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Arvia Adventure Begins - May 2023


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5 hours ago, Selbourne said:

Interesting what you say about construction. With a few exceptions, when we cruise with P&O we hear noise from cabins both above and beside us (drawers opening and closing, TV if loud and sometimes even conversations). Sometimes enough to wake us. We were really struck on QM2 the other week that we didn’t hear a sound from outside the cabin. Not a dicky bird. I couldn’t help but wonder if the construction quality and, in particular, sound insulation, was better?  

We have never heard anything from other cabins! I can honestly say that it’s usually as quiet as being at home and as you know, we live in the middle of nowhere! 

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7 hours ago, Ardennais said:

We have never heard anything from other cabins! I can honestly say that it’s usually as quiet as being at home and as you know, we live in the middle of nowhere! 

Either you are very lucky or we are very unlucky! In all fairness, we haven’t had noise issues from neighbours when we’ve had forward suites on Britannia and aft suites on Arcadia and Ventura. However, we have had noise disturbance from neighbours on a good proportion of our Aurora cruises (balcony cabins), whenever we’ve had Superior Deluxe balcony cabins on Ventura or Azura and with an aft suite on Britannia (not neighbours in that instance, but the Live Lounge 2 decks below). I will admit that I am a light sleeper and I can be disturbed by noises that others can sleep through. My wife, like many people, is able to zone out noise and has a great ability not to hear things - including me moaning about inconsiderate neighbours 🤣 

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8 hours ago, Ardennais said:

We have never heard anything from other cabins! I can honestly say that it’s usually as quiet as being at home and as you know, we live in the middle of nowhere! 

We have never been disturbed by other cabins, rattling balcony doors, never. On our last Azura cruise we were plonked under the Beach House. Not a peep.

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54 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

However, we have had noise disturbance from neighbours on a good proportion of our Aurora cruises (balcony cabins), whenever we’ve had Superior Deluxe balcony cabins on Ventura or Azura and with an aft suite on Britannia (not neighbours in that instance, but the Live Lounge 2 decks below).


How loud was the noise from the Live Lounge on Britannia? We have booked F727 for a summer ‘25 cruise. I was hoping noise levels would be ok with a deck between us and the music 🥴

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19 minutes ago, zap99 said:

We have never been disturbed by other cabins, rattling balcony doors, never. On our last Azura cruise we were plonked under the Beach House. Not a peep.

Not had rattling balcony doors, but have had a few on Aurora where a very loud wind whistle comes through the edges - all resolved with some folded up toilet paper. Necessity is the mother of invention 😂 

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13 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

Not had rattling balcony doors, but have had a few on Aurora where a very loud wind whistle comes through the edges - all resolved with some folded up toilet paper. Necessity is the mother of invention 😂 

Perhaps living in South East England has desensitised us.🤣

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4 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

How loud was the noise from the Live Lounge on Britannia? We have booked F727 for a summer ‘25 cruise. I was hoping noise levels would be ok with a deck between us and the music 🥴

We thought the same! We were in suite F730 and our daughters in adjacent balcony cabin F728. With live music it was very loud. You could clearly tell what every song was. Recorded music not so bad - just the bass and a distant noise. We had other issues with that suite as well - soot on the balcony, vibration (intermittent) and plumbing noises (the plumbing plant room for several cabins was unbelievably located in the entrance lobby of the suite). There seemed to be some sort of void between the walls of our suite and our daughters cabin and I think the music noise was possibly coming up through that. 

This might sound daft, but I think I’ve read that on several ships (including Britannia) there can be noise disturbance on one aft corner above the Live Lounge, but not the other, due to the positioning of speakers. I notice that your cabin is the opposite side to us and might therefore be unaffected by the noise. I might be wrong but I think @Presto2 may have used that cabin and had no issues with it. 

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20 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

How loud was the noise from the Live Lounge on Britannia? We have booked F727 for a summer ‘25 cruise. I was hoping noise levels would be ok with a deck between us and the music 🥴

We have recently returned from a cruise where our cabin was dierctly above Live Lounge [ Britannia G 723]. One evening we heard very faint sounds of bass but for the rest nothing and I'm a fairly light sleeper.

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Just to provide some balance to my comments about noise issues, one thing that has always hugely impressed me about P&O is their maintenance teams and their willingness to resolve issues quickly. I know that others have had different experiences, but I must speak as I find, and any issues we have reported have usually been dealt with promptly and efficiently. 

