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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 24th, 2024


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Happy Anniversary to Joy and Allen! I hope your trip home is smooth. Oliver will be so happy to see you both.


Good morning. It is a little cooler here with a nice breeze today. The neighbors with fire pits were warned personally by the fire department yesterday.Someone must have complained and called. We were relieved not to have to deal with smoke again. 
I have not been to Dubai and thank Sandi for the pictures. The food sounds good to me and I will salute the days. I am not sure what will be conjured up for dinner later. 
Take care today everyone.



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Oh, early morning for me!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  So many people without enough food is disturbing.  Gosh, hasn't it been eons since you could find a mercury thermometer?  The UN - hmmmm.  I hope they use this day to reflect.  Ambivalent about the quote, the meal and wine sound good but I am not a fan of ginger beer so I will pass.  Soccer - oops, "football" is an interesting sport but I do not follow it.  I lived in Dubai for 4.5 years, was there when the Burj Khalifa was opened (it was supposed to be called Burj Dubai - a story in itself why the name was changed on the day of the opening!!) 


I don't know why I woke up so early but I usually always get up if I wake up early; I don't go back to sleep.  So I start the day with warm temps (59F right now) and it will get up to the mid 90s.  Not sure when fall will start!!  Today is my last day of subbing for a while - English at a HS on the east side.  I just realized that since I will be over that way I might as well stop at the nail salon and get my "treatments" instead of doing tomorrow.  


I got an email yesterday from Delta suggesting I arrive at the Tucson airport 3 hours before my flight!!  I know its just an auto email but I had to laugh.  I plan to arrive ~1.5 hours before; plenty of time!!


Happy Birthday @Overhead Fred and Happy Anniversary @Seasick Sailor.  Welcome home @richwmn, @Seasick Sailor and @USN59-79.  


Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  2 more sleeps!!  Have a nice day everyone!!

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Thank you for today’s FR&D, Sandi & Rich! Welcome back to the continental States, Rich & Joy!


Sandi, I was happy to read that the PET scan was not too stressful & you and Dennis enjoyed a happy hour and a good meal once you were home. Praying that the waiting is not too hard on you and the results are exactly what we all want for you. 

It is a glorious Fall morning here. 62 and super clear. The stars, Moon & Planets are super bright. Yesterday was lovely, though my arms might not have enjoyed my COVID and flu shots. But the soreness has disappeared & the temporary discomfort is worth it. 

Vanessa, praying that the last remnants of COVID disappear for good. Thank you for sharing all our happenings. 


Gym, Bindi walks, manicure, chores. I promised myself that this month I would start going through my kitchen stuff & pull out things for my next donation. I have a hard time in the kitchen. Many of these things were my Mom’s. But this is the last week of the month. I need to start. 









Prayers for all who need our support. Prayers for Tana, Terry & family, Melisa & DH, Sandi (and Dennis) & DB, Chuck & Annie, Sam & Carol, Ann & Pat, Roy, Jacqui, Nancy’s DB - Nick, Elizabeth, Debbie, Dixie, Jane’s DS - Tony, Terri & Jim and all our caregivers. 

Cheers to all who are celebrating! 
Sandi, so happy to read that Ren’s MRI was clear!


Happy Anniversary, Joy & Allen!

@Overhead Fred Fred, Happy Birthday!




May we each find a reason to smile today!



Bota Box Cabernet Sauvignon

Another boxed wine. I have to try a Cab before buying - some of them are amazing, but there are too many times I am disappointed. This one would be great for an outdoor cookout for a large group. You can find this almost anywhere. Online prices start at $16.98 for a 3 liter box (approximately 4 bottles). 
Winemaker notes

Bota Box Cabernet Sauvignon offers rich aromas of black cherry, violet and a hint of black peppercorn. Jammy and dense in structure, this wine is supple and juicy with flavors of blackberry pie, black currant and spice on the finish. 


Bota Box Cabernet Sauvignon is the perfect partner for barbecued meats, hearty stews or pasta served with marinara sauce.


