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Air Canada, West Jet, & Pearson


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Watched a Senate clip last night and saw articles this morning that top Executives at Air Canada, West Jet, and Pearson Airport have requested Feds to drop PCR testing and other COVID mandates.  Apparently A/C and West Jet are/have cancelled between 20-40% of their flights.  Very surprised A/C sort of bit the hands that feeds them some times.  Really surprised how so many different factions are applying pressure to Feds.  At least getting some movement by the provinces. Gaining momentum every day. Starting to feel a wee more optimistic every day that PCR testing will be a thing of the past in a month or 2, but not to optimistic😉 

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Everyone who is pressuring the feds has a vested interest in removing the requirement, and it's not to keep people heathly (which I don't think this requirement does anyways)...Airlines, Travel Industry, Tourist Industry...

I want the requirement removed as much, or more than the next guy, but the federal government has little interest in doing something that won't help them (Travel is seen as "for the rich").  IMHO, as long as the truckers are protesting, we will get nothing changed as if we did, it would look like they won.

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51 minutes ago, broberts said:

Other than cost, I don't really understand the objection to PCR tests.

Timing, locating a place to have it done requiring loss of vacation time, and stress just to name a few. We're flying to Cairo in a month or two. I was stressing but DD reassured me that they have doctors who come to the house for a pittance and the results are in 24 hours. Still have to watch the timing of the flight. 

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1 hour ago, broberts said:

Other than cost, I don't really understand the objection to PCR tests.

My objection is testing positive and being trapped in the US.  I can understand not boarding a plane when you a contagious but not being able to drive home to quarantine makes no sense.  Also, they set the limit at 11 days, rather than the 5 that's accepted in most (all?) provinces and states.

The testing on arrival makes no sense as people already have a test less than 72 hours old.  I would rather see testing after 3 days.  It would be interesting to see what percent of people test positive in these tests?

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1 hour ago, broberts said:

Other than cost, I don't really understand the objection to PCR tests.

I'm nervous about testing positive on a PCR even if not contagious (supposedly you can still test positive for up to 6 months after having had Covid?) We all got it in January but we have no PCR test proof of it since we can't get PCR testing in BC, or any testing for that matter...lol

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53 minutes ago, Dismomx5 said:

Timing, locating a place to have it done requiring loss of vacation time, and stress just to name a few. We're flying to Cairo in a month or two. I was stressing but DD reassured me that they have doctors who come to the house for a pittance and the results are in 24 hours. Still have to watch the timing of the flight. 


So your objection is to any form of testing prior to entry?


1 minute ago, ceilidh1 said:

I'm nervous about testing positive on a PCR even if not contagious (supposedly you can still test positive for up to 6 months after having had Covid?) We all got it in January but we have no PCR test proof of it since we can't get PCR testing in BC, or any testing for that matter...lol


You can relieve yourself of that concern by getting a PCR test now. If it's not available locally the rt-lamp test from switch health can be used. If it comes back positive you will have the necessary documentation. If it comes back negative you don't have to worry about a future positive test caused by a prior case.


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2 minutes ago, broberts said:


You can relieve yourself of that concern by getting a PCR test now. If it's not available locally the rt-lamp test from switch health can be used. If it comes back positive you will have the necessary documentation. If it comes back negative you don't have to worry about a future positive test caused by a prior case.


I'm planning on that - I actually just got the Switch test! I'm still unsure if it's the case that if I test negative now, that wouldn't mean I would still test negative on another test? I've been trying to find more info, but nothing so far...it would definitely put my mind at ease if that were the case!

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2 hours ago, broberts said:

Other than cost, I don't really understand the objection to PCR tests.

Other than holding travellers hostage to the high costs and extra hurdles they encounter to travel to Canada, I'm not sure how this extra layer of Government "protection" is necessary.  Why not PCR tests for a shopping  trip to the mall or crowded sports events?  Omicron exposure is likely everywhere now so it's time to move on from this PCR  nightmare travellers are subjected to.

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re: objection to PCR testing.