The best, and most impressive, example I can give was when we had a forward suite on Britannia. No noise whatsoever from neighbours, but when in bed you could hear a constant noise that I would liken to the noise you hear in harbours when the sail cables (wrong term, I know) are banging against the mast in wind. 

We’d had a blocked sink which the maintenance team fixed within an hour of reporting it and when the deck manager came to check if it was OK I mentioned the noise to him. When we went out on to our balcony we realised what the cause was, and it was a cable for a light that was suspended underneath the overhang of the bridge. I said to my wife that we’d be stuck with the noise for the fortnight as there was no way they could fix that during a cruise. 

First stop was Gibraltar, and when we returned to the ship I looked up and to my amazement saw a technician hanging from a harness under the bridge. When we returned to the cabin I had a look and he had covered the cable in a cowling that stopped it banging. No more noise for the next 10 days of the cruise. Now that’s impressive! Again, to show balance, on Cunard the other week we had a problem with the door lock and it was sometimes taking 20 or 30 ‘swipes’ to gain access to the cabin (not ideal when you need the loo). Reported it twice and nothing was done about it. 

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12 minutes ago, ohnonotmeagain said:

We have recently returned from a cruise where our cabin was dierctly above Live Lounge [ Britannia G 723]. One evening we heard very faint sounds of bass but for the rest nothing and I'm a fairly light sleeper.

Thats 4 cabins back from the aft though, so some way back from any speakers (which can make a big difference), but is encouraging for SarahHben as it is also on the starboard side (we were port), which may add weight to my theory that only one side may get the worst noise?

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A very good day to you all.  The farce continues!!  Pleased to say I've had 10 hours sleep only interrupted intermittently by the neighbouring cabins flushing their lavatories, banging their doors at 2.00am and then the scrapping of chair arrangements above my head. Despite all this the total exhaustion and stress meant I was able to drop off again very quickly.


I did eat my dinner in Olive Grove which took 1 1/2 hours for three courses so I trundled up to the temporary room at 8.00pm to retire. Big problem. Despite my having previously in the room the card wouldn't operate the door. No one around, like the Marie Celeste so took 10 minutes wandering around before finding a staff member who accompanied me back to the room.  Its double locked he says, not for occupation! Ahh but I've already been in there I say, my bag is inside. Can't help that, it's double locked.  Well I'm sorry but I'm not going all the way back down from deck 15 to deck 7 reception to join a queue, can you please call them to confirm I can go in there? Okay, off he disappeared and 5 minutes later back with a master card to open the door, a magic click and apparently the double lock is off. Simples ... okay time for bed it's now approaching 9.00pm but what the heck the bed looks good.  Into the bathroom for the loo, tooth clean quick freshen up and into pjs.  Major problem as I reach for the toilet roll ... there isn't one, in fact on looking around there's absolutely nothing at all in this bathroom. So there I am waddling into the main room searching cupboards to find nothing, zilch except loads of pillows.  Throw my clothes back on, take the lift back down, go to my old cabin (this by now was vibrating to the sounds of Pulse gold) and raid it for a towel and lavatory roll.  So apologies to any guests reading this who saw the strange woman in a state of cross dress with pyjama bottoms and a sparkly evening top wandering around with two towels and a loo roll.  As I say I did then manage to go to bed.


I woke too late for breakfast as I had an appointment with the reception manager for the next discussion. Presented myself at 9.30 as instructed, asked for the lady by name as instructed.  Who said you should ask for her? She did here's the note she gave me.  She's not available. Why not, she made the appointment? There's crew exercises for the next 1 1/2 hours, come back at 3.00pm when she's next on duty. NO!  She made the appointment not me I want it dealt with, I'm on holiday and this is now farcical and extremely distressing.  I'm sorry madam she's not here.  Okay is no once in charge or looking after your guests? Please go to the room where you met with her yesterday, someone will come.  How long will they be? Can't say, please wait there.  I suddenly hear another conversation from down the end from a man who was demanding another cabin as he can't sleep in his and 48 hours with such a noise is intolerable. So now there's two of us waiting, blocking reception.


My lady returns go to the small waiting area, someone will be there in 5 minutes.  I go as instructed and sit down. It all gets too much and embarrassingly I end up in floods of tears.  5 minutes pass and I'm tapped on the shoulder by a lady in a white suit.  I'm taking over she says, we do have another room for you, it's on deck 4 at the inside grade you booked as there's no other rooms anywhere at all. Once you feel better I'll take you there to show you it.  


