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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 3rd, 2023


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Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas where it's 70F with a predicted high of 87F.  There is a light breeze.  However, today looks like I'll be inside since the laundry is calling.


Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is an interesting Day.  We were in Victoria on August 18, 2018, when the the Dragon Boats were racing.  It was an interesting day watching the races and seeing the different aspects of an Asian festival in town.



National Trails Day and World Bicycle Day are also important, but we won't be taking any trails today or riding a bicycle.


I like the Henny Youngman quote, and like most of his one liners, I don't think it was meant to be taken seriously.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.  I would like the wine, but it would be a tad expensive if we had to fly to Hong Kong to pick it up.


We've been to Dover several times on BHBs and on Tahitian Princess.  I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes.


The Dutch West India Company helped open up the world to Europeans.


@dfish  Debbie, I hope River's last game goes well.  It is very nice of you and Sue to make the effort to support her every week.

@Nodakboiler  Welcome to the Fleet/Daily.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, Texans do love their trucks, and the bigger the better. 🤣 Also, those who drive the biggest ones seem to be in the biggest hurry on the highways.  Safe travels as you head to Nashville.

@Cruisercl  Caron, I wish you had my dentist.  He is very kind, gentle and patient with those of us who need it.














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We have been to Dover five times, four of which were BHBs and once was on Tahitian Princess.  The fifth time, on Noordam III in 2004 does not count as that was disembarkation day when we flew out of Gatwick.


Our first visit to Dover was in 2004 when it was also a port day for Noordam III, and IIRC, it was a turnaround day, too.  That day, we took the train into London, and took the Big Bus Ho-Ho around town.  The pictures from London that day and other of my London pictures were posted earlier, so I won't repeat them.  There are a few pictures I took of Dover as we sailed in and sailed out of port.


We saw this sailing ship as we entered the port area.



The lighthouse at the port entrance



Dover Castle which overlooks Dover.  If you look in the side of the hill below the castle, you can make out a couple of entrances to the tunnels below the castle.



Of course, the famous White Cliffs of Dover.



Our next visit to Dover was on Prinsendam in 2008.  We had a transfer to London booked, but the ship was very late docking.  It was extremely windy that day and the wind kept pushing us off the dock.  With the help of a tug or two, we finally docked an hour or two late.  We decided to stay in town and tour Dover Castle.  We then walked around town and took a local bus to Canterbury.  The pictures from Canterbury will be in a different post.  BTW, we took a shuttle to and from the castle.


Walking up to the castle entrance.IMG_3321.thumb.JPG.21affd4da84abed834f50c5295d17c40.JPG


Dover from the Castle



One of the courtyards



Dover Castle has been used to defend Dover and England for centuries.  These two pictures show the contrast in firepower from many centuries ago and from WWII.





The tunnels under the castle have also been used for defense, especially during WWII.  We were able to go into a couple of tunnels.  This is the entrance to one.



Dover from our walk through town to the bus and back to the ship.









When we were in Dover on Tahitian Princess in 2009, we did a tour into London, and I didn't get any good pictures of Dover from the bus.


The last time we were in Dover was in 2017 on the Prinsendam.  That day we rented a car and drove to Brighton and back along the coast.  We even stopped at the Chunnel, but did not have time to drive under the Channel and back.  These pictures were taken on our soggy walk to the car rental office.





The final picture was taken in 2008 from Dover Castle of our home away from home.  This was before they enclosed the back of the Lido and added the cabins above the MDR.




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Canterbury is a very interesting town, and I wish we'd had more time to wander around.  The Cathedral was closed that morning for a ceremony, but was open by the time we arrived.


These are random pictures of the town.







The passage that leads to Canterbury Cathedral


Our first glimpse of Canterbury Cathedral



The Quire



The main altar



A statue of Thomas Becket as he was praying just before he was killed




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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Eva, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


@1ANGELCAT So sorry for your two losses. It is always hard to lose just one pet.


Sam seems to be on a rebound today. Last night after doing his business he took his time to climb the stairs before bedtime. Today he bounded up the stairs for his walk making it in one shot! I wish that he had more days like today.


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  Yes, I called out from work again today.  Not working for a month, and the checking account is getting slim.  


