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Some unhappy world cruisers?

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Interestingly I've heard from several friends who are currently on the entire Voyager world cruise. Apparently, this has not been nearly as nice or first class as previous world cruises. I've never done the entire cruise but several segments at a time each year, except for this year. Some of the perks have been eliminated. From what I've heard there is now a laundry restriction of 6 articles you can have done each day for Platinum and Titanium. Pillow gifts are practically eliminated, the most recent one described as a worthless shopping bag. I was also told that they charged something like $85. for the shuttle from the port into Bangkok. It sounds like the complimentary overnight in Bangkok was eliminated. I also heard that there have been crew changes and another big one due in Singapore. Obviously, service wise it's best when the same crew can be on the entire cruise with the same passengers for the entire 4 months. What's with the crew changing mid-course? There were positives mentioned by friends having a nice time, reuniting with old friends, finally having good weather and positive comments. But, the general overtone I've heard is disappointment and cutbacks compared to previous years, just not the same product. One couple who has gone on this each year canceled and considering the world cruise on another cruise line. I had read about the disaster with IPS screw-ups with the luggage early on and not sure if this was ever settled.


Curious if this is the result of the recent sale to Apollo or just a sign of crunching the numbers? Luckily, I have not heard this about shorter cruises, just the world cruise.


Maybe someone currently on the world cruise can comment.

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If reports are true, I'd guess it's the "Apollo Effect."


I'd think it's more likely to be the "falling US dollar effect". Prices for this cruise were set more than a year ago, and the dollar has fallen by about 15% against the Euro in that time, and I wonder if that's led to some cost-cutting.

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I also heard that there have been crew changes and another big one due in Singapore. Obviously, service wise it's best when the same crew can be on the entire cruise with the same passengers for the entire 4 months. What's with the crew changing mid-course? There were positives mentioned by friends having a nice time, reuniting with old friends, finally having good weather and positive comments. But, the general overtone I've heard is disappointment and cutbacks compared to previous years, just not the same product. One couple who has gone on this each year canceled and considering the world cruise on another cruise line. I had read about the disaster with IPS screw-ups with the luggage early on and not sure if this was ever settled.


Curious if this is the result of the recent sale to Apollo or just a sign of crunching the numbers? Luckily, I have not heard this about shorter cruises, just the world cruise.


Maybe someone currently on the world cruise can comment.



Crew changes are nothing new, they work the same on every ship on every cruise line. In fact it's such a successful practise that the US Navy has adopted it to save money as they can keep the ship in it's threatre and stagger rotations instead of replacing it with a new ship with fresh crew. There are crew changes in almost every port, you just don't know about them. Just because a few people noticed some new crew doesn't mean the practise is a new thing. Most crew work for 10 months without a day off and long hours. Doing what you ask would mean making those people stay on for maybe 2-3 months more than they are supposed to, and that's just not right. And to juggle crew changes (rotations) so they can start at the beginning of the world cruise doesn't work either, that would mean taking people off before their contracts are completed to allow 'world cruise crew' which is unfair for those crew who need to make a living.

I was on last year's world cruise and I have to say that SOME world cruisers are the most demanding and difficult people I have ever met. They expect everything for nothing and complain about the most insignificant things. Saying that standards have dropped because a few people claim it and trying to tie this in with the management change is just silly. People said similar things when the name changed from Radisson to Regent, even though there was no change in management structure or crew or services, it was just a name change. An investment company wants to grow the company to increase it's value before selling it, so they are not going to make it less appealing to it's customers. They didn't become successful by doing that. However some things need limits because in 'cruise ship world' when you offer something for free some people take advantage. Six items of laundry a day limit, my Goodness how will you ever cope?

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I am on the World Cruise and will make some comments:


Laundry/Cleaning: Yes, we are asked to limit the laundry/cleaning we send to six pieces per person each day. The problem was that in 2007, the laundry was overwhelmed since most of us waited till we had a full laundry bag. This seemed like a practical alternative. If we send 8 pieces, the “offending” two are not returned unwashed. In practical terms, it works.


