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Cunard Cruisers - How are things where you are ?

Host Hattie

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We have had rain sleet and snow today.  Now it is clear and freezing so could be icy in the morning.


The official figures show 318,445 people in North West England have already had the first vaccine shot.  Lets hope this till start to turn the tide.

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54 minutes ago, Lanky Lad said:

We have had rain sleet and snow today.  Now it is clear and freezing so could be icy in the morning.


The official figures show 318,445 people in North West England have already had the first vaccine shot.  Lets hope this till start to turn the tide.

LL I certainly hope so. In Texas population 30 million so far 890,000 have had first shots. An additional 235,000 have had both. But the waiting is not fun. At least the roll out seems to be working.


On the brighter side. I finished 12 pints of Moorish Blood Orange Marmalade, and 3 pints of Valencia Orange. I am going to get about 6 more pints of Valencia and then start on the New Meyer Lemon and I expect to make 6. At least it keeps me busy.


I also ordered two Great Courses. Piano and Conversational French. I studied the piano for years, but haven't played in a decade, so I have to start over. And the French is going to be fun. The professor goes into French manners in speech, and that has been an eye opener for some one who studied in school, but never learned the niceties of the language.

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Hello again from West Berkshire, where our case numbers seem to be dropping again. This is clearly good news but I confess to feeling rather gloomy this week - probably a combination of the normal January blues, the miserable weather, hormones and the fact that despite the vaccine roll out, I feel somewhat sceptical that things will be very much better by the spring.  (At today’s press conference, Professor Chris Whitty,  England’s Chief Medical Officer denied having said things would be better by Easter, saying the PM May have misquoted him - so I rest my case!)


My other half also heard from his daughter that she had been made redundant for a second time from a job in the hospitality sector, which did nothing to raise the mood in our household. 

The lockdown definitely feels more challenging at this third time of asking -  I like to think I am a pretty pragmatic & resilient person so if I am struggling a bit, I can’t imagine how difficult it is for many, many others. 

However, I am trying to distract myself with books & DVDs. I’ve just finished reading Sophie Hannah’s “The Killings at Kingfisher Hill” - this is the 4th in her Poirot series which is written with the approval of Agatha Christie’s estate and “The Windsor Knot” by SJ Bennett,  which imagines that the Queen has led a secret double life solving crimes! It’s very respectfully done - the author seems to be somewhat of a fan, as am I. You will therefore not be surprised to here that I have also been watching season 3 of The Crown on DVD (as we don’t have Netflix). I take it for what it is  - drama - but it does prompt me to read up on some of the events it portrays. Episode 3 covered the Aberfan disaster and I found a very moving piece from the BBC archive that was put together for the 50th anniversary of the tragedy in 2016. 

I have managed two very short bursts of activity in the garden when the weather has been kinder - just sweeping up leaves and doing a bit of tidying up definitely gives me a lift. About this time 12 years ago, a very dear friend of mine died before his time - just a few days after I was in the garden on a bright, crisp sunny day, with bulbs beginning to appear and I realised for the first time the healing powers of nature. I am not a spiritual person in the faith sense but ever since that day I have found that spending time in this way does make me feel lighter when life is bearing down.  And it also helps to offset the little indulgences which certainly don’t make you lighter - the chocolate stash from Christmas, last night’s pizza and the bottle of Sauvignon Blanc I am about to open! 😊🍫🍕🥂


Have a good weekend - wishing you all well.



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I’ve spent the last few days in the garden as well, but not through choice.


I think it was Wednesday morning when I woke to find that we’d had another small snow fall overnight. It wasn’t much but as I found out, it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.


I’d moved my wife’s car off the driveway and put it behind the house as we were expecting a delivery of coal and I wanted the driveway clear so the coalman wouldn’t scratch the car getting past. Ha! The car was now invisible because a tree had chosen that night to admit defeat in it’s battle against age, gravity and snow.


After three days I’ve managed to extricate the car and amazingly the only damage is a couple of almost invisible paintwork scratches. Every branch I cut dumped another half ton of snow down my neck. What’s left of the tree is going to need professional removal, or at least a much bigger chainsaw.

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Hi from Germany!


We are in a complete lockdown. Every restaurant, cinema, theatre is closed. All shops are closed. Only those who sells food are open. We can only move inside a 15 km radius and it is only allowed to meet with one other person which is not living in my family. And it will become more harder beginning on Thursday. But I have to say that the government is doing a great job (can´t believe that I say this but it´s true). Most of the Germans are thinking the same. Today we have the first million people who gets the vaccine and I can not wait to get mine.


I am so looking forward and hoping/praying that my Norway cruise from Hamburg in mid July will be possible. It is important to have a dream.


Stay safe & have a great weekend

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Nice to hear from everyone, it's good to see the days getting a little longer.

