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Come sail with me on a virtual cruise on Majestic Princess to Fiji!


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Roger88 - yes there is a dirt path up and it is pretty open and well defined.  Going down the other side to the deserted beach is a little different.  It starts as just an offshoot of the main path and then gets pretty faint going through the jungle and across open meadow areas.  But still not hard to do.

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6 hours ago, ellie1145 said:


Yes, indeed it was the Japanese.


Apparently, as far back as the 17th century, it was observed, by Europeans, that the Japanese blew their noses in ‘soft silky papers,’ which they only used once. (I guess we Europeans were still wiping our noses on our sleeves.....yuk! 🙀) They have been doing this for centuries. They would drop the used tissues on the ground, so nothing’s changed there. 

OMG!! I asked DH (he doesn't read/follow CC) and he said, "I don't know...the Japanese?".

I should have asked him yesterday.:classic_unsure:

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5 hours ago, winifred said:

Ellie, Hope all goes well for your husband and you are both home soon. Thank you for this wonderful cruise I have enjoyed it all, especially the amazing pictures and funny comments! 

Thank you Winifred for your kind words. 


He’s about to go down in half an hour. I am in a hotel very close by, within walking distance. Been a long day so far. 


Lots more to come on our Majestic Princess adventure. 

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7 minutes ago, JF - retired RRT said:

OMG!! I asked DH (he doesn't read/follow CC) and he said, "I don't know...the Japanese?".

I should have asked him yesterday.:classic_unsure:


Ha! Ha! That will teach you! 


Clever DH. 🤣 They have their uses! 

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The end of a perfect day..



Tonight we get out of dinner in time to dash up to Princess Live to join in with the Movie Poster Trivia at 9.15. We join some of our trivia mates who are unbelievably good at this particular game, and, sadly, we are practically no help at all. Unless it’s ‘Gone With the Wind,’ ‘Mama Mia’ or ‘Titanic,’ I’m afraid we are useless!


After a lovely day it’s time for a quick cuppa in the buffet before a relaxing bath and a night in that divine bed.


Tomorrow it’s Suva. I wonder what the day will hold?


Night night, sleep tight!

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Suva is the capital, and largest metropolitan city in Fiji.


It became a British Colony in 1874 so there are colonial buildings as well as modern high rises. It became independent in 1970.


It was discovered by the Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman in 1643, and the famous Captain James Cook in 1770. But its main claim to fame is its link to the infamous Captain Bligh and the famous Mutiny on the Bounty.


Following the mutiny, Captain Bligh and 18 of his shipmates were put in the ship’s small boat and set adrift. They finally passed through the channel between Vanuatu Levu and Viti Levu. This channel was later named Bligh Water.


After reaching England, Bligh later took command of a ship in which he returned to Fiji to chart 39 islands.


The president of Fiji has his official residence in Suva.


The temperature today is 28 degrees C (82F) and we have sailed the short distance of 159 nautical miles at a slow speed of 12.7 knots.

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Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day...



Welcome to the beautiful tropical port of Suva, with swaying palm trees, hula hula girls and ...... um no, actually it’s a container port and it’s tipping it down!


As I look out of the balcony I see the roof of the terminal building which says in large letters, ‘WELCOME TO THE PORT OF SUVA.’ 



Well, we can barely see it as the whole city is shrouded in mist. This is a busy container port, and probably one of the ugliest of all the ports. Last time we only walked into the town, and apart from a quick look around a department store, and a walk through a market we really didn't do much.



This time we are determined to have a trip to a beach, as last time one of our trivia mates had had a great time, so we booked the same tour and were really looking forward to it.




But as luck would have it we are told that Princess has cancelled the trip, which is not really a surprise, as it’s still raining heavily. It’s a shame but one of the things you have to accept when cruising. Mother Nature does not always play the game.


So we walk round the deck and this is what we see.









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A Relaxing Day on Majestic Princess


Suva seems to be our downfall. Last time we just didn’t fancy any of the tours and thought we might be able to do our own, but that never happened, so we really thought we should try harder this time. Then the weather intervened, and our tour was cancelled. C’est la vie!


