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Trip Report: 12-night Holiday Cruise in the Caribbean on the SILHOUETTE (2018)


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Day 9 – St. Lucia (cont.)


I swam for quite a while and, when I pretty much resembled a 90-year-old prune, I decided to head back to the beach and hang out with the little one for a bit.  She was in the water, standing maybe only a few feet from shore, and the water was probably only about three feet deep.  And she was laughing hilariously because she was literally surrounded by a huge school of fish.  They were circling about our legs and just hanging out.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), they weren’t the same fish you find in those spas that will nibble the dead skin off your legs and feet, so there goes my free treatment.



Look - you can even see all the fish in the pictures taken from above, outside of the water. 



We relaxed on the beach for a bit.  We were probably there for almost one hour.  It was nice not have been been so rushed.  We had a nice view from our loungers; it was just very relaxing all around. 



While I was standing around with the little one, someone pulled up in a small boat, selling fresh fruit.  I'm pretty sure he was also selling something else - and partaking himself - because I think I got a bit high from just standing near him and his boat.  And then we had the little one, with her big mouth, whiffing the air like a bloodhound and proclaiming loudly, "What is that SMELL?"


A little before 11.30 am, the boat returned to pick us up.  We packed up all our stuff to get back into the boat.  First, we had to wash off our feet, which the little one found to be hilarious. #itsthelittlethings



Once onboard and before we headed out, Shaggy served us water or soda or juice or rum punch.  The oldest and I decided to try the rum punch  Uh ... I think they forgot the "punch" part of that drink because it seemed to have been all rum, mixed with a bit of red food dye 40.  Good Lord ... funky-smelling weed and cheap, hard liquor all at once.  Where am I, back in college? #ididnotinhale  Meanwhile, dh said the Piton beer wasn't too bad.



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6 hours ago, Sheal said:

Nice pic of that camo fish (biology isn't one of my strong points, LOL)  I'm guessing it is a fluke of some type but I have never seen one that had a green hue.  Mine have always been a boring color of sand. 


Can't wait to see more pics of your day in St. Lucia. 


I've never seen any fish like it, ever!  I had a great time snorkeling.  Again, what we saw probably weren't that big of a deal to most people, but I thought it was really cool!



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52 minutes ago, SSAtlantic said:

Sorry, I may have missed this, but what camera did you use for your snorkeling pictures?  They came out way better then mine ever do!  Enjoying your review.


I used the Olympus Tough TG-5 for the underwater pictures. All of the pictures taken on our trip were on this camera, or on our iPhones.  My oldest has a GoPro but she did mostly videos with that.  I have to say, those smart phones these days take some incredible pictures.  And the Olympus is a camera for dummies like me - just adjust the setting, point and shoot.  Very easy.  I do have a DSLR but found that, if I have it with me, I end up spending too much time worrying about capturing the right shot, rather than just enjoying the moment.  Probably because I'm not so adept with it.


Thanks for reading and sticking it out with me!




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5 minutes ago, SleepingUgly said:


I've never seen any fish like it, ever!  I had a great time snorkeling.  Again, what we saw probably weren't that big of a deal to most people, but I thought it was really cool!




I don't think you mentioned it, but aren't these two people looking at a large stingray next to shore?  



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Linda - Don't mean to hijack your thread, but you were snorkeling in one of the best places.  I love fish, but have become enamored with the other sea life.  These are from November 2018 at the same location.  The first picture is actually the first BIG boulder in the water. Soft coral and christmas tree worms.

PB110506.thumb.JPG.3d0a6821141e5933551995b8b0e823c6.JPGI too am using an Olympus Tough, but an older 830 model.  Love it. A couple other favs.




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14 hours ago, ipeeinthepool said:


I don't think you mentioned it, but aren't these two people looking at a large stingray next to shore?  




Wow, they very well might be!  I never even noticed that.  I will have to ask my kids about it as well.  It certainly looks like one, doesn't it?




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11 hours ago, pd7277 said:

Linda - Don't mean to hijack your thread, but you were snorkeling in one of the best places.  I love fish, but have become enamored with the other sea life.  These are from November 2018 at the same location.  The first picture is actually the first BIG boulder in the water. Soft coral and christmas tree worms.



