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How many of you really pay attention to what others are wearing??

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I'm forever reading on these boards people writing about what everyone else is wearing, sometimes even including percentages of men in suit/tux or women in gown/cocktail dresses. How do they figure this out? Do they stand by the door with pencil and paper, making marks in columns???


I do appreciate seeing people in nice clothing, people of all sizes and shapes. I love a well put together look and will notice if a person is either dressed to the nines or going the opposite and look like they have made no attempt at looking nice.


But, in all honesty, I only really notice the people at my table, perhaps a few walking by and some in the area where photos are being taken. I dress to look and feel good for myself and to please my husband.


So, do you watch others to see what is being worn, or do you only pay attention to extreme (to you) looks?


This is not to start an argument, there are plenty of those abounding on these boards all the time. To me a person who takes care with grooming can be of any style, from punked teen out to a senior citizen.


I just want to know if any of you really look around all that much... are you checking out everyone? :)

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....I do appreciate seeing people in nice clothing, people of all sizes and shapes. I love a well put together look and will notice if a person is either dressed to the nines or going the opposite and look like they have made no attempt at looking nice.


So, do you watch others to see what is being worn, or do you only pay attention to extreme (to you) looks?...

I just want to know if any of you really look around all that much... are you checking out everyone? :)


That pretty much describes me. I don't have the time nor the inclination to check out everyone's attire.

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I'll be honest... I DO look at what others are wearing. I'm not bold enough to say anything to those who are grossly 'mis-dressed', though. If I see a lady who REALLY looks sharp, I may compliment her outfit though. (DH doesn't approve when I compliment the sharp dressed guys...darn). :p Sometimes someone's attire becomes the topic of lighthearted dinner conversation, but not to the point of condescension or maliciousness.

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I agree with you on all counts. I do notice when someone obviously has made absolutely no effort because they stand out the same as the one who really looks stunning.

I just notice the room in general and appreciate the overall atmosphere.

I also basically only pay attention to our table. On one cruise on formal night the men wore silk turtle necks and no jacket (they weren't together so I don't know how that worked out) but were well groomed and super good company so that didn't provoke a thought either. :)

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I agree - I do notice when someone has it all together, or someone hasn't tried at all.

And I do offer compliments when someone has on an outstanding outfit. keep my thoughts to myself otherwise.

I also enjoy people watching - it is kind of fun to be able to identify the source of some of the attire.:)

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Kathy, I have paid plenty of compliments to other gals if I see them

in an outfit I think is lovely:). I am not really looking to find

them but sometimes yes, I do notice!

And yes, I have noticed those in the opposite attire too....

when it is staring at you, there is really no way to avoid looking back.

There was a family next to my table back in March, dinner time.

The parents were dressed up but the daughters (in their teens)

were in sweatpants and tops...with hoodies.

Did I notice it? Yes, I would be lieing if I said I didn't...they were

next to us:rolleyes:

Was I on the lookout for them? Of course not.....but as I said,

it was very close in proximety.

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and watch like we're watching a red carpet event.


Its actually fun to go up to someone who is dressed to the nines and compliment them, as for some others we have used asked the question" didn't you know it was formal night?", if they are underdressed and feel insulted, its their problem for not even trying ( BTW I am aware sometimes luggage does get lost , however that is a rare exception ).


Sorry, but we follow the rules and expect others to make the same effort.


Call Me a snob or what ever, I like to call my self simply 'COMPLIANT', and in the end, thats the bottom line.


Will someones dress ultimately ruin my cruise? No, but it could take away from the ambience of the evening or the specialness of an event like a birthday or anniversary if someone at or near where I am seated is dressed inappropriately.


Imagine taking pictures of your tablemates or family and in the background when they are developed are people wearing t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans or other clothing which WILL certainly detract from the photo unless airbrushed out.


And we have asked the maitre'd to be moved from our table after being seated with a bunch of "It's my vacation, I paid for it people" who dressed like slobs and didn't care what anyone thought.



