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Rhine water levels 2020 and similar topics


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On 3/16/2020 at 5:06 PM, gnome12 said:

I'm still a bit in limbo. My trip isn't until May 21st and while I don't expect it to go, no one is cancelling that far in advance. I can't do anything about my (currently) non-refundable flights yet, nor have they cancelled the bike and barge yet. When that happens, I will cancel my hotel reservations, and hopefully my train reservations.


if the unhappy situation arises and your cruise is cancelled due to coronavirus, there is a good chance that you can get your ticket for Deutsche Bahn refunded. The good will gesture by the company is that if the original purpose of your travel is no longer there, i.e. the cruise in your case - for others it is football matches, concerts and the like -, one can get one's money back. This offer does not run into May at the moment but things can change. Official statement needed by the cruise company of course. I think it is worth to keep that in the back of your mind, should the situation arise.




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On 3/16/2020 at 5:06 PM, gnome12 said:

I'm looking forward to a few virtual events, Choir!ntine: EPIC Social Distan-Sing-Along! Tuesday night with a bunch of songs about friends and helping others, and a virtual play on Sunday afternoon from a small theatre that I go to. Just a few things to lighten the alone-ness.

It has been a weird day of more news of lock downs and quarantines around Europe and the first "just a few shops open" shopping trips here in Germany. The weather being lovely many people are out and about but they tend to be the young ones who are normally at school or university and those that are retired and still dare to go out. Many are in home office and the others are still going about their daily jobs.


In times like these the modern digital world can be a blessing to connect and also look at the places in virtual reality that one would normally visit. One such regional event is the cherry blossom season in Bonn. As nobody is allowed to gather at such places as part of an event, it is nice that the locals have a website on which one can see the status of the blossoms. Here it is: https://www.kirschbluete-bonn.de/blog-3/

They are not ready yet as one can see.



The forsythia shrubs are in splendid bloom though and the narcissus flowers add to the display of yellow in gardens and parks. More on this, as I said above, a little later - meaning tomorrow or depending on sunshine the day after.


I will also look for a few more websites to keep you connected to the river cruising areas of the Rhine.


Till then.




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Let us not mention figures today, but rather stress that everyone counts. It is up to each of us, each individual person has the power to do something against the coronavirus.We are not helpless. Our chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the nation yesterday. I think the message came across well. She normally only addresses the nation in the form of a New Year's message. So yesterday was a big deal.


The underlying idea is also: stick by the rules, or this will get worse and the government will introduce stricter measures.


I saw the police today, checking distances of tables from each other in cafés.


According to our health minister the situation is not going to return to normal any time soon. "It is more likely to take several months than several weeks", he said. The people in Berlin like to be brutally honest with us. To help us through this time of waiting, anxiety and boredom we can explore our gardens, houses and flats and when we return to the kitchen perhaps do some cooking or baking. As we are in the Rhine thread and should at least loosely stick to the subject, I give you this recipe courtesy of Deutsche Welle. Why not try out baking black forest gateau, the black forest being a popular region explored on most Rhine river itineraries: https://m.dw.com/en/how-to-make-black-forest-gateau/av-52809599 




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8 hours ago, notamermaid said:

Let us not mention figures today, but rather stress that everyone counts. It is up to each of us, each individual person has the power to do something against the coronavirus.We are not helpless. Our chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the nation yesterday. I think the message came across well. She normally only addresses the nation in the form of a New Year's message. So yesterday was a big deal.


The underlying idea is also: stick by the rules, or this will get worse and the government will introduce stricter measures.


I saw the police today, checking distances of tables from each other in cafés.


