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Chair Hogs


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12 hours ago, Suntanz said:

There are also two different type of chair hogs:

1) If you are sitting there and saving a couple of chairs for family who are not there 

2) no one around the chairs and just towels on the chairs.


I think its the 2nd one that gets people ( as well as me) upset. I like the flag idea. Maybe a one hour warning, which is plenty if someone wants to swim, walk or get something to eat.

I/we fall into the #1 category.

As an example, last summer we sailed on Joy and there was 7 of us. 5 adults and 2 children.

Every day, after going to the gym, I'd go up to the deck above the pool deck (17) around 7 - 7:30am and reserve 5 loungers overlooking the pool. This is our favorite spot on every ship. It does get crowded, but it happens way later than the actual pool deck and gives a great vantage point to whatever activities go on down by the pool.

I didn't leave these loungers until my daughter came up with her bf.

We'll keep these chairs practically all day. Sometimes we are all there and sometimes there may be only 1 of us, but we never leave our loungers unattended.

We'll take turns going to eat throughout the day, go in the pool or hot tub, or get a drink from the bar.

This is how we've operated for all of our cruises, going back a long time and we feel good about it.

Now, when I pass by the pool area at 5:45am or so to go to the gym, I'll already see chairs with towels on them right by the pool. When I pass by an hour later to go shower, I'll see even more and when I return 30 minutes later, there's more. 

I'll watch and pay attention, as I'm usually alone at this time, and people get away with reserving these chairs for hours, completely unattended.

That I find to be a problem.


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22 hours ago, CruisnHallelujahs said:

I once moved someone’s reserving towels at a resort.  No one was there for the hours we had been there and asked around.  No one had seen people there. I was in the pool when they returned but my poor dh was asleep on the lounger when a man came charging at him screaming how dare we take his chairs.  You wouldn’t believe how animal like he was.  How dare we take his chairs when he got up at 6am to reserve them.  If we wanted them we should get up at 6 am he screamed.  I asked where they had been since 6am… they were on a bike excursion.  Lol.  And we were the ignorant ones.  It was after 1 pm when they returned.  

I can no doubt imagine someone behaving that way, although it beggars belief that someone on vacation would misbehave like that. If it were me, I'd whip out my phone and say "as soon as you're done with your tantrum, I'm going immediately to security to show them this, after which it'll be my pleasure to see your sorry a** thrown off this ship." If you threaten me, you're going down.

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Chair Hog - Someone who got up earlier than you did when chairs were still available and enjoyed the use of said chair while you tried to come up with any number of excuses why people who got to the pool before you should have left a chair for late risers and because they didn't you try to justify moving their personal belongings and taking their chair.

Pretty much sums up the issue...

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20 hours ago, Suntanz said:

There are also two different type of chair hogs:

1) If you are sitting there and saving a couple of chairs for family who are not there 

2) no one around the chairs and just towels on the chairs.


I think its the 2nd one that gets people ( as well as me) upset. I like the flag idea. Maybe a one hour warning, which is plenty if someone wants to swim, walk or get something to eat.



#2: So if I grab a chair and put my stuff in it, then at some point I get into the pool and enjoy relaxing in it I have to get out of the pool at least once an hour, go to my chair and make sure that you and the NCL crew see me there then go back into the pool or you have the right to move my stuff.  Go ahead, touch my personal belongings and see what happens.  BTW none of that "gets people"  peopel simply CHOOSE to get angry or whatever,

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I would love the option of cubbies. When my family of three goes to the pool deck we find a single chair to dump our stuff on and don't actually use the chair until drying off. If we had a cubby, someone else could use that chair. On the rare occasion we use loungers to just lounge, we would never leave longer than a bathroom or bar trip. If we do, we take our stuff so someone else can use the chair. I don't understand why people want to wander the boat and have a chair saved, when someone else could use it. 

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8 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:

Chair Hog - Someone who got up earlier than you did when chairs were still available and enjoyed the use of said chair while you tried to come up with any number of excuses why people who got to the pool before you should have left a chair for late risers and because they didn't you try to justify moving their personal belongings and taking their chair.

Pretty much sums up the issue...

Someone who is actually using the chair is not by definition a Chair Hog. 