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and watch like we're watching a red carpet event.


That could be interesting!


Its actually fun to go up to someone who is dressed to the nines and compliment them, as for some others we have used asked the question" didn't you know it was formal night?", if they are underdressed and feel insulted, its their problem for not even trying ( BTW I am aware sometimes luggage does get lost , however that is a rare exception ).


Never in a million years would I have the courage! To compliment, yes, but not to question :o



Imagine taking pictures of your tablemates or family and in the background when they are developed are people wearing t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans or other clothing which WILL certainly detract from the photo unless airbrushed out.


I never buy the dining room pics because they always have dirty glasses and plates in them! I'm also amazed when people post their cabin pics with clothes on the floor, or messy table tops :rolleyes:



And we have asked the maitre'd to be moved from our table after being seated with a bunch of "It's my vacation, I paid for it people" who dressed like slobs and didn't care what anyone thought.


Really??? We were once seated with a family who were dressed down, I won't call them slobs. Good thing we didn't ask to be moved, they were probably the most fun family we've ever been seated with.




I will have to go to the bar before dinner next cruise, perhaps I should pay more attention on a cruise ship. I know when we are in other places when we have to sit for a while we do people watch. I've seen some pretty interesting looks on cruise ships before. I love people, all shapes and sizes, all styles, some are very interesting ;) . But, I do like to get to know the people in the clothing, not the clothing itself, before I decide whether or not I'd like to spend any more time with that person.

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I gotta agree with Dave on this. We go to one of the bars every evening for a pre-dinner martini and I think it's kind of fun to see what others are wearing. Certainly don't stare but it's pretty easy to notice the ladies nicely dressed and a handsome guy dressed up for the evening. It's fun and part of the cruise experience for me. As for me, I also dress for myself and what my husband likes, and he is always calling my attention to some dress for when we travel. While we go out very frequently at home, we don't have the occasion to dress as formally as we do when we cruise. BTW, I wouldn't negatively comment on what others wear but have said something to others when they wore something that caught my eye.

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I have only been on two cruises. So, the experience is still very new to me and as a result I tend to see the "big picture"


For instance, on our last cruise I noticed, in general, everyone looked very nice on formal night. I didn't notice an individual's attire, just people en masse. I might have noticed if there were a group of inappropriately dressed people, but not one person here and there.


I will admit crowds overwhelm me, so I tend to turn my attention away from the crowd. Also, we are usually with relatives who live out of state and therefore are more focused on our group rather than strangers.

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I do not pay attention. I am just too busy and it just doesn't interest me. On my last cruise because of the boards I tried to pay attention. The best I can come up with is that everyone was appropriately dressed. Nothing caught my eye as out of place. And no I don't consider jeans on casual night out of place. I wear them too. But I didn't notice any shorts or bathing suits or jogging suits at all. On the ship I was on dinner was divided into 2 rooms and 2 times so it would take a lot more effort than I would ever want to put into it to figure out how most everyone dressed. When we walk into dinner I watch where I am going so I don't bump into anyone so other than the person directly in front of me I don't see anyone. We sit down and I can sort of see some of what the people at my table have on, but I am busy talking and greeting other people who show up who I might be able to notice the few seconds before they sit down. Then I am looking at the menu, picking out my food, eating and talking. Then we leave and I may see someone directly in front of me. When I look out at the dining room I see a bunch of people from the waist up and have no idea what their overall look is. Then we are off to dance or see the show. Even at the show I don't really notice what people wear since I am busy talking to my husband, maybe getting a drink and then watching the show. So basically what other people wear is not something I take my time to notice. I think someone would have to be really out of place before I would notice or remember.

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I have only been on two cruises. So, the experience is still very new to me and as a result I tend to see the "big picture"


For instance, on our last cruise I noticed, in general, everyone looked very nice on formal night. I didn't notice an individual's attire, just people en masse. I might have noticed if there were a group of inappropriately dressed people, but not one person here and there.



Having only been on one cruise so far, this is exactly the way I have seen it too.


