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X cruiser sails Azamara to Cuba Jan 15 to 24 2019


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Ready for the band



Hotel Casa Granda at the end of the street where the square is



below the balcony



a car pulls up and guys on the street check out the engine












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Hi!  I’m loving your review and your writing style. You had me with the cat story as I will be leaving 3 - including Wreckit Ralph (whose name is actually Ollie) behind when we sail on Azamara Journey in April. 


I love a long review with lots of photos!  My favorite kind. I actually was pointed this way by a kind soul on a Celebrity roll call. We just booked our first Celebrity cruise, so this has a double value!  


Thanks for writing it!


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On 2/1/2019 at 12:12 PM, Bimmer09 said:

Cathy  there are only 2 upcharge restaurants; Aqualina (Italian) and Prime C (steaks). $30 each.

Everything else is included.


Sounds great.the activities on board look nice too..have u tried the spa?


.Enjoying the review. Photos and commentary are amazing....as always!


Have you had much interaction with the Cuban people you encounter along the way?  Are they happy having tourists?


  Clearly now a toss up for us between Azamara and Oceana!

Edited by hcat
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I'm late. I'm late!

I have a note from my ummm errr doctor since you didn't accept my mother's note last time (I can't imagine why)

Actually we were on an Oceania cruise from Miami (where I missed you by two days) to Rio with an after trip to Iguazu Falls.

Now that darned work thing is getting in the way.


Happy to be aboard for another great GSJ (up to page 13).



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9 hours ago, Cyber Kat said:

Hi!  I’m loving your review and your writing style. You had me with the cat story as I will be leaving 3 - including Wreckit Ralph (whose name is actually Ollie) behind when we sail on Azamara Journey in April. 


I love a long review with lots of photos!  My favorite kind. I actually was pointed this way by a kind soul on a Celebrity roll call. We just booked our first Celebrity cruise, so this has a double value!  


Thanks for writing it!


Hi  and thanks for your enthusiasm!

I'm glad you liked the cat story- I just used a couple of cat art pieces we have hanging in our loft to flesh the story out. We always thank Snowy for not being  Wreckit Ralph when we come home after a cruise. She's the kind of cat that would do some dusting or straighten the cat pictures while we are gone. 

I'm glad you like long photo reviews as it's hard for me to write anything else. Having a good camera has made me take more photos as time has gone by.

Which roll call were you reading where you stumbled upon this? I'd like to know whom to thank.

Good to have you onboard!



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6 hours ago, hcat said:

Sounds great.the activities on board look nice too..have u tried the spa?


.Enjoying the review. Photos and commentary are amazing....as always!


Have you had much interaction with the Cuban people you encounter along the way?  Are they happy having tourists?


  Clearly now a toss up for us between Azamara and Oceana!

Hi and thanks for the comment!

Spa? No I never set foot in it even to photograph, which I regret as they are always beautiful spaces. Pampering isn't really my thing or a need I have. That's just  me. It's maybe a Northern Ireland thing, not to be relaxed or soothed unless you have a few pints of Guinness littering the table. I doubt if there was one massage given in the country during my time spent there.I lived in a society with not much sophistication but an awful lot of dry humor used to get through the day. I left when I was 18 and went back for two years 72-74 when finding myself in the midst of two gun battles prompted me to get out.  I do love saunas though.


The Cubans we met (Carol can maybe chime in) were very happy to have Americans visiting and if he were alive I am sure Fidel would. Tourism was something he hoped for when their economy nose-dived after 1989 and the glorious fall of the Berlin wall. They need our dollars.

Paint and concrete were another pair of his wishes and Havana particularly needs more of both. They need to trade with the USA. We trade with all kinds of despotic regimes and the only way back into Cuba is through trade in my opinion. 


One of our guides, I think Lauren in Havana, said she was proud of her country and acknowledged that the city was in disrepair and there was poverty but said "we don't try to hide it. It is what it is and we want to improve it." She said she would love to visit America but it is not easy to get a visa to leave for a visit. My heart went out to her. I travel freely but I always come home and given the chance she might do the same-or never return and that's what the government fears I imagine-a drain on the educated young people. If they can fill the shops with  soft toilet paper and toothpaste then there's a step to keeping people happier with what they have. Do they look unhappy? Not from what I saw. They are strong people with at least on the surface a light spirit.  Casa de la Trova helped show us that. We saw them as all very helpful- even strangers nearby came over to help Carol down some steps when I was snapping photos over there somewhere. I can say we never had an uncomfortable moment-well maybe one but it was my fault and I'll tell you that at the end of our 2nd day in Santiago. It's a story with a happy ending but also shows the Cuban character well. Wait and see.


