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Overrated Reviews Affect Quality


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I will proably get flamed on this one, but what the heck. I have been on 14 cruises in the last 8 years. I am not pretending to be an expert, just pointing out some level of experience. Based on these cruises and reading these boards for a few years, I have made the following observations.


1. The quality of food/services/entertainment/etc on most cruise lines has decreased over the last 8 years.


2. Most people who cruise tend to overrate their experience and are not objective in rating the individual aspects of their cruise.


I believe that the above two observations are interconnected. Cruise lines are in business to make money. Price competitioin is very intense. Cruise lines continually look for ways to save money (i.e. reduce services) to improve their bottom line. As long as most people are satisfied with the product they provide, they will continue to reduce services until it begins to have a negative effect on the bottom line.


It appears that most people who cruise are so happy to be on vacation they are willing to accept an inferior product. I agree that we are very lucky to be able to cruise one or more times a year. Most people in the world will probably never have this opportunity. However, that does not mean that we should accept reductions in quality.


Please note that this does not mean that everyone should take a negative approach and complain about everything on the cruise. Every cruise line knows what they do well and where they have been cutting. HAL knows that the quality/selection of food/service in the Vista dining room on the Zuiderdam does not compare with what they served 8 years ago. They know that the service is more like a diner than a nice restaurant. They also know that the Pinnacle Grill is one of the best alternative restaurants at sea. On my first cruise in 1996 on RCCL Sovereign of the Seas, our waiter spent about half of his time talking to the guests, telling jokes, etc. Our waiter on the Z did not have two minutes to talk to anyone. I always judge the dining experience by asking myself "Would I come back to this restaurant if it were located where I live". The answer on the Zuiderdam is a resounding NO!


So, if you are going to provide a review of your cruise, just be objective. If something is not right point it out. It could affect someone else's decision to book this cruise and, most importantly, it will send a message to the cruise line that they are not fooling us.

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Since you have stepped out , let me get my feet wet as this isnt the PRINCESS BOARD I might not get HURT toooooo bad!


What amazes me is that some people- no matter what happens --no matter who is at FAULT--no matter the CUTBACKS---just NO MATTER---they argue for the cruise line (not just HAL) and that we are just PRIVILGIED to be there!!!

Im Sorry--I am a businessman and when I sell you a product, it had better be everything you expect and MORE or LOOK OUT!! We need to remember, yes they have to make $$, the cruiselines (again ALL LINES) advertise a product and when we pay them this constitutes a CONTRACT and everything should be as advertised--Of Course, things happen and we have to flow but as CUTBACKS are made===food, food,food,food,freebies are taken away--things that were once free,i.e.ice cream--coffee, are now being charged,etc.

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We have a right too complain--thru civil complaints (comment card,etc) they understand how we feel and may change things , BUT by not stating our OPINION and feelings,they just continue to cut,cut cut!!

Remember the furors--over ice cream,coffee,etc--

ALSO,for old timers===the PAY restaurants--the extra charge was for the excellent service==it started as $5 and now just keeps rising until they reach resistance--and now we are EXPECTED to slip CASH as a tip!!


I still love cruising---this is just an observation and I leave for my 44 th cruise on the WESTERDAM in 2 weeks!!


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Hi, I haven't cruised as much as you have...Sept will be my 5th (not counting 2 from 85 and 92)...so that would make 7;) . Anyhow, this coming cruise will be my 5th in 18 months.

Now, this will be my first on HAL...


I have a comment about one thing you said...and I am not flaming you...but when you say "most people are willing to accept an inferior product"....isn't that kind of a general statement?

We are all individuals, and as such, we all have different expectations. What you may think inferior others may think superior. Or vice-versa.


I do agree, reviews are better when they are objective...to post the positives and negatives are helpful to all of us.


I hope my first cruise on HAL will be a fun experience:).

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I tend to agree with the above comments. Cruising is such a subjective thing, like most things and I would never take a cruise or not take a cruise based on someone elses observations. I don`t write comprehensive reviews as they are usually just my observations, especially re food service etc. What is five star to someone may only be 3 star to me, and so on. When I feel I am not getting a good product based on what I pay, then I will move on. As always, JMHO.....jean

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Everything written above is true but we vote with our feet. If the experience has been unacceptable, don't go back! We all have the choice where to spend our money but we all have our personal reasons for choosing a cruise line and/or an itinerary/ship.

For some it's a comfort level, for some it's traveling companions, for some it's another attachment.

I can enjoy an experience without it being perfect. I have a comment card and I know to whom to report when I am dissatisfied.

