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Come sail with me on a virtual cruise to Hawaii on Ruby Princess


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On 3/8/2021 at 7:36 PM, USCcruisecrazy said:

Hi Ellie,


Thanks so much for continuing this adventure, especially with so much going on in your life.  It's greatly appreciated and I have enjoyed a virtual "Bucket List Item" being closed.  One day it may be from an actual visit!!  Fingers crossed.


I also loved your explanation of the Royals.  My DW and I have watched the series The Crown and were intrigued by how the Royal Family functions.  Granted, much of it is likely embellished, but from what Queen Elizabeth II has said, it has many good pieces and parts.  I have grown to respect her very much as a woman thrust into such a position.  I must say, though, I felt very sorry for Princess Diana and the way she was treated.  It's a very interesting life style and has a unique purpose.  I hope my comments don't offend any of the wonderful British folks on your page.


It’s my pleasure, USCcruisecrazy. Writing it, posting photos and revisiting this trip has been a lifesaver. 


I am glad that my rather potted explanation of the Royal Family was useful, and no, I’m sure your comments will not offend any of us Brits.🤣


I have a confession to make - my DH and I were also ‘hooked’ on the series, The Crown, and we enjoyed every minute of it. However, we did have to remind ourselves that it wasn’t a documentary, and that much of it was supposition and poetic licence. There were, of course, elements of truth, but those were obviously embellished and fictionalised for the series. However, it was beautifully filmed and the actors deserve great credit for the parts they played. The sets were amazing and the costumes were fantastic. 


But I think it gave a good insight into how restricted the Royal Family were when our present Queen ascended the throne. She certainly has a great sense of duty but she has only recently been able to show any sort of emotion. It is a true story that when she returned from a long overseas tour (when Prince Charles was a little boy) he shook her hand when he saw her for the first time when he met her at the station. Compare that to Diana kneeling down to hug her two sons when she returned from a trip, and the natural joy and affection which she displayed (and which both boys inherited). But we cannot blame the Queen as that is how she was brought up.


Times have changed greatly in the nearly 70 years since she became Queen. I remember the shock of the famous kiss by Charles and Diana on their wedding day - something unheard of. We have delighted in the PDAs (Public Displays of Affection) shown by the younger royals recently.  


I am certainly looking forward to the next series. 

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On 3/8/2021 at 10:11 PM, cr8tiv1 said:

Here are some factoids that came out of the hurricane that struck Kauai.  Maybe it will show up in some Trivia Game aboard the ship.


•   Dirt Shirts:  https://reddirtmaui.com/collections/dirt-shirts

•. Jurassic Park was actually being filmed when the hurricane (Iwa) hit the islands.  The beginning footage is for real.  Then they moved the filming to Kualoa Ranch (Oahu) to film the remaining.

•  Roosters escaped during the hurricane and are now feral ambassadors.

•  Mount Wai'ale'ale is (debatable) the wettest spot on earth.  Best seen by helicopter along with Na'Pali Coast.

•  Many other famous movies were done on this island.


Thank you for that, cr8tiv1. 


Great information! 👍

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A little update...


Things have been a little hectic here. We are a month from the date when we had our first vaccination. 


DH is feeling a lot better at last! Hooray! What a way to start his retirement.


DD is having a difficult time with her pregnancy. She is 39 weeks and we are longing for the baby to arrive as we are so worried. 


But we managed to organise a virtual Baby Shower for her last weekend - something I believe we have borrowed from our American friends! Of course it had to be done by ‘Zoom’ but it went well and it was a little respite from the doom and gloom. 


DH got a little confused about the nappy cake.... he thought you could eat it! Something else we have borrowed from our American friends. 


Here’s a little peek at it....



















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1 hour ago, ellie1145 said:


We could certainly do with some of that sunshine here in the UK. We are experiencing some stormy weather at the moment, with rain and wind battering our garden.


I long to feel the warmth of the Hawaiian or Australian sun on my face. 


Seems as though the world is getting some much needed rain.

So Cal....pouring/56 degrees F

North Shore Oahu had flooding rain yesterday/68-77 degrees F

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My daughter makes "nappy" cakes for all of her girlfriends.  She has received some very elaborate ones (a teddy bear/a scooter-wagon, etc).  So cute that it was so very difficult to take apart.  I guess "we" are welcoming a grandson.  I don' think a newbie ever had so many "aunties/uncles".  We are waiting little one.

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I love all your shower pictures!!!  I have fingers crossed your daughter will deliver soon.

  My daughter delivered during the Pandemic as well and it is a scary time for sure.  Our granddaughter arrived Aug. 22, 2020, a full two weeks late.  All went well, thank God, and I pray the same for your grandson’s arrival.

