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Passport-less Family with Sick Child Stuck Aboard Norwegian Ship


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@TSUmom Where/when did a Disney cruise come up? Sorry don't have FB.


Sorry just saw that @A&L_Ont posted she's asking Disney to give them a cruise to show them how it's done or something...Is she planning on having her kid become ill on their ship as well just to make sure it's apples to apples? 😞



Edited by JennyB1977
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4 minutes ago, Petals22 said:

Why does everything have to be played out on social media? Then get the tv stations involved? NCL did what they could for the child.  I dont think social services needs to get involved.  The parents were given options. The child wasnt denied care. 



For the money grab, clearly.  I'm sure she's already contacted the Ellen Show 🙄

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11 hours ago, Shayhooper said:

To be fair, the Facebook fundraiser has just over $10k in donation as of a few minutes ago, which will likely go toward the $13k accrued in medical costs on the ship and the additional cost for the land based hospital they have been in for a few days.  Also, I've watched all the videos she has posted and read all of her posts and she has always said that the cut happened the night before embarking.  Additionally, she has always been clear that being medevaced was not an option because they didn't have passports.


That said, I agree with everyone else that NCL did all they could with their limited abilities in the ship medical facility.  They are also well within their rights to ask for payment for services rendered before the family disembarked.  Knowing their capabilities, I'm not surprised that NCL also recommended that they seek medical care from a hospital in Mexico.  Hopefully with some time this family will come to appreciate what NCL did to provide medical care with the limited resources they had.


BUT, I also understand that this family is traumatized and they deserve a little grace.  Given the choice between medical care in Mexico which still would have have needed to be paid in full before leaving while also being stranded there for an indefinite amount of time while passports were worked out, and staying on the ship knowing they would be back in the states in a few days, I'm not sure what I would have chosen.  Of course the options would have been different if they had passports but they didn't.  Monday morning quarterbacking the choices they did have with comments like money grab and CPS needs to be involved is simply unwarranted.  



She claims she had travel insurance which should cover 99% of the ship's bill.  Once you get back home you are typically no longer covered by the travel insurance and you regular health insurance kicks in.  I even get it that she might have started the money requests when she thought she might need to pay a Mexican hospital, buy passports, and pay airfare, but once it was determined that wasn't going to happen, she should have ended the donation requests.


As to what I would have done?  Simple. Gotten a list of approved clinics/hospitals from the embassy, then cross reference it with the Emergency Assistance Program on my credit card or through my travel insurance. Then I would have taken my child to the hospital, and when he was well enough, paid for tickets and flown home. Once I got home I'd hand it all over to the travel insurance and get reimbursed.  I wouldn't have traveled outside the US without passports and enough of a credit line (or better yet, cash in the bank that can be wired) to handle any emergency.  

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11 hours ago, SeaShark said:


You see, the problem isn't getting stranded, the problem isn't paying the bill, th problem isn't the lack of a passport....the problem here is the health of a child. Period.


NOTHING should have come before the health of the child. Child #1....all other considerations #2. Let's stop worrying about money and passports and focus on what really matters.

Had she had passports they could have been on a flight back to Orlando that afternoon and been at Arnold Palmer (world class children's hospital) within six or so hours of leaving the ship. 


So yeah, it really is all about being responsible enough to have passports and emergency cash/credit lines when traveling.  And the more I think about it, that would have been the course of action I would have taken.  I would have left the ship, flown home from the first port, and gotten medical care at home.  The kid would most likely be out of the hospital and back in school by now if she had taken that route.

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11 hours ago, Shayhooper said:


Agreed, medical care for the child was the most important issue.


They had a choice between a facility they were told was not adequate from the embassy and the ship's facility.  Again, the embassy told them not to get off the ship.  If I was given that advice from the American embassy, I likely would have taken it too.  When given conflicting advice, NCL saying get off the ship and the embassy saying don't leave the ship, it seems harsh to castigate this family for choosing one over the other.


