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Lost Job But Trip Already Pid For.few Questions


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I Was Wondring How Much 4 People (2 Adults And 2 Kids) Might Need To Spend On Board? We Dont Drink Wine Or Such Just Cokes.i Have Already Paid For 1 Shore Excursion.i Have Neverd Sailed Hal And Wondering How Many Things Are Out Of Pocket.

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I Was Wondring How Much 4 People (2 Adults And 2 Kids) Might Need To Spend On Board? We Dont Drink Wine Or Such Just Cokes.i Have Already Paid For 1 Shore Excursion.i Have Neverd Sailed Hal And Wondering How Many Things Are Out Of Pocket.

You'll have your auto-tips of $10 per day per person ... so these will be charged to your room.


As for Cokes, if you drink enough it might be wise to get a Coke sticker for each person. Depending on the length of the cruise, these could be quite reasonable and will entitle you to all the refills you want onboard.


Other than that ... you can actually get away with spending NOTHING onboard if money is an issue. The out of pocket expenses include things like drinks, shore excursions, spa treatments, bingo, casino, shopping in the stores, etc. None of those things is an absolute necessity for a perfect cruise. Plenty of things are included ... such as food, entertainment, and drinks like iced tea, coffee, hot chocolate, etc.


As for the auto-tips ... I wouldn't recommend shorting these if the service is good, but if money is really an issue, you could adjust the amount at the front desk ... maybe dropping off one of the kids' auto-tips to reduce the cost by $10 per day.


I wouldn't worry too much about the loss of your job. You'll get another one. And, in the meantime, at least you'll have the time to enjoy a nice, leisurely cruise. Enjoy it ... because with acquiring a new job, it might be a while before you'll have adequate vacation time to cruise again.


Blue skies ...



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Did you pay for insurance already? Some policies cover job loss. Did you buy the policy for all the family on one billing? Read your policy in full now ASAP to see if the loss of employment is covered on it.:eek:


Cokes are the fountain variety so saving expense bring your own or get them at a local store overseas the soft drinks are different than American ones.:D

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I doubt that you would have a problem with staff if you bought some cokes when you are ashore in port and brought them on board. I know others who have done this. The cost savings over the length of the cruise might make this a viable option.


Many people cruise and spend almost nothing on board. Some people on here have talked about how they end the cruise having spent nothing other than their tips.


We are not heavy drinkers and do not gamble on board so we don not spend a lot.


I hope you go and have a great time.

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Did you pay for insurance already? Some policies cover job loss.

You're kidding, right? I've never heard of that. If so, that would be another option for the OP. I just never realized insurance would pay on that basis.


Blue skies ...



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Check the ports of call boards here and elsewhere to get tips for free and inexpensive attractions located near ports. Some ports are located in industrial areas and may not have walkable sights nearby.


Staying on the ship on a port day is an option many enjoy. The ship and its amenities are much less crowded while many passengers are in port.


Consider returning to the ship for lunch-free!- while you are in port.


Also, bring your own beach toys and perhaps a small cooler to carry drinks if you're doing the Caribbean. Beach towels are provided.


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Insurance that covers any reason to cancel probably is what would cover this one.


my two cents.... I have worked in two industries that have lots of layoffs. I have found that when someone is laid off they need time to heal. If you have your nest egg in place, I highly recommend that you go with your orginal plans and vacation with your family. You all need the time together. Jobs will come and go, and they never love you back. Your family is what matters. The only trip I regret is one I cancelled because of work. All the ones that I took with the "company" telling me that I was needed, I treasure. the company did not hesitate lay people off that weren't needed that quarter. so if the money is spent and you can avoid it, go enjoy your family. The extra expenses on the cruise are definitely controllable. Have the kids bring their own games so they don't need the video arcade, other kid programs are free. Avoid soda, there will be tea and lemonade available, bring your own camera for pictures, use a taxi instead of the cruiseline tours and you will save lots of money. I believe there was a thread on money saving tips, I'll do a search.


Best Wishes.

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We took a two week cruise (2 diff lines) and only spent money on tips, some coffees, and one photo for parents. Enjoyed every minute of the cruise. All the food, entertainment and fun was free.


There are movies, shows, pools, chairs, a library, what more could you need.


There is always water available and healthy. Take along some big plastic mugs so you dont have to run to the buffet all the time.


