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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Well, here I sit with Horton panting like he's just run the 10 minute mile! He really wants to jump onto my lap.  I've done everything short of putting on a baby carrier and strapping him to my back!!!!!


And, outside it sounds like the Iraqi war is going on with mortar shells falling all around us.  I live a mile from a University that sets off fireworks and next door to a moron who loves to set off his own crap......I wish he'd catch fire and blowup like a damn sparkler!!!!!!  I swear I have no patience for people who think that the noise that fireworks makes is celebrating, in any way, our freedoms and gifts thereof!


And, to top all of this off, at 10:30 this morning we had a huge earthquake that scared the bejeebers out of both Horty and me as things went flying off shelves and crashed to the ground!  What the hell!!!!!  I tried to remain calm because I knew that in a few hours the bombs would be going off!!!!!  Too much for my Horty's delicate senses.  Not to mention mine!  I hate eartquakes.....as much as my moron neighbor!


Please Gawd, can you send a Guru to put a calm and loving spell on me!!!!!  Or, would someone please pass the valium!


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We are in the same boat. Explosions all around. Plus we have been on skunk patrol. We have caught two of the five that moved in under my garage. This noise means none in the trap but still the smell from being scared. 


Heard about the quake. Hope no real damage. 


TV up loud to drown out the sudden noises. Hope it stops soon. 

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16 minutes ago, lindaler said:

We are in the same boat. Explosions all around. Plus we have been on skunk patrol. We have caught two of the five that moved in under my garage. This noise means none in the trap but still the smell from being scared. 


Heard about the quake. Hope no real damage. 


TV up loud to drown out the sudden noises. Hope it stops soon. 

A dent in a cruise picture of Horton Jeffrey on formal night.  The picture has been moved and earthquake putty placed under it.


I remember that smell when we had a horse ranch in Chatsworth, Ca.  There's nothing like it......Yuck!

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Halo, didn't react to the fireworks at all.  I have two dogs I am dog sitting here; 1 an 8 year old golden, the other an 11 month old double doodle.  Both were calm and didn't react.  I am a very lucky person.  Granted we live out in the country and the noise isn't nearly as bad as being in town, although we can hear it.


This is for Roz, then there is my idiot husband and daughter who think it will be fun to set off the illegal and incredibly loud fireworks, my husband found in a storage unit, tonight by the house.  I will lock myself and the dogs into the house and turn up the tv and hope our house doesn't catch on fire.


Linda and Halo

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2 hours ago, rpclmc said:

Halo, didn't react to the fireworks at all.  I have two dogs I am dog sitting here; 1 an 8 year old golden, the other an 11 month old double doodle.  Both were calm and didn't react.  I am a very lucky person.  Granted we live out in the country and the noise isn't nearly as bad as being in town, although we can hear it.


This is for Roz, then there is my idiot husband and daughter who think it will be fun to set off the illegal and incredibly loud fireworks, my husband found in a storage unit, tonight by the house.  I will lock myself and the dogs into the house and turn up the tv and hope our house doesn't catch on fire.


Linda and Halo

Gotta love the folks with an adventurous spirit.......Good luck!

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3 hours ago, rangeley said:

Roz please check in!! 

Well, it was a very interesting day, yesterday.  We had a 7.1 earthquake which felt as bad as the one we had in 1994.  Much bigger than the one we had on the 4th.  I live on the top floor of a complex, with a subterranean garage.  So, when there's an earthquake I really feel it.  I, honestly, was scared to death when it hit [you just want it to stop!]  It started very slowly with a rolling motion and then increased to bumping up and down so hard that old clocks on the wall started ticking and chiming and lamps were falling off shelves.  After the one in 1994 Morey had all the bookshelves and heavy stuff retrofitted to the walls.  He put earth quake putty under all my big figurines, under the t.v.'s and behind all the pictures on the walls. 


I don't think one ever gets desensitized to earthquakes;  they come at you with no warning and leave you feeling very shell-shocked.  I have earthquake supplies, gas in my car and cash in my wallet.  I'm ready to escape if I have to.  Horton was already pretty shaken-up from the fireworks [which were also set off the next night] and then the earthquakes hit.  He's staying very close to me and that's okay!  I try to stay as calm as I can through it all.......but, it's very difficult to maintain that "stiff-upper-lip" when you're alone!!!!!  My family and friends check-in on me......and, I love knowing you're all there!


Thanks for checking in on me......Take care of you!



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6 hours ago, Plant said:

Roz, just heard there was another quake this afternoon :classic_ohmy:!  Hope you and Horton are still okay (well, as okay as possible!)