According to our health minister the situation is not going to return to normal any time soon. "It is more likely to take several months than several weeks", he said. The people in Berlin like to be brutally honest with us. To help us through this time of waiting, anxiety and boredom we can explore our gardens, houses and flats and when we return to the kitchen perhaps do some cooking or baking. As we are in the Rhine thread and should at least loosely stick to the subject, I give you this recipe courtesy of Deutsche Welle. Why not try out baking black forest gateau, the black forest being a popular region explored on most Rhine river itineraries: https://m.dw.com/en/how-to-make-black-forest-gateau/av-52809599 





That looks delicious!!   Thank you for posting Notamermaid.   I've learned a new way to put cherries in Black Forest Gateau.  I usually just dot the cherries in the cream but I like the nice thick filling - 


In these challenging times some cheerfulness and joy is appreciated.



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21 hours ago, helpmesailaway said:


That looks delicious!!   Thank you for posting Notamermaid.   I've learned a new way to put cherries in Black Forest Gateau.  I usually just dot the cherries in the cream but I like the nice thick filling - 


In these challenging times some cheerfulness and joy is appreciated.



Good to read you enjoyed it, helpmesailaway. Makes one hungry to watch the video.


But for those who are not so much into baking or eating cakes, here are three videos of an area that is in my opinion a bit underdeveloped as a pre- or post-cruise on Rhine itineraries, Lake Constance and its islands:











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6 minutes ago, notamermaid said:

Good to read you enjoyed it, helpmesailaway. Makes one hungry to watch the video.


But for those who are not so much into baking or eating cakes, here are three videos of an area that is in my opinion a bit underdeveloped as a pre- or post-cruise on Rhine itineraries, Lake Constance and its islands:













yes!!!  notamermaid - the video made me very hungry!  - and I'm craving a BIG piece to the Black Forest Gateau - right now!!

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Keep calm and go for a Sonntagsspaziergang


The famous British wartime motto, which has been a bit overused in various marketing ways in recent years, can perhaps be helpful again in these times of crisis. We need to try and carry on and not steal each other's toilet paper or shout at each other in the queue at the pharmacists. Us Germans are slowly but finally (hooray!) learning the art of British queueing. And what do the British do? Empty their supermarket shelves and drive to Brighton and Bridlington beaches in their thousands! That is  n o t  the way to avoid the virus, you take it with you, spread it around, and bring it home with you that way. Stop it!!


Okay, deep breath, calm down. Right, Sonntagsspaziergang, that is the way to do it. It is the Sunday afternoon stroll, alone, with family or a few friends. To parks, into the forests, or even just window shopping in town. In these modern times, you are allowed to take the car, but the reason must be to get to nature and/or solitude. The ritual of walk with coffee and cake as a treat after an invigorating walk - or stroll for those who prefer a slower pace - has fallen a little out of fashion in recent years, but perhaps it will make a return even if only out of necessity. Problem is: the cake. With fewer cafés around in some areas and many closed for hygiene reasons, one may have to resort to the supermarket variety. Or, of course, bake yourself, see the delicious gateau in the link in a post above. 😃 

Here is an American lady's experience of the Sonntagsspaziergang: https://www.dw.com/en/an-ode-to-the-sunday-walk-in-the-park-a-classic-german-ritual/a-52332823 

We have been told by the authorities here in Rhineland-Palatinate that if we are good girls and boys, they will not take our right for the ritual away. What I mean is that if we keep our distance and not gather in more than five people this weekend, we will be allowed to go outside for leisure still next weekend. So far, police reports say we are behaving.


I must admit, I have switched the German ritual for the tea and biscuits British version. Nevertheless, I am off after lunch to look at daffodils and in search of a café or bakery that may be open and have some cake left.


Stay safe.




Edited by notamermaid
Wrong word
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Notamermaid, thank you so much for your posts! They brighten my day in these grim times.  Spring is here in Maryland, and my yard is full of daffodils.  I hope you find your cake today.  If the stores still have the ingredients in stock, I plan on making the Black Forest Cake recipe you posted. Sounds delicious!

