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What do you hope will be done to our beloved QM2 in the 2023 refurbishment?


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5 hours ago, AspirationalFlyer said:

Much better internet. 

Removal of all of the rust outside and more repainting. 

Cutting edge lights, lasers and dance floors in G32 (which I otherwise much prefer to the Yacht Club). 


Agree with Number 1.


I think because of her constantly in service Number 2 is a ongoing problem. But when we were on in September we saw ongoing touch ups all 14 days we were on. Granted by our disembarkation there was still visible. That's why it's ongoing especially on the balcony cabins.


#3 - I think it would IMHO be out of place for the QM2 for G32. I think it's fine except for the Post too near the Dance Floor. I would agree that more of a Dance Floor space would help. But lights, lasers are more appropriate for those new Mega Ships of today. I think they have enough light effects there now.



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12 minutes ago, BklynBoy8 said:

I think it's fine except for the Post too near the Dance Floor.

It's on the dance floor and "I" quite enjoyed dancing round it. My wife got a bit fed up when I went round it three times in quick succession.


They could do with adding some padding to the head level wood around the DJ's station. My wife's head does get quite close to it as we spin turn in and out of that corner.

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4 hours ago, D&N said:

Not sure what difference lights and lasers make to ones dancing, but please leave the floor alone!

I think it was wood and we found it absolutely fine for dancing on.

I love the QM2, but G32 is a little old fashioned. It’s more school disco than club. You may prefer that style but I don’t. I personally just find it a bit lazy and unimaginative. This is ultimately a thread about opinions and preferences. I enjoy classical music in the Queen’s Room and house music in a club equally. Actually one of the things I like most about cruises is the breadth of music I get exposure to. 

There are already lights and video screens in G32, so it’s more an upgrade of what is there already. Lasers we are can debate but they are used in ships all over the world. Cunard can be many things to many different people. Why use an old fashioned lighting system? 

I looked back at some of my photos and the dance floor is relatively small and rather oddly positioned. Cunard could make more of it. I won’t debate what the floor is made out of (!) but from my photos much of it in G32 was not wood. 

Edited by AspirationalFlyer
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I'm quite happy for you to have any lighting and lasers that you want. And I don't really care what the floor is made of either, just as long as we can dance on it!


We'll dance to any style of music that is close to strict tempo. We prefer to dance ballroom and latin but revert to disco if we can't fit anything else round the music.

When Exxile were playing we danced more in G32 than we did to the not so good bands in Queens Room.

Other than the odd gulp of refreshment we're on the floor dancing constantly. Most others there seemed quite happy to sit and watch and listen to the music.


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6 hours ago, AspirationalFlyer said:

G32 is a little old fashioned. It’s more school disco than club.


You may prefer that style but I don’t. I personally just find it a bit lazy and unimaginative.


This is ultimately a thread about opinions and preferences. 


There are already lights and video screens in G32, so it’s more an upgrade of what is there already. Lasers we are can debate but they are used in ships all over the world. Cunard can be many things to many different people. Why use an old fashioned lighting system? 

I looked back at some of my photos and the dance floor is relatively small and rather oddly positioned.


Dear Aspirational Flyer,

I know we both agree that Cruise Critics is an open forum of personal opinions of our experiences while sailing on the QM2 which is also a vessel we love since 2006.


But In my personal opinion about the G32 NightClub (descripted by Cunard) I agree about certain improvements that we noticed could be applied and maybe during her half life work talked about in 2026 here on this forum.

"This vibrant nightclub on Queen Mary 2 offers the chance to let your hair down in a dazzling space full of like-minded guests, with a party atmosphere"


The size of the floor would give more passengers more space to "Let Their Hair Down" as described. And the unfortunately positioned Pole which I always noticed. But I think the lighting with some minor upgrade may help. But she is not descripted as one of those ships that are out sailing the seas at this time. But IMHO....I don't see how this current atmosphere I have seen in the past, to come in June causes a negative influence to those enjoying themselves during those delightful evenings.  


I too after reading these remarks above on this forum question "being a bit lazy and imaginative" I too reviewed my pictures and videos. I saw and remember personally a bunch of Fun Loving Crowds almost Filling a Packed Floor "Letting Their Hair Down" to the music of the DJ and visiting band "Changes" on many evenings.