I work in the travel, transportation industry. Am not Canadian, but read this board as I have vested interest as I have a cruise booked from YVR in April. From the outside, PCR testing is keeping people away from Canada. Maybe that is your governments goal, to keep tourists and others out. Because the idea of having a  PCR test pre-flight, random testing/possible quarantining for results when arriving is bascially for foreigners a "closed" border situation. Unless you are flying into canada to visit family you need to see, nobody is flying to Canada for business or pleasure. So one objection is from the business side, the billions Canada is losing and risking to lose more ( cruise business -Alaskan) with  the current requirements.


I will be bold to say yes, at some point testing needs to stop. We need to learn with live with this virus, and that is why it's essential people get vaxxed. We never screened for colds, flus or other deceases like we do righ tnow for Covid. Now we may not be there yet globally but at some point we have to.

And seeing how people are being infected now with Omicron 2x!! Unless we want to continue to screen and exclude a good portion of the poplulation on a regular basis ( asymtomatic here )at any given time,  we need to rethink the strategy of when and why we test people. Many experts are moving away from a screening purpose to a diagnostic purpose for the actual sick.

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1 hour ago, Ayden said:

Other than holding travellers hostage to the high costs and extra hurdles they encounter to travel to Canada, I'm not sure how this extra layer of Government "protection" is necessary.  Why not PCR tests for a shopping  trip to the mall or crowded sports events?  Omicron exposure is likely everywhere now so it's time to move on from this PCR  nightmare travellers are subjected to.


Good questions. Undoubtedly we would have had less hospitalizations and deaths if we had insisted on negative tests to enter any indoor public place.


Most of us look at the situation through the very narrow lens of our own self interest.  Few of us consider the impact of various policies on anyone but ourselves. 


6 minutes ago, mousefan73 said:

re: objection to PCR testing.


I work in the travel, transportation industry. Am not Canadian, but read this board as I have vested interest as I have a cruise booked from YVR in April. From the outside, PCR testing is keeping people away from Canada. Maybe that is your governments goal, to keep tourists and others out. Because the idea of having a  PCR test pre-flight, random testing/possible quarantining for results when arriving is bascially for foreigners a "closed" border situation. Unless you are flying into canada to visit family you need to see, nobody is flying to Canada for business or pleasure. So one objection is from the business side, the billions Canada is losing and risking to lose more ( cruise business -Alaskan) with  the current requirements.


I will be bold to say yes, at some point testing needs to stop. We need to learn with live with this virus, and that is why it's essential people get vaxxed. We never screened for colds, flus or other deceases like we do righ tnow for Covid. Now we may not be there yet globally but at some point we have to.

And seeing how people are being infected now with Omicron 2x!! Unless we want to continue to screen and exclude a good portion of the poplulation on a regular basis ( asymtomatic here )at any given time,  we need to rethink the strategy of when and why we test people. Many experts are moving away from a screening purpose to a diagnostic purpose for the actual sick.


Given our tax funded health care system there is a very strong incentive to keep hospitalizations at a minimum. Tourism is an important industry but it alone is not sufficient to make up the potential impact on the 30% - 40% of provincial budgets spent on health care.


I have yet to see any serious suggestions for keeping at risk people alive while easing mitigation protocols. As current stats suggest, it is not enough to simply assume current treatments suffice. And of course the cost of dealing with these cases has to be considered.

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1 hour ago, ceilidh1 said:

I'm planning on that - I actually just got the Switch test! I'm still unsure if it's the case that if I test negative now, that wouldn't mean I would still test negative on another test? I've been trying to find more info, but nothing so far...it would definitely put my mind at ease if that were the case!


I too am unable to find any information on this. I suspect that any subsequent positive molecular test after a negative would be considered a reinfection.

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15 minutes ago, bcwife76 said:

I don't know if I am assuming. but the article states " Canadian " travelers..If the differentiate between nationality or residently for incoming people, that would be outside of the norm for all other countries. Testing requirements have either been for everyone entering based on vaxx status or last 14 day physcial location. Ex. if you fly into the US, EVERYONE gets tested, same with europe. It would be odd if Canada says, Canadian citizens no need for testing, but the german next to them on the flight needs to test. Both flying in from Germany.