Please - hijack all you want!  I welcome all comments, pictures, questions, advice, gifts, offerings, sacrifices, etc.  Those are some great pics!  I will definitely have to pay more attention to things other than fish next time, haha.


Thanks for sharing!



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Day 9 – St. Lucia (cont.)


Once we were all on the boat, it was off to Soufriere.  The ride probably took around 10-12 minutes, and it was a lot of fun with some fantastic, beautiful scenery about us. 



We soon docked at the little pier, where a taxi was waiting for us. 



Look at dh with all the laaaadies ...



We all piled in and drove through town for a bit.  About five minutes outside of town, we arrived at Joy’s house, where we would have lunch.


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On 1/23/2019 at 12:06 PM, sealover155 said:

Hi Linda!


Since my FIL was of Czech heritage and we all have funny Czech surnames, the Czech Republic was the big motivation and destination for the trip.  But first we wanted a more relaxing and recreational experience.  We decided on the Salzkammergut area just outside Salzburg where we could relax, go boating, hiking and swimming while being within striking distance of Salzburg and all of its treasures.  The village of  St. Wolfgang is a picture postcard and the luxury White Horse Inn actually has a floating-in-the-lake swimming pool.  That turned out to be a huge hit.


From there we hired a van and driver to go to Prague via Cesky Krumlov, fulfilling the little one's wish for castles. But we were all enchanted.  


We spent about a week in Prague, a return visit for my husband and me but the first for my son's family.  We hit all the highlights but included a visit to the wonderful zoo and enjoyed a boat ride on the river.  Since we were a group of six it made sense to hire a private guide for the castle and other historical sights.  We struck gold with our guide who researched the family name and birthplace (Bruno) of my FIL.  We wound up hiring her and her driver to take us there on an all-day trip.  Our original plan was to take the train and explore on our own.  This turned out to be a highlight none of us will ever forget.  So, being flexible is always a good idea.


My husband and I continued onto Berlin for a week and then back to Austria for another week before returning home. The little ones needed to go home to the Chicago area as school was starting.


BTW, so glad you enjoyed our favorite ship.  We've sailed her twice , both transatlantics and they had to literally force me off the ship both times!


Mary Anne



I just realized I never responded to this, Mary Anne, sorry about that!  I am so jealous of that trip!  I soooo want to travel through eastern Europe.  I have done western Europe out the wazoo, but really want to make it out east.  I've done Vienna and Salzburg, and absolutely fell in love with Austria, so would love to return and visit at greater length, and hopefully visit Hungary and the Czech Republic and Poland as well.  I'm even eyeing one of those river cruises that will take us through eastern Europe but dh is convinced we need to be on our last legs before he'll even consider a river cruise.  We'll have to see ...




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Day 9 – St. Lucia (cont.)


Quite a few people were already seated, just waiting for us, I think, before getting started.  I think they were the hotel guests, doing the same tour as us but in reverse, so they would be going snorkeling after lunch.  Anyway, we arrived and lunch started.  The ladies told us to help ourselves to whatever we wanted from the buffet. There was a lot of yummy food: rice, fried noodles (like chow mein), chicken, different kinds of fish, fruit bread, fried plantains, salad, and lentils.  (Am I the only one on this planet who loves lentils?  I could eat that stuff every meal, every friggin’ day.)  For dessert, there were freshly sliced mangoes and coconut candy.  There were different types of juices available as well.  There was plenty of seating for everyone, and lots of food to go around, with most everyone going back up for seconds. 



You can see in that second picture above, off to the left side, they had set up a small table where some knick-knacks and souvenirs were being sold.  To the left of that table is the room where you pay for your tour.


After lunch, the hotel guests all left to go to their vans and probably off to snorkeling, I guess.  Shaggy led the rest of us through the back gardens, where he talked a bit about some of the plants and trees, and then we were back in the van, on our way to the waterfall.  Honestly, I don't remember anything about what he said about the plants.  I think I was in my food coma at that time, I was so stinkin' full.



Here's Mr. Shaggy.



Some sights along the way as we drove to the waterfall ...