Alcohol: 13.0%

Edited by cat shepard
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Happy Thursday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Finishing up grading today. Need to finish up as much as I can as I have a two-hour drive tomorrow to a conference where I will be presenting. After that, I am home for the rest of the year. Then in January I travel to Florida for my travel business. Cooler today than the last few days. Hard to know how to dress. It gets warm during the days and in the 30s at night. 

Happy birthday to @Overhead Fred!

Cat Happy Birthday Meme


Happy Anniversary to @Seasick Sailor!

26 Happy Anniversary Cat Meme


Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

See the source image


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🎂 Happy Birthday Fred!  Wishing you a comfortable day! 

Pennie, my memory of the Tucson airport is that it is, or was, quite small. I can’t imagine having to be there so early. I’m excited for you!  Enjoying the anticipation building… 


Annie, it’s so good to have you back home!  Good of Chuck’s brother to stay in touch. I hope you can get back in work-track, maybe something more normal would be stabilizing. 

I didn’t get back to sleep. I think I’ll need some real coffee today before going for the COVID shot. Then laundry for packing an overnight bag tomorrow for the weekend. Glad there’s not much happening. m—

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Good morning, everyone!


It is a cold start to the day here in mid-Michigan with a temperature of 29F.  We are supposed to have sunny skies and a high of 61, so it should be a pleasant day.  I have had a nice visit with my Ohio friends, but they are heading home today.  After they leave I will be dedicating my time to getting leaves to the curb.  City pick up starts on Monday.  We want to get them done today as we are supposed to get rain tomorrow.


@Overhead Fred




@Seasick Sailor




Safe travels to all who disembark the Westerdam today.  It is hard to believe that cruise is over.  

@marshhawk I am glad you and Chuck are home safely.  I hope you can talk to Chuck's doctor about comfort measures for him.  There is no reason he should suffer at this point.  Both hospice and palliative care can help immensely with pain management.  

@rafinmdI'm glad to read such positive reports on your progress!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels today!  

@StLouisCruisers Now the waiting begins.  You do know that we are all sitting in your living room waiting on any news, right?  We'll try to be quiet in case you do go to the nap room.

Continued best wishes to all our surgical patients and I hope @JazzyV Vanessa is feeling better.  


Today's meal sounds good for a cold night or a cool day.  This first one is a thick, creamy soup that needs a nice hunk of crusty bread to dunk in the soup.   Crockpot Chicken Wild Rice Soup




Some slightly different seasoning here.  Creamy Chicken Wild Rice Soup





Again, we have slightly different seasoning and this one doesn't look quite as thick.  Sometimes the soups can get too thick and I like them a little bit on the brothy side.  With the really thick soups you can always add more chicken broth.  I was also thinking that mushrooms would go nicely in this soup.  Chicken and Wild Rice Soup




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Good morning and thank you for the Reports!!


Every Day is Food Day here!!  I LOVE my food!!  But I know...  there is a better reason for this day...

Do you remember when we played with mercury???  Maybe you didn't, but when a thermometer broke, Mommie and Daddy would let me play with the mercury!  It was wiggly and shiny and it separated weirdly...   But, NOW we know it's dangerous!!!

And the UN.  I've been to NYC and I've seen the big building and all the flags!  AND, I've collected for UNICEF as a child.


Crockpot soup is always a nice dinner!!

I like ginger snaps, I'll bet this is a great drink!

I've used a bota bag and I know box wines...  

But, never been to the UAE.


Prayers for all with need and for everyone!!


Happy Today to Each and everyone of you!!!

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Good morning - today is our last full day at Disney and once again the weather looks terrific. DH tried many new (to him) items at the Food & Wine Festival yesterday and loved them all. This included a warm water lobster tail, jumbo shrimp cocktail, stone crab claw cocktail, steakhouse burger (slider) with a blend of ground beef & mushrooms, and even a paella that included bay scallops, shrimp & octopus. Our opinion - Disney continues to do a great job with this event. Today we're headed out to the pool, will do Food & Wine for lunch, then have a private event at Animal Kingdom (Disney Vacation Club's free Moonlight Magic event for members).