This lady was very nice, understanding. After 10 minutes I felt able to go with her.  Down we go, she has key in hand.  Get to deck 4, she knocks on the door to the room, waits a couple of seconds and enters ... to find a load of gentleman's clothing and a voice from the bathroom calling hello? We back out quickly and stand in the corridor, she gets on the radio com, are you sure this is the right room it's occupied by a contractor! Lots of crackling. At this point I became very dizzy lent against the back wall and promptly fainted. Came round a minute later to find her and two very kind passengers above me.  It's such fun all this, now I'm having anxiety attacks to add to the situation.  Anyway after 10 minutes looking a bit like Bambi I'm back on my feet and following my lady back to the room next to reception on Deck 7.


On arrival she tells me there's been a mistake - you don't say - and they aren't sure which room I'm being given.  We sit and wait and have a chat to pass the time.  Transpires she has just come off Arcadia and only wanted to work on small ships.  How on earth did you get on here then? They're very short of staff and needed an experienced people focused staff member.  


Well in fairness she is very nice, friendly and understands mental health issues and stress as she's suffered herself over the years. Sounds the ideal candidate for the job, but apparently it's not such a nice place to be if you actually care about the people because there's very little she can do to alleviate their problems.  That sadly is from the person tasked with helping.


Meantime I've been sent back to my room to await a call for what happens next.  We've agreed if the call doesnt come by noon I'm going to go ashore - it's all onboard by 4.30pm.  I'm apparently to pack my cases - I'm doing this very slowly with no enthusiasm as I write.  To be truthful I just want to go home now, this isn't a holiday, it's a round of cancelled appointments, arguments, tears and stress.

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Such a poor reflection on P&O and Arvia. I really do hope and pray that they get something sorted for you. It is appalling that they are selling or upgrading pax to cabins that they know cause such problems for people.

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1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

We thought the same! We were in suite F730 and our daughters in adjacent balcony cabin F728. With live music it was very loud. You could clearly tell what every song was. Recorded music not so bad - just the bass and a distant noise. We had other issues with that suite as well - soot on the balcony, vibration (intermittent) and plumbing noises (the plumbing plant room for several cabins was unbelievably located in the entrance lobby of the suite). There seemed to be some sort of void between the walls of our suite and our daughters cabin and I think the music noise was possibly coming up through that. 

This might sound daft, but I think I’ve read that on several ships (including Britannia) there can be noise disturbance on one aft corner above the Live Lounge, but not the other, due to the positioning of speakers. I notice that your cabin is the opposite side to us and might therefore be unaffected by the noise. I might be wrong but I think @Presto2 may have used that cabin and had no issues with it. 

Thanks for that info, my parents are going to be in F726, so over towards the side that you were on. I’ve found a YouTube video of F726 so I’ve left a question for the poster, we’ll see if they respond. 


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So sorry to hear of your problems MB2 it all sounds exactly the same as the issues we had on Azura. Left hand doesn’t know what the right hands doing! 
after the toilet problems and eventually being moved after 15 days, we arrived back to the new cabin one of the turnarounds in Malta to find a couple had been issued keys and were inside fortunately it was an elderly couple who were just as shocked as we were

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OMG  MB that sounds like you really are going through the ringer. I guess you may end up in disembarking in Italy after all. What  a shame. This adds fuel to the fire about so called upgrades.I really hope they can find a solution. Perhaps they should do a silent disco in the clubhouse from midnight.

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2 hours ago, Megabear2 said:

A very good day to you all.  The farce continues!!  Pleased to say I've had 10 hours sleep only interrupted intermittently by the neighbouring cabins flushing their lavatories, banging their doors at 2.00am and then the scrapping of chair arrangements above my head. Despite all this the total exhaustion and stress meant I was able to drop off again very quickly.


I did eat my dinner in Olive Grove which took 1 1/2 hours for three courses so I trundled up to the temporary room at 8.00pm to retire. Big problem. Despite my having previously in the room the card wouldn't operate the door. No one around, like the Marie Celeste so took 10 minutes wandering around before finding a staff member who accompanied me back to the room.  Its double locked he says, not for occupation! Ahh but I've already been in there I say, my bag is inside. Can't help that, it's double locked.  Well I'm sorry but I'm not going all the way back down from deck 15 to deck 7 reception to join a queue, can you please call them to confirm I can go in there? Okay, off he disappeared and 5 minutes later back with a master card to open the door, a magic click and apparently the double lock is off. Simples ... okay time for bed it's now approaching 9.00pm but what the heck the bed looks good.  Into the bathroom for the loo, tooth clean quick freshen up and into pjs.  Major problem as I reach for the toilet roll ... there isn't one, in fact on looking around there's absolutely nothing at all in this bathroom. So there I am waddling into the main room searching cupboards to find nothing, zilch except loads of pillows.  Throw my clothes back on, take the lift back down, go to my old cabin (this by now was vibrating to the sounds of Pulse gold) and raid it for a towel and lavatory roll.  So apologies to any guests reading this who saw the strange woman in a state of cross dress with pyjama bottoms and a sparkly evening top wandering around with two towels and a loo roll.  As I say I did then manage to go to bed.