Now, our grand daughter is 6 months old and my daughter could have gotten the Johnson and Johnson shot today, as her husband is a teacher;  and they said she could have it as well, but it is still too unknown what could happen between a nursing mother to baby, so she is going to hold off till more is known.  We are glad her husband got it as he now started back to in-school teaching.  

They may find out that it is fine for nursing mom’s and baby, but better safe than sorry.


And returning to cruise topic, we had our British Isles cruise for Aug. 30, 2021, on Sky cancelled so we are now trying again on the Crown in May.  This is 5th try, so fingers crossed.

We decided to do a land vacation instead, and your review put Hawaii more on our radar.  WE will be going to Kona, The Big Island, in October.  All projections say we will have the vaccine by then😀.


Thanks for the continued anticipation!


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On 3/7/2021 at 4:09 PM, ellie1145 said:


Thank you, CruzinNoony. One of the things which has been really heartening about doing these virtual cruises has been the wonderful response of people, and the lack of any nastiness. I certainly didn’t mean to offend in any way. It was very tongue in cheek. I’m glad that after travelling along with me for so long you know me better than to think I would willingly be offensive. 


As a Brit, I think it is very difficult for others to fully understand the workings of the Royal Family. Indeed, we don’t always understand it ourselves! 


But they are not celebrities. They don’t tend to lead a celebrity lifestyle with all the trappings, nor do they usually court publicity for publicity’s sake. It comes with the job unfortunately. They are not perfect, as we have seen with recent events surrounding Prince Andrew, but they do have a sense of duty . Whilst of course, the Royal Family own castles, and live in spectacularly historic buildings, the Queen, for example, is quite frugal in her daily habits, and anyone who has ever toured Buckingham Palace will, I’m sure agree, that it is quite tatty and threadbare inside. It certainly shocked me the first time I saw inside. For her, walking across windswept Scottish moors with a dog at her heels, or riding a horse across Windsor Great Park are what she loves best. 


Prince William and Kate are excellent examples of how royals should behave. Thanks to his mother, William has inherited her natural ability to reach out to the general public. Kate, too, has an innate ability to communicate with people. Their children, too, are adorable, but are only seen on rare occasions. Who cannot smile at Charlotte as she pokes her tongue out at onlookers?


However, Kate has not had an easy time, as she was often called ‘Waity Katie’ when William took so long to get round to marrying her. But William did the right thing. Knowing how his mother suffered as a result of not being fully supported by either her husband or the establishment he took his time, desperate to ensure that he did not throw Kate into the public eye until she was ready to take on all the responsibilities that go with being married to the second in line to the throne. He also wanted to be sure that she realised what she might be taking on, and that she was strong enough to cope with life as a royal. The whole process took 10 years, and Kate has adapted well to a life of duty.


Thankfully she has turned out to be a wonderful wife, mother and member of the royal family, and they have been able to balance a private family life with the duties of being working royals, and they do it with a great grace, warmth and humility.


It is very sad that we have lost another potential great addition to the Royal Family, but sadly, the speed at which the romance proceeded did not allow for a long period of adjustment and learning. Being a Royal is very different from being a celebrity. Changing the way the Royal Family operate is not easy.


Now they have chosen celebrity, and the potential to earn millions and to give interviews that will sell for billions across the world. But that is their choice. 


Both boys suffered greatly from the loss of their beloved mother, and one can only feel sympathy for them. It was a tragic event which has shaped both in different ways. 


I hope none of that sounds offensive. 


You would never be offensive. If anyone thought you were they need to get a new life. Enjoyed to hear your perspective as it gives us some insight. This whole interview will spark discussions all around. Thanks for what you do for us. You & your husband would be a great addition at any dinner table. 


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59 minutes ago, ROWSE said:

I love all your shower pictures!!!  I have fingers crossed your daughter will deliver soon.

  My daughter delivered during the Pandemic as well and it is a scary time for sure.  Our granddaughter arrived Aug. 22, 2020, a full two weeks late.  All went well, thank God, and I pray the same for your grandson’s arrival.


We decided to do a land vacation instead, and your review put Hawaii more on our radar.  WE will be going to Kona, The Big Island, in October.  All projections say we will have the vaccine by then😀.


Thanks for the continued anticipation!



Your granddaughter was smart.  She decided to wait the Pandemic out.  Unfortunately, she did not wait long enough.