I really do and respect your opinion experiencing other ships, do not think that more enhanced lighting is needed to influence the atmosphere of enjoyment. Being a profession retired healthcare worker, I believe use of laser lighting in a small location such as G32 is not suggested. That type of lighting can personally effect passengers with certain medical conditions and would prevent them from entering and enjoy G32. I know such a warning is announced in the Royal Court before shows.


I just wanted to share my feelings and thoughts. I look forward to sailing once again on her in June and look forward to attending G32 and share the joy all have.


Enjoy any Sailings in The Future.....Bon Voyage!


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On 5/20/2023 at 9:52 PM, Roland787 said:

Being currently onboard QM2 at the time of this posting, they definitely need to prioritize catching up on general repairs and maintenance, before investing in any major alterations to the ship.  As someone who loves this ship, it pains me to say that she is currently in the worst state of repair that I have seen the ship in to date.  They really need to strip the hull down to bare metal from deck 7 down and fully repair the extensive rust damage around many of the ship's windows.  The glass paneled wind walls on the terraced back part of the ship have extensive rust damage.  Given the age of the ship, the lifts throughout the ship should have their buttons and indicator displays replaced or updated, and some of the banged up and deeply scratched lift doors should be replaced.  The steel handrails around deck 7 should have the layers of paint stripped to metal and repainted.  They should replace all of the light fixtures in the corridor on deck 9.  They are still using compact fluorescent bulbs in these fixtures that have discolored the lamp shades, making most of these shades look terrible, hardly fitting to be outside the doors of some of the ships most expensive suites.  They could stand to repair or replace the mechanicals of the individual cabin climate control systems.  The blower on the one for my cabin sounds like a helicopter.  I think that all of the time that the ship spent in "warm layup" with only a skeleton crew put the ships engineering team in a difficult situation where they are having to play catch up on routine repairs and maintenance which didn't occur during covid.  



This is exactly how I felt during my crossing in 2022.  Never had I seen the ship in worse condition.  It wasn't just a spot here and there, but months and months of obvious deferred maintenance and neglect.  The exterior was covered in rust, including my balcony.  Pool tiles were floating in the water.  The plastic surround of some hot tubs missing pieces or completely missing.  The teak decks missing pegs and looking worse for wear. The list goes on and on and I did document some of it with pictures.  It was disheartening as QM2 has been my favorite ship and I've sailed on her 10+ times.  As for those that say dealing with the rust is a problem because she is always in service ... well that has been the case since day one but somehow they managed in the past.  Something has changed in regards to maintenance and it's not hard to figure out much of it is simply being deferred to save $$.  Frankly I have no desire to return until she receives a major refit. 


The interior was in better condition but it also needs attention.  The public bathrooms are a disgrace.  I've seen gas station bathrooms in better condition.  All the standard cabin bathrooms need a complete gutting.  They all need to be upgraded to the standard of the Britannia Club cabins on Deck 13.  They are looking so dated.  The internet must be upgraded.  You simply cannot operate a modern ship in today's times with the substandard internet that QM2 offers.  Times have changed and Cunard needs to adapt in order to survive. 


I realize money is tight and Carnival Corp has yet to post a profit since COVID (maybe next quarter finally), but operating a ship in the condition of QM2 when I sailed will do them no good.  It honestly didn't surprise me when she had to cancel a couple cruises not long ago.  Based on the obvious deferred maintenance I witnessed, I could only wonder how bad things were that I couldn't see? 


This great lady deserves better. 

Edited by eroller
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Guest SilverHengroen
1 hour ago, eroller said:


I realize money is tight and Carnival Corp has yet to post a profit since COVID (maybe next quarter finally), but operating a ship in the condition of QM2 when I sailed will do them no good.  It honestly didn't surprise me when she had to cancel a couple cruises not long ago.  Based on the obvious deferred maintenance I witnessed, I could only wonder how bad things were that I couldn't see? 


Wow, that is quite severe, I wonder about Cunard specifically, I understand they were one of the more profitable brands on a per-berth basis? Makes me glad they’re actually committing to a refit this year! 