Cruising is a business, and like all businesses it serves needs of different categories of clientele.

Just like the price that is being charged at the Olympics for rooms on the Rotterdam, evidently the market will bare those prices, people and organizations are paying $2500 per night.

My opinion doesn't matter, i won't pay that price, but it won't deter people who will.


This is not intended for the poster, just a general comment on criticism.

I only ask that people don't rain on my parade and fudge my present experience with their negativity. If I goof and buy an inferior product, it's my mistake and I'll live with it. Don't throw it in my face and imply that I'm a fool.

I can make my own decisions, right or wrong.

Off the soap box,


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I have a comment about one thing you said...and I am not flaming you...but when you say "most people are willing to accept an inferior product"....isn't that kind of a general statement?



I dont know who that was to but I said SOME PEOPLE in my observation!!

I ,also,agree with GN---let them know you are unhappy and then if it still is not what YOU want --dont go--

I.E. I wll not sail on the Island and Coral Princess again unless there is nothing else avaliable---we just didnt enjoy the food etc. (AGAIN OUR OPINION) FRANK

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What my husband & I found is that people will sit there and complain about the food, service, shows and other problems with the ship - but then say HAL is the best and they wouldn't try another cruise line! When we would compare our HAL cruise to other cruises we have taken on other lines, people got upset with us. We don't get it! This is why HAL doesn't have to make anything any better!


Happy sailing........

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I'm someone who calls them as I see them [both the good and bad]...and has been roasted for being negative, ignorant, having a personality defect, etc. on both the Cunard regarding QM2 and Carnival board regarding the Carnival Legend to the point of being sent nasty emails.


There is a 'right of ownership' position taken by many. In that they chose a cruise, they feel they must justify their choice. As such they say everything is just hunky-dory and anyone who does not agree with them must be deficient in judgement and personality.


Anyone who has been on more than a few cruises knows quality and staffing has declined steadily. Anyone who has worked in industry...any industry...knows that cost containment is an ongoing effort. These simply are the facts, but some just think that everyone is out to question their personal judgement and must defend it.


Whether over-blown reviews imply acceptance of reduced quality, I don't know. However, most industries respond to critiques as long as critiques are not nutty.


Back in the good ol' day, when food and service was superior, all entertainment on board was provided by the passengers.

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fb...I wasn't picking on anyone...sorry...I was just making my own observation. And my comment was for the original poster....an observation from my own thoughts.


So, when I reply with my own opinions on here I get yelled at too?:(


I will just read from now on...and hope my HAL experience is a good one....

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Lois - This board tends to "banter" but don't let it bother you, it's the personality of the board, lol. With that said, it is still my favorite board, and what I consider my home board. There are wonderful people here. Please don't just read the board here. You are a sweet, loving, person and a wonderful addition to the board...it needs the balance ;).


I am confident your HAL cruise is going to be a good experience. Look at me, my first cruise on HAL last month, and I came home and booked another for next month because I enjoyed it so much.



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Frank...its Lois. Ok...If I misunderstood, sorry. I thought you thought my previous post was directed at you...it wasn't.


Hi Marie:)

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Everything posted here is reasonable, and then comes:

I only ask that people don't rain on my parade and fudge my present experience with their negativity.
Therefore, I must conclude that your position is if it isn't grand, it must be a personal deficiency, ie negativity.
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I agree with most of what has been written but feel it necessary to add that each person experiences the same cruise, the same ship in a different way.



I may have a fabulous cabin steward and am well pleased with the service. Perhaps someone else has a very tired steward who is ready to leave for his vacation and has provided only the bare minimum of service. That pax is not as happy as I am.


I got a less friendly, less competent dining steward but you got a great one.


Each cruises comment sheets will be so divergent and when the Hotel Managers and Guest Relations Managers and F & B's etc read them, they will read raves and they will read about how horrible the cruise was.


Only a very experienced staff IMO can sort through it all and get to the reality of what is going on aboard the ship between crew and pax.

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When we return from a cruise, we try to be as objective as we can be. But remember that it is still OUR opinion.

We try to point out the good things, the bad things, and any new changes that have taken place since our last cruise. If enough people have the same negative comments, the cruise lines tend to listen.

For example, when the Zuiderdam first came out, complaints were voiced about the lack of public restrooms, the choice of colors for interior decorating, and a few other things. When the Oosterdam came out, HAL listened and changed a few things. The colors were toned down and more public rest rooms were added. Not all items were addressed but HAL did make an honest effort to respond.