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I too am following along on your very entertaining adventures! We cruise in just over 3 weeks on Reflection. Your very entertaining writing style, along with "hearing" what you are doing on sea days as well as port days is very interesting! Our itineraries are different, but we have been to some of the isles you are heading to (only once). Thanks!!  🙂

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Day 9 – St. Lucia (cont.)


So it had been raining on and off for most of the day.  While we were having lunch, there was a HUGE rainstorm but we were in a covered porch so that didn’t impact us too much.  We were hoping that, maybe, that would be all the rain for the rest of the day.  Yeah, think again.


We got to the waterfall and it was – you guessed it – raining.  And it was a cold rain.  We got out of the van to go check out the waterfall.  Our oldest wanted to go swimming in the pool again and the little one wanted to go with her as well.  Uh-uh, not so fast.  One dip of a toe in that pool and they ran screaming back.  Apparently, the water was cold.  As in, are-we-in-the-tropics-or-are-we-in-the-freakin-tundra cold.  Oh, well.  There goes that idea … along with Instagram-worthy photos of them frolicking under a waterfall to post online and show off to their friends.  We still got some pictures, though.



I love how everyone just ignores this "No Parking" sign.  Perhaps if the police used something more official looking, instead of a white, wooden sandwich board that looks like you are advertising ice cream for sale, people may take it more seriously.  Or not.  After all, I don't think we saw any police in this or any area outside the city.  And, besides, where the heck are cars supposed to friggin' park then?  There was no parking lot near the waterfall at all! #thingsthatmakeyougohmmm



Next up ... the mud baths!


Edited by SleepingUgly
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Day 9 – St. Lucia (cont.)




It was a short drive to the mud baths – maybe not even 10 minutes.  The driver parked the van in the lot – which was packed with a bunch of other taxi vans – and Shaggy recommended that we not take anything with us except our cameras and towels.  We were to leave everything else in the van.  This turned out to be very good advice, as it was wet and muddy and yucky by the picnic tables where you can leave your stuff by the mud baths.  By leaving everything in the van, they stayed nice and dry and clean – and safe!


We got out of the van and marched through the parking lot, past little stands and kiosks, and went down some stone steps.  They are not steep so don’t worry about that.  This took us down to the mud baths area.  We left our towels on the picnic tables here, right at the bottom of the stairs, and proceeded to dirty ourselves up (not like that ... get yer mind outta the gutter).  You can see they have showers here as well, if you wanted to do a better job of washing the mud off of yourself when you were done.  We not fancy folks so we didn't bother with those new-fangled shower contraptions.



After setting our towels down and taking off our water shoes / sandals, we walked over to enter a large tub filled with very WARM water (and a lot of other people).  The water was dark, murky and looked dirty, but that’s due to the mud washed off of others.  It’s probably also due to other things besides the mud but we’ll choose not to think about that, OK?  Once you have sat in the water for a few minutes, you climb out (be careful – it’s quite slippery!) and walk over a bit to apply mud all over yourself.  The mud is placed in these buckets (like large white painter’s buckets … they're just not white) and you would scoop them out with your hands and apply them all over your body and face.  Most of the mud is gray, but there was also black mud that you could use to make fun designs on the gray mud “background”. 



After we applied all the mud that we wanted to, Shaggy took our pictures and told us to wait at least a few minutes for the mud to dry in order for it to be the most effective.  The mud is supposed to help rejuvenate your skin and help soften and smooth it out.  Because, you know, that’s what I’ve always complained about my husband – his skin is not soft and buttery enough like a baby’s butt.  What every woman looks for in a man, right?



After standing around for a few minutes, we stepped back into the same large tub of warm water to rinse off.  We sat down and tried to do our best to rub the dried mud off every inch of our body, but it does get caked in your hair and it is tough to wash off in certain places.  It’s actually kind of gross to be sitting in this tub of warm water, with maybe 12-15 of strangers, all washing mud off ourselves or sitting there preparing to apply mud … and not knowing what bodily function may be going on around us.  Ugh.  I’m glad I didn’t have that thought at the time, and you know what they say – when in Rome, right?  If I can eat blood rice in Portugal  and dine on cow eyes in Hong Kong and eat unidentified food off banana leaves in the dusty streets of Hyderabad … well, I can bathe with strangers as well!  #bucketlist #iwillsurvive #ihope


After drying off as best as we could with our towels, we made our way back up the steps to the parking lot.  Hey, check it out - the first time I've seen Dr. Pepper (nectar of the gods) since I've stepped foot on the cruise ship.  I knew I loved St. Lucia for a reason.



