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Ok, like I said before.........

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Calling the passport place is a joke. We leave in a little over a week and still no passport for my bf. However we have requested another birth certificate via expedite. Called the passport folks today, their computers are down......imagine that. At times the passport place just hangs up on you after they say that all their 'operators' are helping other customers!!!! He sent in for it around the mid of Feb the 17th to be exact, . it will be 14 weeks this week since he sent off for it. I do not know what people are going to do!!!! Somehow I feel they should be held accountable for anyone who has to cancel a vacation/cruise or whatever because they cant guarantee when you might get it, if you even get it at all. People will lose money because of this. It is not fair. And I'm all for 'homeland security' keeping us safe, but this is not working.!!!!!!!!!!!! They need to improve their system to help move this process on. Greatfully he can get by just having his bc, because we are going to Canada but the ship is taking us there and a bc is okay right now, who knows what will be okay tomorrow. :mad:

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Oh I feel your pain. That darn office recording hung up on me MANY times. I started getting smart and used a tip I read here...something about pushing 1 (for English) then 3 (for leaving in 3 weeks) then push ZERO before you are prompted. I think that's how it goes...don't kill me if it doesn't work...lol. :o


I applied the SAME exact time as you. We had to leave on April 28th. BUT after I did get ahold of them I did receive the passport (expedited for free) within 4 days.


You know you can email them when you are within 14 days too right? I would try both avenues.

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You have to understand though that the shear number of passports they have to process right now is extraordinary.


Better hope that when it does arrive, that it's correct. My sister's BF got his last week and his last name was spelled wrong!


Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one. That clogs the system for those who are actually traveling this year and MUST have it to travel.

If you are cruising and leaving from a US port, you don't need one until 2008...


Let me ask this... how well did you plan???


Are you part of the group that MUST have one to travel or did you apply 'just in case'? When did you book your cruise?


I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to put some perspective on the situation. In other words, it's hardly fair to be angry with the State Department if you didn't plan well from the start.


Afterall, this passport stuff has been pretty big news for at least a year... I've had a passport for close to 20 years and any time I have had to renew(twice now) or when I changed my name after marriage - they always recommended you start the application process 6 months before you need it for travel.

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You have to understand though that the shear number of passports they have to process right now is extraordinary.


Better hope that when it does arrive, that it's correct. My sister's BF got his last week and his last name was spelled wrong!


Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one. That clogs the system for those who are actually traveling this year and MUST have it to travel.

If you are cruising and leaving from a US port, you don't need one until 2008...


Let me ask this... how well did you plan???


Are you part of the group that MUST have one to travel or did you apply 'just in case'? When did you book your cruise?


I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to put some perspective on the situation. In other words, it's hardly fair to be angry with the State Department if you didn't plan well from the start.


Afterall, this passport stuff has been pretty big news for at least a year... I've had a passport for close to 20 years and any time I have had to renew(twice now) or when I changed my name after marriage - they always recommended you start the application process 6 months before you need it for travel.


Although I understand where you are coming from, we all should have one if our cruise is visiting foreign lands. What happens if by chance you become ill or get stuck in a foreign country and need to get home ASAP? A passport would expedite the process which would be best if you are ill. I applied for mine in April and hope to get it by July, if not I'll be off with my birth certificate, marriage license and drivers license....I'm not going to kill myself over it, it gets here when it gets here.

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Even if you MUST fly home for some reason or other, they have procedures in place for those without passports (who left the country by ship). It's not a big deal---yet!

So, get the birth certificate, and take your vacation--and stop stressing! It's fine! You'll have a wonderful time!

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My thoughts as well. Don't get me wrong I feel for you and understand your anxiety over the situation however, my husband works at the Post Office and I can't begin to tell you the Passport stories I hear.


I know for sure it's been listed on the RCI website for some time now and we applied last year knowing that when push came to shove - many citizens would wait for the last moment to apply. Much of the problem... poor planning. I think many took it for granted they would receive their passport in the standard time.


I even had my daughter (16 at the time) apply for her passport as well.


As the famous saying goes - "poor planning on your end does not necessarily constitute an emergency on my mine".


Best of luck.