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1 hour ago, eroller said:



This is exactly how I felt during my crossing in 2022.  Never had I seen the ship in worse condition.  It wasn't just a spot here and there, but months and months of obvious deferred maintenance and neglect.  The exterior was covered in rust, including my balcony.  Pool tiles were floating in the water.  The plastic surround of some hot tubs missing pieces or completely missing.  The teak decks missing pegs and looking worse for wear. The list goes on and on and I did document some of it with pictures.  It was disheartening as QM2 has been my favorite ship and I've sailed on her 10+ times.  As for those that say dealing with the rust is a problem because she is always in service ... well that has been the case since day one but somehow they managed in the past.  Something has changed in regards to maintenance and it's not hard to figure out much of it is simply being deferred to save $$.  Frankly I have no desire to return until she receives a major refit. 


The interior was in better condition but it also needs attention.  The public bathrooms are a disgrace.  I've seen gas station bathrooms in better condition.  All the standard cabin bathrooms need a complete gutting.  They all need to be upgraded to the standard of the Britannia Club cabins on Deck 13.  They are looking so dated.  The internet must be upgraded.  You simply cannot operate a modern ship in today's times with the substandard internet that QM2 offers.  Times have changed and Cunard needs to adapt in order to survive. 


I realize money is tight and Carnival Corp has yet to post a profit since COVID (maybe next quarter finally), but operating a ship in the condition of QM2 when I sailed will do them no good.  It honestly didn't surprise me when she had to cancel a couple cruises not long ago.  Based on the obvious deferred maintenance I witnessed, I could only wonder how bad things were that I couldn't see? 


This great lady deserves better. 


There is some hope. When I was aboard in July, the pool had been repaired, the decks were being seen too, and painting and varnishing were going on all over the place. All easy to do on a Med. cruise in warm weather, not so much in mid-Atlantic.

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1 hour ago, exlondoner said:


There is some hope. When I was aboard in July, the pool had been repaired, the decks were being seen too, and painting and varnishing were going on all over the place. All easy to do on a Med. cruise in warm weather, not so much in mid-Atlantic.


Good to hear, but to be fair plenty of maintenance can be done mid-Atlantic if the weather is decent.  Not painting the hull obviously, but I’ve seen it first hand as I’ve sailed QM2 many times, almost exclusively on crossings. On the vast majority of my QM2 experiences the ship sparkled inside and out. Sometimes more than others but never anything like the last experience. Certainly wasn’t the case in 2022 as the ship never looked worse and we had some decent weather days.  This wasn’t a case of bad weather on a single crossing, but months and months of deferred maintenance.  Of course it all can be simply rectified with some $$ and manpower.  Let’s hope QM2 gets an infusion of both.  

I am happy to hear some pool work was completed.  Nothing like swimming while avoiding pieces of the pool floating by.  It was comical and sad at the same time.  

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On 5/17/2023 at 6:44 PM, NE John said:

Probably not 100% agreement, but a wrist based medallion system to replace clumsy cards that open staterooms and pay for things, etc. 
Many other ships and land-based resorts have them and they work very well. I don’t want everything App based though. 

Dump the cards!

I much prefer the cards over any medallion system.


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1 hour ago, Guppy99 said:

I much prefer the cards over any medallion system.



We agree with you with the cards. Yes you will have to storage it somewhere but we do that with credit cards on land. I really don't think they are an inconvenience. 


We are not ones to have something hanging around our necks or pinned on the clothing. Like we aren't ones like others liking to wear their cards on their lanyard or card holders around their necks.


I think we are just use to the old fashion way in our ways. 

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On 5/23/2023 at 8:33 PM, SilverHengroen said:

Wow, that is quite severe, I wonder about Cunard specifically, I understand they were one of the more profitable brands on a per-berth basis? Makes me glad they’re actually committing to a refit this year! 

The financial issue for them is the amount of debt they had to take on to keep afloat (!) during the pandemic.  Together with rising interest rates, that represents a significant burden and we wait to see if they can make it back above break even.

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4 hours ago, IB2 said:

The financial issue for them is the amount of debt they had to take on to keep afloat (!) during the pandemic.  Together with rising interest rates, that represents a significant burden and we wait to see if they can make it back above break even.