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Thank you for your kind words. On my walk I came past a nursing home and an ambulance was standing outside. The relatives of the person in distress had just arrived and were talking to the medic. Then later I heard from a friend that he had received an official message that a person who had posted positive had named him as a contact. Now he needs to go into quarantine at home for 14 days. He is self-employed and on immune system supressing medication. He himself has tested negative (he had been feeling unwell and had had a test done). Difficult times for so many people.


I am alright and as tourism is virtually non existent right now I can neither work with the public nor continue with any project. Everything is put on hold for me. But my contract is good I only loose weekend bonuses. No home office next week either. After that we will see. I am on a weird kind of holiday with the days sort of blending into one another...


The piece of cake, yes, success! I found a bakery and got a Zupfkuchen. It is a chocolate and vanilla cake, without cream in the filling, a bit more dense in the dough, but not too heavy. Seen it, bought it, eaten it. Sorry, forgot to take a photo. 😀




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Notamermaid;  thanks for all the info you've provided.  AMA offically cancelled our May cruise;  they cancelled everything through 1 Jun for now.  You've provided so much info.  Will wait until things clear up around the world; then look at booking a river cruise for next year.  

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Sorry to read that. The situation as it stands, I think it was to be expected and other companies will probably follow suit. Seeing that the whole of Germany is now on "no gatherings of more than two people" and no hotels are available for leisure purposes we more or less have got rid of tourism for two weeks minimum. The situation will be observed during this time and if the government is not happy with the result, the measures will be continued for longer, or even made tighter. I cannot see life returning to normal before June and the river cruise companies being able to provide the experience they offer in the brochures.


I hope you stay in good health and will be able to have a great river cruise next year.




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Travel Advisory on AMA's website


Along with the rest of the world, we at AmaWaterways are experiencing an extraordinary and unprecedented situation related to COVID-19. In light of the latest developments, we are temporarily suspending our river cruise operations until May 31, 2020 at this time.

*Future Cruise Credit (FCC) equal to 115% of the value of the funds that AmaWaterways has received for all purchased services through AmaWaterways, and may be applied towards any river cruise for travel by December 31, 2022. This is only applicable to cruises affected by suspended operations. FCC can be used to cover all charges related to AmaWaterways services and can be applied to cruise deposits. FCC has no cash value. FCC is transferrable with written confirmation provided by original FCC owner. Upon the expiration of the FCC on December 31, 2022, guests unable to use their FCC may ask for a refund equal to the original amount paid to AmaWaterways. Standard AmaWaterways Cancellation Policy and other restrictions will apply to the FCC. These conditions are subject to change or withdrawal at any time. CST#2065452-20.

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The Netherlands have extended their anti-corona- actions. All gatherings are forbidden until June 1st (look here https://www.government.nl/latest/news/2020/03/23/stricter-measures-to-control-coronavirus )


So at least the Amsterdam bit of Rhine cruises will be affected, but I do not see any river cruises in Europe in May and probably even beyond.. Stay healthy and stay @home.

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Thanks for the info, AnhaltER1960. I know the rules apply to the whole country but for a large city like Amsterdam the measures are vital to keep it from turning into a "spreading haven" I think with close proximity of many people, especially public transport. Talking of spreading. Until about ten days ago Britain was much behind in strict measures - apart from school closures and advice to the general public of the social distancing, the observance of which was in my words "full of holes" - and I felt the urge to call dear people in London and tell them to "get out of the city, you do not know what is coming". I was glad to read that rules where much stricter at the weekend, but the behaviour of people flocking to the beaches and filling cafés and amusement arcades beggared belief. So I am glad that Mr. Johnson has now told all the naughty adults (the children did not jump into their cars and drove them to the beach) to stay at home or else.


Back to large cities: This morning I was appalled to read that the London underground is still packed! 338 people have died of the Coronavirus disease in the UK so far, 130 of those in London. I fully agree with  "London Transport" saying:  fewer people need to travel or people will die.


This is the chain we all need to help break: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/health-52008673/uk-lockdown-why-does-staying-at-home-stop-coronavirus 


How about offering taxi rides at cheap rates for key workers such as hospital staff instead?!