You know how they say "life goes on", well, it's so true.  I needed milk and other groceries, I needed to complete an x-ray on the hip that I was pushed on when that horrible person tried to steal Horton from me more than a year ago [because the doctor is calling me on Monday to read me the results.]  I had stuff I had to do......earthquake or not.  


Yes, we did have another good one today......by "good" I mean one bigger than a 3.0.  As long as they don't get any bigger than a 5.0 I can almost live with them.  I'm not about to move out of Cali.  Everyone's got something they have to live with.....and, the very secretive, unknown when they're going to strike, elusive earthquake is my chosen hometown challenge.   However,  I am realizing what the meaning of "shell-shock" is.  We must all be thankful, no loss of life and no bad injuries. 


The fireworks are still going off in my area......and, that's about to drive me mad!  This is all a "test".......I must say....my nerves are pretty much shot and it really wouldn't take much to set me over the edge!  If I could find the creeps who are setting them off, they would not be very happy.  Everyone's on edge, you'd think they'd be more thoughtful.  


Thank goodness for that sweet, brown-eyed "Horton", he remains a bit perplexed over the loud bangs and shaking floor but is calming down a little easier this evening.


Thanks for the concern.......I do so appreciate the thoughtful words.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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16 hours ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Well, it was a very interesting day, yesterday.  We had a 7.1 earthquake which felt as bad as the one we had in 1994.  Much bigger than the one we had on the 4th.  I live on the top floor of a complex, with a subterranean garage.  So, when there's an earthquake I really feel it.  I, honestly, was scared to death when it hit [you just want it to stop!]  It started very slowly with a rolling motion and then increased to bumping up and down so hard that old clocks on the wall started ticking and chiming and lamps were falling off shelves.  After the one in 1994 Morey had all the bookshelves and heavy stuff retrofitted to the walls.  He put earth quake putty under all my big figurines, under the t.v.'s and behind all the pictures on the walls. 


I don't think one ever gets desensitized to earthquakes;  they come at you with no warning and leave you feeling very shell-shocked.  I have earthquake supplies, gas in my car and cash in my wallet.  I'm ready to escape if I have to.  Horton was already pretty shaken-up from the fireworks [which were also set off the next night] and then the earthquakes hit.  He's staying very close to me and that's okay!  I try to stay as calm as I can through it all.......but, it's very difficult to maintain that "stiff-upper-lip" when you're alone!!!!!  My family and friends check-in on me......and, I love knowing you're all there!


Thanks for checking in on me......Take care of you!




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Okay, if anyone knows you guys do. What about the life boat drills. I asked my PCC on HAL about getting a handicap drill but he says they don't do that anymore. He said he did ask. I have done the drills before I got Chavela and it was horrible. People packed together so tight that some fainted with no room to move. How do I protect my dog from people who don't look where their feet are? She is only 20 pounds so I have to watch shopping carts in the grocery stores. Any suggestions?  


Also is there anywhere on the ship that you prefer not to take the dog or that they make it difficult? 


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4 hours ago, lindaler said:

Okay, if anyone knows you guys do. What about the life boat drills. I asked my PCC on HAL about getting a handicap drill but he says they don't do that anymore. He said he did ask. I have done the drills before I got Chavela and it was horrible. People packed together so tight that some fainted with no room to move. How do I protect my dog from people who don't look where their feet are? She is only 20 pounds so I have to watch shopping carts in the grocery stores. Any suggestions?  


Also is there anywhere on the ship that you prefer not to take the dog or that they make it difficult? 


Princess cruises holds their Muster Drills in specific indoor lounges, where everyone sits down and watches the crew on t.v.'s around the room, on stage, or standing nearby.  I try and get there early and leave late to avoid everyone's feet.  Some ships ask that you leave your life preserver behind and that saves everyone from tripping over the dangling attachments.


I know that some cruise lines still hold their drills on outside decks, that can be difficult but usually if you have a walker or wheelchair they will hold the drill in a specific room.  If I had to go outside with my dog I would approach a staff person and insist that they escort me to a safer area for me and my dog.


The tight hallways, the crowded elevators and the crowds in most of the venues can be  avoided by your timing of when and where you're there. 


Give yourself lots of time to go from place to place.   Put yourself against the wall when waiting in line.....be the very first or the very last in line.  When sitting somewhere sit against a wall, divider or under a window so that you won't chance your dog being stepped on.  Visit the dining room after you board and talk to the Matre'd about your dining table and check out the seating, ask that your best seat be reserved...they are happy to make you comfortable and they want your dog out of the way of their servers.


When dining,  I try NOT to place Horton under the table.  People are not expecting a dog there and they will move their feet around and possibly kick him, by mistake.  Again, my seat is against a wall or under a window and Horton is placed there.  I consistently remind the waiters that Horton is there and by the third day.......he's safe and they don't need reminding.


