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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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18 hours ago, rangeley said:

I'm devastated. 💔 



Thank you Cindy.  After all these years, I think from 2007, that I've "known" Roz, I don't remember ever seeing a picture of her,  This is a beautiful picture, I would cherish it.  I'm lost not seeing one of her posts. 🐾💕

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As you all can imagine, she directed us and the photographer on how she wanted the pic taken. She was larger than life.


After being friends on here since 2007, I'm so glad that I decided to face my fears and fly out to LA to cruise with her last November. I hoped we might cruise again someday. 


You felt like you knew her even though you never met her.


I'm so sad. She will be missed. 💔😭

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Hi everyone. LIke you S.S. Cruisers and others, I never met Roz or “Aunty Roz” as she was affectionately referred to!  However, I had many a conversation with her on here and by email - I loved getting her emails full of her news.  I called her my cyber friend if I was telling my earthy friends all about this woman who lived in LA and cruised with her service dog.  When I first “knew” Roz she had Brenda and her dear husband Morey was still with her and then latterly Mr Horton - her big goofy boy.  So we have been through life’s ups and downs, smiling, laughing, crying, and sending each other cyber hugs when times have been tough.


One afternoon a few years ago I was sitting writing an email to Aunty Roz when I thought why don’t I just phone her!  So I did and when this voice answered a tad hesitantly at the other end, I, in my best Miss Jean Brodie voice enquired if I was speaking to Aunty Roz.  The line went quiet and she whispered a querying yes, probably wondering who on earth was calling her!  I quickly said, its Fairbourne, its me, its Fairbourne, calling you all the way from Scotland!  Well she was in hysterics laughing because unknown to me she had caller display on her telephone and the display just came up with some international gobbledygook and she really had no idea who might be calling her.  So I think the laughter was a bit of relief that it wasn’t some dodgy call from who knows where.   We had quite the chat I can tell you and spoke about how wonderful it would be if we could cruise together one day.  Sadly that day was not to be.


Rangeley, I am so happy you got to meet Roz and cruise with her and that photo is just great; but I have to say Oakland has a look on his face that to me says “ok I am sitting here like a good boy wearing my posh collar, so what happens next” and I can just hear Horty saying to him “Steady, hold on young man, just smile and look goofy and handsome and we will get an extra treat for being so darn cute”! Haha!  I am sure that worked as they are cute as heck, both of them!  I seem to remember you made some of those fancy neck collars for the dogs for their formal nights?  


I am sure she wouldn’t have minded me telling you this story.  One Christmas I sent her some Scottish shortbread and a treat for Horton.  Well let me tell you fellow CC’rs, that poor dog did not get that treat!  It was one of those animal shaped all organic hard chews in the shape of a hedgehog or as Roz said a dinosaur.  She told me that it was way too nice for Horton to get it and it was going to sit on her desk!  I think she did relent - in March LOL! So the next year I looked for the ugliest shaped dog chew I could find and in the end found a giant toothbrush shaped chew - I thought there was no way she would have that displayed on her desk! LOL!  That worked - and poor Horton got his Christmas chew at Christmas!   


We had many laughs over the years and all the time I was puppy walking the pups she was there being supportive and interested in what we were doing with the training.  As she once told me, she got her dogs “ready made all trained up” and never knew the dogs as puppies, so it was doubly interesting for her to learn what went on with the puppy walkers (raisers) before the dogs were handed over.  


Anyway, I have thought about Roz a lot this past week and I wonder if the Moderators on Cruise Critic would consider making this very long thread a sticky as it has so much useful information about cruising with service dogs that I would hate it to disappear down the pages.  I think it would be a fitting tribute to one of Cruise Critic’s most wonderful contributors Wizard of Roz - a fitting legacy if you like to our dear Aunty Roz RIP.


Thank you.  Stay safe all.  

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On 9/28/2020 at 2:40 PM, Panamama42 said:

I am trying to let all of Roz’s friends know that she has passed away. Her service dog Horton is here with me. He has been retired and will live out his days here. Thank you all 

I'm one of the lucky ones to meet the awesome lady. I think I sailed twice with her and Morey and Brenda the Wonder Dog. She and Horton came to a Cruisers from CA luncheon. And we met again at a Canine Companions for Independence fundraiser.


Once we sailed at the same time but different ships. The ships were at Cabo at the same time but Roz and Horton were not going to tender. I was able to convince a Princess officer to take her a little Hannukah gift. She was so amazed that I got it to her!


RIP Roz, and thank you for the memories.