We've enjoyed The Pembrokeshire Murders this week, particularly to spot which other bit of South Wales was standing in for Pembrokeshire.

Cases are still going in the right direction and vaccinations are speeding up. We've booked some time off work towards the end of March but I'm not very optimistic that we'll be able to travel far.

@Colin_Cameron it sounds as if your wife's car had a lucky escape, I can't imagine trying to explain that to an insurance company !

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My parents, my Aunt, and my 98 year old grandfather were able to get their first shot of vaccine today in Georgia... I am very relieved. We all worked very hard to find them appointments... it has been challenging, to say the least.

For those not in the US, there have been so many challenges for senior citizens to individually find appointments- as each state has their own system- and many websites have been overwhelmed... on top of making sure that the supply supports the appointments. On top of that, there has been so much confusion as communication is not always clear.


We finally had success for them making appointments at the pharmacy at Publix grocery store.


Many of us who are not eligible yet have been stepping in to help our loved ones- we are sitting on computers and trying every avenue we can to make an appointment for those who are having a hard time.... and so many are having a tough time.


I was very glad when my immediate family got their first “jab” today.


My husband has been working hard to navigate the South Carolina vaccine sign up rules  to help his grandfather.

Luckily, he was able tonight to get his grandfather an appointment for the end of the month.


We will continue to help our family and friends as the rollout keeps expanding.


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18 minutes ago, naturelovergirl said:

My parents, my Aunt, and my 98 year old grandfather were able to get their first shot of vaccine today in Georgia... I am very relieved. We all worked very hard to find them appointments... it has been challenging, to say the least.

For those not in the US, there have been so many challenges for senior citizens to individually find appointments- as each state has their own system- and many websites have been overwhelmed... on top of making sure that the supply supports the appointments. On top of that, there has been so much confusion as communication is not always clear.


We finally had success for them making appointments at the pharmacy at Publix grocery store.


Many of us who are not eligible yet have been stepping in to help our loved ones- we are sitting on computers and trying every avenue we can to make an appointment for those who are having a hard time.... and so many are having a tough time.


I was very glad when my immediate family got their first “jab” today.


My husband has been working hard to navigate the South Carolina vaccine sign up rules  to help his grandfather.

Luckily, he was able tonight to get his grandfather an appointment for the end of the month.


We will continue to help our family and friends as the rollout keeps expanding.


My wife finally got her appointment - two weeks from now - and I will dedicate a good part of tomorrow to pursuing mine.  I am willing to bet that those appointments will be changed due to lack of vaccine.   I am also concerned at the politically-oriented decision to use up reserves rather than ensure second shot is given at recommended interval.  I have not seen anything showing that the experts/makers are confident that delaying/doing without second shot is a good idea.  if the second shot is REALLY needed, we may be wasting the whole batch by doing twice as many half way, rather than using the vaccine the way it seems clearly intended.


The whole approach seems to be a dog's breakfast.

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13 hours ago, navybankerteacher said:

My wife finally got her appointment - two weeks from now - and I will dedicate a good part of tomorrow to pursuing mine.  I am willing to bet that those appointments will be changed due to lack of vaccine.   I am also concerned at the politically-oriented decision to use up reserves rather than ensure second shot is given at recommended interval.  I have not seen anything showing that the experts/makers are confident that delaying/doing without second shot is a good idea.  if the second shot is REALLY needed, we may be wasting the whole batch by doing twice as many half way, rather than using the vaccine the way it seems clearly intended.


The whole approach seems to be a dog's breakfast.

I'm with  you on the gamble, NBT, but the manufacturers must be confident they can replenish the supply on schedule. 


This is of more than academic interest to me since I'm scheduled for a first dose this week!  



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No news yet on when my mother will get her first jab, but if things go to plan, I think it should be within the next few weeks.  A new vaccination centre is opening in Blackburn Cathedral tomorrow but hopefully, she will be able to get the job at our local medical centre.  


All of the snow has gone now, but the latest forecast is for heavy rain and maybe flooding next week. 


I have booked three nights in Brighton in July in case I can cruise on QE, if not then I will have had a nice few days away anyway. 


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2 hours ago, alc13 said:

I'm with  you on the gamble, NBT, but the manufacturers must be confident they can replenish the supply on schedule. 


This is of more than academic interest to me since I'm scheduled for a first dose this week!  



I finally navigated the system and got a slot this Thursday at 1:00 - my wife was able to move hers up to noon same day — hopefully no supply problems or chaos - similar to what seems to be going on in Florida.

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1 hour ago, Lanky Lad said:

No news yet on when my mother will get her first jab, but if things go to plan, I think it should be within the next few weeks.  A new vaccination centre is opening in Blackburn Cathedral tomorrow but hopefully, she will be able to get the job at our local medical centre.  


