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Masks on Ships


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1 hour ago, C-Dragons said:

The response was not.

I assume you are referring to the reply directed at what I posted as " a bit of humor " ?

The person that originally made the post was funny and I replied in the same manner.

However, it appears that another member found it offensive and replied in a personal attack , which I assume is against the guidelines. 


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3 hours ago, ORV said:

You really need to read through some of your posts. Amazing that you don't even realize it. 

He made a similar sarcastic response to one of my posts, and used a golf analogy.  Maybe with his "You remind me of" thought he was being funny?  Some sort of Canadian humor?  🍷

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3 minutes ago, Wine-O said:

Some sort of Canadian humor?

Never made any sarcastic remarks , knowingly.

Perhaps what I wrote ,on occasion , in what I hoped to be received in a humorous manner missed  your mark. 

However, personal attacks are uncalled for and not within the accepted guidelines of CC.



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On 7/27/2020 at 5:48 PM, vulcan1971 said:

I entered this thread with an open mind in the hopes that I might actually learn something new that I didn't know before. Sure, there were some references to articles that I have not specifically read but they further cemented the conclusions I have taken away from other articles and news sources I have read.


From time to time, there are other threads initiated on CHARGED topics, and those threads tend to get carried away with "spirited" posts. I could tell after reading the first page of 20 posts that I would not be making a contribution until I had read the whole thread. No point in responding to something mid-stream if it has been corrected/updated several posts (or pages) later. As I read through the entire thread, I saw the typical types of comments made (by typical posters) and the defenses put up by other posters. When somebody makes a post that is contrary to the OP or others that have contributed to the thread, it can be done in a way that is not personal. You can disagree with a premise without finding fault with the person that made the post. This medium of discussion is very 1 dimensional. I agree that all of us can all be a bit nicer and more civil with each other when making posts. They can be made without generalizing or being antagonistic. 


In years past, I used to be very active on the Celebrity and Norwegian boards posting information about my cruises, sharing the details of my travel experiences, and at times "correcting" misinformation posted by others. I was a big proponent of posting a hyperlink to the information that I was sharing, especially if it came from an actual source. This allowed me to share information sources so that folks didn't try to argue about something if they disagreed with the content or information. Every once in a while I was guilty of stating some errant information in a thread. The true sign of somebody's character is being able to "own your own words" by coming back to clarify the point you were trying to make, or simply recant your words and admit an error had been made. I don't know why that is so hard to do. Like many others, I became tired of the regulars that would show up to harp on the same issues on different threads or had some axe to grind with another CC member regardless of what they posted. I've personally admired many CC members for the posts made over the years. I've learned a lot from the reading I've done and I've often thought I would enjoy meeting you in person and learning more. In some cases, I have had the opportunity to meet you (whether you were aware of that or not). In some cases it has been an enjoyable exchange, and in other cases I didn't like what I saw. Don't get me wrong... I've met some perfectly wonderful CC members over the years. However, the "on-line" persona and the "in-person" persona are not always the same. 


These days, I am what you would likely refer to as a "lurker". On this thread, there were some posts that I agreed with and others that I did not. Some that were based in "facts" and others that were "subjective" in nature. I've enjoyed the use of this newer feature of being able to tag a post with a "Like", or "Laugh" or "Thanks". When viewing some of those reactions from various CC personas, it has been informative about what certain posters think of others and tells you all you need to know about some of the folks that post on this board.

Welcome to 2020, where fact is just whatever you want the "science" to be.

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5 minutes ago, Pinboy said:

Never made any sarcastic remarks , knowingly.

Perhaps what I wrote ,on occasion , in what I hoped to be received in a humorous manner missed  your mark. 

However, personal attacks are uncalled for and not within the accepted guidelines of CC.



I'm not attacking anybody.  That's against the guidelines.  Maybe your humor missed the mark.    🍷

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25 minutes ago, Pinboy said:

Again, I never attached anyone or the Moderator would have removed my post.

Let’s move on.


I may regret this, but here goes...


@Pinboy - Before you quoted my only post in this thread (before typing this post), I think we can both agree that I don't know you and you don't know me. So, with that said, anything I say here is not from any place of malice or ill will toward you. When I saw your reply that has now garnered so much attention, I didn't quite follow it, understand it, or even think it was humorous. I don't think I am alone in my assessment as several of the posts are essentially saying the same thing. These people are not attacking you, they are trying their best to point out to you in a variety of ways how they also did not find your post humorous. Sorry if that feels like they are piling on.