Again, I think NCL did everything they could for this family and all of this would have been a nonissue if they had passports.  I'm just not ready to jump on the call CPS bandwagon.


Edit to add:  I am still convinced that the go-fund page on facebook was for accrued medical expenses but I will have to rethink my position if I see a lawsuit against NCL filed.

I'm not so sure the embassy told them that.  I think the mother heard what she wanted to hear, and more than likely the embassy told her that she would be responsible for the bill and that it would take them three days to process emergency passports for them--which they would also have to pay for.  that translated in the mother's head to "Don't get off the ship because it will cost you money you don't have."


The mother claims she has travel insurance, so there's no reason to be asking anyone for money for medical expenses.

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9 hours ago, Sotermarler said:

I live in AZ near the border and I have been with a couple friends who recently traveled back and forth to Mexico with just a driver’s license. They had no issues at all. The agent asked them where their passport was and they said they didn’t have one, and let them through. 


I do realize Cozumel isn’t a border town and I’m not suggesting that this is a good idea to try, but if you are having an emergency, I think it’s worth risking it. 

They probably had enhanced licenses.  If not, the agent should be fired for breaking the law.

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13 hours ago, FitchburgWIFamily said:

I am soooo confused.  Can any of my cruise critics friends tell me what it is she wanted NCL to do differently?  Not charge her for medical care?  Is that the issue?    Is she blaming the ship for the infection?  Does she think they did something that made it go septic?




What specifically did NCL do that was wrong?


I believe she didn't want to be charged for medical care, because she didn't have the money on her credit card and she said they cut off her key card, so she couldn't buy coffee or water.


She is blaming the ship, because as one fb post said, he probably touched some place on the ship that was dirty.  He did get the injury off the ship...he fell out of bed before embarkation.


Her friend on fb said that the medical staff didn't tell the Captain when it first got infected, I guess so he would turn around and go back, so that is why he became septic.


Also, a post on fb said they are speaking with an attorney.


I wonder if, when they get reibursed by their travel insurance for medical bills, will they return the money that was donated to the?

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Just now, ducklite said:

I'm not so sure the embassy told them that.  I think the mother heard what she wanted to hear, and more than likely the embassy told her that she would be responsible for the bill and that it would take them three days to process emergency passports for them--which they would also have to pay for.  that translated in the mother's head to "Don't get off the ship because it will cost you money you don't have."


The mother claims she has travel insurance, so there's no reason to be asking anyone for money for medical expenses.

That is what bothers me....if you have travel insurance then why beg for money and then file a lawsuit against the cruise line?  I guess she can take the money given to her to get passports along with her free Disney Cruise.  

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The more I think about the fundraiser the more annoyed I become. Don't those type of things have T&Cs? I haven't seen the wording of the "ask" b/c I don't have FB but if it's shown they had insurance to cover what they were asking people to donate isn't that fraud?


I love google. Here is what she said in the post about starting the fundraiser...

"What was supposed to be an amazing family vacation has now turned into a fight for my baby. Roman is 4. He fell out of his bed at 2 am on Friday morning and hit the corner of his eyebrow on his toy track. He had a small little cut there that I cleaned and left alone. It looked fine. I guess being a 4 year old you don’t think about what they touch and how much they touch their face. In 24 hours Roman wound up with an infection that made his whole eyelid swell. The dr on the boat did bloodwork and said he was septic. From there we have been doing everything we can to save him. He is on iv antibiotics and pain meds. When we get into Mexico this afternoon they want to get us to the nearest hospital that is 3 hours away. That would mean that we will be stuck in Mexico. Unfortunately we do not have passports. (Let this be a lesson learned) With that being said, If we go to this hospital that means we have to go get emergency passports and will be stuck in Mexico for 3 days. I didn’t plan for this. We need to get back home. Our funds are very limited and I am not a person that asks for help. I am creating this fundraiser to help me get my baby home so he can get the proper treatment. Any and everything helps. Thank you to my very amazing friends who convinced me to do this. I love you all. Please keep praying for my baby"


1) They are now back home fundraiser should be shut down.

