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Flying the same day.....Want opinions....


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I'm a first time cruiser and so is my partner so, although my better judgment told me it would be better to fly in a day before, our travel agent assured us that our schedule would be fine. We booked late so the choices are limited.


We are flying from Toronto, on January 27th, same day as the cruise.


The plane takes off at 6:30 am and is scheduled to arrive at 9:37 am. in Miami.


We purchased transfers from the Royal Caribbean and the ship leaves the port at 5 pm.


So, would you be calm about that or still nervous? (I just pray that there won't be a snowstorm...Please G-d!!!)

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If you have already booked this and can't change your plans then there is no sense in worrying about it as there is abolutely nothing you can do.


However, if you can change the flight to the day before and only incur a small penalty then I would change them.


No travel professional can assure you that the flight will be on time. You are talking about flying in the winter from Toronto so certainly your flight could be delayed due to weather related issues such as snow. There could also be mechanical issues, airport security issues, computer glitches, etc.


The good news is that you have an early flight that likely begins in Toronto.


But if it was me and say there was a $100.00 penalty to change the flight to the day before I would do that. Obviously, you'll need a hotel as well in Miami.


But, if you can't change this no need spending time worrying about something that you would not have control over.


Again, I don't understand how your TA can assure you of the flight being on schedule no matter what time of year, etc. That's a promise that no one can make.



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After 20 years of cruising the one thing I've learned is not to trust the airlines. Even if you get there on time, what if the airlines loses your luggage? You won't have much time to shop for cruise wear. It's happened to two groups we know within the last year. If you get there the day before and your clothes don't, at least you'll have the option to shop. We always go a day early.

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We leave in 9 days for our first cruise. The weather outlook is bleak. When we first decided on our cruise our first TA had us flying through the US with only an hour stop over. We changed TA and inquired about the day before being assured it would be no problem to fly the day of (cost of hotel was 350.00 US) as the plane is taking others to the Cruise. Now I am questioning our decision to fly the day of. When we decided to go the day before after finding a better deal on the hotel the flight went up 1000. per person. Stay over night and you will be more relaxed to cruise with a 6:30 flight we have to get up at 2:30 (if we sleep at all). Enjoy your cruise.

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But if it was me and say there was a $100.00 penalty to change the flight to the day before I would do that.


You'll also be required to pay any difference in fares from what you originally paid if the fare has gone up. So it's really $100 change fee plus whatever the difference is PER TICKET.

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I've always just booked cruise air, flying in on the day of sailing, and never had any problems. Some flights were direct (Charlotte to Tampa), some had stops (Raleigh/Atlanta/Orlando).


Our cruise last December, we didn't get onboard until after 2, which is a bit later than I like. But no real problems. Of course, we did fly out at 6:10 am that morning! And we normally have fewer weather issues here in the winter than in the summer.


But I read so many horror stories about overbooked planes, cancelled flights, delays, etc., that I decided to book my own this time and managed to get direct flights from RDU to FLL, plus I'm flying down the day before. The difference in the cruise air cost and what I booked myself was more than enough to pay for my night in FLL (but I also got an excellent hotel rate).


I would probably be nervous about flying from Canada during the winter on the same day, but I'm also the type to worry about everything until I step foot on the ship!


Sorry, not much help. Hope it all works out for you!

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The plane takes off at 6:30 am and is scheduled to arrive at 9:37 am. in Miami.


Since you are flying in the same day, this is the flight to take since it appears to be a non-stop and gets you in early enough to have a little wiggle room in case of a slight delay.


IMO, it is much better to come in at least a day in advance, but if you can't do that then this is the best option for you.

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If you are worried about the flight already, what will you be like 2 or 3 days before? Coming all the way from Canada, I am very surprised your T. A. would state you will have no problem. Does she have a crystal ball? Lucky you DO have some wiggle room if there is a late departure due to weather. However, I agree you need to ask the T.A. for a list of alternate flights if something goes wrong.