When I go to the shows I sit in the handicapped area and place Horton in front of a seat next to me.  I have "caution tape" in my purse and I wrap it around my chair and over Horton, if I can.  Otherwise, I remind people that Horton is there.  He takes up a seat and when people are looking from the aisle and they think that it's an empty available seat I keep an eye out and wave my hand and point down to the ground that Horton is lying there.  Sometimes I get a dirty look but I'm totally desensitized to the public's reactions to my dog and the inconvenience that they think he instills on them!  I NEVER sit at the end of an aisle.  I arrive a half hour earlier than the show starts to guarantee my seating arrangements.  Sometimes I get lucky with the ships staff and they reserve a seat for me every single night so that I don't have to hassle the crowds.  This is not expected from the cruise staff but it's always appreciated.


Horton is my durable medical equipment just like the inconvenience that a wheelchair, walker, oxygen tanks and other medical equipment might cause others.  When you travel in public enough, with your dog, you learn to ignore the public's stares, jeers, and mindless, thoughtless comments!  

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Roz, I am glad you and Horty are doing better.  Poor guy, stinkin' earthquake on top of fireworks.  It was felt clear over here in Arizona.  Definitely don't miss the earthquakes in California.  

I spoke to soon and our part time neighbors came back Thursday.  They only set the fireworks off on Thursday, but the rest of the neighborhood had a field day.  I just don't understand how they think a quarter of a stick of dynamite is a "firework" ?  No pretty lights only loud ka-booms.  Then last night the idiots decided it would be a better game to light one off, wait 30 or 45 minutes then do another one.  Our furkids would just start to settle down and then again, ka-boom.  I have to pick Jezzy up and carry her outside to potty before bed.  It is all I can do to pick her "little" sturdy 20 pounder body up from the floor.   Unfortunately, now when I get her Thunder Shirt out, she starts to shake because she knows why she has to put it on.  Poor girl.  I guess the way City ordinance reads is: If it leaves the ground or explodes, it is illegal.  Of course the idiots don't read that far, they just say, that fireworks are legal.  One lady asked another if reading comprehension was not one of her strong points!  Anyway, another year under the belt for the 4th of July,  Yay.  We did have one big ka-boom tonight.  Now we can sit and wait in anticipation for News Year Eve.  



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1 hour ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

Roz, I am glad you and Horty are doing better.  Poor guy, stinkin' earthquake on top of fireworks.  It was felt clear over here in Arizona.  Definitely don't miss the earthquakes in California.  

I spoke to soon and our part time neighbors came back Thursday.  They only set the fireworks off on Thursday, but the rest of the neighborhood had a field day.  I just don't understand how they think a quarter of a stick of dynamite is a "firework" ?  No pretty lights only loud ka-booms.  Then last night the idiots decided it would be a better game to light one off, wait 30 or 45 minutes then do another one.  Our furkids would just start to settle down and then again, ka-boom.  I have to pick Jezzy up and carry her outside to potty before bed.  It is all I can do to pick her "little" sturdy 20 pounder body up from the floor.   Unfortunately, now when I get her Thunder Shirt out, she starts to shake because she knows why she has to put it on.  Poor girl.  I guess the way City ordinance reads is: If it leaves the ground or explodes, it is illegal.  Of course the idiots don't read that far, they just say, that fireworks are legal.  One lady asked another if reading comprehension was not one of her strong points!  Anyway, another year under the belt for the 4th of July,  Yay.  We did have one big ka-boom tonight.  Now we can sit and wait in anticipation for News Year Eve.  



Nancy, I spoke to other CCI folks who don't have any problem with their dogs fearing the fireworks sounds.  And, Brenda didn't care either.   They said it really depends on the PuppyRaisers and how much they expose the puppy to "sounds."  Surly, a Service Dog who has a fearful response to fireworks but works on a daily basis in a very normal way would not be taken out of the program.


Your neighbors must be related to mine.  Mine set-off fireworks tonight too!   I think that next year I'm going to go to my daughters.  She has no fireworks at all.  We'll see.  Take care, sweet lady. 


I'm getting ready to make final payment on my B/B cruise in November.   Awwww!  A cruise, what a fabulous idea!!!!!!

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Roz, I’m so relieved that you and Horty are OK. Thought about you all weekend - it seemed like every day there was a new report - “another earthquake in CA”....


You are right that each place has its challenges. We have hurricane, sinkholes, and critters (gators, bobcats, and coyotes in our ‘hood) here in Florida. The midwest has its tornado, flood, etc challenges. And California had had an awful number of wildfires and mudslides in recent years to add to the ever-present danger of quakes.