Pillow gifts: here is a list of the gifts we’ve received plus the date. The segment people are the losers since I think – but am not certain - that when a gift is delivered, it goes to everyone. The quality of the gifts is fine. I do think that it is odd that we got so many gifts up front and not spread out the way have on past trips.


pillow gifts

jackets 1/9

blankets 1/10

picture frame 1/12

2 time watches 1/18

card/change holders 1/21

pen set 1/23

carry bag 1/23


Bus to Bangkok: It is listed in the tour book as a transfer, not a shuttle. It is a 2 1/2 hour trip each way, there is one bus up and one bus back. The cost is listed at $75. This is the way it has been on other world cruises we’ve taken.


The overnight in Bangkok was sadly eliminated.


There was a shuttle bus (30-45 minutes) from the ship to Pattya starting at 9:30am with the last bus leaving Pattya at 8pm. No charge


Crew changes: I would agree that the top staff/crew should remain for the entire trip if possible – but the others time on board is lengthy and when they are due for vacation, they need to go. And as a practical matter, the entire staff/crew can’t get on/off just for the WC.


I agree fully with Admiral Nelson! And he said it far better than I could.


Is everything perfect? No but it never is.


I will not get into a discussion about this . . .

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Thanks for the report, xlrvcruiser. Please do tell us that you are having an amazing time, I love hearing about the WCers, since I doubt I'll ever do this. How do you cope with such great food for such a long time? I've often thought they would have to roll me off the ship afterwards if I did such a lengthy cruise.

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I will be boarding the Voyager for the last segment of the WC in Athens (Piraeus) on April 13 for the crossing to Ft. Lauderdale.


I have cruised with Regent on several other cruises, in recent years, however I have never been on any part of the World Cruise.


I am interested in hearing from anyone who might have any information about any differences in the cruise experience between those passsengers who take the entire cruise and those (like me) who only join the cruise for a segment or two. I am wondering what, if any, differences are offered in the way of passenger amenities, or any differences (if any) in the attitudes of the crew toward the "segment " cruisers.




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Peggy, I was hoping you might see this and be able to respond. Thanks for setting the record straight. Ironically, I received a phone call last night from 2 friends on the WC and asked about some of original remarks. I also heard that all and all things were going well. After going on full world cruises, I agree with Admiral Nelson how some of the WC can be the biggest complainers and most demanding of any passengers....also has some of the nicest cruisers :) we've ever cruised with! Some people's glass is always half empty and they make them self miserable.


I heard via the phone call last night that Engelbert will be disembarking. I was sorry to hear that. I think that some crew changes are inevitable during a 4 month cruise but also think that they should do their best to keep the staff and crew through out the 4 months. It really makes for a better overall experience whether it be a hotel director, a favorite bartender, waiter, room stewardess...whatever. The less change during the WC, the better IMO.


Sorry to hear that the overnight in Bangkok was eliminated. I guess it was becoming redundant over the years. I am sad to hear about the 6 items of laundry.... but what you said Peggy makes perfect sense. Many may have been waiting too many days and bombarding the poor laundry crew. Even sending out each day though, 6 sounds a bit too limited. Glad theres a tiny bit of leeway there.


Paul 59, my husband and I are also scheduled to get on for the final segment. This will be the first time we have been segment guests but based on previous cruises, I think you will be in for a wonderful treat. I think segment guest are welcomed and add a "freshness" to the core group of full world passengers. We're prepared for "Let's do dinner tonight" with a response of "Sorry, gotta pack!" Packing woes are most understandable and you won't believe how much luggage will come off the ship on April 30th.:eek:


Anyway, happy to hear that for the most part things are going so well on the world cruise and the weather is nice. Appreciate getting our minds put at ease. We're sure looking forward to joining the ship and having a great time....as always!

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I would think anyone would be able to struggle along with 6 items of laundry per person per day! Totally understand why they are doing this as I too would normally just wait till the bag was completely full and send it all at once.

And there are actually washers and dryers that one can use on their own for free if they think they need more than this!

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Again, JUST MY OPINION....6 items sounds like a lot but it's not. For those that go to the gym or walk the track every day....one class or workout alone is: 1 sweaty pair of shorts, 1 sweaty tee-shirt, 2 sweaty socks (that's 4 items alone) before any normal day time or night time clothes !!

Including laundry and dry cleaning, 6 items per day isn't a lot. OK, I admit that I have gotten spoiled and haven't set foot in a laundry room for quite awhile but I also feel we've earned this perk. It would seem easier to employ an extra crew member if 10 items per person on the world cruise were too many.