BUT.... if I were you, NO WAY, would I use the cruise shuttle! Get yourself a cab as soon as you arrive and you won't waste vacation time hunting down the cruise rep and bus and then waiting around for the thing to fill up. You'll be on the ship while others are waiting on the bus for other flights to arrive. ANd you'll save money too. I say cancel those transfers!! Going and coming.

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"All the way from Canada" LOL. Like we are on the other side of the world or something LOL. It's the same 3 hour flight as it would be from New York, Detroit, or Chicago.


I agree with the others who say it's preferable to fly the day ahead, and you even said that was your preference as well. That said, it's not a big deal to fly the day of, especially from Toronto to Florida. Air Canada has 2 flights that day into Miami before noon, and also 2 flights into Ft Lauderdale that would also suit you (one mid morning arrival, the other early afternoon arrival) should the need arise.


Obviously, that won't help if there is a snow storm that day. Monitor the weather forecasts, and if Sunday is looking bad, phone Air Canada and ask about flying out on Saturday. You have the advantage that with the early flight, your plane will be there the night before. With all it's warts, Toronto airport can handle snow pretty good, and they also have the largest de-icing facility in the world to help minimize delays (their world's highest fees do count for something LOL).


Make sure you show up early for the flight. As you may or may not know, in addition to security, you also clear US immigration before boarding the plane.

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I don't see any problem flying in the same day, but like one poster said if there is problems with luggage (not too likely), or you are snowed in at Pearson, that is when there is a problem.

I had cruise air booked for our Feruary cruise out of Galveston. After getting the flight information I was on the phone the next day and it was cancelled and we booked our own air the following weekend. Carnival wanted to fly us out of Edmonton (Via Toronto--uh ya) to Houston at 12:25am and with no delays or problems at all, get in to Houston at around 11:15 am. I was having none of that, I wasn't going to go up to 36 hours with no sleep because they wanted us to fly out the same day and HOPE that no problems happened. I calculated that we wouldn't get to the port until close to 3pm, and 3pm is cutoff for check in. We booked a Cat 11 so we could be ON the ship by 1pm, not just leaving Houston to spend two more hours driving to Galveston!


We gladly paid the $50/person cancellation fee and booked a flight through Air Canada (the cheapest I could find) that is just under six hours and gets us to Galveston via Houston by 4pm the day before. I booked the Ramada limited across from the beach on 25th and Seawall for the night. We can wander across the street and walk the beach that night and do the same the following moring before we leave for the port at noon. We WILL be on the ship before 1pm and we WILL have plenty of time to check out how sweet the suite life is and just wander around the ship slowly (it'll have to be because I'll have my 67 year old mom and 11 year old niece).

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We are flying from Toronto, on January 27th, same day as the cruise.


The plane takes off at 6:30 am and is scheduled to arrive at 9:37 am. in Miami.



This is fine. Your only issue would be a snow heavy enough to close the airport for an extended period Even if your plane has a mechanical problem, being in an Air Canada's largest hub makes it easy for them to replace or fix your aircraft. I wouldn't worry too much on this one.

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Now that we've finally booked our first cruise, I'm having the pleasure of being a part of this Board and I think its amazing. I hope that I have the chance to meet others going on the same cruise before we get there. I think I'll become a fixture around here for the time being. :)


Anyway, I've just come to terms with the same day flight and hope that everything goes smoothly.


I just purchased insurance today...family plan insurance...great deal....and what will happen if we missed the ship...worse case scenario...


Insurance will put us up in a decent hotel....feed us...allow us to explore Miami until our ship reaches San Juan two days later. Yeah...that sucks. We'd miss an enjoyable day at sea and more....but....so, I'd enjoy Miami and have a shorter cruise. That would be the worse case scenario..and yeah, I'd be upset...but, I'd still have a vacation...and I'd enjoy it.