I woke too late for breakfast as I had an appointment with the reception manager for the next discussion. Presented myself at 9.30 as instructed, asked for the lady by name as instructed.  Who said you should ask for her? She did here's the note she gave me.  She's not available. Why not, she made the appointment? There's crew exercises for the next 1 1/2 hours, come back at 3.00pm when she's next on duty. NO!  She made the appointment not me I want it dealt with, I'm on holiday and this is now farcical and extremely distressing.  I'm sorry madam she's not here.  Okay is no once in charge or looking after your guests? Please go to the room where you met with her yesterday, someone will come.  How long will they be? Can't say, please wait there.  I suddenly hear another conversation from down the end from a man who was demanding another cabin as he can't sleep in his and 48 hours with such a noise is intolerable. So now there's two of us waiting, blocking reception.


My lady returns go to the small waiting area, someone will be there in 5 minutes.  I go as instructed and sit down. It all gets too much and embarrassingly I end up in floods of tears.  5 minutes pass and I'm tapped on the shoulder by a lady in a white suit.  I'm taking over she says, we do have another room for you, it's on deck 4 at the inside grade you booked as there's no other rooms anywhere at all. Once you feel better I'll take you there to show you it.  


This lady was very nice, understanding. After 10 minutes I felt able to go with her.  Down we go, she has key in hand.  Get to deck 4, she knocks on the door to the room, waits a couple of seconds and enters ... to find a load of gentleman's clothing and a voice from the bathroom calling hello? We back out quickly and stand in the corridor, she gets on the radio com, are you sure this is the right room it's occupied by a contractor! Lots of crackling. At this point I became very dizzy lent against the back wall and promptly fainted. Came round a minute later to find her and two very kind passengers above me.  It's such fun all this, now I'm having anxiety attacks to add to the situation.  Anyway after 10 minutes looking a bit like Bambi I'm back on my feet and following my lady back to the room next to reception on Deck 7.


On arrival she tells me there's been a mistake - you don't say - and they aren't sure which room I'm being given.  We sit and wait and have a chat to pass the time.  Transpires she has just come off Arcadia and only wanted to work on small ships.  How on earth did you get on here then? They're very short of staff and needed an experienced people focused staff member.  


Well in fairness she is very nice, friendly and understands mental health issues and stress as she's suffered herself over the years. Sounds the ideal candidate for the job, but apparently it's not such a nice place to be if you actually care about the people because there's very little she can do to alleviate their problems.  That sadly is from the person tasked with helping.


Meantime I've been sent back to my room to await a call for what happens next.  We've agreed if the call doesn't come by noon I'm going to go ashore - it's all onboard by 4.30pm.  I'm apparently to pack my cases - I'm doing this very slowly with no enthusiasm as I write.  To be truthful I just want to go home now, this isn't a holiday, it's a round of cancelled appointments, arguments, tears and stress.


What an awful experience, I genuinely feel really sad for you and hope that you can get back home quickly. Thanks for taking the time to share all of this as it's a clear warning regarding the suitability (or should that be unsuitably) of certain cabins on Arvia.


No doubt you will be on the case with P&O in due course and I hope that they recompense you accordingly.

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45 minutes ago, Technoman2 said:

OMG  MB that sounds like you really are going through the ringer. I guess you may end up in disembarking in Italy after all. What  a shame. This adds fuel to the fire about so called upgrades.I really hope they can find a solution. Perhaps they should do a silent disco in the clubhouse from midnight.


Although I've never experienced one myself I've seen a few silent discos on Vlogs which are anything but (silent) due to passengers singing along!

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48 minutes ago, Technoman2 said:

OMG  MB that sounds like you really are going through the ringer. I guess you may end up in disembarking in Italy after all. What  a shame. This adds fuel to the fire about so called upgrades.I really hope they can find a solution. Perhaps they should do a silent disco in the clubhouse from midnight.