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Even if you MUST fly home for some reason or other, they have procedures in place for those without passports (who left the country by ship). It's not a big deal---yet!

So, get the birth certificate, and take your vacation--and stop stressing! It's fine! You'll have a wonderful time!



EXACTLY !!! Our embassies in foreign lands are quite aware of the situation.

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Calling the passport place is a joke. We leave in a little over a week and still no passport for my bf. However we have requested another birth certificate via expedite. Called the passport folks today, their computers are down......imagine that. At times the passport place just hangs up on you after they say that all their 'operators' are helping other customers!!!! He sent in for it around the mid of Feb the 17th to be exact, . it will be 14 weeks this week since he sent off for it.


Their computers are down?? Great...my 16yo daughter and I leave for Paris June 8th, we applied Feb. 22nd and we still don't have our passports! My Senator took our info to call for us but if the computers are down probably not even a Senator can get through!! 14 days before our trip is this Friday, but monday is a holiday, so i'm going to start calling Thursday!! A BC won't do us any good, we HAVE to have a passport!!

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Amybear, its a good thing I had a passport when I moved or I couldnt have gotten my license in the new state without a lot more problems. They insisted on ONE more identification which I didnt have. I no longer attend school or work for the govt etc. The ONLY ID I had for my 3rd identification that was on the list was my passport.


I had to go home to get it and come back and then they let me change my license to the state I moved to. A passport is becoming a necessity, not just for cruising.


My 2nd passport expires in 2009, so Im only about a year from needing to renew it. Im one of the idiots who got one just in case...before I actually was able to afford to travel, but sure wanted to.

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My thoughts as well. Don't get me wrong I feel for you and understand your anxiety over the situation however, my husband works at the Post Office and I can't begin to tell you the Passport stories I hear.


I know for sure it's been listed on the RCI website for some time now and we applied last year knowing that when push came to shove - many citizens would wait for the last moment to apply. Much of the problem... poor planning. I think many took it for granted they would receive their passport in the standard time.



In my case, we were told by the lady at the post office that it would take 6 weeks, and stupid ME, I believed her!!! We applied Feb. 22nd and we HAVE to have them for our trip to Paris June 8th! Poor planning or NOT, people are agonizing over getting their passports, and I will never judge ANY of them, even if they DID procrastinate!!

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re-read my post... the "idiots" I refer to are people who are applying for passports to cruise this year who don't really need one...


you obviously applied for one at some point in your life when it wasn't needed and therefore any delays wouldn't have upset your travel plans. And if you're renewing in 2009, I take it you applied before 9/11...


Again, this has been big news for a while to allow people time to plan.


My mom is cruising in Mar 2008 and sent her renewal off 2 weeks ago... the system has been clogged for a while - she's not taking any chances...


this is only going to get worse as the year progresses and the system is further backlogged with 2008 cruisers who MUST have them.


I advise anyone cruising in 2008 to deal with passport issues now, like today, this week... avoid the stress later.

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You have to understand though that the shear number of passports they have to process right now is extraordinary.


Better hope that when it does arrive, that it's correct. My sister's BF got his last week and his last name was spelled wrong!


Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one. That clogs the system for those who are actually traveling this year and MUST have it to travel.

If you are cruising and leaving from a US port, you don't need one until 2008...


Let me ask this... how well did you plan???


Are you part of the group that MUST have one to travel or did you apply 'just in case'? When did you book your cruise?


I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to put some perspective on the situation. In other words, it's hardly fair to be angry with the State Department if you didn't plan well from the start.


Afterall, this passport stuff has been pretty big news for at least a year... I've had a passport for close to 20 years and any time I have had to renew(twice now) or when I changed my name after marriage - they always recommended you start the application process 6 months before you need it for travel.

Give the OP a break. The State Department said 10 weeks. The OP has been waiting more than 13 weeks. Nobody is an idiot for wanting a passport. Don't blame the applicants for clogging the system. Even with all the delays in implementing passport rules, the State Department can not keep up.


The State Department hired more workers and worked overtime to catch up. Instead, they have increased processing time to 12 weeks. Great job, Condoleeza!

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Thank you Amybear... my sentiments.