Now....if you'd like to pray for a couple of cruise newbies, that everything goes smoothly for us....we'd be very greatful for all your efforts. ;)


Thanks again. You're a great bunch. :D

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1st cruise, family of 5 (tons of luggage) our TA took us from Cleveland to Pittsburg, to Orlando. Very short layover. After landing in Orlando, had to collect massive luggage (2 were teenage girls:eek: so you can imagine what they packed.) Then head to car rental. In a huge long line when someone announced, if you are heading on a cruise please come over here. We meanered over got our van, drove to Port Canaveral. Oblivious to even thinking of any problems. Got on the ship, had a wonderful cruise, and it was even in the winter!!! Sometimes too much knowledge is not a good thing. I look back and am glad I didn't know any better, or I would have been one stressed mom.

We left Cleveland at 6 a.m and arrived on the ship between 2 and 3. The ship left at 4:00.

We do now fly in a day or even 2 before, but I would feel better with a direct flight. Less chance of losing luggage. You will be fine. Have a wonderful cruise!!!:)

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I think we have come full circle on this. As is the case with most things all of this is a personal decision and one needs to just evaluate the risk of missing the cruise relative to the extra money to go in early as well as in some cases the extra time off from work. To the original poster I wish you a great flight that is on schedule and a wonderful cruise.


I now want to provide some additional comments on this topic.


If you want to increase your odds of not missing the ship it's always a good idea to arrive to your port of embarkation a day or so early. If that is not possible and you are willing to live with the risk of missing the ship then some fly in the day before.


Some say they don't see flying in the day of embarkation as a problem because it has never been a problem before. While I think that's great just because it has not been a problem in the past doesn't mean it won't be a problem in the future. As they say the more you fly then the odds say that you will encounter the good and the not so good (eg., delayed, canceled flights, etc.)It doesn't matter if the odds are low, if it happens one time that might be one time to much.


Yes, weather plays a big role in flight delays and missed flights but there are so many other factors that can cause this to happen. From, mechanical issues to airport shutdowns, to insuffiient flight personnel, to computer glitches to computer shutdowns to FAA equipment failures to all sorts of things. We know many people who were affected in the summer of 2006 due to the hault in flights in an out of London Airports that summer and they missed their cruises and what all of them had in common is they said never again.


Yes, it is better if you fly in the same day to be on the first flight out and in a situation where there are additional flights that day. I think someone made that comment earlier. However, most airline flights are solid booked and even if there are a few open seats if your flight is canceled that means that you and everyone else on that flight are competing for the few available seats.


Someone mentioned earlier that weather is not a problem in Toronto. Well, I know a very seasoned person whose flight was delayed out of Toronto last winter because of bad weather and they missed their connection and the cruise ship. Some type of weather can be a problem around the worlds from from Ice, Snow, Thunderstorms, Fog, Heavy Rain, Hale, Severe Wind, etc.


In the end, each person needs to do what is best for them. For my wife and me we will always fly to our port of embarkation a day early based on this thing called Murphy's Law which is something I learned a long time ago at work but it applies to most things. Murphy's Law means, Anything that can go wrong, will—at the worst possible moment.


So, as I said earlier, if we have an important place to be at which involves travel by air whether it be a wedding or a cruise or anything else that we can't take the risk of missing we will fly in at least a day before.


I am not posting this because of the original posters question because she has made a decision, but I am posting these comments for those who read these boards who have not booked their fligtts and are reading these posts before they make their flight arrangements.



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Again, to all of you, I appreciate your input. To Keith, I understand your concern and, had I asked these questions sooner, then I probably would have thought twice before taking the TA's advice. That being said, at this point, I'll just have to hope that there isn't a bad snowstorm which effects flights on that day.


Not that I'm religious, but all your prayers can't hurt. :)

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Airlines have trouble keeping on schedule on a sunny day and you want to fly from Canada in January? :eek:


Your TA is lousy. Tell her/him I said that.