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16 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:

Chair Hog - Someone who got up earlier than you did when chairs were still available and enjoyed the use of said chair 

Most people complain about those who reserved a chair but are not enjoying said chair, they are off enjoying something else for extended periods of time.

11 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:

#2: So if I grab a chair and put my stuff in it, then at some point I get into the pool and enjoy relaxing in it I have to get out of the pool at least once an hour, go to my chair and make sure that you and the NCL crew see me there then go back into the pool or you have the right to move my stuff.  

Right, except I'm not sure anyone other than NCL has a right to move your stuff.  Certainly NCL does, it's their ship and their rules.


11 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:

Go ahead, touch my personal belongings and see what happens.  BTW none of that "gets people"  peopel simply CHOOSE to get angry or whatever,


I may or may not have a "right" to, but I will if I want to.  If you don't like it, too bad - call cop (or in this case security).  Just make sure you don't threaten me.

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35 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:



#2: So if I grab a chair and put my stuff in it, then at some point I get into the pool and enjoy relaxing in it I have to get out of the pool at least once an hour, go to my chair and make sure that you and the NCL crew see me there then go back into the pool or you have the right to move my stuff.  Go ahead, touch my personal belongings and see what happens.  BTW none of that "gets people"  peopel simply CHOOSE to get angry or whatever,


This is simple.  Yes.  You are not using the chair for whatever time period says you must, say goodbye to your stuff and your chair.  

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49 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:

Chair Hog - Someone who got up earlier than you did when chairs were still available and enjoyed the use of said chair while you tried to come up with any number of excuses why people who got to the pool before you should have left a chair for late risers and because they didn't you try to justify moving their personal belongings and taking their chair.

Pretty much sums up the issue...

Actually I get up early & could have my choice of chairs, but if I will not use them for a couple of hours, I don't put my stuff on it. Its not an excuse, its just common courtesy. If you want to sit in the chair, go ahead. I just think people get too selfish when they put their stuff down & don't use the chair.


47 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:



#2: So if I grab a chair and put my stuff in it, then at some point I get into the pool and enjoy relaxing in it I have to get out of the pool at least once an hour, go to my chair and make sure that you and the NCL crew see me there then go back into the pool or you have the right to move my stuff.  Go ahead, touch my personal belongings and see what happens.  BTW none of that "gets people"  peopel simply CHOOSE to get angry or whatever,

So if you are going to be in the pool for a couple of hours, why do you need a chair?


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49 minutes ago, MoCruiseFan said:



#2: So if I grab a chair and put my stuff in it, then at some point I get into the pool and enjoy relaxing in it I have to get out of the pool at least once an hour, go to my chair and make sure that you and the NCL crew see me there then go back into the pool or you have the right to move my stuff.  Go ahead, touch my personal belongings and see what happens.  BTW none of that "gets people"  peopel simply CHOOSE to get angry or whatever,

If you're spending that much time in the pool, why do you need a lounger?

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15 hours ago, CILCIANRQTS said:

Common courtesy to chair hogs??
Common courtesy to people that straddle two parking spaces??
Common courtesy to people that cut in line??
Common courtesy to people that claim entire rows in the theater??

”Thank you sir. May I please have another??”

Strange way to go through life - being nice to the bad guys…

You could not have read my post more wrong. Common courtesy to fellow cruisers by NOT being a chair hog. Common courtesy by NOT straddling two parking spaces. Common Courtesy by NOT cutting in line. Common courtesy by Not claiming entire rows in the theater. Common courtesy to read a post within context of the conversation before going off shift.

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So, my 2 cents...


I don't lounge on the deck.  It's too crowded and people are loud and obnoxious.  I purposely by a spa pass on every cruise, or a vibe pass if I am on a ship without a spa.  However, I am confused by some of the conversation in this thread.  If I see a chair is unoccupied, then I am moving your stuff.  Period.  I get some people don't like confrontation but I will not tolerate rudeness.   