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25 minutes ago, bcwife76 said:

Thanks VERY much for posting some (hopefully) good news on this. We only have a few weeks before making the final cancellation decision on our next trip, out of LA in early April.  Definitely staying put in country if this rule is still in force. Fingers crossed we will at least have a firm date for when it will be lifted very soon.

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4 minutes ago, lx200gps said:

Thanks VERY much for posting some (hopefully) good news on this. We only have a few weeks before making the final cancellation decision on our next trip, out of LA in early April.  Definitely staying put in country if this rule is still in force. Fingers crossed we will at least have a firm date for when it will be lifted very soon.

I’m going to assume that eventually the government will stop the PCR test travel requirements soon and replace it with Antigen Test instead. The only difference here you don’t have to wait 2 hours for your test result, instead it will only take 15 minutes with a Antigen Test. The inconvenience and hassle of getting tested will remain the same and furthermore, the companies that will be performing the Antigen Test will just increase the price. My thoughts. Still a step forward. 

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Our next trip abroad is Las Vegas in April and the relaxing of the current restrictions would make it a lot more stress free for sure.  With that said on our 2 other international trips in the pandemic era not once have our tests ever been looked at, nor our ArriveCAN.  Given the fact that it is finally a talking point and it seems there is little objection to it I would bet that the PCR requirements are dropped and soon.  No one knows for sure of course and this is all speculation.


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17 minutes ago, DHP1 said:

I’m going to assume that eventually the government will stop the PCR test travel requirements soon and replace it with Antigen Test instead. The only difference here you don’t have to wait 2 hours for your test result, instead it will only take 15 minutes with a Antigen Test. The inconvenience and hassle of getting tested will remain the same and furthermore, the companies that will be performing the Antigen Test will just increase the price. My thoughts. Still a step forward. 

If that's the case, it sure isn't a step forward, as it assumes that we could still be banned from re-entering our own country under threat of a massive fine if we test positive with an antigen test. No help there at all.

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4 hours ago, broberts said:

Other than cost, I don't really understand the objection to PCR tests.


The testing infrastructure that the GOC has put in place at Canadian airports (Switch Health) can't properly handle the volume in a timely way.   People returning to Canada sometimes have to sit home in isolation for 5, 6 days awaiting results that should be provided within 48 hours max. 

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3 minutes ago, lots-of-km2 said:


The testing infrastructure that the GOC has put in place (Switch Health) can't properly handle the volume in a timely way.   People returning to Canada sometimes have to sit home in isolation for 5, 6 days awaiting results that should be provided within 48 hours max. 

No kidding. I returned from Cuba last Friday. A week ago. Still waiting for the results of my after arrival PCR test. Yesterday I got an email from Switch health giving the excuse about heavy demand and saying the results would be delayed still more. At this rate I'll have maxed out on the quarantine period before I get the results.

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Implementing the antigen boils down to pricing and timely results.  The supposed 15 minute turn around is actually less than 5.  We have to test where I work and for those that have tested positive the second little red line proving infection shows up real quick in like 2-3 minutes.  I don't mind doing that procedure and would gladly do it prior to returning home. 

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2 minutes ago, mom says said:

No kidding. I returned from Cuba last Friday. A week ago. Still waiting for the results of my after arrival PCR test. Yesterday I got an email from Switch health giving the excuse about heavy demand and saying the results would be delayed still more. At this rate I'll have maxed out on the quarantine period before I get the results.


Wow.  Just wow.   


And no doubt that Switch Health is laughing all the way to the bank. 

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5 minutes ago, ALD18 said:

Implementing the antigen boils down to pricing and timely results.  The supposed 15 minute turn around is actually less than 5.  We have to test where I work and for those that have tested positive the second little red line proving infection shows up real quick in like 2-3 minutes.  I don't mind doing that procedure and would gladly do it prior to returning home. 


My experience has been the turn around time had more to do with the person preparing the result documentation than the time it takes to get the results.  

But you are also supposed to wait 15 minutes for the results.  I don't think anyone preparing documentation would say it was a definite negative before the full testing time is up. 


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