Around where I live public transport is reduced, no talking to or paying the bus driver, regional trains are running on a reduced timetable as well. People living close to airports say how "lovely and quiet" it is now...


I am loosing track of the date and day of the week. Main orientation that structures my daily life as regards calendar are birthdays! No idea when I will be back at work in near normal conditions, April or May? Who knows. Life's pace is slowing down and I am enjoying it. Oh, and the neighbour's cats are getting even more attention from me these days. 😀 


Take care.




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25 years ago, on March 26th 1995, the Schengen agreement came into being. Border controls between the original five countries that had signed the treaty ceased to exist on that day. This is what it is about: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schengen_Agreement 


Twenty-five years on, what has been able to cause the (temporary) fall is not war or a threat of that kind, but a virus. But then it has been called a war we are fighting. These are border controls and restrictions due to Covid-19 in the list: https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-visas/schengen/reintroduction-border-control_en 


France in the region of Grand Est, especially Strasbourg, is desperate. They have asked the German military for help. It is a grim day, little that can lift my spirits.


My friend who is in quarantine has got cabin fever and a bug that he is trying to fight that is not coronavirus, thankfully. Keeping his spirits up, better than me.


The news here for tourism on the Rhine is that KD (Köln Düsseldorfer), who have the largest fleet of excursion boats, have postponed the start of the sailing season to 1 May. It would normally have been around Easter. But it could be moved even further into the year.


It is sad to see no river cruise ships sailing. But they will come again. I am so much looking forward to it.


Till then, stay safe, wash hands, hide behind the sofa. Hope you all get the help and support you need and have something and somebody to make you laugh and happy.




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1 hour ago, notamermaid said:

25 years ago, on March 26th 1995, the Schengen agreement came into being. Border controls between the original five countries that had signed the treaty ceased to exist on that day. This is what it is about: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schengen_Agreement 


Twenty-five years on, what has been able to cause the (temporary) fall is not war or a threat of that kind, but a virus. But then it has been called a war we are fighting. These are border controls and restrictions due to Covid-19 in the list: https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-visas/schengen/reintroduction-border-control_en 


France in the region of Grand Est, especially Strasbourg, is desperate. They have asked the German military for help. It is a grim day, little that can lift my spirits.


My friend who is in quarantine has got cabin fever and a bug that he is trying to fight that is not coronavirus, thankfully. Keeping his spirits up, better than me.


The news here for tourism on the Rhine is that KD (Köln Düsseldorfer), who have the largest fleet of excursion boats, have postponed the start of the sailing season to 1 May. It would normally have been around Easter. But it could be moved even further into the year.


It is sad to see no river cruise ships sailing. But they will come again. I am so much looking forward to it.


Till then, stay safe, wash hands, hide behind the sofa. Hope you all get the help and support you need and have something and somebody to make you laugh and happy.




Good to ear from you! I check on you twice a day and I don’t even know you! Interesting how normal life is completely on hold..... My cousin west of Cologne celebrated her 75 birthday alone a couple of days ago. 70 years ago she spent her 5th birthday fleeing from the Russians with her Mother, seven siblings and my 25 year old mother. I was her 76th phone call and not the last! She baked herself a cherry Streuselkuchen ! 
take care and be safe!

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On 3/18/2020 at 8:00 PM, notamermaid said:



I will also look for a few more websites to keep you connected to the river cruising areas of the Rhine.


I would like to fulfill my promise today with an article on a most unusual barge. Bonn is celebrating Beethoven's 250th birthday this year. The early Spring events had to be cancelled and so had the journey of the music barge, formerly known as Jenny the coal barge. Here is the story: https://www.dw.com/en/corona-cant-stop-the-bthvn2020-music-barge/a-52943099 


And for those who would like to know a bit more about Beethoven in Bonn, here is the page of the virtual tour through the Beethoven-Haus: https://da.beethoven.de/sixcms/list.php?page=rundgang_en&sprache=en&_mid=Virtueller Rundgang&_mid=Virtual visit 




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We received an email today from Viking that said.... "we have made the decision to extend our temporary suspension of operations through June 30, 2020".    We were scheduled for a May 13 Rhine cruise.    So,  I guess we'll have to wait until next year when we have scheduled a Danube cruise with Viking.    Maybe we'll be able to get to the Rhine in 2022.   