I am not going to throw your stuff in the ocean.  But I am going to move it to the next empty chair (which probably has another chair hog's stuff on it) and then if you come back then you and the other chair hog can fight it out.  You two deserve each other.  If someone screams at me for taking their chair I would simply say "You can't reserve chairs" and promptly ignore them.  I have never understood why we stand back and tolerate bad behavior.   If everyone would move a chair hogs belongings to some designated chair and make all the chair hogs fight each other for said chair, then we wouldn't even need a Mr Sexy Legs contest to entertain us.  Someone should make a "Chair Hog" flag and place it on one lounger, and then everyone can put unattended items there.  The chair hogs can go fight each other for their possessions back.  Last chair hog standing wins the lounger....which they will promptly leave empty to go take a nap in their room.


I don't want to ruin someone's vacation by being overbearing.  But I am not forcing my rules or morals onto the chair hog.  These are the rules of the boat that they agreed to.  If Everyone would take a stand against Chair hogs, then chair hogs would stop.  If someone cut you in line at Starbucks would you speak up and say "Hey buddy, the line starts back there!".  Or do you let them cut?  I am confused by people in this thread.  


But I understand how a lot of us are gobsmacked by rude behavior.  Oh the stories we all have to share.  


My husband and I were on the Getaway last month and there were some nice Wicker/ratan chairs by All American Diner.  They were in the shade, and a nice place to relax.  Some couple was sitting in 2 of the chairs, and had dragged another 2 over and had their FEET in them.  Had their feet all over the cushions.  It was standing room only on the ship, we were at full capacity, and this couple was taking up 4 chairs.   I simply walked over and said "Hi, Can I please take these chairs, there are none other available".  The immediately removed their feet.  I don't understand why someone would just stand in the shadows grumbling to themselves about "rude people".  Just confront them.  You don't have to yell and throw fists.  They know they are in the wrong.  Confront them. 


I was in a buffet the December (during COVID) before last on the Joy, and a woman pulled a panini from the station, physically opened it and touched every ingredient in it, realized it was vegetarian (it was clearly marked as such) and decided she didn't want vegetarian...SO SHE PUT THE PANINI back on the station.  The absolute brain dead actions of people who think they are the main character of our stories.  I said very loudly "We are in the MIDDLE of a pandemic and you just put your nasty hands all over that sandwich!"  She picked the Panini back up and went to another station.  You have to confront obnoxious people.


On the Getaway in the Spa there are those tiled heated chairs, about a dozen of them.  There are not enough that one is always available, and the sign clearly says to please limit your time to 30 minutes.  People would walk in, drop all their stuff on the heated chair (like it's a lounger) and then go into the sauna or the therapy pool...leaving a feature of the spa (a heated chair) empty but unusable to everyone else.  To me, this is just like blocking off the Sauna door so no one else can get in, because you might decide to use it later.  It's just rude.  So I moved their stuff to the window ledge.  A woman got out of the hot tub (where she was talking on her phone using speaker so we all had to hear the conversation) and said "Hey, excuse me, that's my chair, I was using that".  I said "If you were using it, I wouldn't have been able to sit down on it, now would I?"  And that was that.  Confront people.  Don't let them ruin your vacation.  They aren't going to hit you.  She got back into the hot tub and started loudly yelling on her phone.  I called over an attendant and asked him to do something because the Spa is supposed to be a quite zone.  He went and asked her to stop.  She decided she would rather leave the spa than face such an indignity.  Everyone was happy to see her go.


Also on that same cruise, in the spa, there was a woman who went into the therapy pool and stood over the powerful massage jet they have cordoned off.  She would proceed to push herself as hard as she could against the back wall and let the jet hit her at full force.  You could see her head rocking as the water battered her.  She stood there like that for HOURS.  I kid you not, she just kept hitting the jet button over and over completely hogging that portion of the pool.  But you know what happened if you got in the pool and moved in her direction?  She would immediately look at you and say "Hey, do you want to use this?  I have been here a while and I'll move."  She was a perfectly nice weirdo.  If you were one of those people that are afraid to assert yourself you probably wouldn't have realized that she was willing to step aside and share.  She was just trying to enjoy her vacation by undergoing water torture, but she was cognizant that she needed to share the water feature and was willing to do so.  Not a bad lady, but you have to work up the courage to ask her.  