2) She NEVER mentions the travel insurance will reimburse them for OOP costs!

3) I am confused as to timing he fell out of his bed at 2am on the 7th/8th. They boarded on the 8th and she posted this on the 9th. That seems really quick!

Edited by JennyB1977
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2 minutes ago, JennyB1977 said:

The more I think about the fundraiser the more annoyed I become. Don't those type of things have T&Cs? I haven't seen the wording of the "ask" b/c I don't have FB but if it's shown they had insurance to cover what they were asking people to donate isn't that fraud?

I would think it as fraud and I often wonder how many "go fund me" are fraud. 

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It’s a scam if nothing else.  Bashing NCL and the insurance company and consulate.    Insurance would have covered her and a good portion of ncl medical.  Once she refused to go to the hospital insurance can tell her to pound sand.    She didn’t need to be airlifted because she was docked at Cozumel where there are good doctors most who speak English.   Many ex-pats live there.      How many suckers were scammed into thinking their donations were going to get this boy airlifted off the ship.   I believe Cozumel was the only port of call.     She set up this go fund me instead of getting off the ship and was talking to reporters.  And we take her word and embellishments. She should be sued to return the money.  Outrageous 

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1 hour ago, NLH Arizona said:

She is blaming the ship, because as one fb post said, he probably touched some place on the ship that was dirty.  He did get the injury off the ship...he fell out of bed before embarkation.


Who wants to bet that the kid went in water with an open wound and that's how it got infected? 

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1 hour ago, JennyB1977 said:

The more I think about the fundraiser the more annoyed I become. Don't those type of things have T&Cs? I haven't seen the wording of the "ask" b/c I don't have FB but if it's shown they had insurance to cover what they were asking people to donate isn't that fraud?


I love google. Here is what she said in the post about starting the fundraiser...

"What was supposed to be an amazing family vacation has now turned into a fight for my baby. Roman is 4. He fell out of his bed at 2 am on Friday morning and hit the corner of his eyebrow on his toy track. He had a small little cut there that I cleaned and left alone. It looked fine. I guess being a 4 year old you don’t think about what they touch and how much they touch their face. In 24 hours Roman wound up with an infection that made his whole eyelid swell. The dr on the boat did bloodwork and said he was septic. From there we have been doing everything we can to save him. He is on iv antibiotics and pain meds. When we get into Mexico this afternoon they want to get us to the nearest hospital that is 3 hours away. That would mean that we will be stuck in Mexico. Unfortunately we do not have passports. (Let this be a lesson learned) With that being said, If we go to this hospital that means we have to go get emergency passports and will be stuck in Mexico for 3 days. I didn’t plan for this. We need to get back home. Our funds are very limited and I am not a person that asks for help. I am creating this fundraiser to help me get my baby home so he can get the proper treatment. Any and everything helps. Thank you to my very amazing friends who convinced me to do this. I love you all. Please keep praying for my baby"


1) They are now back home fundraiser should be shut down.

2) She NEVER mentions the travel insurance will reimburse them for OOP costs!

3) I am confused as to timing he fell out of his bed at 2am on the 7th/8th. They boarded on the 8th and she posted this on the 9th. That seems really quick!


I also find it impossibly hard to believe that the ship doctor wouldn't have kicked them off the ship and called an ambulance if the kid was truly septic. Being septic is unbelievably serious and can kill you quickly and undoubtedly need more specialized care than a ship can provide and ship doctors absolutely do not allow people to stay on board if it's beyond what they can handle. 

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1 hour ago, ducklite said:

Had she had passports they could have been on a flight back to Orlando that afternoon and been at Arnold Palmer (world class children's hospital) within six or so hours of leaving the ship. 


So yeah, it really is all about being responsible enough to have passports and emergency cash/credit lines when traveling.  