(And thank you Panamama42 for taking care of Horton. 😘)

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Fairbourne, I have missed you and all the puppy adventures.  Thankf you for your sweet post. It hit me like a ton of bricks thinking that this Post would be deleted.  Making it a Pinned or sticky  post would be great.  I would guess if we all kept it going it would be left up.  I can't imagine all this valuable information being lost.  Cheers across the pond.  Take care. 


I'm so sorry Panaramma42.  I have been so caught up with processing this I forgot to tell you how thankful I am for you letting us know.  I am also thankful that you have Horton.  His just be so confused.  Hugs to you both.  


If something were to happen to me, no one would know to let my cruise critic buddies know.  I


Hope everyone has a pleasant weekend.  Our temperatures are finally coming down, 105 is still a tad warm, but the mornings are nice and cool.

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Roz loved all of you. We were both looking forward to sailing on princess to Alaska in July. 
Horton is doing well. He’s finally being a dog. I am very sad as I lost Rozzie’s brother (my beloved husband) one month before I lost her. I am devastated! 

thank you all

for your good wishes 


Debi (Panamana42)

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Panamana42, bless your 💖.  Hugs and prayers to you. 😥  I just know they are above us watching over everyone of us.  Especially you Debi.  I have no words to help comfort you.  I hope you come on here from time to time and let us know how you are doing.  🐾💕

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3 hours ago, Panamama42 said:

Roz loved all of you. We were both looking forward to sailing on princess to Alaska in July. 
Horton is doing well. He’s finally being a dog. I am very sad as I lost Rozzie’s brother (my beloved husband) one month before I lost her. I am devastated! 

thank you all

for your good wishes 


Debi (Panamana42)

Debi, thank you for sharing your deepest sadness with all of us.  I send you warm cyber hugs and a wish for peace on the loss of your dear husband and Roz.  Please stay in touch with us on how you and Horton are doing.  



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2 hours ago, Panamama42 said:

Thank the Becky. I will try to keep in touch. 


Thank you so much Debi for letting us know. So sorry to hear about your husband. Roz spoke of you often, you were her cruising buddy. 

Just to let you know, I was looking for you and sent you a private message on Facebook. At least I hope it was you. Otherwise someone else is getting a message from some crazy lady she doesn't know. 


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On 10/2/2020 at 11:07 AM, fairbourne said:

 ... I wonder if the Moderators on Cruise Critic would consider making this very long thread a sticky as it has so much useful information about cruising with service dogs that I would hate it to disappear down the pages... 


On 10/3/2020 at 10:16 AM, S.S. Cruisers said:

... Making it a Pinned or sticky  post would be great...


Per the Guidelines LauraS, our Senior Manager, Community was contacted for permission to pin this thread. 


"... The Community Manager has overall control of everything that happens within the Community. The Community Manager oversees how the board is styled, what forums to create and how to organize them, is responsible for our Rules of Participation, what information to require from members and who to appoint as Community Hosts. You may contact the Community Manager at: community@cruisecritic.com..."


In the future, please remember that just posing a request such as this on the boards will not get it done. Cruise Critic does not review messages before they are posted and cannot read through the thousands of messages posted each day. Therefore, Laura states the following in the Guidelines:


"... If you have any questions or comments regarding our posting guidelines or any content found on our message boards please be sure and let me know. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.

Senior Manager, Community


In this case, I just happened to look at this thread and saw the sad news.


I sincerely hope this will be satisfactory to all,


Host Kat emo32.gif



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Hello All:


Everyone here at Cruise Critic wishes all of you heartfelt condolences in losing your friend Roz.   We appreciate all she's done for everyone, as well as her loyalty to this special community of cruisers.    Our sympathies go out to those close to her as well.





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On 10/3/2020 at 5:24 PM, Panamama42 said:

Thank the Becky. I will try to keep in touch. 

Debi, I want to add my condolences to you for these two losses in your life, coming in such a short time during very difficult times for our country and the world. We are all so grateful you let us know that Roz had passed away. She was a special lady whose personality radiates through all of these pages and posts.

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18 hours ago, LauraS said:

Hello All:


Everyone here at Cruise Critic wishes all of you heartfelt condolences in losing your friend Roz.   We appreciate all she's done for everyone, as well as her loyalty to this special community of cruisers.    Our sympathies go out to those close to her as well.





Thank you, Host Kat and Laura. (And our thanks to the late Host Walt, who swiftly helped Roz restore peace when a particularly unpleasant troll briefly invaded these useful pages a few years ago, as some will remember). This little corner of Cruise Critic has been life-changing for people with many disabilities who were encouraged by Roz - and by those who joined in along the way - to travel with their service dogs and enjoy the wonderful world of cruising like any other passenger.  We don’t know what difficulties the world will hold for travelers with service dogs when cruising resumes, but I have a feeling this thread could be needed then even more than ever.