I guess my point is that a lot of people in the thread like to complain about chair hogs, but I wonder if you had asked them politely if they would have moved or made way, like the feet couple or pool torture lady?  Just my 2 cents...You shouldn't be afraid to ask people to move.  The worst they can say is no.  And if they say no and are a chair hog they know you are gunning for their lounger so maybe they will actually sit in it.  And if someone is being gross, shame them.  Loudly warn the rest of the people in the buffet line that Nasty Nancy is touching all the food and putting it back.  Or complain to the staff if kids are where they are not supposed to be.  I don't go to Splash Academy and start playing their XBox.  If I did, you can bet a parent would complain about me being around her kids.  So I return the favor to those parents.  Don't let your kids into Spice H2O, and get them out of the hot tub.  Nothing gets parents to clear their brats out of the hot tub faster then when 2 gay men start walking to it and saying "Oh yes, oh yes...excellent.  this will do nicely".  


But that's just me.  I go on a cruise to vacation.  Not complain about everyone around me.  If I wanted to do that, I could just stay on Long Island.  Where complaining about everyone else is an Olympic Level sport.


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22 hours ago, cheer25mom said:

This whole concept is beyond ridiculous, and I refuse to honor a towel sitting abandoned on a chair for hours. I just move the towel and sit down. If someone returns wanting the chair, I will move to another and do the same. Very rarely does someone come looking for their chair, and I typically sit for a couple of hours minimum. Just goes to show how many people reserve a chair "just in case" they might want on later. Ridiculous. 

They might have left the chair altogether and maybe didn't know what to do with the towel so just left it there. In which case it makes perfect sense to commandeer the chair. If I see a chair with only a towel and no personal property, I would ask someone nearby if they had seen its occupant recently and if not, go for it.


I would not be offended if someone took a chair I had been using earlier. It's just a chair.  If I planned to return soon, I would let a neighbor who looked like they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon that I would be right back. 

Edited by zzdoug
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I don't understand the practice of reserving chairs for children who will only pop in and out during the day in between the many other activities that kids do on cruise ships.  If they want to come check in and sit for a minute, they can sit on the end of a parent's chair.  No need to take up a separate chair all day for a child to spend less than a few minutes there.


On past cruises, when we had to cruise during busy spring break weeks, I'd save one chair for my teen daughter (who was interested in sunbathing) but give her a time that she had to be in the chair by, or I would give it up.


I'm all for paying to have a designated chair for the week.  I remember cruising as a suite guest when they had reserved suite areas by the pool.  I guess those have since been replaced by the Haven/Retreat, etc.

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8 hours ago, mtrancher said:

You could not have read my post more wrong. Common courtesy to fellow cruisers by NOT being a chair hog. Common courtesy by NOT straddling two parking spaces. Common Courtesy by NOT cutting in line. Common courtesy by Not claiming entire rows in the theater. Common courtesy to read a post within context of the conversation before going off shift.

Now I see it.

Yup, I sure did read it wrong!

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On our next sailing, for the first time ever, I will be on the Pool Deck early being I am an early riser and will see if there are two loungers available, if so, I will sit in one and place a towel and personal item on the other. I am giving Boss Lady 30 minutes to join me, if she doesn't show, both loungers will be available to the next person(s)

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18 hours ago, TrumpyNor said:

These photos are from the pool deck on the Escape last summer -  I have no idea if they actually enforced it as I usually look for more quiet places than the pool deck to sunbade...




I'm guessing they tag chairs with a time that they notice it's empty, then run the clock ?

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6 hours ago, LongIsland-Cruiser said:

Everyone was happy to see her go.

I loved your entire post, it's one of the best I've ever seen on this topic. There's something about confronting entitled people and having them leave/slink off, etc. that I find incredibly cathartic. Just like a recent post I saw online in my neighborhood of some jerk running a red light and promptly being pulled over by a cop, it restores my sense that selfish people eventually get what they've got coming to them.

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5 hours ago, LongIsland-Cruiser said:

So, my 2 cents...


I don't lounge on the deck.  It's too crowded and people are loud and obnoxious.  I purposely by a spa pass on every cruise, or a vibe pass if I am on a ship without a spa.  However, I am confused by some of the conversation in this thread.  If I see a chair is unoccupied, then I am moving your stuff.  Period.  I get some people don't like confrontation but I will not tolerate rudeness.   