If you do go to Kona...There are three National Parks/monuments.  Be sure to bring your Senior National Park pass.  Also check out Manago Hotel near the city of Captain Cook for dinner one night.  Best pork chops on the island.  Start searching now.  I wish I remembered the little farm I visited. She raised vanilla bean/orchids, macadamia nuts, and coffee beans.  It was not a huge commercial venture and the tour was "free".  I am not a fan of the South end of Hawaii Island so you need to take a day or two to visit Hilo.  Fly into Hilo a few days early and then drive and leave out of Kona (or reversed).  So much to see, do, and car trip on Hawaii Island.

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Ellie, is there a lot of talk in the UK re: what is happening with AstraZeneca vaccine in the EU? This news of some people getting blood clots after the AZ vaccine is coming just as Canada starts rolling out this vaccine. It’s now available in some pharmacies but I don’t know if people will hesitate now. I did not hear of any such problems in the UK and believe it has been widely used there.

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46 minutes ago, cr8tiv1 said:


Your granddaughter was smart.  She decided to wait the Pandemic out.  Unfortunately, she did not wait long enough.


If you do go to Kona...There are three National Parks/monuments.  Be sure to bring your Senior National Park pass.  Also check out Manago Hotel near the city of Captain Cook for dinner one night.  Best pork chops on the island.  Start searching now.  I wish I remembered the little farm I visited. She raised vanilla bean/orchids, macadamia nuts, and coffee beans.  It was not a huge commercial venture and the tour was "free".  I am not a fan of the South end of Hawaii Island so you need to take a day or two to visit Hilo.  Fly into Hilo a few days early and then drive and leave out of Kona (or reversed).  So much to see, do, and car trip on Hawaii Island.

Thank you for the info.  We are 60 so not eligible for the senior pass yet.  Someday!  
We are staying one week in Hilo and one week in Kona in Airbnb’s,  but flying in and out of Kona as we purchased our air before I thought about even trying to fly in to one and leave from the other.  We are renting a car for the two weeks, so will be easy to get over to Hilo after landing at Kona.  
Snorkeling is one of our favorite things to do so we plan on checking out many sites for that.  I am just starting all my research.🥰

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Dear ROWSE, I'm sorry that you are too young to benefit from the senior pass.  Age has its benefits.  If you are flying on Hawaiian, there are no change fees.  But it is a nice drive along the old Saddle Road to get from Kona to Hilo.  


Take my screen name and bookend it with princess and gmail.  Send a test email.  I will be happy to answer any of your questions.  Not much snorkeling on this island.  Lots of rocks.  But City of Refuge has lots of sea turtles.  

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16 hours ago, ROWSE said:

I love all your shower pictures!!!  I have fingers crossed your daughter will deliver soon.

  My daughter delivered during the Pandemic as well and it is a scary time for sure.  Our granddaughter arrived Aug. 22, 2020, a full two weeks late.  All went well, thank God, and I pray the same for your grandson’s arrival.

Now, our grand daughter is 6 months old and my daughter could have gotten the Johnson and Johnson shot today, as her husband is a teacher;  and they said she could have it as well, but it is still too unknown what could happen between a nursing mother to baby, so she is going to hold off till more is known.  We are glad her husband got it as he now started back to in-school teaching.  

They may find out that it is fine for nursing mom’s and baby, but better safe than sorry.


And returning to cruise topic, we had our British Isles cruise for Aug. 30, 2021, on Sky cancelled so we are now trying again on the Crown in May.  This is 5th try, so fingers crossed.

We decided to do a land vacation instead, and your review put Hawaii more on our radar.  WE will be going to Kona, The Big Island, in October.  All projections say we will have the vaccine by then😀.


Thanks for the continued anticipation!


Have fun in Hawaii.  It is a great place with lots to see.  We have British Isle cruise booked for Aug 2022.  

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On 3/10/2021 at 11:35 PM, cr8tiv1 said:

My daughter makes "nappy" cakes for all of her girlfriends.  She has received some very elaborate ones (a teddy bear/a scooter-wagon, etc).  So cute that it was so very difficult to take apart.  I guess "we" are welcoming a grandson.  I don' think a newbie ever had so many "aunties/uncles".  We are waiting little one.

I’m learning about nappy cakes since having had to make one. They can be really spectacular. I love them. Can’t imagine making a scooter-wagon. That must have been awesome!


Yes, it’s a little boy. We call him ‘naughty  boy’ as he’s given his mum such a hard time! 🤣


What a lucky boy he is! We are a very small family, no great grandparents or uncles and aunties so it’s like having another virtual ‘family.’ 😉

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On 3/11/2021 at 12:04 AM, azbirdmom said:

Those roosters are quite noisy!  On past visits to Kauai I ended up having to use ear plugs so that I could sleep in a little.  If I didn't do that I would be roused by the roosters!