I'm not judging anyone. Go to the US GOV site - it's been listed there for some regarding the delays in getting passports. The Post Office is not the Passport Department. They take your picture - take your money and mail your information. Nor are they the department you call when you're in a panic and worried about receiving it in time. So - take their estimation of processing time lightly. After all - they aren't the ones taking your frantic phone call when you start to panic.

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Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one.




I am politely :) going to disagree with the terminology highlighted above. Every citizen in this country has a right to apply for a passport whenever they please whether they need it or not and regardless of whether or not it backs up the system. (I'd be far more concerned with all the frivolous lawsuits and how backed up the court system is:eek: )


Maybe some people just "feel more comfortable" having a passport even if the do not technically "need" one. That is their right. Who are we to judge them or call them "idiots"? I thank God that I live in the United States and can travel so easily.

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We are to be leaving for a family vacation..FRIDAY 6 AM flight..... flying to cancun... no option but a passport


US passport website sights 10 - 12 weeks...we applied in February... all arrived except one of my sons.... I have been calling 3 x a day... called my Congresswomen....that's a lot of time on the phone... NOTHING....


SO after folllowing everyguid line.. allowing for extra time... we are about to have family vacation, not to mention $$$$ ruined..

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Try calling your Congressman or Senator - I've seen calls to your state reps. in Washington get a passport expedited.


You have to understand though that the shear number of passports they have to process right now is extraordinary.


And the government should have hired enough people to take care of processing. Thank goodness they changed the requirements and cruise passengers aren't required to have them until January - if they would have required everyone to have them as of this year, there would be a back up of a year or more.


I can't tell you how many clients we've had that wanted to fly to Mexico for summer vacation and didn't know they need a passport. We've had many clients have to change their vacation plans because they didn't have passports to fly.

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You have to understand though that the shear number of passports they have to process right now is extraordinary.


Better hope that when it does arrive, that it's correct. My sister's BF got his last week and his last name was spelled wrong!


Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one. That clogs the system for those who are actually traveling this year and MUST have it to travel.

If you are cruising and leaving from a US port, you don't need one until 2008...


Let me ask this... how well did you plan???


Are you part of the group that MUST have one to travel or did you apply 'just in case'? When did you book your cruise?


I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to put some perspective on the situation. In other words, it's hardly fair to be angry with the State Department if you didn't plan well from the start.


Afterall, this passport stuff has been pretty big news for at least a year... I've had a passport for close to 20 years and any time I have had to renew(twice now) or when I changed my name after marriage - they always recommended you start the application process 6 months before you need it for travel.

When do you suggest we "idiots" get our passports then? If we wait til next year, we will be told we procrastinated and it is our own faults if they are delayed. I chose to be prepared. I chose to apply in January and I have my passport. I will use this on my June cruise. "Idiots" like me are prepared for the upcoming requirements.

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We are to be leaving for a family vacation..FRIDAY 6 AM flight..... flying to cancun... no option but a passport


US passport website sights 10 - 12 weeks...we applied in February... all arrived except one of my sons.... I have been calling 3 x a day... called my Congresswomen....that's a lot of time on the phone... NOTHING....


SO after folllowing everyguid line.. allowing for extra time... we are about to have family vacation, not to mention $$$$ ruined..


Are you close to a regional office? If yes, go down there in person. If not, keep calling the passport number - the are open from 0600 to 2300 CST. Some of the people answering the phone are volunteers, not regular passport agency employees - don't give up!



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I do not know what people are going to do!!!! Somehow I feel they should be held accountable for anyone who has to cancel a vacation/cruise or whatever because they cant guarantee when you might get it, if you even get it at all. People will lose money because of this. It is not fair. And I'm all for 'homeland security' keeping us safe, but this is not working.!!!!!!!!!!!! They need to improve their system to help move this process on. Greatfully he can get by just having his bc, because we are going to Canada but the ship is taking us there and a bc is okay right now, who knows what will be okay tomorrow. :mad:



I do wish you luck and that the passport comes in time for your cruise. But, like it or not, the individual is responsible for the documentation they require. When I was reading the news last year about passports being needed, I knew this sort of thing would be happening. It's such a fiasco this year. And yet, there is no way you can hold anyone else accountable.