We take some games (cant count on the ship's games having all the pieces). There are some good travel games like UNO or cards, even magnetic checkers. Monopoly can fit in a suitcase with the pieces in a ziplock bag and the board on the bottom. Great family time.

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On Maasdam, I noticed that people now had coke cards instead of the sticker and each time they ordered a soft drink, the steward punched it. It is no longer unlimited soft drinks. I think they changed to that system as some people were buying one coke card but were getting drinks for the whole family on just that one. It only takes a few people to ruin it for everyone. You probably will want to verify what the arrangement is before purchasing a coke card.


Sorry about your layoff and wish you success in finding another position that you will be happy and successful at.


I agree........go on your cruise. It will be good for your whole family. Once you accept new employment, it may be a while before you will get time off.




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Of course you have gotten some great idea. Please do take the cruise, you need a vacation and when you get that next job you won't have a chance to do much for a year, probably.


As for expenses, I would watch the soft drink thing, bring some on board for your cabin. This doesn't mean you shouldn't purchase any, but if you have a supply in the cabin you will save some there. As someone said, check to see what you can do in the ports without spending a lot of money and yes, it is possible to spend only the tips on your account, but that is a little unrealistic. You can keep the price down to almost nothing, no charges? You will see that rarely.


Have a great time and good luck with the job market, been there, done that!!!!!



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Tips are optional.


I would think that not tipping the $10.00 a day that is automatically billed would be the worst solution. The crew that shares this minimal tip works so hard and relies so heavily on that as a needed supplement to their meager wages. You would understand, more than most right now, what an affront that would be to someone who gave fine service throughout your vacation.

The other suggestions are all better options. Go, and enjoy.

We did not take one shore excursion on this last cruise, as we had done two prior cruises that were very excursion-intensive. We had a great time just wandering around each of the ports and towns, sometimes taking the bus that the ship provided for a minimal charge back and forth to the more distant towns from port.

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TIMELMAN, You have received many good ideas and much encouragement here.


I hope you can be comfortable with the choice of taking the cruise. This chance to spend time on vacation with your children is priceless. Next year you may be too busy with the new job. Their schedules may be so full you can't find time to all be together on vacation. If they are old enough, next year they may have jobs or sports events that can't be disrupted. Seize the opportunity to make memories, you will not regret it.


After the cruise, there WILL be a new job in your future. In the meantime, you can cancel the cable TV, remove the extra-cost telephone services like call-waiting, stop buying that expensive coffee, read your newspapers at the library, learn to cook cheap nutritious meals, rent videos instead of going to the movies. There are tons of ways to cut back on daily expenses without impacting your quality of life at home.


All of these will save you more $$ than the few extra expenses you might incur on the cruise. Been there, done that, survived it. Wish I'd been smart enough to spend a little $$ making memories.

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I agree........go on your cruise. It will be good for your whole family. Once you accept new employment, it may be a while before you will get time off.





I absolutely agree with Sail and the others who have encourage you to still take your cruise. In 2001, my husband was unemployed for ten months after being laid off and prior to being let go, the company didn't pay him for TEN MONTHS. (Not the first time that happened.) It was a very stressful time for us and included having to sue the company for his back pay. What a nightmare! Right in the middle of it all, our family got together and bought us a cruise. It was our 20th anniversary, and they insisted we go. They even gave us enough cash to cover the newly instituted (then on Princess) auto-tip and some shore excursions. What a family, huh??? It was the greatest trip. We so needed the break! You should definitely still go!!!! Forget about your troubles and make some memories. It really, really helped us get through the next five months of unemployment.



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am i correct in reading your post that you personally dont tip on cruises--how about in restaurants when you dine out??


I do not believe in Predetermined Mandatory Group Tipping, but I do believe in tipping directly to those worthy of the tip. Excellent service deserves it's rewards no matter where.


I only pointed out to the original Poster that tipping is optional - For someone out of work - Out of money - One to two hundred dollars (X4) is a lot of money. This extra cost should not stop them from enjoying their planned vacation.

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Regarding travel insurance covering cancellation in the event of job loss, I've had personal experience with this.


The policy I had didn't cover it, because I hadn't worked for my employer long enough...I think it had to be 3 yrs., and there were some other stipulations.