I am not going to critique their approaches to pointing out how what you posted was not considered funny, or even understood because that would be considered a personal attack. Also, I've not seen any of your prior posts (outside of this thread topic) and I won't be spending any time to check them out. Just know that the way you see something is not how others may see the same thing, including humor.

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1 hour ago, pumpkin 11 said:

Welcome to 2020, where fact is just whatever you want the "science" to be.


@pumpkin 11 - I'm not sure what is the point of your post or why you quoted my post to communicate this.


On a side note, and not that you would know this about me, but I am a Scientist by virtue of my education and training for the work I do in the pharmaceutical industry. I would strongly disagree with your stated premise.

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4 minutes ago, vulcan1971 said:


@pumpkin 11 - I'm not sure what is the point of your post or why you quoted my post to communicate this.


On a side note, and not that you would know this about me, but I am a Scientist by virtue of my education and training for the work I do in the pharmaceutical industry. I would strongly disagree with your stated premise.

What about the science between "men and women" or the science of "cancer clusters." Science is just another buzz word of 2020. It is a means of enforcement.

Edited by pumpkin 11
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8 minutes ago, vulcan1971 said:

I may regret this, but here goes...


@Pinboy - Before you quoted my only post in this thread (before typing this post), I think we can both agree that I don't know you and you don't know me. So, with that said, anything I say here is not from any place of malice or ill will toward you. When I saw your reply that has now garnered so much attention, I didn't quite follow it, understand it, or even think it was humorous. I don't think I am alone in my assessment as several of the posts are essentially saying the same thing. These people are not attacking you, they are trying their best to point out to you in a variety of ways how they also did not find your post humorous. Sorry if that feels like they are piling on.


I am not going to critique their approaches to pointing out how what you posted was not considered funny, or even understood because that would be considered a personal attack. Also, I've not seen any of your prior posts (outside of this thread topic) and I won't be spending any time to check them out. Just know that the way you see something is not how others may see the same thing, including humor.

Very polite response and to the point -- Thank you.

Of all the posts I made on this thread only the one where the poster made a joke about sailing without his wife was the one that I replied to was meant to be humorous . Obviously, some folks didn't see it that way and were quite aggressive in their replies. 

I liked your post that I replied to initially and was saying that I agreed with you 100%. 




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12 minutes ago, pumpkin 11 said:

What about the science between "men and women" or the science of "cancer clusters." Science is just another buzz word of 2020. It is a means of enforcement.


@pumpkin 11 - your comments are not cruise related or even remotely related to the OP's topic. Please refrain from further quoting me or derailing this thread. Thank you.

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2 minutes ago, pumpkin 11 said:

Neither was what you posted about! You talked about science, so am I.


@pumpkin 11 - to the extent that I replied and disagreed with your premise, you are correct that what I said was not relevant to the thread. However, that does not change the fact that your posts continue to be off topic and attempting to derail this thread with comments not pertaining to cruising or the OP's topic of this thread.

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This topic has shown me that a bit of humour that while needed will be misunderstood by some and turned into an ugly exchange.  Feel lucky to have missed part of it as one of the posters is on my ignore list.

To the original topic.  My wife is a cancer survivor.  We will not be cruising until there is a vaccine.  While TUI now has a 3 day cruise off the Norwegian coast; I suspect a similar cruise off the Florida Keys would not be as well received - even with CDC approval.

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4 minutes ago, Arizona Wildcat said:

...To the original topic.  My wife is a cancer survivor.  We will not be cruising until there is a vaccine....


It's how we feel as well as I am in active treatment right now. Many people don't understand how we ("we" collectively) feel. I have so many friends and family who are out and about living their lives... I stay home. We will not cruise again as it's just not safe for me. 😔

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29 minutes ago, Arizona Wildcat said:

This topic has shown me that a bit of humour that while needed will be misunderstood by some and turned into an ugly exchange.  Feel lucky to have missed part of it as one of the posters is on my ignore list.

I hope I'm not the person on your ignore list and you get to read this note.

Let's hope only for the best for your wife and everyone else dealing with cancer.

We also will not be cruising until there is a vaccine and the safety of the passengers and crew is reasonably back to " comfort " level.

