer but I wanted to take it to a whole new level this cruise. I packed everything for this trip into a beach bag Carnival gave me on a prior trip.




This was a success although I forgot to account for bringing stuff home. I brought back the water Carnival gave me and one Vitamin water I didn't drink. That left no room for the platinum gift Carnival gave me but fortunately, it was also a bag lol!


The first view from my balcony.








Finally, I could settle into my room and relax. The TV selection leaves quite a bit to be desired but I still enjoy laying down and watching it to unwind. Nope, the remote does not work. This is getting to be a bit too much now. I do it the old fashioned way and adjust channels by hand because I am just too annoyed to make another trip to guest services (especially about a silly little remote lol).


I spent the afternoon playing with my TV and made another trip out for a coffee from the coffee bar. The non-alcoholic drinks were definitely the key to me making Cheers! profitable last time and I wanted to make sure I was making the most of it again!

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After muster was sail away. I thought about doing it on my balcony, but to get a full view I went to the observation deck at the front of the ship.


If sail away was a contest, Miami wins hands down of the ports I've sailed from.






Grandeur of the Seas.







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After sail away I got a Cucumber Sunrise from the Alchemy Bar.




I did have to ask for a straw but it was supplied with no trouble.


I took my drink and enjoyed it out on my balcony where there was a whale tail reflecting in the water.





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I was so happy that I got YTD this cruise. The last time I booked Liberty there were no spots left and I was stuck with assigned dining which meant I ate at Lido each night. Luckily this time around they did still have openings.


I made my way to dinner around 6 stopping at Alchemy for another drink first. This one is 40 Is The New 20.




Tonight's MDR menu.








For my starter I ordered the chilled vietnameese roll.




Very good.

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For my main I ordered the beef brisket and the vegetable lasagna.






The beef was a little dry to start with but seemed to get juicy and more flavorful as I ate it. It was pretty good. The lasagna was fantastic! Consistently one of my favorite dishes all week.


Dessert menu.




I ordered the tiramisu.




This was also very very good.


Overall I had a great dinner tonight and service was fantastic. It was less than an hour from when I was seated till I left and the waitress was very friendly.

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After dinner I went back to the room when I met Victor my room steward (not counting earlier in the hall when I dropped my stuff off) I asked for the beds to be pushed together (which is the opposite of what I usually have to ask for lol). He asked if I wanted AM, PM, or Both. I told him PM and he asked if I was sure because he was here to serve me. I assured him PM was fine because it was just me. When I cruise with M we need both and that has never been a problem.


Now what can I say about Victor? The room was obviously turned over way too quickly. There were some obvious misses when he was cleaning the room including one in the bathroom that I will leave to your imagination. I understood the circumstances of the hectic day, but it was still there after the second day. In fact it did not get cleaned until the final day of the cruise. Needless to say, he didn't do a very good job cleaning.


But man was he friendly. I have not had a friendly room steward in several cruises now. Not to say they were rude but they did not speak in the hallway and ask how your day was what you were doing etc. I tell myself I don't need that and maybe I don't but my subconscious would say different. For the first time in a while, I did tip the steward extra at the end of the cruise just because he was so gosh darn friendly. I miss that level of service, although I would have preferred my room be cleaned a little more thorough.


While he was fixing my beds I went to the coffee bar for another coffee. I had a lot of people ask how the weather was (this was during Florence). I took this picture as reference the first evening.




The ship was rocking a little but that seems to be normal the first night. I am not sure if the water just off the coast is just a little more rocky, or if it takes time to get your sea legs working but the first night is always a little more bouncy than the rest. I did take a motion pill later tonight but only as a precaution.

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My bed pushed together, and a towel animal which I haven't gotten on the first night in a while.




My next drink became my new favorite, this was called The Perfect Storm.




I took my drink with me to the casino. I have left with more money than I started with exactly three times and the first time was on the Liberty. I was hoping she would be good to me again. I did not plan on playing much but wanted to have a little casino fun this cruise. I was able to play for a little while tonight and when I left I had broken even for the night. I consider that a win and hoped that it would continue for the rest of the cruise.


The rest of my night was spent enjoying the live music in various parts of the ship and just relaxing. I got one more Vitman water tonight and after the casino drawing at 11 I was feeling tired so I went back to the room for the evening. I was disappointed in myself for channeling my inner grandpa but I was just too tired to stay awake so I turned in for the night.


Cheers! Breakdown:


With Cheers!: $68.24

W/O Cheers!: $76.90


I saved about $9 today or the cost of one drink. Didn't exactly knock it out of the park but I did get my money's worth.

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After muster was sail away. I thought about doing it on my balcony, but to get a full view I went to the observation deck at the front of the ship.


If sail away was a contest, Miami wins hands down of the ports I've sailed from.






Totally Agree!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If I can ask a silly question.... When u dine alone do they give u a table by urself or with other solo cruiser? My DH refuses to go to MDR. I may like to try it and i wouldnt mind dining with other solo diners. We do have my tine dining request not sure if that makes a difference. We arent picky eaters, hes always happy with the buffet.

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Cheers! Breakdown:


With Cheers!: $68.24

W/O Cheers!: $76.90


I saved about $9 today or the cost of one drink. Didn't exactly knock it out of the park but I did get my money's worth.



I love that you included your Cheers! breakdown! Thank you so much for doing this thorough review. Love it!

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