We trudged back to the van and enjoyed the view from the parking lot a bit, before getting in and heading back to the little pier in Soufriere.  We had a long boat ride back to Castries ahead of us ...



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Hi Linda - Still following along and dreaming of a cruise to all of the islands you visited.  Just love all the nitty gritty details.  Do your children have a favorite island?  


Our experience in the Caribbean is a bit limited as most of our travels including cruises have taken us elsewhere.  I think we've only been to 4 of the islands.  Don't get mad but we're  moving to Chicago this year after a lifetime in Southern California to be closer to our family.  Since the Caribbean will be a little easier to access I'm hoping it won't be such a hard sell on DH.


Since  you asked, regarding Eastern Europe, put Krakow, and Budapest as well as Prague on the top of your hit parade.  From what you've said about your family I think you'd all be charmed.  Tell your husband that my husband won't go on a river cruise either.  Says he's not old enough.  And he's 76 but acts like and thinks he's 55.


Mary Anne

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Really enjoying your report, thanks for taking the time to write it. Especially since we will be on the same ship in a couple of weeks!


One question: I’ve often wondered if the vibrations from the engines and propellers are noticeable in the aft cabins. Did you ever notice it?

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4 hours ago, effinaround said:

Oh yeah, now I remember St. Lucia.  The Piton Beer! I was down there on a Princess cruise (no, not looking for one as I already have one!) last January and most of the islands are just a blurry, hazy memory.


Perhaps the memory is hazy due to too much beer from the Pitons ... and elsewhere? 😉




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2 hours ago, greykitty said:

It's -6 real temperature in Chicago today, and I just found your review.  Your writing, pictures, and lovely family have really made my day - I became so immersed I was actually surprised to look out at some snow falling!  Thank you!


Thanks for following along!  It was something like 36 today in the DC area, and next week, I don't think it will get above freezing at all.  It's been nice reliving our vacation ... makes me almost think I'm still there.  Almost.


I will take a cold Chicago day over a warm DC day anytime!




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1 hour ago, sealover155 said:

Hi Linda - Still following along and dreaming of a cruise to all of the islands you visited.  Just love all the nitty gritty details.  Do your children have a favorite island?  


Our experience in the Caribbean is a bit limited as most of our travels including cruises have taken us elsewhere.  I think we've only been to 4 of the islands.  Don't get mad but we're  moving to Chicago this year after a lifetime in Southern California to be closer to our family.  Since the Caribbean will be a little easier to access I'm hoping it won't be such a hard sell on DH.


Since  you asked, regarding Eastern Europe, put Krakow, and Budapest as well as Prague on the top of your hit parade.  From what you've said about your family I think you'd all be charmed.  Tell your husband that my husband won't go on a river cruise either.  Says he's not old enough.  And he's 76 but acts like and thinks he's 55.


Mary Anne


Yes, I definitely want to visit those cities!  I'd love to do a Viking river cruise, but, well ... you know. 🙂  I hope you have a uneventful and smooth move to Chicago.  I think you are getting the better deal, trading SoCal for Chitown.  No earthquakes and much better sports teams, haha.


I'm not sure if my children had a favorite island.  They rarely not like a place, if you know what I mean.  I think what they tend to remember more are the activities and the things they see.  And, hopefully, the time we spend together.  Then again, they also love Disney World so it's not like they are cultured, seasoned travelers, haha.




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28 minutes ago, sleslie said:

Really enjoying your report, thanks for taking the time to write it. Especially since we will be on the same ship in a couple of weeks!


One question: I’ve often wondered if the vibrations from the engines and propellers are noticeable in the aft cabins. Did you ever notice it?


Hi - Thanks very much for reading!  I hope I finish up with this trip report before you leave, but I know I'm dragging at times.  Stupid work keeps getting in my way ...