^^^^^^ This........It's called be and Adult and taken Responsibility for yourself and your child......which is really lacking in this day and age

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9 minutes ago, smplybcause said:


Who wants to bet that the kid went in water with an open wound and that's how it got infected? 

It's quite possible the Staph entered the wound before the kid even got to the port--possibly even at the time of the original wound.

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2 minutes ago, ducklite said:

It's quite possible the Staph entered the wound before the kid even got to the port--possibly even at the time of the original wound.


Also possible. I'm just thinking these aren't the parents to tell their kid not to go play in the pools on vacation. 

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15 hours ago, FitchburgWIFamily said:

I am soooo confused.  Can any of my cruise critics friends tell me what it is she wanted NCL to do differently?  Not charge her for medical care?  Is that the issue?    Is she blaming the ship for the infection?  Does she think they did something that made it go septic?


She is complaining that the treatment on the ship was inadequate but she is complaining that they wanted her to seek medical care off the boat?   


She says she went to the embassy?  There isn't even a consular office on Cozumel?  Where did they go?  She says the embassy advised her not to seek treatment in Mexico....because the embassy gives out medical advice now?


She says she didn't want to be left in Mexico while she got medical attention?  Really?   So the ship was supposed to wait there for a day or two or four while they got the medical help they needed?


"They did what I asked them to do." And that is bad?


"They made us sign something saying we refused care in Mexico"  <--  in which she acknowledged that the ship did not feel that it was correctly equipped to take care of the child.  


She said they only gave her two options:  get off the boat and get care or stay on the boat and take the care they provided.  What other option did she want to have?  Was NCL supposed to fly other doctors and nurses onto the ship to provide different care?


What specifically did NCL do that was wrong?


She wanted them to provide Level 1 trauma center care to her child on a cruise ship for free. 

And she wants NCL to pay off her student loans, her mortgage, and buy her a new puppy.



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2 hours ago, NLH Arizona said:

I believe she didn't want to be charged for medical care, because she didn't have the money on her credit card and she said they cut off her key card, so she couldn't buy coffee or water.

Wait..... I'm confused....She is in dire straits because she can't buy coffee or water.  Is she not aware that both of those are available onboard for free?

And if she is posting on fb, I guess she has an internet package.  I believe that costs a few $$$.

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1 hour ago, Laszlo said:


^^^^^^ This........It's called be and Adult and taken Responsibility for yourself and your child......which is really lacking in this day and age

If she didn't have enough credit left that the ship cut off her card and she couldn't buy coffee (priorities!)  she also couldn't buy plane tickets. A healthy credit line...don't leave home without it!

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27 minutes ago, Zippeedee said:

If she didn't have enough credit left that the ship cut off her card and she couldn't buy coffee (priorities!)  she also couldn't buy plane tickets. A healthy credit line...don't leave home without it!

The more I hear and read makes me think she is trying to get whatever she can money wise

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46 minutes ago, shipgeeks said:

Wait..... I'm confused....She is in dire straits because she can't buy coffee or water.  Is she not aware that both of those are available onboard for free?

And if she is posting on fb, I guess she has an internet package.  I believe that costs a few $$$.

Maybe she will only drink fancy coffees and bottled water 🤣

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21 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:


Totally agree regarding the hospital.  My understanding is you give them your credit card the second you show up at a Hospital in Mexico. If they didn't have the funds available on the charge card, they might not have been allowed to leave until the bill was paid in full.  


When my grand mother used her insurance she paid up from and was reimbursed by the insurance company after the fact.  I speculate that there was no charge availability on their plastic.  On the moms FB live talk she said she did not trust the Mexican Medical System, as it is not the States.  I hate to break it to her, but the ship is limited to what they can handle on board, and she already knew that when she declined getting off in Mexico for medical attention.



As far as the Mexican hospital comments go the mom is wrong.  2 sets of friends at separate times were admitted to the International Hospital in Cozumel.  Once home their physicians said the care they had received was equal to the care they would have received at home. 

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