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Cruising is such a subjective thing, like most things and I would never take a cruise or not take a cruise based on someone elses observations ... What is five star to someone may only be 3 star to me, and so on.
This is an important thing to remember. Thanks, Jean. A cruise is like food, restaurants, or political candidates. Everybody brings a different set of expectations to the table. Some are unreasonable, IMO. But, at any rate, reading others' perspectives helps me paint the overall picture. I never cruised during the twenties, thirties and fourties ... so I can't compare with the level of service rendered during those times. But I don't expect to experience that today -- at least not at the price I'm willing to pay. I don't want an inferior product, but shoot, I'm one of those who's just happy to be on a cruise ship being waited on hand and foot.
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I don't want an inferior product, but shoot, I'm one of those who's just happy to be on a cruise ship being waited on hand and foot.
I don't want this to become a back-patting thread, but good point. I'm on a cruise, having good weather, relaxing by the pool and enjoying the shore excursions. So if my room is not made up until late morning or the dining room service is a little slower than it could be, I may not even notice it. On the other hand if the weather's rough, you're stuck indoors and half the people are seasick, then these minor things are going to seem more important.


I've been on two cruises, haven't had one minute of rain. Guess what I thought of the cruises.

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Filling out cruise comment sheets is a good thing, but I believe that comments on the internet like this board are more likely to get results because they get to a much larger audience particulary people planning future cruises. Be objective, but if you don't like something tell us all about it. Don't say say your cruise was great. Of course, almost all cruises are great. How bad can it be compared to work?

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It appears that most people who cruise are so happy to be on vacation they are willing to accept an inferior product.

If they are so happy to be on vacation they don't realize it's an inferior product or they don't care. We should all be so happy on every cruise.


As far as the request to post objectively on a review.. they fall under subjective anyhow. If you are talking about a review that would have any effect it would be the one you fill out on the questionare - not any comments you leave on a message board that is viewed by a small percentage of the cruise population and NOT by the cruiseline. I don't think there will be any noticable impact if a person reads a review and decides not to cruise.


As someone who's sailed for 15 years and have seen the changes in the quality of some areas, I've seen improvements in others. I'm not trying to flame here, but I think there are much better ways to improve quality and be heard than what is being suggested. (ie.. snail mail to the cruiseline).

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I read these boards primarily for a giggle and from time to time, to get information.


I know full well that when the waiter put his elbow into my soup on the QM2 that such was not company policy. But, by the same token, it certainly did not enhance my experience. Was this being negative or simply a giggle to pass along?


I know from repeated cruises on the same ship, I have had different experiences, and that my experiences were also different from others.


To steal someone elses's line: 'seems to me' we just take ourselves too seriously.

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I know full well that when the waiter put his elbow into my soup on the QM2 that such was not company policy.
It may not be company policy, but I hope he at least brought you another soup.:D
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I believe that I have already stated this on a previous thread but the kind of comments that rub me the wrong way (please don’t take offense) are the “who cares if my steak tastes like a Nike Running Shoe, I’m on vacation” or the standard “who cares if there were some major downgrades, I was pampered.” The issue at hand is that the consumer has choices as to where they can spend their travel dollar. If cruiseline A is doing more for the customer than cruiseline B, then cruiseline A will eventually start losing discriminating customers. This also is a problem for those who read these boards and think that they will be sitting down at a gourmet meal in the dining room: it just isn't the case anymore. If HAL continues to let the product slip as much in the next 4 years as they have in the 4 years that I have frequently cruised them, we might not be back. The experience, food, service etc. that we first experienced on the Rotterdam just three and a half years ago was so far above in quality what we experienced on the Zuiderdam that the Vista Class ship left us with a terrible taste in our mouth.


I have cruised Celebrity twice and HAL 5 times now. Before our experience on the Zuiderdam, we had noticed that the product (especially in the dining room food and service) was slipping. Although we really enjoyed the Celebrity product (Incredible food and service/sophisticated atmosphere), we still would have spent our money on HAL before Celebrity as the HAL ships cabins and ambiance just seemed a bit more comfortable. This is no longer the case. At this point, HAL is going to have to give me a really good reason to cruise their ships instead of Celebrity or even one of the other contemporary brands. HAL’s food quality is lacking, the service has slowed down, the cabins are smaller, there are more people on the ships, they are charging for coffee, they are automatically adding tips, they now charge for sauna services while leaving a piddly tiny sauna room for their non-extra charge customers, and (my pet peeve) they have begun blasting pop music (ala carnival) at the pools. Was any of this addressed in the “Signature of Excellence” campaign? No.

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