If Carnival locked in low interest rates during the near-zero rates during the pandemic their debt situation could be manageable. If they have to refinance bonds coming now, that could lead to a squeeze. 

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Guest SilverHengroen
On 5/27/2023 at 9:54 AM, IB2 said:

The financial issue for them is the amount of debt they had to take on to keep afloat (!) during the pandemic.  Together with rising interest rates, that represents a significant burden and we wait to see if they can make it back above break even.

Indeed, I suppose just getting the ships back in service was step one, getting them sailing full and making enough money to cover expenses is step two! I've noticed a real intensification in Cunard's marketing offers recently. Trying to do my bit for them! 😊 


It's good to know any cosmetic issues are not because they're at the point of sacrificing ships' maintenance to try and wring more money out of their operation, but I guess those extra borrowed billions will need to be repaid somewhere along the line. 

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Sounds like deja vu back to the late ‘60’s when Cunard could only afford to paint one side of the original QE in her final years, the side that would be seen from the pier for a visit by HM the Queen Mother!

QE and QM were famously tattered, I was fortunate to take a tour of QE a few months after she was retired to Florida and the interiors were magnificent but threadbare.

This was the type of thing that Carnival’s acquisition of Cunard was supposed to eliminate, but no one envisioned Covid.

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Possibly but QV (May 2023), QE (Sept 2022) and QM2 (Jan 22) still managed to look more spruce and with far more underway maintenance than QE2 did in 1977 and 1979 when she was less than a decade old. 


On QV, I enjoyed talking with the deck crew and comparing notes on shipboard painting and maintenance.  They were revarnishing all of the deck cabinets on the Grill Deck, replacing entire lengths of rail caps and everything painted metal was properly chipped to bare steel, primed and then enameled.  These lads (lassies... first time I've seen a female deck rating) know their trade and are proud of their ship.  Whilst in Helsinki for two days, they completely repainted and re-placed all the watertight seal rubbers of the tender platform right below our balcony.  So those of you tendering this week will hopefully appreciate their efforts. 


QM2 was a mess in Jan 22 (26 days to the WI from Southampton) but I talked to the Quartermaster most days and they were making considerable progress making good two years of idleness. This kind of work is not done in shipyards during "refits" btw... it's the routine underway maintenance that does that and needs to be made good. 


There is nothing better than the smell of fresh paint and varnish  but I can imagine few of you would relish that if they had repainted your cabin balcony the morning of your departure.  It's the only time they have to do that, too.  


If you've had the pleasure of serving in a ship, you know when it's being done right.  From what I saw firsthand last week, QV at least could not be in better or more attentive hands. 


As for "wifi" and techno geek stuff (wrist bands... give me a break!) .... I think I'll slap a coat of red lead over that nonsense.  The day you have to use your "phone" to open your cabin door, turn on the lights or see a menu... I go ashore happily forever. 

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  • 4 months later...

I think it’s very unlikely in the short dry dock spell every single speck of rust will be removed. If it is, it won’t be long before it’s back. I don’t feel my cruise is ever impacted by rust. I too will be in a sheltered balcony on November 16th and certainly won’t be on rust watch.

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Rust (the exterior of the ship looks pitiful), better and more varied food (we got off QM2 yesterday, October 13 and the food was, at best, mediocre to bad), return the operation of the bookshop to Ocean Books, get rid of open seating in Britannia, bring back the live musicians when boarding and on formal nights in the dining room.

Apparently the WiFi is now Starlink and, for the most part, worked very well.

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2 hours ago, Classiccruiser777 said:

Rust (the exterior of the ship looks pitiful), better and more varied food (we got off QM2 yesterday, October 13 and the food was, at best, mediocre to bad), return the operation of the bookshop to Ocean Books, get rid of open seating in Britannia, bring back the live musicians when boarding and on formal nights in the dining room.

Apparently the WiFi is now Starlink and, for the most part, worked very well.

The WiFi worked (mostly) in public spaces, but not in the rooms.  I was shocked at how bad the food was, so many items actually inedible and so little variety.  Do they not taste their food or time the cooking?  I was on QV just a few months ago and the food was great. 

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