All of the snow has gone now, but the latest forecast is for heavy rain and maybe flooding next week. 


I have booked three nights in Brighton in July in case I can cruise on QE, if not then I will have had a nice few days away anyway. 


Had a great visit to the Royal Pavillion at Brighton with my  ex-pat sister a few years back.   I remember thinking that the veterans of Waterloo would have been really upset at the opulence  enjoyed by Beau Brummel’s “ fat friend”.

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I had a letter yesterday  advising me I could book, went on line and the nearest  site was 80 miles away! Fortunately I found out  later the new local mass vacination centre was then taking bookings, and got a booking for this Friday.  Bit apprehensive, grand daughter is a trainee nurse and had bad flu like symptons for a couple of days afterwards.

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Instead of the gloomy rain predicted the sun is shining bright in south east Texas. I removed the plankets from some potted citrus and gave each pot a generous drink of water as the leaves look like they needed some. 


Last night while dining in our neighbor hood Mexican a disturbing event occurred. A woman came in and commandeered a round table in the center of the room and placed balloons on it and then started putting  party favors at each open seat in the dining room. Soon people began to fill the room, removing masks at which time we rose from our unfinished meals went to the counter and asked the manager to give us our bill. It was paid promptly and I said to him, this is no way to act in a pandemic. Those were not my exact words, but I need to be polite.


I won't be returning to this place I have frequented for years, and use for take away when they were closed to in door dining to support his business.  Needless to say I was extremely disappointed in his behavior

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4 hours ago, Bigmike911 said:

I won't be returning to this place I have frequented for years, and use for take away when they were closed to in door dining to support his business.  Needless to say I was extremely disappointed in his behavior

That's a real shame, BigMike.  I remember from when we started posting on this thread how much you looked forward to your regular Mexican meal.  But you were absolutely right to let the proprietor know.  


Jealous of your preserves, by the way ...

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5 hours ago, Bigmike911 said:

Last night while dining in our neighbor hood Mexican a disturbing event occurred. A woman came in and commandeered a round table in the center of the room and placed balloons on it and then started putting  party favors at each open seat in the dining room. Soon people began to fill the room, removing masks at which time we rose from our unfinished meals went to the counter and asked the manager to give us our bill. It was paid promptly and I said to him, this is no way to act in a pandemic. Those were not my exact words, but I need to be polite.


I won't be returning to this place I have frequented for years, and use for take away when they were closed to in door dining to support his business.  Needless to say I was extremely disappointed in his behavior

Sorry to hear that Bigmike.  A short sighted move, as I am sure in the long run it will cost him dear.

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2 hours ago, alc13 said:

That's a real shame, BigMike.  I remember from when we started posting on this thread how much you looked forward to your regular Mexican meal.  But you were absolutely right to let the proprietor know.  


Jealous of your preserves, by the way ...

The Ball Jam and Jelly Machine made it a snap this year. No muss no fuss. prepare the fruit, put it in the machine, set the time and type, push enter. Four minutes later add as much sugar as you had fruit, making sure it all dissolves (the only difficult part) and when the machine beeps put in into sterilized jars, and cap them.  Technology I can get to like.  

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Hello from Lancashire


This area avoided the flooding, but sadly other places near by have not been as lucky. On Tuesday we had heavy rain all day, then I looked outside about 8pm to find it was snowing and there was already about an inch on the ground. 


I think we have had more snow this year than for the last few years put together.  More heavy rain and snow is forecast as well. 


On a brighter note my mother got her first vaccination today and I have booked a cruise for July 21.  I  am not hopeful that it will happen but we will see.  



Edited by Lanky Lad
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While navigating CT’s program was a challenge for non-techies like us, once we were in the system it was amazing.  We both got our initial (Pfizer) shots yesterday in a well-staffed, smoothly run annex at our local hospital. There was ample free parking, and it took about 45 minutes  all-in, including the required 15 minute wait to check for bad reaction, during which time they processed us and lined up our appointments for the #2 shot on Feb. 13.   


This is morning just a very mild tender spot at the site - less of a hangover than experienced with annual flu shots.

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1 hour ago, navybankerteacher said:

While navigating CT’s program was a challenge for non-techies like us, once we were in the system it was amazing.  We both got our initial (Pfizer) shots yesterday in a well-staffed, smoothly run annex at our local hospital. There was ample free parking, and it took about 45 minutes  all-in, including the required 15 minute wait to check for bad reaction, during which time they processed us and lined up our appointments for the #2 shot on Feb. 13.   


This is morning just a very mild tender spot at the site - less of a hangover than experienced with annual flu shots.

Congrats NBT, sounds like you are on the way to being fully vaccinated. I am still hopeful for next week here, but no guarantee.

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