The meal today sounds good, as does the port. Dubai is an interesting place and the photos are beautiful!


Hope everyone has a great day today.



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Good morning from far west Texas where it is 61F with a 7mph wind from the west.  The wind could cause a problem, especially if it increases, since it can blow the motorhome some if it's from the side.  This morning we'll be heading west for a while, then turning north until we reach Las Cruces, NM, where we'll head west again.  Then, it will be a head wind, which can affect the gas mileage.  Motorhomes are not known for getting good gas mileage at the best of times.  If the wind doesn't increase in speed, it won't be too big a problem.


We can all celebrate food, and hope the areas of famine can be helped.  I don't know if we still have any mercury thermostats.  The UN does some good things, but there is room for improvement.


I like the meaning behind today's quote from Lucius Annaeus Seneca.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The meal would be nice on a cool day, when we're home.  The wine would be good.


We have not been to Dubai, UAE.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thank you for all the pictures from Dubai.  I'm glad the PET scan was not too bad, and I hope you get the results soon.  I also hope the results are what you and all the Dailyites want.  I'm glad Ren did not have a tear in his knee.

@Seasick Sailor Joy and Allen, @richwmn Rich, and @USN59-79  Ray and Sara, welcome home, and safe travels today.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, driving I-10 in NM is easy if the dust isn't blowing.  We've been lucky so far, and I don't expect any problems today.  I hope what ever reaction to the Covid booster you have is short lived.  Mine have only lasted a few hours.

@ottahand7  Nancy, have a safe trip home today.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you did not have to deal with smoke from fire pits last night.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad Chuck's DB reached out to you, and wants to stay in contact.  It was good the doctor asked the questions twice for a comparison.  I hope you can find palliative care for Chuck to help ease his pain.

@wdw1972  Sue, it sounds like you and your DH are having a wonderful time.  Tonight's event sounds interesting.  Safe travels tomorrow.













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Good morning,

It is another beautiful day here. I know we will get punished for this wonderful fall weather. I look forward to trying the recipes for today. I wished I had picked up some wild rice when I was in Minnesota this summer. 

I am taking a quick trip this weekend with some friends to Roger’s Arkansas. She wants me to see Crystal Bridges. It will be nice to be with friends. 

Prayers to our Daily friends who working through their own or loved ones challenges. Happy Birthday @Overhead Fred. Have a great day. 

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Here is the description of the experience that produced the photos.  The greatest pleasure of travel for us is to experience the foreign and unusual.  No matter our politics we always are impressed with the fact that wherever we go the world is full of humans, just plain "folk" who are there to do their best lives just like we are.  I often feel if more of us could travel the world would be more welcoming to all.


Midnight at the Oasis -- Oh WOW! -- December 6, 2012


OK, Dubai is a great amusement park and an endless mall but we wanted to see more -- so we signed up for a Desert Safari for this afternoon/evening and all I can say is that our experience topped anything that we anticipated.  I already sent on some photos because I am truly not sure that I will be able to finish this journal entry before I get too sleepy but I am driven to write before I forget all the details.


We took a slow morning today knowing that we had a seven hour adventure planned for later.  We enjoyed the most international breakfast buffet at the hotel that we have ever experienced -- stations for American, Continental, Japanese, Arabian, Mongolian, Indian  breakfasts and possibly more.  They serve everything from sushi, noodle soup and fried rice to salads, deli meats, frozen yogurt .... in a very large and busy breakfast restaurant where the patrons are literally from all over the world -- Arabic robes of all sorts, women in full birkha, Indian families, as well as the western and Asian tourists that we commonly see on our trips.  Even breakfast was a bit of a trip today.


Our friend from the ship, L, met us at the hotel and we were picked up in a Mercedes mini-van and driven to a spot about an hour out of town, about half way between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


Along the way we were treated to the sight of a Camel Race as we passed the race track.  You will notice that in the picture we sent the racing camel has a box instead of a jockey mounted on his back.  That is what they call a "robo jockey" which is controlled by someone in a car who follows the camel around the track (I believe on the other side of a fence) and signals the robot when he feels it is necessary to use the "robo whip" to get the animal to speed up.