I went ahead and took the cruise and am glad I did. I needed a mental health holiday.


IMO, there are ways to cut costs that don't involve stiffing the hardworking crew.



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I do not believe in Predetermined Mandatory Group Tipping, but I do believe in tipping directly to those worthy of the tip. Excellent service deserves it's rewards no matter where.


I only pointed out to the original Poster that tipping is optional - For someone out of work - Out of money - One to two hundred dollars (X4) is a lot of money. This extra cost should not stop them from enjoying their planned vacation.


I agree with Tsar on the tipping. I don't like pre-determined automatic tipping. If the service is bad, I don't tip well. If the service is great, I tip well above what is 'expected'. On our cruises we have tipped more than $10/pp per day, but if the automatic tip is added, I am less likely to add on to it. This will be my first HAL cruise in November, you can remove the automatic tip and do it normally, right?

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On Maasdam, I noticed that people now had coke cards instead of the sticker and each time they ordered a soft drink, the steward punched it. It is no longer unlimited soft drinks.

Oh, I didn't realize they changed that. In January on the Amsterdam, they did have the Coke cards. I am not sure what they cost for a 30-day cruise, but Kakalina would know since she and her DH had them.


If they are using punch cards now, that kinda stinks. How much can it really cost HAL to refill a glass of soda?


Blue skies ...



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I only pointed out to the original Poster that tipping is optional - For someone out of work - Out of money - One to two hundred dollars (X4) is a lot of money. This extra cost should not stop them from enjoying their planned vacation.

That's kinda my feeling too. True, the $10 per day is probably fair if service is good ... but when someone is out of work, and traveling in a family of four, $40 per day in auto-tips could seem a bit much.


Personally, if this were me ... and, yes, I know I'm gonna flamed for saying this ... I would make sure I always left the cabin neat so that my steward didn't have to do a whole lot of picking up after us ... and then I would knock the auto-tips for the kids off at the end of the cruise ... just tipping for my spouse and myself.


I know of several friends ... not HAL cruisers ... who have done this with their families. As one of them told me ... "I have three kids. If I tipped $50 per day, those stewards would be making more than I do!" She and her husband only cruise about every other year, and for the entire family the trip runs over $10 grand. To her, tipping $50 a day, on top of this amount ... plus all the other monies put out for airfare, shore excursions, etc. ... represents a financial hardship. She makes sure to pick up after the kids ... so that the cabin is never a Godawful mess ... and then always knocks at least one child, sometimes two ... off the auto-tip.


Blue skies ...



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I do not believe in Predetermined Mandatory Group Tipping, but I do believe in tipping directly to those worthy of the tip. Excellent service deserves it's rewards no matter where.

I only pointed out to the original Poster that tipping is optional - For someone out of work - Out of money - One to two hundred dollars (X4) is a lot of money. This extra cost should not stop them from enjoying their planned vacation.


thanks for the clarification -- i was wondering if you are aware that on certain cruiselines like hal if you remove the auto tip from your ship account and tip directly that person receiving the tip must turn in your cash tip to the tipping pool to be divided among the rest of the crew as if you left the auto tip in place


at 10.00 pp per day on a 7 day cruise the total tip would be 280.00 for the family and not your projected tip of 400.00 to 800.00 as you posted

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I . This will be my first HAL cruise in November, you can remove the automatic tip and do it normally, right?


I think you have misunderstood. No it IS NOT NORMAL to remove the automatic tips. It is quite the opposite. It is the very rare guest who chooses to remove the tips from the shipboard account.


ONLY in the case of very poor service (which is sooo rare an event on HAL) would it even be considered minimally acceptable to remove the automatic tips.


I hope we haven't misled you here on this board to think otherwise.


In the event you are not receiving good service, it would be a good idea to discuss it with the Guest Relations Manager, Hotel Manager, Chief Housekeeper, Maitre d' during your cruise in order that the situation could be resolved. To wait until the end to remove your automatic tips and at that point say you haven't been happy with the service is unfair to everyone.......MOST OF ALL YOURSELF. The point is you want good service, isn't it? You don't want to be unhappy your whole cruise if a conversation could have made things right for you. I wouldn't think your preference would be unhappy so that you could then remove the tips saying that you didn't like the service you received.


Or, Maybe, have I totally misunderstood your statement? If so, sorry.


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