A cruise vacation is too special to miss. Not to mention to show no refund.


If you can rebook for the day before.


I am sorry you were given bad advice.


I wish you well.

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srhonda61 - Since you won't be changing your flights to fly in a day early, I do have one suggestion. Get on the airline website the day before and check your flight status throughout the day. Please keep in mind, its not just the weather in Toronto that can cause you problems. Its the weather whever your flight is coming in from the night before and also whatever lies between Toronto and Miami. If at all possible, the day before call the airline and see if you can get someone to tell you where your aircraft will be coming in from the night before; you can then monitor its progress. At least that way you'll know if you need to try and make alternative arrangements for the morning. I've done this often in the past and it has served me well.


Toronto is one of the best in the business with adverse weather conditions...so in that aspect you are lucky.


Good luck and have a great cruise!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another word of advise. Keep an eye on the weather and if it's looking iffy the day before, get on the phone with the airline and see if they will put you on a flight the day before. Frequently they prefer to get people out of trouble beforehand so they don't have masses of people trying to get rebooked.


Also, check the schedules of other flights into Miami and FLL on your ailine as well as others. If there is a mechanical issue or other delays, have your options available so that you can make requests to move to other flights. Airlines don't have an obligation to move you to another airline, but usually under extenuating circumstances you may be able to get some help. If it's one of their own flights, and there are seats they should help you.


Other than that, don't sweat it. Sounds like you did the right thing with insurance and you have the right attitude about catching up with the ship.


Happy sailing!

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Both my son and wife work for airlines. There isn't a week that goes by that I don't hear stories of people missing there cruise or there luggage not makeing it too. This is a every week thing! Summer, winter it don't matter. Everyone talks about weather, but there is a ton of other factor. And I like the people who says it has never happen to them (YET!). I will trave the same day for alot of things, but not my cruise. But everyone can take that chance. Even some people you can tell them the stove is hot, but until they smell burning flesh they don't learn.

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Both my son and wife work for airlines. There isn't a week that goes by that I don't hear stories of people missing there cruise or there luggage not makeing it too. This is a every week thing! Summer, winter it don't matter. Everyone talks about weather, but there is a ton of other factor. And I like the people who says it has never happen to them (YET!). I will trave the same day for alot of things, but not my cruise. But everyone can take that chance. Even some people you can tell them the stove is hot, but until they smell burning flesh they don't learn.


Absolutely, The problems are far greater than weather.



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I'm a first time cruiser and so is my partner so, although my better judgment told me it would be better to fly in a day before, our travel agent assured us that our schedule would be fine. We booked late so the choices are limited.


We are flying from Toronto, on January 27th, same day as the cruise.


The plane takes off at 6:30 am and is scheduled to arrive at 9:37 am. in Miami.


We purchased transfers from the Royal Caribbean and the ship leaves the port at 5 pm.


So, would you be calm about that or still nervous? (I just pray that there won't be a snowstorm...Please G-d!!!)


I would be very nervous about flying the same day. If you got big winter storm you could be delayed and not make the flight. If you booked air thru the cruiseline you probably won't have a problem. If booked by a TA or online your dime to get to the next port if you miss the ship.

Our Jan flight to Orlando from vancouver ,had my TA book the connection as far south as possible (cheaper thru Tor) to bypass any weather problems in TO.

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I always fly in at least one day early because we get snow and ice in the winters too. You just can't predict what the weather will be on the day you are leaving to go on vacation. This year we are flying down Friday night after work (Leaves BWI at 8:30pm, lands at FLL 11:10pm) but the cruise leaves on Sunday. this gives us plenty of time if luggage gets lost or the flight is delayed for any reason.

I wouldn't go by what the weatherman is saying the weather will be 9 days from now, it will change 10 times before the day you fly.

Another reason to fly in early is so you won't have to get up at 4am to go on vacation. ;)

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