Do Azamara first. I hate Oceania's  "brochure price/your price" nonsense. They send me one e mail per day. No one on Earth has ever paid the brochure price as it is a fantasy. 50% off is pure BS. All their cruises seem to be 10 days minimum. AZ thrives on overnights which pulled me in to considering them. Azamazing Evenings and White Night are  home runs.


I write as someone who isn't swayed by bells and whistles on ships or hyperbolic claims of excellence.

I knew plenty about Azamara before booking. Carol didn't but she trusted my instincts and it's up to her to say whether I was right or not. I feel I was.


Hope this helps answer your questions.



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7 hours ago, Gordoncruickshank said:

Norris booked the cruise this morning, on our first sea day on Silhouette.

Two thumbs up Gordon!

I have to go check your itinerary. What is the date?


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Back to La Casa de Trova where the band was introduced by my shirt-loving new friend and his words translated by a gentleman in white speaking English.



When the band began it was loud and clear and every molecule of air in that small room was lit by music. A dense rhythm of congas, bongos, maracas and claves, just intoxicating (if you like that sort of thing). The host stepped off the stage and picked one of the passengers to dance with...





another introduction



dance fever broke out






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A couple of dancers appeared from the balcony, he in that polka dot shirt and she in a red dress if I recall and oh, how they danced! With grace, fluidity and much humor. I hope they are on the video I shot coming later. Always smiling. Joie de vivre in practice. She's not in this shot. The energy in the room grew.



something reminiscent of a conga line but without that rhythm  developed and circled the room



"Another Cuba libre por favor", I cried. Emergencia!

Intermission and I stepped onto the balcony for a smoke 



there I met the rhythm guitarist/singer (L) and bass player/singer (R)



The guitarist could speak English which made him understand the compliments I genuinely gave them. He told me they had a CD for 10 CUC. I wanted one but my money was at the table in my camera bag. Hold on, said I and went inside only to find Carol holding up their CD. "Look what I've bought" said she. I took the copy back to the balcony to show the musicians. They were thrilled with our purchase. 



Back inside for more music. They finished with a song I had requested on the balcony- El Cuarto de Tula (Tula's bedroom) which Buena Vista Social Club brought to the fore.

At the beginning the bass player gets another musician from the balcony to take his place while he sings it with much gusto and improvisation (seen in the video).


We thought the band excellent and the thing we most like about Cuba-the musicians par excellence- were represented well in this tiny room. The trumpet player pointed his horn towards the balcony doors so as not to deafen the rhythm guitarist in front of him.  I'll say he was the best trumpeter I have ever heard and I don't even know his name. He reminded me of John Coltrane the saxophonist giant on "A love supreme"....a prodigious talent undiscovered playing in a small, insignificant-within-the-world-outside, club where rum only costs 3 CUC. The guitar player reminded me of my favorite Cuban-Eliades Ochoa. Never looked at his guitar but just blew solo after solo with passion and dexterity. Maybe they don't have the distractions or colleges that we have in the USA and just sit and play, day after day to hone their considerable skills. For very little money I guess.


The two graceful dancers had met me on the balcony during the break and were carrying a little cup for tips. I had no money out there but told them I would see them later in typical Larry David fashion. After the show I went to the balcony and met them there and gave them 5 CUC and they were so delighted I had kept my word, rather than brush them off. I always intend not to be the Ugly American when traveling. They deserved the tip.


Meanwhile our guide had gathered the group together for the bus ride back to the dock. I was missing and Carol was concerned but I was as happy as a clam (odd expression) on that balcony with my rum, my American cigarettes and my warm Cubans. I joined the group, floating on air.



Color me "blown away". 



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9 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:

Hi  and thanks for your enthusiasm!

I'm glad you liked the cat story- I just used a couple of cat art pieces we have hanging in our loft to flesh the story out. We always thank Snowy for not being  Wreckit Ralph when we come home after a cruise. She's the kind of cat that would do some dusting or straighten the cat pictures while we are gone. 

I'm glad you like long photo reviews as it's hard for me to write anything else. Having a good camera has made me take more photos as time has gone by.