Never mind Italy, my husband is looking at flights from Palma for me as we speak.  I'm ashore as no call was received, the sun's come out and I'm.seriously not wanting to get back on.


At least I enjoyed a glass of wine and an ice cream to cheer me up. 

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1 minute ago, Megabear2 said:

Never mind Italy, my husband is looking at flights from Palma for me as we speak.  I'm ashore as no call was received, the sun's come out and I'm.seriously not wanting to get back on.


At least I enjoyed a glass of wine and an ice cream to cheer me up. 

I'm outraged on your behalf MB2. I really felt for you when I read your posts. Sometimes a solo holiday can be a very lonely place and I almost shed tears with you. It doesn't sound as though P&O are going to resolve your issues so maybe coming home is the best thing for you? Try and be strong for now and give them total hell on your return. Very best wishes. Jane xxx

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3 hours ago, Megabear2 said:

A very good day to you all.  The farce continues!!  Pleased to say I've had 10 hours sleep only interrupted intermittently by the neighbouring cabins flushing their lavatories, banging their doors at 2.00am and then the scrapping of chair arrangements above my head. Despite all this the total exhaustion and stress meant I was able to drop off again very quickly.


I did eat my dinner in Olive Grove which took 1 1/2 hours for three courses so I trundled up to the temporary room at 8.00pm to retire. Big problem. Despite my having previously in the room the card wouldn't operate the door. No one around, like the Marie Celeste so took 10 minutes wandering around before finding a staff member who accompanied me back to the room.  Its double locked he says, not for occupation! Ahh but I've already been in there I say, my bag is inside. Can't help that, it's double locked.  Well I'm sorry but I'm not going all the way back down from deck 15 to deck 7 reception to join a queue, can you please call them to confirm I can go in there? Okay, off he disappeared and 5 minutes later back with a master card to open the door, a magic click and apparently the double lock is off. Simples ... okay time for bed it's now approaching 9.00pm but what the heck the bed looks good.  Into the bathroom for the loo, tooth clean quick freshen up and into pjs.  Major problem as I reach for the toilet roll ... there isn't one, in fact on looking around there's absolutely nothing at all in this bathroom. So there I am waddling into the main room searching cupboards to find nothing, zilch except loads of pillows.  Throw my clothes back on, take the lift back down, go to my old cabin (this by now was vibrating to the sounds of Pulse gold) and raid it for a towel and lavatory roll.  So apologies to any guests reading this who saw the strange woman in a state of cross dress with pyjama bottoms and a sparkly evening top wandering around with two towels and a loo roll.  As I say I did then manage to go to bed.


I woke too late for breakfast as I had an appointment with the reception manager for the next discussion. Presented myself at 9.30 as instructed, asked for the lady by name as instructed.  Who said you should ask for her? She did here's the note she gave me.  She's not available. Why not, she made the appointment? There's crew exercises for the next 1 1/2 hours, come back at 3.00pm when she's next on duty. NO!  She made the appointment not me I want it dealt with, I'm on holiday and this is now farcical and extremely distressing.  I'm sorry madam she's not here.  Okay is no once in charge or looking after your guests? Please go to the room where you met with her yesterday, someone will come.  How long will they be? Can't say, please wait there.  I suddenly hear another conversation from down the end from a man who was demanding another cabin as he can't sleep in his and 48 hours with such a noise is intolerable. So now there's two of us waiting, blocking reception.


My lady returns go to the small waiting area, someone will be there in 5 minutes.  I go as instructed and sit down. It all gets too much and embarrassingly I end up in floods of tears.  5 minutes pass and I'm tapped on the shoulder by a lady in a white suit.  I'm taking over she says, we do have another room for you, it's on deck 4 at the inside grade you booked as there's no other rooms anywhere at all. Once you feel better I'll take you there to show you it.  


This lady was very nice, understanding. After 10 minutes I felt able to go with her.  Down we go, she has key in hand.  Get to deck 4, she knocks on the door to the room, waits a couple of seconds and enters ... to find a load of gentleman's clothing and a voice from the bathroom calling hello? We back out quickly and stand in the corridor, she gets on the radio com, are you sure this is the right room it's occupied by a contractor! Lots of crackling. At this point I became very dizzy lent against the back wall and promptly fainted. Came round a minute later to find her and two very kind passengers above me.  It's such fun all this, now I'm having anxiety attacks to add to the situation.  Anyway after 10 minutes looking a bit like Bambi I'm back on my feet and following my lady back to the room next to reception on Deck 7.