Yes,  I took a " licking " over what I intended to be funny, but these things can happen on social media sites. 

Continue posting and enjoy CC.

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26 minutes ago, Pinboy said:

I hope I'm not the person on your ignore list and you get to read this note.

Let's hope only for the best for your wife and everyone else dealing with cancer.

We also will not be cruising until there is a vaccine and the safety of the passengers and crew is reasonably back to " comfort " level.

Yes,  I took a " licking " over what I intended to be funny, but these things can happen on social media sites. 

Continue posting and enjoy CC.

Nope.  I come visit Cruise Critic about once a month.  Lots of silly (or worse) posts.  Really nuts as the CDC public comment deadline is the end of October.  Add a few months to have the bureaucracy discuss and we are to at least February.  Seemed that is about the same timeframe as an old college friend is saying Sanofi will have a vaccine. Hmmmm.


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22 hours ago, Pinboy said:

Wow, you sound like a " real man ".

You remind me of the guy that's the " funniest , loudest , " at a party who ends up driving home in a car that's quieter than a funeral home.  " But, everybody laughed like hell when I told them what your mother's cooking tastes like " !!



This post has me really puzzled. For the life of me I cannot see the joke. Pinboy, can you explain what you were getting at? 

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29 minutes ago, billydog said:

This post has me really puzzled. For the life of me I cannot see the joke. Pinboy, can you explain what you were getting at? 

The guy was at a party blabbing and showing off, in front of everybody,  how funny he thought he is by making a joke about his mother-in-law's cooking. His wife, of course, heard everything and didn't think it was so funny ( him making fun of her mother's cooking ) in front of the people at the party. On the way home in the car, she gives him the " burn " , a cold shoulder and doesn't say a word to him-- very quiet in the car all the way home. 

He tries to explain to her that  " everybody laughed like hell " and they really knew he was only joking.

Apparently, it didn't go over very well with his wife , nor did my attempt at a bit of humor during these stressful times go over very well with some CC'ers.



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A new prisoner was assigned to his cell.  After a couple of hours he heard someone in the cell block yelled out "15" and the entire cell block erupted with laughter.  Later someone in the cell block yelled out "23" and the entire cell block erupted with laughter.


A little puzzled, he asked his cell mate what's going on.  The cell mate explained that there was a list of jokes and a number assigned to each joke.  Instead of telling the entire joke, someone would just yell out the number.


The new prisoner decided to study the jokes and the numbers.  One day he got brave enough and yelled out "17" -- there was complete silence.  He then yelled out "11" -- there was complete silence.   He then asked his cell mate what was going on.  Why is no one laughing at his jokes.  His cell mate said, well, you know, some people just know how to tell a joke and some people just don't.  🍷

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How far off topic is this, has everyone finished thrashing Pinboy yet? An old but innocent joke gets blown out of proportion.

I have a tendency to be blunt even rude, and I'm sure I'm on some people's ignore lists. So I might not be the right guy to point this out...The subject is "Masks on ships" and I think most regulars have put in their thoughts on the subject. Pinboy, the battle is lost, escape and evade. Everyone else, now it's just piling on...running the score if you will.

As I said in a much earlier post, my wife and I will choose not to cruise if masks are required for a significant amount of time. I have been reading with interest the thread from Germancruiser with regard to the cruise they are currently on and the mask protocols as described may be doable for us, but I will continue to follow that thread to see how that pans out.

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38 minutes ago, Pinboy said:

The guy was at a party blabbing and showing off, in front of everybody,  how funny he thought he is by making a joke about his mother-in-law's cooking. His wife, of course, heard everything and didn't think it was so funny ( him making fun of her mother's cooking ) in front of the people at the party. On the way home in the car, she gives him the " burn " , a cold shoulder and doesn't say a word to him-- very quiet in the car all the way home. 

He tries to explain to her that  " everybody laughed like hell " and they really knew he was only joking.

Apparently, it didn't go over very well with his wife , nor did my attempt at a bit of humor during these stressful times go over very well with some CC'ers.



All this nonsense started when I made a joke after reading the below in quotations from an earlier post. He was kind of bragging , in a joking manner , about taking a cruise and leaving his wife behind. See his post below :


"I would have no problem wearing a mask on a cruise.

My wife would not cruise if she had to wear one.

I'm going to miss her..."

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