I had no idea these chickens could be so noisy and such pests! 🤣🤣


Am sure your little bird is much quieter! How is he/she doing? 

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On 3/11/2021 at 12:51 PM, JF - retired RRT said:

I want a cupcake and I want it NOW!! 

(stomps foot)

I wish I could send you one! 

Maybe one day if you visit the U.K.... I will invite you for a British afternoon tea, I love making scones and cakes..😏

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23 hours ago, ROWSE said:

I love all your shower pictures!!!  I have fingers crossed your daughter will deliver soon.

  My daughter delivered during the Pandemic as well and it is a scary time for sure.  Our granddaughter arrived Aug. 22, 2020, a full two weeks late.  All went well, thank God, and I pray the same for your grandson’s arrival.

Now, our grand daughter is 6 months old and my daughter could have gotten the Johnson and Johnson shot today, as her husband is a teacher;  and they said she could have it as well, but it is still too unknown what could happen between a nursing mother to baby, so she is going to hold off till more is known.  We are glad her husband got it as he now started back to in-school teaching.  

They may find out that it is fine for nursing mom’s and baby, but better safe than sorry.


And returning to cruise topic, we had our British Isles cruise for Aug. 30, 2021, on Sky cancelled so we are now trying again on the Crown in May.  This is 5th try, so fingers crossed.

We decided to do a land vacation instead, and your review put Hawaii more on our radar.  WE will be going to Kona, The Big Island, in October.  All projections say we will have the vaccine by then😀.


Thanks for the continued anticipation!


Oh I’m sorry to hear that your cruise has been cancelled. It’s so disappointing. Hope your vacation plans are more successful. Fingers crossed!🤞🏻


Glad to hear your little granddaughter is doing well.  Hope your daughter can get the vaccine soon. They are researching the vaccine for pregnant women and hope that it will be proven to be safe as it’s so dangerous to get Covid late in pregnancy. 



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23 hours ago, trbarton said:

You would never be offensive. If anyone thought you were they need to get a new life. Enjoyed to hear your perspective as it gives us some insight. This whole interview will spark discussions all around. Thanks for what you do for us. You & your husband would be a great addition at any dinner table. 


Thank you so much Tom. That is really kind of you. 


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22 hours ago, ringers0815 said:

Ellie, is there a lot of talk in the UK re: what is happening with AstraZeneca vaccine in the EU? This news of some people getting blood clots after the AZ vaccine is coming just as Canada starts rolling out this vaccine. It’s now available in some pharmacies but I don’t know if people will hesitate now. I did not hear of any such problems in the UK and believe it has been widely used there.

Hi there! 

We have both had the Astra Zeneca vaccine. My husband did have a strong reaction to it but he had probably had Covid soon after it all started last year. However it was very transient and he was fine after 24 hours. They say that shows it’s working well.  I was absolutely fine and so have all my friends been fine. It certainly hasn’t put us off having our second shot. We can’t wait.


Most people here in the U.K. have received the AZ vaccine, so that is millions of recipients (we have vaccinated over 20 million people here in the U.K., about 40% of the population).

So far no reported problems with blood clots.  Of course it could just be coincidence. People experience blood clots all the time so it could be expected that a few might do so around the time of the vaccine, but not actually caused by it.


We have been surprised by the huge uptake which is really heartening. The vaccine is no good if people won’t have it. We will be stuck in the wilderness forever if a large percentage refuse it. IMHO it is not just sensible to have it for our own protection but I feel it is my duty to protect others. 

The fewer people who have the vaccine, the more people will get Covid, and the greater chance of more dangerous variants emerging, and that could be disastrous.


Unfortunately, many European countries have been derogatory about the vaccine, despite there being no evidence of it being anything but highly effective.  IMHO they seem still to be angry about Brexit which is really sad.  The EU vaccination policy has been shambolic, and numbers of infections are rapidly rising. While they argue and make false claims, people are dying. My dear friend and bridesmaid in Italy still hasn’t been vaccinated and her husband is 78 and in poor health. It’s a huge worry.


We are very heartened to see how the vaccination roll out is progressing in the USA. Had a wonderful call from cruising friends in Australia yesterday where things are very much back to normal which is brilliant. We just hope we can visit sometime in the future. Good luck to everyone in Canada, too.

We are still maintaining our use of masks (we now wear 2 masks if we have to go out) and we wash hands and keep a social distance. It’s second nature to us and something we MUST continue to do until things are back to normal. It doesn’t worry us wearing a mask, after all if we had to have an operation we would be horrified to see medics in the operating theatre with no masks.


We hope you all get your vaccinations soon and we wish you all well and hope you stay safe and healthy. 







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