As you can also see in the pictures we passed some agricultural fields making use of scarecrows.


The area is a Conservation Reserve owned by the Sheik, and it is empty and alone in the desert.  At this point we transferred from our minivan to a Land Rovers (circa 1940's or 1950's) where the three of us sat on narrow (but padded) bench seats and held on as our driver took us into the Reserve.  It was totally quiet.  All we could see was soft, red sand.


Before we started our guide tied Arabic scarves on our heads to protect us from the sun.  We have photos of that also, but it is possible that we may never share those.  There was no road, only a couple of tracks in the sand for the driver to follow.


We were fortunate today as it rained heavily recently and the sand was still a bit damp so that it did not blow in our faces -- today it was in the 70's with a nice breeze.


As we drove through the reserve we stopped to observe and photograph groups of orecks (I know I spelled that like the vacuum cleaner but I am too tired to look up the spelling of the animal at the moment) and gazelles.


After a while we reached a spot in the desert where we stopped and there were two large silk Oriental Carpets set out in the sand with a low makeshift couch set up from couch cushions and large pillows.  There was also a hooded falcon and his trainer.  We were joined here by the only other group doing this tour today -- two Saudi Arabian gentlemen dressed in their long white robes and headcloths and one woman dressed in full, black birkha.


We were then treated to a demonstration of falconry which has a long proud tradition in Arabic culture.  We found out that the hood worn by the falcon is also called a birkha.  At the end of the demonstration after the bird captured its prey (quite impressive) and ate his meaty treat reward we were allowed to put on the protective sleeve and let the bird rest on our arm.


While the demonstration was going on the sun was setting over the desert so that we were also treated to the desert sunset.


When the demonstration was over we were slightly delayed in leaving the site as the Saudi men (who had chosen to pay extra to ride in a luxury closed 4x4 vehicle) could not take their eyes off of the classic "antique" vehicle that we were riding in .  The collection of these vehicles that are being used to operate this tour are on loan from the Sheik.  And we watched while the two Saudi men took turns sitting in and pretending to drive the Land Rover, even turning on the motor and turning on the lights so that they could have their pictures taken.


Back in the vehicle, continuing on through the park it slowly got dark.  By the time we arrived at our oasis the sun was entirely gone.  The six of us were the only guests this evening though this operation is set up to handle 40.  Apparently it is a brand new company and the Saudi gentlemen who were with us are investors and were there to see how the operation works.  Though they ate separately from us, across the oasis shelter, we all gathered together after the meal and we got to talk.  It is clear that they are trying, in this experience, to capture some of the old desert ways that were so prevalent in the '40's and '50's before oil money arrived and changed their world overnight.  Of course, our experience was sort of like watching "Happy Days" as it glorified the good things and forgot the hardships.


As we walked into the Oasis we were greeted by someone who poured rosewater on our hands to wash them -- and, of course, clean towels to dry.


The next part of the greeting was Arabic Coffees and dates.  We learned how to signal in the Arabic way that we do not want a refill of coffee.


While we waited for the meal preparations to finish we were led outside and offered a brief camel ride.  The camels were lined up and tied together, with brightly colored crocheted muzzles on to protect us from spitting and bites.  L got bonked by the head of DH's camel as she mounted hers.


After the camel rides we went to really wash up and discovered a rustic stone building behind the oasis with modern plumbing and running water that drained into carved wooden sinks, scented soaps and fresh terrycloth hand towels.  Yes, a sanitized version of the old ways.


Returning to the main compound we were shown a demonstration on how the local bread was made as well as the soups -- our first course.  We were instructed to take the paper thin crisp bread and dip it into the lentil soup.


Between courses the women were offered the chance to have our hands painted with henna tatoos.  I chickened out but both L and the Saudi woman took advantage of the opportunity.  The artist who painted the henna did a remarkable job.  The material applied is thick, like chocolate and required a full thirty minutes to dry so that L spent the time during our next course, the appetizers, holding her left hand up -- you may notice that in the picture I sent.  The Saudi woman accidentally smooshed some of her henna and had to have a touch up.