BUT.......after reading this forum it is going to be hard not noticing what everyone is wearing from now on. Not that I will dwell on it, but it will be hard! lol:D


I too would never say anything to anyone that was not dressed appropriately, but have told plenty of people that I thought they looked very nice, loved their outfit, etc. I always appreciate when someone says it to me, so why not?:)


Who knows why some people "dress down"? As long as they are decent people I will sit with them.:)

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If it's something that really grabs my eye, yes, whether that attire is in good or bad taste. Other than that, I usually don't notice what people are wearing.


What grabs my eye is someone totally dressed to the nines, outfits out of the 'ordinary' like military uniforms, kilts, etc..., or those people who think running around with their butt hanging out the back of their pants is somehow fashionable. It is called UNDERWEAR for a reason and even if you have cute boxers or a pretty thong...I don't want to see it! :)

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[quote name=Are we there yet?;11565160


I too would never say anything to anyone that was not dressed appropriately' date=' but have told plenty of people that I thought they looked very nice, loved their outfit, etc. I always appreciate when someone says it to me, so why not?/quote]


I agree. No one could possibly not appreciate that. On our last cruise I was standing by the elevator and a gentleman remarked that I looked "stunning this evening". I got on the elevator feeling very good about myself. When I got to the cabin I noticed that the really gooie lip gloss my daughter had given me was running down my chin. Thank gooness it was clear lip gloss.

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I agree. No one could possibly not appreciate that. On our last cruise I was standing by the elevator and a gentleman remarked that I looked "stunning this evening". I got on the elevator feeling very good about myself. When I got to the cabin I noticed that the really gooie lip gloss my daughter had given me was running down my chin. Thank gooness it was clear lip gloss.



That is hilarious!!:D I'm sure he was very sincere and didn't even notice the lip gloss.:) It does make you feel good though doesn't it?;)

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I notice. Like others, I like to sit at one of the bars pre-dinner and people watch; maybe more so because I'm often on my own (teenage DS has other ideas for dinner than the dining room!). On one recent cruise we were seated by the main entrance to the dining room and it was hard NOT to notice everyone as they entered.

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I love to people watch and that includes noticing dress on formal nights. I thoroughly enjoy dressing up, whether on the ship, or at a dance showcase or dinner in town. Especially love to see the ladies with their formal dresses and notice they seem to carry themselves much better, like they want to be noticed, which after all, is the purpose of dressing up, isn't it?

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I love to people watch and that includes noticing dress on formal nights. I thoroughly enjoy dressing up, whether on the ship, or at a dance showcase or dinner in town. Especially love to see the ladies with their formal dresses and notice they seem to carry themselves much better, like they want to be noticed, which after all, is the purpose of dressing up, isn't it?



That's very sweet of you to say those things :)


I'm not crazy for attention, I've often said I'd love to be rich but not famous!

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I really enjoy looking at all the beautiful clothes for formal night and I do notice when people are wearing something striking other times.


I find people totally fascinating, and I love to sit down next to everyone and anyone and start up a conversation. I have had the opportunity over the years to learn so much from others ... and their experiences --- that to me is so much more important than what type shoe they are wearing ... but I will admit I do notice the shoes. I've also been known to go up to people who are not yet friends and tell them that they look nice, I like something they are wearing, their hair looks great, etc. ... no one has minded as every one likes a compliment.


Our last cruise had a lot of people that did not dress up on formal night and I was a little disappointed, but I enjoyed wearing purple and having "my men" looking quite sharp!! Jan

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I like to see what others are wearing, whether it is formal night or not. DH and I sometimes sit at the bar or at a side table and enjoy the parade of people in front of us, sometimes commenting to each other when a particular outfit is really outstanding. I don't hesitate to compliment people (whether a woman or a man) on their appearance - we all need soft strokes sometimes and it's nice to know that the effort is appreciated. DH and I aren't fashionistas, but we certainly adhere to the suggested dress code, and would rather err on the side of being overdressed than underdressed.