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I ditto Nancys comment. Roz would be thrilled to know that this thread will always be around. She was very passionate about cruising with her dogs and helping others do the same. I don't think most of us would be cruising with our dogs if it wasn't for her. I know we wouldn't be. Love ya Roz! 💔

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On 9/28/2020 at 4:40 PM, Panamama42 said:

I am trying to let all of Roz’s friends know that she has passed away. Her service dog Horton is here with me. He has been retired and will live out his days here. Thank you all 


thank you for passing this on.  I’ve been away a few weeks, snowed under with work and more work.  I’m teary eyed at the passing of someone I only knew through some emails and a lot of posts here.  She was so supportive!  
I know she has now crossed her own rainbow bridge and met back with Morey and Brenda, along with your own husband, and will be waiting for Horton and her family to join them in their time.


Thank for for sharing your home with Horton in his retirement.  
I will think of all of them when we get to resume cruising.


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Hey cruisers, this is Wizard-Of-Roz's grandson Cody. Just wanted to share with you all the obituary her grandkids wrote for her. Thank you for your kind words and loving our Grammy.


              Rosalyn Judith Silberschein (Sadowsky), age 78, of Northridge, California - Born September 21st, 1942 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Jack and Esther Sadowsky, boarded her eternal Princess cruise on September 17th, 2020. Joining her childhood sweetheart and beloved husband of 53 years, Morris Lee Silberschein (Morey). Roz moved from Pennsylvania to California with her family as a small child, where she grew up with her Father, Mother and 5 siblings. She graduated Fairfax High School in 1961 and joined the workforce right away at The Social Affairs Management Company as a secretary for $1 per hour. In this same year she met Morey. (This would be the point in the story where the writer would say “And they lived happily ever after!!”). Although that is the truth, I must continue telling you the story of our beloved Mother, Daughter, Sister and Grammy.

On April 15th, 1962 she married Morris Lee Silberschein at the Sheraton Hotel near downtown Los Angeles. In her words, “it was quite the love affair”. They wasted no time and welcomed their first daughter, Lisa, into the world and, after some complications, three years later daughter number two, Robyn. Dreams of having a large family like her childhood brought them to Vista Del Mar, known at the time as the ‘Jewish Orphan’s Home’. For years, the family took children in through the “Foster Parent Program”, giving them the best chance at a happy and healthy childhood.

Roz was such a people person. She loved to laugh and have fun. She loved going to different game shows, even got lucky enough to participate on “Let’s Make A Deal”. She worked in a Dr’s office, lawyer’s office, VBS day school, she owned her own Thrift store, ran an in-home daycare, and for over 20 years she worked for the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and loved every minute of it. She made so many amazing friendships and told the best stories.

Roz was crazy about her service dogs she received from Canine Companions for Independence (CCI). Her first dog, Brenda, taught her so much and built her confidence with service dogs, making the transition to her second dog, Horton, that much sweeter.

Roz’s love for travel started early as well. Her and Morey traveled across the country with their 2 and 5 year-old-girls on a 6-month adventure. Later, when the kids were grown, they drove through Europe and then across the Southern states. They later loved taking their grandchildren on road trips and cruises. Roz enjoyed travel so much, she switched most of her traveling to cruising the open sea and became a well-known advocate for cruising with her service dogs. She shared her passion for everything you need to know about cruising with a service dog on CruiseCritic.com, using the handle “Wizard-Of-Roz”.


She is survived by her two daughters - Lisa (Steven) and Robyn (Doug); her 6 grandchildren -  Cody (Jennifer), Rebecca (Josh), Shayna, Benjamin, Kayla, and Sarah; her service companion - Horton; sisters - Zara and Valerie; brother - Joel; sister-in-laws - Debi and Judi; loving in-laws; nieces; nephews and a host of long-time friends.

She is preceded in death by her husband – Morris, her parents - Jack & Esther, and her brothers - Barry and Matthew.

She will be missed terribly, though her stories and legacy will live on for generations. “Life, as I have learned has many twists and turns, we must all hang on for the ride!” “Forever and Always” -Rosalyn J. Silberschein.

If you would like to make a donation in Roz’s name, please donate at cci.org

Due to current events and health risks, a memorial date is to follow. Please post your condolences and stories for the family to read in Legacy.com.

OLG_6867_r (2).jpg

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