I really want to thank notamermaid for the contributions to this community.   All the best to everyone and please stay safe.

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19 minutes ago, AF-1 said:

jerryd1; when did Viking notify you that your cruise was cancelled.  AMA Waterways told my travel agent two weeks ago.  Our Rhine sailing was 10 May

 They told our TA and sent us an email this morning about 11am.

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15 hours ago, jerryd1 said:

We received an email today from Viking that said.... "we have made the decision to extend our temporary suspension of operations through June 30, 2020".    We were scheduled for a May 13 Rhine cruise.    So,  I guess we'll have to wait until next year when we have scheduled a Danube cruise with Viking.    Maybe we'll be able to get to the Rhine in 2022.   


I really want to thank notamermaid for the contributions to this community.   All the best to everyone and please stay safe.


Thank you jerryd1.


Sorry to read that your cruise has been cancelled. I think it is very fair of Viking to make this decision so early in the year. I cannot see river cruising being possible before June at all and even June is sketchy right now already.


I hope the Danube cruise you have planned will be everything you wish for and hope to speak to you again latest then. And nice to read you are thinking of the Rhine for 2022 already!


Take care.




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On 3/27/2020 at 1:45 AM, Wannawander said:

Good to ear from you! I check on you twice a day and I don’t even know you! Interesting how normal life is completely on hold..... My cousin west of Cologne celebrated her 75 birthday alone a couple of days ago. 70 years ago she spent her 5th birthday fleeing from the Russians with her Mother, seven siblings and my 25 year old mother. I was her 76th phone call and not the last! She baked herself a cherry Streuselkuchen ! 
take care and be safe!

Hello  Wannawander,

Thank you for checking on me, that is very kind. I am fine, life is going along at its new slower pace and today is a lovely sunny Spring day. The references to war are all over the news and in the rhetoric of people, but although we are fighting an invisible enemy I feel safer and think we are more comfortable than our relatives were 70 years ago. I mean, my heating system has got something wrong with it and needs a plumber but I am not running out of coal to heat my house!


And how much more connected we are to keep each other company in bad times. Yesterday, I noticed that I did not have my colleague's e-mail address at home (we are both unable to work in our annex building) so I put a postcard in her letter box. Later in the day we had a long phone call together.


Kirschstreusel, yummy! I have an English cookery book, well, baking German cakes book I should say. I cannot find it right now, so here is a recipe which sounds as if it should work well: https://cheerfulcook.com/cherry-crumble/

I have just noticed that Kirschstreusel has seven consonants one after the other, that is quite a handful, even for German!


And in Wales, as people are not allowed to go out anymore, they have employed goats to trim hedges and rip out weeds!*


*It is April Fool's Day, so please forgive me for making an attempt at half a joke. The goats are actually slowly taking over a town, here is the proof: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-52103967


Imagine walking down your deserted street and being run over by a herd of goats when turning round the corner!


Find fun and laughter in these difficult times, in the smallest things, and stay connected to dear people, everyone.






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From what my humble self has learnt over the last few years, the Danube is least likely to have problems from June to mid-August and in December. But it would be unfair to say the other times are not good. It really depends also on where on the Danube you sail. If you start or end in Vilshofen just North of Passau you avoid the area worst in drought for example. I also refer here only to Regensburg to Budapest in my general assessment as I am not familiar with the river further downstream. katmu asked earlier in the year about sailing in November and I gave them this answer in post #5: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2721657-danube-water-levels-2020-and-similar-topics-plus-tips-and-info/#comments


Hope this helps.




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