The Saudi woman showed only her eyes above her veils and I would love to know how she did her very smokey black eye make up -- she looked gorgeous.  Later, she did have to take her veil down to eat and left it down during our after dinner time.  I always wondered what they had to do to eat.


For appetizers we had two types of "samboosas" -- a fried dumpling very much like Indian Samosas -- one vegetable, one beef.  We also had hummus, and a second similar spread made with "oozee" (which is apparently the word for beef -- I do not know how to spell it), tabouleh, tomato and onion salad, and a green salad.  In addition to the crisp bread we now also had triangles of a stretchy, soft pita like loaf in our bread basket.  Even though I only sampled I was already full at the end of this course.  The soup was just too good -- as well as the coffee and dates.


After a break between courses there was a demonstration of traditional cooking methods which were used (but in a modern, sanitary way) to cook our meal which consisted of a slow roasted lamb that was tender and delicious, two types of rice pilaf, chicken and more vegetables.  Lenora is a vegetarian and her needs were totally accommodated.


To the aftermeal!  We were led over to an area where low couches had been set up on more silk carpets and offered shisha pipes (water pipes or hookahs) along with our first dessert -- a huge bowl full of these crispy donut hole things that are soaked in date honey.   We had them last night, also, with our dinner but these were so much better.  More Arabian coffee was served as we sat and those who chose (not me) bubbled away at their shisha pipes, and we spoke some with the Saudi men.  The woman did not speak English.


Then the dancer appeared -- wearing a billowing royal blue robe decorated with silver embroidery -- she was a young woman with shiny long black hair who danced most provocatively.  I cannot even imagine how she got some of her body parts to do what they did so apparently under those robes.  It was a treat -- and she was joined while dancing her last song by the two Saudi men -- but we were not allowed to photograph that.


Damn, we wonder who those men really were.  Our guide was not about to divulge anything other than that they were investors.


After our second dessert, bowls of fresh fruit salad, it was finally time to go back to the hotel.


Our experience was so private and personal that it really wowed us.  We are not sure what we would have thought of it if they had been at capacity, with forty people.


From the tired folks who are ready for bed the night before their last day in Dubai,






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Good morning from mild, overcast Wells Maine.  Thanks for the daily report.  Three interesting days, I don’t think we have a mercury thermostat to recycle.♻️ 


Nice quote to ponder this morning.  

I think I’d like both the drink and the meal.


I haven’t been to today’s port, thanks for sharing your photos.  It looks like a fascinating place to visit.


Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to @Overhead Fred@Seasick Sailor and everyone celebrating happy events today🎉🍾!

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1 hour ago, arzz said:

I seem to lack the ability to put more than one in the same reply

Thank you for your photos and blog post of your visit to Dubai.  The port photos are my favorite part of the Daily.


I don’t know if you are using a phone or a desktop to add photos.  On my iPhone, I simply go to “Add Files” and touch every photo I want to add.  They are all shown below my reply and I just click “Insert”.  If this doesn’t work for you on your desktop, you can just “Add  Files” more than once to add more photos to your post.  Hope this helps.  Maybe another Dailyite may have additional suggestions.


Positive thoughts to all who need them.  Cheers to those with something to celebrate.

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Good morning from a dark and fall”ish” day, just waiting for it to get light outside so I can take a walk.


All of the recipes sound delicious, we both love soups so this may be one to try. Never have been to today’s port, the pictures posted thus far have been enjoyed!


Not much going on today, I may hang a new picture in the dining room and get rid of one that is dated. Fred will whine about it, he says he loves it but I think he just says that to drive me crazy, lol. I’m looking forward to making a big batch of chili for dinner and will serve cornbread along with it. 

Prayers to all on the care list, happy birthday to @Overhead Fredand happy anniversary to seasick sailor (I couldn’t tag you properly, sorry).


Hope all have a great day!

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