You have to understand though that the shear number of passports they have to process right now is extraordinary.



Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one. That clogs the system for those who are actually traveling this year and MUST have it to travel.

If you are cruising and leaving from a US port, you don't need one until 2008...


Let me ask this... how well did you plan???







I'm looking at it in a totally different light. So many people who needed them this year, yet waited until the last possible moment to apply are the ones who are clogging the system. The smart ones (not idiots at all) that don't need them yet are not clogging the system, they have the luxury of time on their side. They are the ones who plan well and don't leave the important stuff to the last minute. I think we will revisit the same delays later this year, probably worse than now.


To the OP, your boyfriends passport may be held up for different reasons than you have considered. I think a lot of people may be in for a surprise when there are delays caused by things like a similar name to someone who has a reason not to be granted a passport. Such as back child support, traffic violations that have gone to warrant, or any other type of warrant for arrest. I'm not sure about felony convictions, I do't know the law, but if he has a name similar, or has any problems such as the ones listed, he may have to wait to be investigated and cleared.


I think people need to allow a minimum of 3 months, more safely 6 months for a passport nowadays. This is a new thing for Americans, we've been so spoiled in the past.


I do wish you luck with this and hope the phone suggestion that cruisinmama06 works out for you.

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Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one. That clogs the system for those who are actually traveling this year and MUST have it to travel.

If you are cruising and leaving from a US port, you don't need one until 2008...



Okay, so we were called idiots for not having a passport in the first place, now you are calling us idiots for getting them :confused: What's up with that!!! :rolleyes:



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Are you close to a regional office? If yes, go down there in person. If not, keep calling the passport number - the are open from 0600 to 2300 CST. Some of the people answering the phone are volunteers, not regular passport agency employees - don't give up!




I am about 5 hours from nearest passport office...and am actually on hold as I type... 4th call today... it has be cleared, given an issue date.... just not printed...





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Try calling your Congressman or Senator - I've seen calls to your state reps. in Washington get a passport expedited.




And the government should have hired enough people to take care of processing. Thank goodness they changed the requirements and cruise passengers aren't required to have them until January - if they would have required everyone to have them as of this year, there would be a back up of a year or more.


I can't tell you how many clients we've had that wanted to fly to Mexico for summer vacation and didn't know they need a passport. We've had many clients have to change their vacation plans because they didn't have passports to fly.




I recently read a newspaper article in the travel section. They did hire extra help, the managers and supervisors are all working the desks along with the regular staff. They are all working overtime. You have to understand there are not people waiting in the wings to do this type of investigation process, it's not a simple task. They are just overwhelmed like they never expected. I don't remember the numbers of the article, but it would be like dumping a years worth of work onto the office in just a months time.

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Rather than copy and paste the above post.......I can answer.


I knew we were going to be required to get a passport within a year or two.......we live about 30 minutes from the Canadian border and hope to cruise at least once a year. I bought passports for all my kids.....before we needed them.....knowing that eventually they would need them. I can't tell you how happy I am that I did!!!!

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Rather than copy and paste the above post.......I can answer.


I knew we were going to be required to get a passport within a year or two.......we live about 30 minutes from the Canadian border and hope to cruise at least once a year. I bought passports for all my kids.....before we needed them.....knowing that eventually they would need them. I can't tell you how happy I am that I did!!!!




Amen to that. We got our in 2002 (we needed ours for a cruise), we got our kids the next year, not because we required them, we just thought it was a better idea to cruise with them. As recently as 2005, we would breeze right off of cruise ships because so few people had them.


You can bet, since our kids will expire next year (5 years for under 16) we will have them renewed whether they need them or not.


In 2002 and 2003, the turn around time was 2-3 weeks and the cost was almost half of what it is now :rolleyes:


Do them one at a time if $ is an issue.


I'm not saying this to thumb my nose at anyone, quite the contrary. I think threads like this one are very important, for others to read and learn from.

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We all have had passports previously... mine was a renewal... the kids were issued at age 14... (only good for 5 years) .. and also needed new ones this year......


My Congressman (actually a woman) has also made several phone calls , but her aide said she has a long list of people traveling soon and waiting on passports..

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