But at least we get some warning for our hurricanes. I lived in San Francisco in my 20s, and remember the day I was working at my desk and thought somebody was trying to be funny by grabbing my desk chair and repeatedly shaking it. I turned around to tell my co-worker to knock it off, and realized no one was there. And that was just a very minor tremble. Can’t imagine how it must feel to live through a big earthquake with multiple aftershocks.

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8 hours ago, Caribbean Chris said:

Roz, I’m so relieved that you and Horty are OK. Thought about you all weekend - it seemed like every day there was a new report - “another earthquake in CA”....


You are right that each place has its challenges. We have hurricane, sinkholes, and critters (gators, bobcats, and coyotes in our ‘hood) here in Florida. The midwest has its tornado, flood, etc challenges. And California had had an awful number of wildfires and mudslides in recent years to add to the ever-present danger of quakes.


But at least we get some warning for our hurricanes. I lived in San Francisco in my 20s, and remember the day I was working at my desk and thought somebody was trying to be funny by grabbing my desk chair and repeatedly shaking it. I turned around to tell my co-worker to knock it off, and realized no one was there. And that was just a very minor tremble. Can’t imagine how it must feel to live through a big earthquake with multiple aftershocks.

Thanks Chris.  I don't think one ever gets used to it, you get kind of shell shocked.  Any loud noises or sudden movements makes you jump or just get queezy.  It's a very unsettling feeling.  As the days go by without a large quake we all start to feel more secure and go on about our daily lives more easily.  


I had to go to the doctor today and everyone is still talking about the aftershocks and what the 7.1 felt like.  We all just smiled at each other and expressed our feelings about all being in the same boat!   There's definitely some comfort in knowing you're really not alone!


Of course, the presence of "handsome Horton"  made everyone feel happy!!!!!  It was quite a sight to see Horty go from person to person so they could touch him!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Well, 21 days to go before we are on the ship. Today Chavela got her new micro chip since the old one quite. She also got an update on her Rabies and we talked about what she would need if we take another cruise to Mexico. I got her 7001 signed. I made copies of everything, and sent an email to HAL with the information and I am sending them hard copies to hold in their hands and add to her file. Vet assures me that there is nothing else and she ordered us to have a good time. 


I'm so tired of people I care about having earthquakes, heat waves, hurricanes and more. Time to stop all that bad stuff, so I don't have to worry.  I am so ready for this cruise. Thanks again everyone for your help and support. I would have given up a long time ago. 

Edited by lindaler
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29 minutes ago, lindaler said:

Well, 21 days to go before we are on the ship. Today Chavela got her new micro chip since the old one quite. She also got an update on her Rabies and we talked about what she would need if we take another cruise to Mexico. I got her 7001 signed. I made copies of everything, and sent an email to HAL with the information and I am sending them hard copies to hold in their hands and add to her file. Vet assures me that there is nothing else and she ordered us to have a good time. 


I'm so tired of people I care about having earthquakes, heat waves, hurricanes and more. Time to stop all that bad stuff, so I don't have to worry.  I am so ready for this cruise. Thanks again everyone for your help and support. I would have given up a long time ago. 

Sounds like you're all set.  I would recommend that you make at two more copies of all your paperwork.  One for you to keep [the originals to show to the Immigration authorities who may want to meet you and Chavela at the first port of entry] and one to give to registration before boarding.


Please come back and remind us of your leaving so that we can wish you a Bon~Voyage.

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A number of folks have voiced concern about the visibility of their dogs in the theater seating areas of cruise ships. I am wondering if a little collar flasher, available in several kinds on Amazon.com, would be a good idea, especially if one's dog is black and hence almost invisible in dark areas. On the other hand, these flashers might be so bright they might annoy others in the audience. Presumably some of them can be turned down to limit the visibility. Anyone?

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My personal experience is when we were in Disneyland we put glow sticks on Chavela's reflective vest to make her more visible at night. It didn't work. People are too busy looking up to see the lights or are so conditioned to lights marking aisles and such that they do not notice.  I like the idea of caution tape. 

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9 hours ago, HenryKisor said:

A number of folks have voiced concern about the visibility of their dogs in the theater seating areas of cruise ships. I am wondering if a little collar flasher, available in several kinds on Amazon.com, would be a good idea, especially if one's dog is black and hence almost invisible in dark areas. On the other hand, these flashers might be so bright they might annoy others in the audience. Presumably some of them can be turned down to limit the visibility. Anyone?

I'm pretty sure folks would NOT like the strobe effect or disturbance that the light may cause to them.  I place myself and Horton in the best place for him and, again, I use the caution tape if I think it's necessary.

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