I am not going to throw your stuff in the ocean.  But I am going to move it to the next empty chair (which probably has another chair hog's stuff on it) and then if you come back then you and the other chair hog can fight it out.  You two deserve each other.  If someone screams at me for taking their chair I would simply say "You can't reserve chairs" and promptly ignore them.  I have never understood why we stand back and tolerate bad behavior.   If everyone would move a chair hogs belongings to some designated chair and make all the chair hogs fight each other for said chair, then we wouldn't even need a Mr Sexy Legs contest to entertain us.  Someone should make a "Chair Hog" flag and place it on one lounger, and then everyone can put unattended items there.  The chair hogs can go fight each other for their possessions back.  Last chair hog standing wins the lounger....which they will promptly leave empty to go take a nap in their room.


I don't want to ruin someone's vacation by being overbearing.  But I am not forcing my rules or morals onto the chair hog.  These are the rules of the boat that they agreed to.  If Everyone would take a stand against Chair hogs, then chair hogs would stop.  If someone cut you in line at Starbucks would you speak up and say "Hey buddy, the line starts back there!".  Or do you let them cut?  I am confused by people in this thread.  


But I understand how a lot of us are gobsmacked by rude behavior.  Oh the stories we all have to share.  


My husband and I were on the Getaway last month and there were some nice Wicker/ratan chairs by All American Diner.  They were in the shade, and a nice place to relax.  Some couple was sitting in 2 of the chairs, and had dragged another 2 over and had their FEET in them.  Had their feet all over the cushions.  It was standing room only on the ship, we were at full capacity, and this couple was taking up 4 chairs.   I simply walked over and said "Hi, Can I please take these chairs, there are none other available".  The immediately removed their feet.  I don't understand why someone would just stand in the shadows grumbling to themselves about "rude people".  Just confront them.  You don't have to yell and throw fists.  They know they are in the wrong.  Confront them. 


I was in a buffet the December (during COVID) before last on the Joy, and a woman pulled a panini from the station, physically opened it and touched every ingredient in it, realized it was vegetarian (it was clearly marked as such) and decided she didn't want vegetarian...SO SHE PUT THE PANINI back on the station.  The absolute brain dead actions of people who think they are the main character of our stories.  I said very loudly "We are in the MIDDLE of a pandemic and you just put your nasty hands all over that sandwich!"  She picked the Panini back up and went to another station.  You have to confront obnoxious people.


On the Getaway in the Spa there are those tiled heated chairs, about a dozen of them.  There are not enough that one is always available, and the sign clearly says to please limit your time to 30 minutes.  People would walk in, drop all their stuff on the heated chair (like it's a lounger) and then go into the sauna or the therapy pool...leaving a feature of the spa (a heated chair) empty but unusable to everyone else.  To me, this is just like blocking off the Sauna door so no one else can get in, because you might decide to use it later.  It's just rude.  So I moved their stuff to the window ledge.  A woman got out of the hot tub (where she was talking on her phone using speaker so we all had to hear the conversation) and said "Hey, excuse me, that's my chair, I was using that".  I said "If you were using it, I wouldn't have been able to sit down on it, now would I?"  And that was that.  Confront people.  Don't let them ruin your vacation.  They aren't going to hit you.  She got back into the hot tub and started loudly yelling on her phone.  I called over an attendant and asked him to do something because the Spa is supposed to be a quite zone.  He went and asked her to stop.  She decided she would rather leave the spa than face such an indignity.  Everyone was happy to see her go.


Also on that same cruise, in the spa, there was a woman who went into the therapy pool and stood over the powerful massage jet they have cordoned off.  She would proceed to push herself as hard as she could against the back wall and let the jet hit her at full force.  You could see her head rocking as the water battered her.  She stood there like that for HOURS.  I kid you not, she just kept hitting the jet button over and over completely hogging that portion of the pool.  But you know what happened if you got in the pool and moved in her direction?  She would immediately look at you and say "Hey, do you want to use this?  I have been here a while and I'll move."  She was a perfectly nice weirdo.  If you were one of those people that are afraid to assert yourself you probably wouldn't have realized that she was willing to step aside and share.  She was just trying to enjoy her vacation by undergoing water torture, but she was cognizant that she needed to share the water feature and was willing to do so.  Not a bad lady, but you have to work up the courage to ask her.  