Which roll call were you reading where you stumbled upon this? I'd like to know whom to thank.

Good to have you onboard!




One of the members of the Celebrity Equinox Roll Call May 13, 2020 told me I should read your review when I mentioned that we were sailing on Azamara Journey for the first time in April.  


We are going to Charleston, SC and Hamilton, Bermuda from NYC. 


I’m loving your photos!

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Here is the first of the Casa de la Trova video clips I shot. If the music isn't your cup of rum then you can skip the ones that follow, although they feature the dancers and many of the passengers joining in. If you see yourself in the video pop in and say hi.

I'll be uploading them to Youtube this morning and once that is done I'll upload the copies of the Insider from yesterday in Cienfuegos, today in Santiago and move us on to our next long classic car excursion where we will visit Fidel's resting place, watch the changing of the guard in honor of Jose Marti, go way up into the mountains and visit a unique botanic garden. Then that mighty fort followed by lunch on the water.





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Part 3 features the practiced Cuban dancers who entertained us. Don't know why I thought the girl had worn a red dress as she perfectly matches her partner.




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A short one-part 4 with communal dancing. I see my friend Clint halfway through at extreme right taking video with his cell phone (pale blue shirt wearing glasses). The girl with the white shirt and long blond pony tail was our guide. The passengers look miserable and wonder why they came...




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The last video from the club-number 5. My request for El Cuarto de Tula which I missed the beginning of as I was slurping my rum. The bass player caught my eye and gave me a nod and I had to put down my drink and fire up the camcorder. It's the longest one. Their last song of the night. You'll see someone take over on bass a couple of minutes in.



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Our bus back to the dock passed many people in parks or street corners staring at their cell phones. Back at the dock and through security and to a waiting tender for the ride home on the still black water.

Tonight was the night of the Lunar eclipse and although we missed that, being in the club, the moon was high and not his/her usual color. People were laying on the loungers on deck 9 taking pics of it with their cameras/phones. I stood.



And so to bed, to sleep, perchance to dream....


Our excursion tomorrow would begin at 8 a.m and last 8 hours. So we were up early.




I would love to show you a radiant sunrise but look at those clouds-that's right-there are none so a big ball of exploding hydrogen is going to pop over that hill and damage my camera sensor

and saute my eyeball.

I had to look away



After breakfast in Discoveries and a quick application of sunscreen we hit deck 3 and caught a tender ashore. And that's where we'll see you next...


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The tender ride ashore in Santiago de Cuba takes about 15 minutes so here's something to read during that time. It is The Insider from Cienfuegos.






Edited by Bimmer09
cut photos
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We are touring today with Out of the Box tours from Santiago de Cuba. The manager is Yoennis

(Joe) who is a pleasure to deal with via email. We are to meet our guide and driver on the dock next to the Cuba sign, which we saw on the way in...



Once through the security/immigration we walked out to the street through a narrow opening in the gates where a security officer stands. We pass through and walk past several taxi drivers offering tours but we politely decline and walk towards our meeting place.


Hmm, left one of the Rs from my name. That's our guide Maite and behind her (unknown to me as I had never seen a pic)is Yoennis.


I would be speaking to him soon as when Maite led us to our car it was a yellow 21st.Century taxi. "No, this won't do" said I. "I ordered a classic car" Maite called Joe over and he checked my 

first e mail where I chose classic over modern. He apologized profusely and got on his cell and within 10 minutes we had a classic. A red and white 1956 (last year they were made) Ford Customline.

Our new driver is Adrian.




We are headed to the mountains but first Carol wants to visit the cemetery where Fidel Castro lies. No problem.






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On 2/23/2019 at 3:11 PM, CruiserRob said:

I'm late. I'm late!

I have a note from my ummm errr doctor since you didn't accept my mother's note last time (I can't imagine why)

Actually we were on an Oceania cruise from Miami (where I missed you by two days) to Rio with an after trip to Iguazu Falls.

Now that darned work thing is getting in the way.


Happy to be aboard for another great GSJ (up to page 13).



Robert, your last note from your mother gave the game away....it was signed "my mother"

However duplicitous you may be you are still welcome in my GSJs.

Miami to Rio on Oceania? Wow! Was it your first Oceania cruise and if so how was it?

Iguazi Falls too? I hope you took a whole bunch of pics! Are you writing a review?


Cheers and welcome!