Instead, we spend the day onboard, enjoying the ship, playing trivia and enjoying afternoon tea. Sometimes it’s just great to have the ship to ourselves, well nearly to ourselves!


We manage to fit in  trivia at 9.15 am, Pictionary at 10.30 am, afternoon trivia at 3.00 pm and 4.30 pm. But we have to miss the Guess that Tune: Disney Musical Lyrical, at 8.15 pm as we are in dinner.


To be honest there is not much going on, but we meet up with our trivia team and have some good natters, and it’s lovely to have this beautiful ship almost to ourselves.


Movie Under the Stars at 11.45 am and 2.15 pm is ‘The Upside,’ and at 12.15 pm there is Cirque du Soleil: Dralion, followed by a music concert, Lady Antebellum - ‘Own the Night World Tour.‘  The movie, The Upside is repeated in Princess Live at 5.45 pm.


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“After all... tomorrow is another day.”


Well, as we had a day onboard I was seriously aiming to get to some of the seminars. I was very tempted by the free Hair Consultations ‘For A New Look, New You.’ That is definitely something I could do with. But unfortunately the Pictionary did not finish in time and I hate turning up late.


So I really was determined to get to the ‘Go Smile Teeth Whitening’ Consultation at 12.00 pm, but we had to go to lunch.


Sadly, the ‘Good Feet’ Clinic, clashed with our Early Evening General Knowledge Trivia and I really couldn’t let my team down, and anyway it coincided with the ‘Colour Me Beautiful’ Consultation so that was a no-no.


So I was resolute in my desire to attend the ‘Browlift Crow’s Feet and Smoker’s Lines’ Consultations. But as I have never smoked and don’t have Smoker’s Lines (thank goodness!) I decided it was a little unfair to take up one of the very limited spaces when there were others who would be so much more deserving of a place.


But tomorrow is another day, and so far, DH doesn’t seem to have noticed the grey hair, flat feet, crows’ feet or yellowing teeth (but at least they are all my own!), so maybe I’ll save the ‘New Look’ for another day.


A prize for the person who can tell me where the quote comes from!



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Suva sure looks like a dreary place and I would have also been happy to spend the day on the ship.  As for missing cruising, we had 5 cruises cancelled for the rest of the year.  However, I now have 7 booked for 2021 & 2022.  All out of Los Angeles (we live in Las Vegas a short drive away), so no flying involved.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will all be sailing again soon.  You and your hubby are in my thoughts at this difficult time.  But, I'm feeling very positive!

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I certainly hope you will be getting some good news soon about your husband!  Sending healing thoughts from across the pond.


We were not as fortunate to have our tour cancelled.  We are usually go with the flow sort of folks but the weather was flowing a bit much for our tastes.   That coupled with the fact that we picked one of the all time worst shore excursions made for an awful day.


As you mentioned, it was raining quite heavily all day.  Our chosen excursion for the day was to go to the Nausori Market with a narrated tour of Suva.


Our bus arrived and it was a narrower version of a tour bus with bench seating.  This time though the benches held 3 on one side and 2 on the other side of the aisle.  A quick scan of the number of folks boarding signaled that we should opt for a seat for 2.  Although a bit on the small side, it was better than squeezing in with another human on the 3 seater side.  My instinct was correct as the bus was entirely filled.


As we started to move, folks started to complain about the air conditioning not being on.  And to our shock, there was no air conditioning on the bus.  It was expected that open windows would provide comfort but it was not possible for us to open the windows given the heavy rain.  Then the tour guide, a very friendly, knowledgeable fellow, started to give us narration on what we were passing.  We couldn't see anything through the fogged up windows and driving rain so we took his word for it.  But the unfortunate part was that the PA system was VERY LOUD and he was unable to turn it down.  I had several napkins that I shared with those around us and we used them for makeshift ear plugs.  He tried without the PA but no one could hear him.


Not a great start but the rains brought heavier than normal traffic.  So much so that several folks (not us) started complaining about needing a bathroom break.  We ended up stopping by the side of the road where several of the passengers got off to use a gas station bathroom.  Those folks came back drenched but (apparently) relieved.