I got Donna (dog's mom) to call my neighbor to the left of us to see if Fawn was stuck in her garage.  That was a no, but she has been seeing coyotes back in the neighborhood since last Sunday.  I dont mind the fox, but coyotes?  A kitty wouldn't stand a chance.


I am cleaning off the porch (doing a little bit each day) and will open the porch up to the indoor kitties this summer. (for the last 2 summers, it had been Fawn's living room) So that they get that fresh air every day.  Not just hanging out in the windows.


Our neighbor (on the other side of us) came pounding on the door last night, shovel in hand, wanted to know what the vicious beast was that just walked through his yard.  It was a possum.  He had never seen one before, and thought it was a rat of enormous size.  When he tried to chase it and hit it, well, it played possum, and curled up and played dead. (he did not hit it) That really freaked him out.  Chuck went out with him, and informed him, what it was, and that he shouldn't be afraid of it, and then the possum got up, and went over to the cat food dish, and ate.  


I also filled all the bird feeders yesterday, and put out hummingbird food too.





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Happy Saturday!  Thankfully it will be cooler today, maybe a bit of rain too which makes it not so good for kayaking. 

Didn’t get to Dover while we had the rental car in England.  We were focused on family graves and homes in Cornwall. Very meaning visits there!  Still hope to see the White Cliffs!  

Hoping those who’ve been dealing with illness turn the corner soon. And those dealing with loss start finding a few moments of peace. 

I’m loving seeing everyone’s flowers!  I can’t grow a weed. Even my air fern is turning brown. 🥀


Today the calendar has nothing on it!  It’s been a busy but very good week. Doctor appts went well!!  The gift of going to live music performances was so special. The season finale of the National Symphony Orchestra was Beethoven’s 9th with 150 singers belting out the Ode to Joy. A beautiful treat. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Prayers for protection for all in harm’s way.  Rain for all the fires, they seem to be raging everywhere- Pacific Northwest, Midwest, Michigan, Maritimes, New England, even New Jersey and Florida. 🌧️

Cheers to all those celebrating the good in life!  🌈

Bon Voyage to our cruising friends, and smooth travels to all away, especially our youngest granddaughter who is heading out today to San Antonio to meet her boyfriend’s family. Maybe a wedding in the near future?  

@Nickelpenny you probably don’t have an EZPass transponder for paying tolls… we didn’t have one while living in NM. When we got into “toll country” we bought one in the grocery store for $25 with $25 credit on it. Can refill it online with a credit card. It sure made cross country travel less stressful. So glad you are enjoying your adventure!  

Everyone stay safe! m—


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I enjoy watching dragon boat races - they occur in our city almost every year to raise funds for breast cancer research.  No bikes in our house, they were given away or sold many years ago.  We are fortunate to have a beautiful trail about 5 houses away called the Meewasin Trail which goes for miles along the river.


We didn't get any rain yesterday, but the fellow showed up and edged the lawn, then mowed it to a respectable length again.  DH decided that rather than toss the edged pieces into the compost bin, he (we) should use them to fill in some bare spots around the pergola.  So, shovel in hand, I went out to help scrape off the top layer of soil while he figured our the best way to lay them in; we watered them and I said a silent prayer that the damn stuff grows.  LOL


Today is the day we're heading about 2 hours south of here to attend my cousin's memorial service - remember last month when I made a mistake on the date and didn't realize it until we were an hour out of the city?  This time it's for real, so we'll be leaving in a couple of hours; there's rain in the forecast, so I'll be sure to bring an umbrella with us.  We're staying for a luncheon with the family, so I don't think I'll need to be making anything for dinner tonight, although I would like to try today's menu offering as a side dish sometime.   We'll come home from the service and will likely just enjoy the remaining hours on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations, especially those who are embarking on cruises today!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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I have another sunset rather than a sunrise, and it's again from my 2015 MS Prinsendam cruise.  June 3 was a turnaround day in Ijmuiden between segments of a Baltic, followed by British Isles cruise.





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Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


Yay on Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Day!  We actually had those races here on the beautiful Hammond River.  They were fundraisers for breast cancer and the survivors were the competing rowing teams.  The boats were fantastic.