On arrival she tells me there's been a mistake - you don't say - and they aren't sure which room I'm being given.  We sit and wait and have a chat to pass the time.  Transpires she has just come off Arcadia and only wanted to work on small ships.  How on earth did you get on here then? They're very short of staff and needed an experienced people focused staff member.  


Well in fairness she is very nice, friendly and understands mental health issues and stress as she's suffered herself over the years. Sounds the ideal candidate for the job, but apparently it's not such a nice place to be if you actually care about the people because there's very little she can do to alleviate their problems.  That sadly is from the person tasked with helping.


Meantime I've been sent back to my room to await a call for what happens next.  We've agreed if the call doesnt come by noon I'm going to go ashore - it's all onboard by 4.30pm.  I'm apparently to pack my cases - I'm doing this very slowly with no enthusiasm as I write.  To be truthful I just want to go home now, this isn't a holiday, it's a round of cancelled appointments, arguments, tears and stress.

This is appalling customer service and treatment by the P&O Staff onboard, this being Mental Health Awareness week as well. It’s unacceptable for someone to arrange a meeting with you and then not be available, she should have called you to rearrange as the minimum, now on top of that they fail to call you by noon. 

I really do hope you get sorted rapidly, perhaps an email to your shore side P&O contact is needed in order for them to resolve the issue speedily.

Edited by Snow Hill
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11 minutes ago, Beckett said:

I'm outraged on your behalf MB2. I really felt for you when I read your posts. Sometimes a solo holiday can be a very lonely place and I almost shed tears with you. It doesn't sound as though P&O are going to resolve your issues so maybe coming home is the best thing for you? Try and be strong for now and give them total hell on your return. Very best wishes. Jane xxx

Bless you. Thank you for your understanding, it's always easier to deal with these things when you're not on your own.


The annoying thing is the ship itself is good and I'm certain if you aren't one of the hundred or so people in the dud cabins you'd have a lovely holiday.


What's exacerbating it for me is all the promises of meetings, moving etc when no one turns up.  I'm sure they don't mean to be unkind but the truth is the ship is full and if your one of the unlucky ones they can't help you no matter how much they might wish to.


Any way the good news is there's a 17.40 flight to LHR from Palma on Friday with decent availability for £168 and if they don't sort me when I go back my husband's booking me on.


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32 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

Never mind Italy, my husband is looking at flights from Palma for me as we speak.  I'm ashore as no call was received, the sun's come out and I'm.seriously not wanting to get back on.


At least I enjoyed a glass of wine and an ice cream to cheer me up. 


I really do feel for you, nobody should be put into this situation. I know full well how bad the onboard teams can be at times in handling problems. It is down to pure luck and you really don't understand until you have had a major problem onboard.  It must be exhausting for you, not just physically, as you are having to chase people up or keep visiting reception.


I am pleased that you have a back up plan to leave on Friday if necessary, and I hope that puts your mind at ease a little. 


Like Snow Hill has said, have you tried contacting shore side? We had to do that when we had the problem with our cabin on Arcadia (we felt like getting off the day we embarked, and we would have had we not sailed whilst still sorting the issue). It might be worth a try.

Edited by CarlaMarie
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5 minutes ago, Megabear2 said:

Bless you. Thank you for your understanding, it's always easier to deal with these things when you're not on your own.


The annoying thing is the ship itself is good and I'm certain if you aren't one of the hundred or so people in the dud cabins you'd have a lovely holiday.


What's exacerbating it for me is all the promises of meetings, moving etc when no one turns up.  I'm sure they don't mean to be unkind but the truth is the ship is full and if your one of the unlucky ones they can't help you no matter how much they might wish to.


Any way the good news is there's a 17.40 flight to LHR from Palma on Friday with decent availability for £168 and if they don't sort me when I go back my husband's booking me on.


I'm sure none of the staff meant to be unkind MB2 but they have, nonetheless, let you down very badly with their unfulfilled promises. I'd always prefer people to be upfront honest so that you can plan accordingly but you've been left in limbo. Fingers crossed for a good outcome when you go back but if not, have good flight on Friday. We're all with you in spirit.  Jane xxx

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Well I'm back on-board .... not sure whether to laugh or cry now!


Message at 14.28 - the cabin we were sourcing for you is no longer available. We wanted to update you and will continue to try to monitor the situation with noise. At present we are trying to source a solution.


And then the attached was outside the door. How rude do you think I can be when completing it ...


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