When we finally made it to the market almost two hours after we started, we were told we would have a grand total of 15 minutes there.  Which translated into about 5 minutes after I deducted the time we spent in the bathroom lines.  I shot some quick pictures then back on the bus - no time time to think about buying anything.


The drive back to Suva was significantly shorter and we were able to stop at Jack's for shopping.  That turned out to be a good stop and was only a couple of blocks from the ship.  We noticed by the way that there was a huge farmers market across the street from the port so we could have seen that and Jack's for free if had wandered on our own with our umbrellas.  The area seemed a little sketchy but there seemed to be enough police in the area to make it safe.


If we go back we will either opt for a beach or will wander on our own.  So you can see why you were the wise one to stay on the ship!  Best wishes to you and your family.


















My hubby in the market.  We did smile despite our unfortunate excursion choice!



It was raining so heavily the camera on my phone actually picked it up in this picture!



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4 minutes ago, azbirdmom said:

We were not as fortunate to have our tour cancelled.  We are usually go with the flow sort of folks but the weather was flowing a bit much for our tastes.   That coupled with the fact that we picked one of the all time worst shore excursions made for an awful day.


As you mentioned, it was raining quite heavily all day.  Our chosen excursion for the day was to go to the Nausori Market with a narrated tour of Suva.


Our bus arrived and it was a narrower version of a tour bus with bench seating.  This time though the benches held 3 on one side and 2 on the other side of the aisle.  A quick scan of the number of folks boarding signaled that we should opt for a seat for 2.  Although a bit on the small side, it was better than squeezing in with another human on the 3 seater side.  My instinct was correct as the bus was entirely filled.


As we started to move, folks started to complain about the air conditioning not being on.  And to our shock, there was no air conditioning on the bus.  It was expected that open windows would provide comfort but it was not possible for us to open the windows given the heavy rain.  Then the tour guide, a very friendly, knowledgeable fellow, started to give us narration on what we were passing.  We couldn't see anything through the fogged up windows and driving rain so we took his word for it.  But the unfortunate part was that the PA system was VERY LOUD and he was unable to turn it down.  I had several napkins that I shared with those around us and we used them for makeshift ear plugs.  He tried without the PA but no one could hear him.


Not a great start but the rains brought heavier than normal traffic.  So much so that several folks (not us) started complaining about needing a bathroom break.  We ended up stopping by the side of the road where several of the passengers got off to use a gas station bathroom.  Those folks came back drenched but (apparently) relieved.


When we finally made it to the market almost two hours after we started, we were told we would have a grand total of 15 minutes there.  Which translated into about 5 minutes after I deducted the time we spent in the bathroom lines.  I shot some quick pictures then back on the bus - no time time to think about buying anything.


The drive back to Suva was significantly shorter and we were able to stop at Jack's for shopping.  That turned out to be a good stop and was only a couple of blocks from the ship.  We noticed by the way that there was a huge farmers market across the street from the port so we could have seen that and Jack's for free if had wandered on our own with our umbrellas.  The area seemed a little sketchy but there seemed to be enough police in the area to make it safe.


If we go back we will either opt for a beach or will wander on our own.  So you can see why you were the wise one to stay on the ship!  Best wishes to you and your family.


You couldn’t make it up! 


Your description gave me a chuckle. Imagining you all sitting with napkins in your ears was hilarious. Add to that the comfort breaks and the 5 minutes spent at the market was so funny. Well, not funny for you, of course, after an uncomfortable and hot ride on bench seats with a full bus! 


I’m actually quite glad we stayed onboard. 🤣



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Update on DH


First, let me thank you so much for your lovely words of support and your concern for us both. It really is most kind of you all. 


DH is out of surgery and back in his bed. He had a bit of a scare when his blood pressure dropped in recovery, but they put him on oxygen and he stabilised after about an hour. 


They are hoping to send him out later tonight, if all is well, as they prefer not to keep him in hospital, but we will play it by ear. 


I’ve kept myself busy and it’s been great to read all your replies. Had a bit of a giggle at Azbirdmom’s little adventure. Seems Suva is a bit of a dead loss for her, too. Great photos of the market though.