I wouldn't ever ask someone if they didn't know it was formal night - maybe they are choosing to not dress formally for a variety of reasons and it's not my business. It doesn't make or break my evening because some people choose not to dress appropriately for a cruise. However, if there was someone at our dinner table in a tank top with hairy appendages sticking out reaching across the table, (there's an ugly mental image) etc., I would politely ask the Maitre'd to advise the fellow to go back to his cabin for a piece of clothing with greater coverage. Your mileage may vary.


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)

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DH and I also sit in the bar prior to dinner, and people watch. I am lookng at all the lovely dresses, and really don't pay attention to people dressed down, I just look on for the dresses. But, I do notice the old gentleman in the lime green suit, or the woman in the dress 5 times too small for her. I chuckle, sadly, I get a laugh.

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I always notice what others wear - but then, I'm in the fashion business and wouldn't be very good at what I do if I didn't. My husband loves my commentary's..... "Anne Klein - 2001", "Susan wore that dress to our wedding 17 years ago" "Carmen Marc Valvo - this season" "That's the sleeve a la mode this season" "Look at the toe of that shoe - it's 1999". He always gets a chuckle from them. They're not mean spirited (unless someone is carrying al illegal knock off handbag) No one ever hears me, it's just our private amusement. Overall, whether it's a casual evening or a formal evening, I appreciate people who are well dressed. That's what's most important to me....that people make an effort to look nice and follow the dress code. After that, everything is superfluous to me.


We've been on two Oceania cruises and they have no formal nights and we love that. However, the passengers on Oceania seem to know better than to wear shorts or sweats to dinner.


On our Princess cruise we noticed a few slobs in casual shorts, sloppy tee's and beach sandals walking through the public area's where people were having pre-dinner drinks and formal photo's were being taken. Many people looked at them with disapproving eyes but no one said anything to them. I don't know if they were allowed in the dining room dressed that way. We chose to dine every evening at a table for 4 with another couple we met on the cruise and therefore never had the situation of tablemates inappropriately dressed. I'd never say anything to anyone, but honestly I would be unhappy to dine with anyone who's idea of formal night is a hoody or a tee shirt advertising their favorite bar.


So to answer your question, Yes, I do notice what others wear. Most of us do and call it people watching, but the truth is, it's really people judging. Some people here get so defensive that "judging" is a bad word, but it's not. We spend our lives assessing others by appearance and body language. It's not negative, it just tells a lot about who people are. Doesn't mean that you might not enjoy someone else's company that looks like they come from a different world. In fact, you may decide that they might be more interesting to get to know because they are different from the people you interact with in your daily lives. I love talking to people who live in a very different world from mine and what people wear often speaks volumes and gives others clues about them.

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This conversation in itself will always be controversial! I see both sides, if you don't dress up on FORMAL night and you think that's wrong, you're trying to impose your values/view on others, or is it that you just think that if it's FORMAL night and the cruise lines "suggests" formal attire that you should follow the rules? Dave, you must be an "old" guy and I Love you for it:) I really love when men chime into this because we all know that men really like it when women look feminine! I really don't understand why we can't look really nice for 2 simple nights:rolleyes: My 3rd cruise (I won) I was 27 years old and on FORMAL night I looked great (& thin!) I remember seeing a lady that you could just tell she won this cruise too, and she had on a very simple dress, but....she looked great! I think that's all we are asking for:o Most of the time I don't even start to read these threads because people are very passionate about it, but when they get ugly it's time to go!

Happy cruising,


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I don't really notice people's clothing much unless their appearance is so outrageous it defies attempts not to notice or someone is so stunningly spectacular one simply must take notice.


I wouldn't make snide comments to someone for their clothing choices because I am cruising for vacation and relaxation and not to act as a clothing sentry. They have their reasons why they dressed the way they did. Maybe they just don't know better, especially if they are new to cruising. I cut them a break. I just try to get along with others. If I am fiendly to them maybe they will return the favor to me.

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