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Your first tour in Santiago looks amazing.  Can't wait to see your second day.


White Nights looked a little too crowded for my taste.  It looks to be a very nice unique evening though.


Belated happy birthday to you Mr. Norris.  So glad you enjoyed your birthday dinner.  There is a Trulucks in Houston but I never partook when I lived there.  


Thank you again and so enjoying!

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On 2/15/2019 at 8:07 PM, Bimmer09 said:

Gordon I highlighted in red some parts of your response that caught my eye.

I have only been on one Azamara cruise as you know but based on our experiences (speaking for Carol too) we were "well looked after" and the food was the best cruise food to date in any of the venues (patio, MDR and buffet) Carol also speaks highly of her experiences in Mosaic Cafe which I didn't try. The caveat is that we paid more for a basic verandah cabin than a 500 sq ft suite on Princess but we got 9 days at sea vs Princess for 7 days. However drinks and gratuities were included. We are Elite on Princess but they (and X) don't go to Cuba and aren't as immersive (overnights, Azamazing Evening) as Azamara, the very thing that drew me to Az.

Carol had to trust me as she has no time to do the research I do on the computer. I had a hunch (the chiropractor is helping me lose it) that Az would be a good fit for us.

We had sailed on Princess' version of the Journey  (Venice to Rome 2014) in their owners suite on deck 6 (6088) so the size of the Journey wasn't a shock as it may be coming from the S Class. If you don't mind relaxing in a refined (not snooty) atmosphere with loose yet professional staff then you may enjoy Azamara. In my opinion now based on experience they deliver a very good product. At no point in our cruise did we feel we made an expensive mistake.


With regard to X current pricing-if people fill the ship they will be encouraged to keep the pricing up. Our Norway cruise for 7 days in an aft S1 suite costs the same as our Ocean Princess cruise in a gigantic suite with a massive balcony and will tie that as our most expensive cruise ever. But-it's the Silhouette which we both love and the X suite treatment is the best we have had so far (see my Princess vs Celebrity photo comparison) and it's the Norwegian Fjords which may be a one time bucket list thing. It also gets us to visit London which Carol hasn't set foot in since 1972 and I haven't been there since 1994 and I lived there from 70-72 and again from 74 to 86.


I will be interested in any review of your MSC Yacht Club experience. Which ship? The YC always sounds great but then it's only a tiny part of a huge vessel. I have no hankering so far to try any Italian Cruise line as horrific reviews abound and I've seen the Costa series on TV and ran screaming into the night. I feel safer with American cruise lines where competition breeds excellence and where restless innovation drives the new-builds, even though I am happy enough with no bells or whistles. I basically need a ship guided by a Master who leads a strong team, with a comfy bed, functional bathroom, aft cabins, an Executive chef who isn't tired or bored, some drinks with rum in them and a place to smoke. Anything else is gravy. I don't need bros chugging down brewskis, doing cannonballs into the swimming pool, hairy chest contests or entertainment that features men putting balloons down their shirts pretending to be broad caricatures of women. I'm over 10 years old by now.

I want to sail to interesting places and when I am done savoring them return to a ship that feels like home, where I am shown respect but not fawned upon. Azamara fit me well but I may not be the average cruiser. I have worked on a ship and know how hard it is to be "on" all the time.

Every waiter and bartender, cook and dishwasher, musician and deck hand has my respect.


But I digress.

I hope you'll return to tell me you have made an Azamara booking when on the Silhouette. What itinerary has caught your eye?


Thanks for your response!



This whole conversation intrigues me. I’m reading your excellent review because we are sailing on the Journey in April - first time on the line and the ship. But we have also just booked Celebrity Equinox in a Sky Suite for next spring - also first time for both line and ship. 


Much of our earlier cruises were done on Carnival because it was what family, who we were cruising with, could afford, but we’re done with that whole scene for the most part.  I can’t say we ever had a bad cruise but we knew there was something better. We prefer smaller ships with less people. Equinox is at the top of our preferred size, but I think the suite will work out well. 


We have done 3 Viking cruises and have 2 more booked. We absolutely love the Viking onboard experience, but I keep telling everyone that we’re not going steady 😎. They are pricey and their final payment policy wrecks havoc when you are trying to book multiple cruises. Thus we have cruises booked with Azamara and Celebrity. I think both will be a good fit. 


Now I have to find your Celebrity reviews. 



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