I hope all you Cruising Adventurers have kept yourselves busy today on the ship or perhaps you were on Azbirdmom’s trip? 😲


Just going to see if I can find anything to eat, as I don’t think there is anything in the hotel until breakfast, but they were really nice when we arrived, and when they heard it was our wedding anniversary they said we could have breakfast on them tomorrow morning.  We will be able to toast each other in orange juice if DH feels fit enough to go downstairs. 🥂

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Good to hear that your husband is stable!  Hope that is it in terms of scares and that you are able see him on your anniversary.


Glad I could make you laugh.  It was rather humorous looking at those around us, sweaty, fanning themselves with napkins in their ears.  We all survived the day and it brought smiles later so not a total loss.

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2 hours ago, Duffysmom said:

Ellie, you are a delight I’m loving every word it’s the best blog I’ve read on CC.  Sending positive energy to you and DH today.


Wow, Duffy’s mum, that is praise indeed. I am overwhelmed. I have enjoyed lots of wonderful blogs on CC and never had the courage to do one before now so it’s good to know you are enjoying it. 


Thank you for the positive energy too. 

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2 hours ago, CruzinNoony said:

Suva sure looks like a dreary place and I would have also been happy to spend the day on the ship.  As for missing cruising, we had 5 cruises cancelled for the rest of the year.  However, I now have 7 booked for 2021 & 2022.  All out of Los Angeles (we live in Las Vegas a short drive away), so no flying involved.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will all be sailing again soon.  You and your hubby are in my thoughts at this difficult time.  But, I'm feeling very positive!


Well, Suva certainly wasn’t the best place we have visited, but maybe one day we will return and be surprised. Though I am definitely giving Azbirdmom’s trip a wide berth! 


That is so sad, having 5 cruises cancelled, but good news that you have more to look forward to. I have everything crossed that we will all be cruising again one day.


We flew into LA for the first time last April for a Hawaiian cruise on Ruby. We were 3 hours standing in Immigration! We could not believe it, we had always thought Miami was a pain, but that was unreal.  😲


We had pretty bad weather for a lot of the time, and pouring rain in the first port. We found LA pretty scary for driving, and we’ve driven round Miami for years and not felt too bad, but it’s pretty crazy on the roads, isn’t it - although I guess you are used to it! Despite the weather we had an absolute ball and loved the whole trip. We met some great people in trivia and the time went in a flash. We love sea days and don’t really sunbathe so it wasn’t a problem for us. The ship was very stable too. 

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1 hour ago, azbirdmom said:

Good to hear that your husband is stable!  Hope that is it in terms of scares and that you are able see him on your anniversary.


Glad I could make you laugh.  It was rather humorous looking at those around us, sweaty, fanning themselves with napkins in their ears.  We all survived the day and it brought smiles later so not a total loss.


Thank you Azbirdmom. 


I’m still chuckling at the thought of you with the napkins in your ears! Priceless! 🤣


(remind me never to be tempted to book that tour!) 


The thing with cruising is that one bad port doesn’t spoil the whole vacation. Much better than turning up to a resort for 2 weeks and hating it. We love being able to visit for a day and then get back on a beautiful ship. What could be better? Especially with an Aft balcony view, eh?


Loved the market photos, by the way. But a bit concerned that your DH is no longer incognito........🤣....does he know????


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42 minutes ago, CruzinNoony said:

I am so happy to hear that your hubby is out of surgery and back in his bed.  Hopefully, he will be able to join you later tonight.  Happy Anniversary!!


Thank you so much! 

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8 minutes ago, ellie1145 said:

Loved the market photos, by the way. But a bit concerned that your DH is no longer incognito........🤣....does he know????



He isn't on Cruise Critic but he wouldn't mind.  He's kind of a ham and enjoys passing out his thought for the day cards to everyone he meets - fellow passengers, crew members, tour guides, shop workers, etc.  I'm the one who tends to stay incognito!

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11 hours ago, winifred said:

Ellie, Hope all goes well for your husband and you are both home soon. Thank you for this wonderful cruise I have enjoyed it all, especially the amazing pictures and funny comments! 


Thank you Winifred. 


Am hoping to collect him later tonight, all being well. 


Just had a meal in the hotel and now waiting to hear from him.


A beautiful sunset from my 18th floor hotel window.




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