I guess my point is that a lot of people in the thread like to complain about chair hogs, but I wonder if you had asked them politely if they would have moved or made way, like the feet couple or pool torture lady?  Just my 2 cents...You shouldn't be afraid to ask people to move.  The worst they can say is no.  And if they say no and are a chair hog they know you are gunning for their lounger so maybe they will actually sit in it.  And if someone is being gross, shame them.  Loudly warn the rest of the people in the buffet line that Nasty Nancy is touching all the food and putting it back.  Or complain to the staff if kids are where they are not supposed to be.  I don't go to Splash Academy and start playing their XBox.  If I did, you can bet a parent would complain about me being around her kids.  So I return the favor to those parents.  Don't let your kids into Spice H2O, and get them out of the hot tub.  Nothing gets parents to clear their brats out of the hot tub faster then when 2 gay men start walking to it and saying "Oh yes, oh yes...excellent.  this will do nicely".  


But that's just me.  I go on a cruise to vacation.  Not complain about everyone around me.  If I wanted to do that, I could just stay on Long Island.  Where complaining about everyone else is an Olympic Level sport.


As a fellow "Long Islander", I agree with much of what you're saying except for one thing (and I know this kind of goes against the New Yorker creed).

I preface this by saying that I'm certainly not afraid/opposed to confrontation, but I don't feel a passenger should ever move someone's "personal" belongings or directly confront them for any infraction.

I don't believe passengers should be enforcing rules and it could lead to unintended circumstances.

I've personally witnessed 2 all out brawls on cruises, so I know how the combination of sun and drinking can alter the part of the brain in charge of common sense. Lmao!

All cruise ships are run similarly to the military. There's a chain of command.

If someone is committing an infraction that bothers you so much that you can't ignore it, then go to a crew member and address it. If that crew member is unable or unwilling to remedy the situation, then go up the chain of command.

If your gripe is true and justified, you'll get to someone, eventually, that will help.

Personally, I've been on a decent amount of cruises, and I've never observed an infraction that was so egregious that I felt the need to confront someone or that I needed to report to the crew.

I've never stayed in the Haven, Vibe or any other exclusive space on a cruise ship and I don't find it hard to not only deal with some of the crazies, but thoroughly enjoy the entire experience.

I'm sailing Joy in July and expect it to be another fabulous cruise.

Just the opinion of a fellow "Long Islander".

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9 minutes ago, bkrickles1 said:

As a fellow "Long Islander", I agree with much of what you're saying except for one thing (and I know this kind of goes against the New Yorker creed).

I preface this by saying that I'm certainly not afraid/opposed to confrontation, but I don't feel a passenger should ever move someone's "personal" belongings or directly confront them for any infraction.

I don't believe passengers should be enforcing rules and it could lead to unintended circumstances.

I've personally witnessed 2 all out brawls on cruises, so I know how the combination of sun and drinking can alter the part of the brain in charge of common sense. Lmao!

All cruise ships are run similarly to the military. There's a chain of command.

If someone is committing an infraction that bothers you so much that you can't ignore it, then go to a crew member and address it. If that crew member is unable or unwilling to remedy the situation, then go up the chain of command.

If your gripe is true and justified, you'll get to someone, eventually, that will help.

Personally, I've been on a decent amount of cruises, and I've never observed an infraction that was so egregious that I felt the need to confront someone or that I needed to report to the crew.

I've never stayed in the Haven, Vibe or any other exclusive space on a cruise ship and I don't find it hard to not only deal with some of the crazies, but thoroughly enjoy the entire experience.

I'm sailing Joy in July and expect it to be another fabulous cruise.

Just the opinion of a fellow "Long Islander".

Great points Bkrickles. As a former Long Islander, I agree.

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6 hours ago, LongIsland-Cruiser said:

I don't understand why someone would just stand in the shadows grumbling to themselves about "rude people".  Just confront them.  You don't have to yell and throw fists.  They know they are in the wrong.  Confront them.

What a perfect post. I agree with every, single word. Thank you! 


And yes, I'll move your personal property if I know your chair has been unoccupied for whatever the time limit onboard is. Problem with it? That's your issue. Not mine. 

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