LOL on the quote.  I don’t think sleeping late solves anything - but it’s sure worth a try.  I’ll pass on the red wine and meal but certainly loved Dover.  The first time we were there we went to a great pub with friends and watched the Royal wedding.  The second time (both on the Prinsendam) we disembarked there - I had a wonderful guide who took us to the Dover Cliffs and a secret path, Canterbury Cathedral and a wonderful old “pub” with fantastic food and then dropped us off at our hotels in London.  I’ll go looking for pics.  They should be on my Ipad 🤞 


Late to the party today - slow motion - little accident last night - left something on the edge of the counter (DH always lectured me on that) and while I was grinding coffee, knocked it off and it went down on my foot.  OUCH.  I need to coddle it today.  


But it’s cold and rainy outside so at least I don’t feel guilty about not working outside 😉. I just hope the rain is reaching those wildfires 🤞 And the cooler weather helps fight them too.


One extreme to the other weather wise.  It was so cold last night  (close to freezing) I moved all my seedlings inside and delayed their transplanting.


@ger_77 safe travels today.


@Heartgrove good news on Sam 👍 


@Nodakboiler welcome to the Daily 🙂 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list and those that need them and cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a great Saturday everyone !!!!!





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Good morning all from another hot day in Essex county. Not sure where I left off in my saga but we have engaged a real estate agent (yesterday). She already had a showing last night and another video showing today some time. The house has been cleaned except for the kitchen floor which I will do tomorrow morning. My niece who is visiting from Germany on he4 spring break did most of the work. I am so appreciative of her help, don’t think we would be done yet if she hadn’t helped.


today is a laundry day and then relax at my DD’s DMIL pool in the afternoon. Still not sleeping well, too many moving parts to this estate stuff even though my files are organized to within an inch of their lives. A nap after lunch will be in order!

best wishes to all celebrating or sailing and prayers for those on the care list.

Edited by superoma
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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!!  Love the days - watched Dragon Boat Festivals while I lived in China.  They were cool!  And I need to start riding a bike!!


I love risotto but baked?  Hmmmm.  Wish I could see the White Cliffs of Dover some day!!


Off to day 3 of my adventure.  I am having a great time.  Heading up towards Nashville.  Let's see where I lay my head tonight.


Boy, Texans drive big trucks!!  That seem to be all I saw.  Went on the toll road out of Dallas; didn't mean to but somehow I did.  I guess I will owe the State of Texas some money!!


Thoughts for the care list.  @1ANGELCAT I am so sorry about your loss.  I am a cat lover and I dread the day Martina decides it is time to leave me.


Have a great day everyone!!


You might find that you can pay your tols online. We had a transponder when we lived in Illinois but gave it up when we moved to Maryland as we didn't have a use for it. Now when we travel back to Illinois,  I have registered my car's plate and my daughter and son-in-law's car plate for when they travel back for visits. Very simple as Illinois has moved to unmanned toll booths and we don't need to worry about it post-trip.

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1 hour ago, Nodakboiler said:

Our favorite experience in Dover was finding the White Horse Inn when wandering around the town. It is a tavern from the late 1400's (I believe) that allows English Channel swimmers to sign the walls and ceilings with their names and dates of their successful crossings. There was a group from Philadelphia that had made the swim and were signing the ceiling that day. Pretty cool.


How cool!


Good morning & welcome!

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We docked in Dover while on the Zuiderdam this past April.  We chose to take a ship’s excursion to Canterbury, where we initially walked around the oldest part of the city before touring its famous Cathedral. 0B0A4647-569E-4878-96B2-03301E6826C8.thumb.jpeg.349e359ec28e737b2c4912180df8b39f.jpeg





































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18 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Thanks we’ll be working hard at having a great time.


Why is our Butler Oscar smiling? Because we never use their services!





What class of cabin is this please, Bruce?


LOL on never using the butler.  Love it 🙂 

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The White Cliffs of Dover






The gate to our “secret” path to get to the best spot.




The path we followed




The Prinsendam is there








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Then we were off to Canterbury Cathedral.  We were lucky to score the guide we did - he was licensed for the Cathedral and took us everywhere.  Fascinating!


Canterbury Cathedral War Horse:















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