I honestly did not feel the vibrations that much from our cabins.  Honestly, on our 2007 Galaxy cruise, we had two aft cabins, but not full aft; they were just close to the back of the ship.  On that cruise, I felt the "rumble" much more, especially when we were docking.  But even then, it did not bother me.  I liked the aft position of our cabins because I thought we didn't feel the sway and motion of the ship that much, especially during rough days when you could definitely feel it more near the front of the ship.  We felt it mostly in the Sky Lounge on certain days, but I know that is up higher and way towards the front.  I really liked our aft cabins and would not hesitate to recommend them!


HTH, but please let me know if you have any other questions!




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9 hours ago, wishuponasea said:

I too am following along on your very entertaining adventures! We cruise in just over 3 weeks on Reflection. Your very entertaining writing style, along with "hearing" what you are doing on sea days as well as port days is very interesting! Our itineraries are different, but we have been to some of the isles you are heading to (only once). Thanks!!  🙂


Hi - Thanks so much for reading and following along!  We are booked on the Reflection ... for its 2020 holiday cruise, haha.  So we've got a while to wait for our next cruise ... or maybe I'll try to sneak one in before that. 😉


I hope you have a great time on your cruise!




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On 1/24/2019 at 6:33 PM, SleepingUgly said:

Day 9 – St. Lucia (cont.)


I swam for quite a while and, when I pretty much resembled a 90-year-old prune, I decided to head back to the beach and hang out with the little one for a bit.  She was in the water, standing maybe only a few feet from shore, and the water was probably only about three feet deep.  And she was laughing hilariously because she was literally surrounded by a huge school of fish.  They were circling about our legs and just hanging out.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), they weren’t the same fish you find in those spas that will nibble the dead skin off your legs and feet, so there goes my free treatment.



Look - you can even see all the fish in the pictures taken from above, outside of the water. 



We relaxed on the beach for a bit.  We were probably there for almost one hour.  It was nice not have been been so rushed.  We had a nice view from our loungers; it was just very relaxing all around. 



While I was standing around with the little one, someone pulled up in a small boat, selling fresh fruit.  I'm pretty sure he was also selling something else - and partaking himself - because I think I got a bit high from just standing near him and his boat.  And then we had the little one, with her big mouth, whiffing the air like a bloodhound and proclaiming loudly, "What is that SMELL?"


A little before 11.30 am, the boat returned to pick us up.  We packed up all our stuff to get back into the boat.  First, we had to wash off our feet, which the little one found to be hilarious. #itsthelittlethings



Once onboard and before we headed out, Shaggy served us water or soda or juice or rum punch.  The oldest and I decided to try the rum punch  Uh ... I think they forgot the "punch" part of that drink because it seemed to have been all rum, mixed with a bit of red food dye 40.  Good Lord ... funky-smelling weed and cheap, hard liquor all at once.  Where am I, back in college? #ididnotinhale  Meanwhile, dh said the Piton beer wasn't too bad.



Love the fish pics! It looks like a great time...and I liked Piton beer too!


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On 1/23/2019 at 1:27 PM, SleepingUgly said:



Welcome back, America (and the rest of the world), to the next installment of “World’s Longest and Most


So it's Day 9, which means we were going to spend the day in St. Lucia.  Dh and I woke up around 7 am to the sight of the ship heading towards the Castries port, and then slowly backing into the lovely, cargo-container side of said port.  It was a tender day – and I don’t mean "tender," as in a day filled with soft kitties and fuzzy blankets and snuggle bunnies.  I mean “tender,” as in – the ship didn’t park next to dry land and we were going to have get into a small, orange boat with 200 of our equally-sweaty fellow passengers to row ourselves to shore.  Or something like that. 




As noted above, we had been told earlier in the cruise that we would be tendering today.  Since we had docked in every other port, we could put up with having to tender in one port. Besides, Celebrity does this on a daily basis so it should be easy peasy, right?  Ah, young grasshopper, much to learn you have … much to learn. 



When did you find out that St. Lucia would be a tender port?

We've been there many times and we've always docked.

We'll be on the Silhouette in a couple of weeks and so far our schedule just says "docked"


Ans, yes, our experience with Celebrities tendering process is that it always seems like the first time they've ever done it.

It's amazing that other cruiselines can do it efficiently isn't it?

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