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I think 1 pair of socks counts as one item. At least every time I have had to have some laundered on board a ship (on the PG as I do use the laundry room myself on the other ships), a pair has counted as one item.


Maybe I just don't sweat much, but I don't wash my exercise clothing every day. Don't do that at home either. The wind is usually blowing outside when you are on the track, and none of the classes I have been to (Pilates and yoga) have been intense enough to make me break a sweat. Now if I have to get on the elliptical for 45 min instead of doing the outside walking, that is another thing. Then I would definitely be sweating.

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I am interested in hearing from anyone who might have any information about any differences in the cruise experience between those passsengers who take the entire cruise and those (like me) who only join the cruise for a segment or two. I am wondering what, if any, differences are offered in the way of passenger amenities, or any differences (if any) in the attitudes of the crew toward the "segment " cruisers.





I've been on a segment of the Asia cruise, and noticed no difference in treatment from those on the full circle. The crew treated us all with grace and attentiveness. The fellow passengers mixed between full cruise and segment passengers. Oh, one difference in treatment--my birthday occurred during the cruise, and some of us tried to get Signatures reservations for that night, but the whole restaurant was booked for a party for the full cruise passengers. But that was the first and only time anything special for the full cruisers was visible to the rest of us. Really, the only "barrier" I saw was my EXTREME jealousy that I was going to have to get off, while some new friends got to continue.


I am doing the 71-night Discovery Collection this fall (and, Wendy, I never thought I'd be able to do such a thing, so there may be hope yet). I guess then I'll get the full cruisers perspective.

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I must agree with petlover. 6 items actually isn't a lot. I don't have the free laundry perk but have used Regent's laundry on several occasions. When I have used it, it has been because I need it. I would much rather send all items out at once and have them returned at the same time. I would also think this would be easier on the crew than having only 6 items sent out each day. Drip, drip drip! Seems slightly foolish - but I also don't know the logistics of how delivery, actual laundry and return to cabin is set up.

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To me is sounds of a reduction in staffing, though I do not know. If you think about it, they same volume would be completed in the end anyway...assuming everyone doesn't work out every day.


Possibly taking an approach similar to the good old days of gas rationing would work. Decks 5, 7, 9 and 11 on odd days and 6, 8 and 10 on even days. I do not say that sarcastically, but as a proffered solution to even out the load (pun intended).

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Actually that is a good solution which should make everyone happy. I hate to see any reduction in perks, as I hope to be a world cruiser soon. But sometimes changes need to be made to help deal with work flow. I don't see how anyone could fault that.

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Being on the world cruise now I do agree with xrvlcruiser's comments. I do, however, have to say that a lot of us who have done world cruises on Regent do feel that something is missing on this cruise and we don't know what it is. We preferred the Flipino band then the one that is on the ship now, we miss Frankie Holiday, Amy Baker Stout and the entertainment has left a lot to be desired. I did hear today and hope that it is not true (we are in Port Kelang, the port for Kuala Lampur) that there will be no more free shuttle service for the rest of the world cruise. The charge today to go to KL was $80 rt. We wish that someone in Ft. Lauderdale sitting behind a desk and making decisions regarding this cruise would leave those decisions to Capt. Dag and Jamie. We hope that Regent doesn't ruin a good thing.

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Well when I get a chance I will ask him about some of those issues that you are bringing up on the World cruise. On that note should be reporting live from cruise either tonight or in morning so if any questions about new ship which will be discussed on this cruise.

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The new "rumor" regarding the shuttle service on this segment is that will be a free shuttle in Myanmar and Colombo but you have to sign up for it in advance so the tour desk will know how many people want to use it. Shall keep you posted.

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As a Regent regular I have come to expect "free" LOCAL shuttle service at full day port stops where you can't easily walk into town. I don't remember seeing that perk guaranteed in writing. But I've come to expect it and would be very disappointed if it were dropped without ample advance notice. I could live happily with signing up for a "free" local shuttle. But there are often port stops were the points of interest are some distance from the port. I don't expect "free" local shuttle service into a local port where there is nothing of significant interest to see. That will be the case with a couple of the Black Sea ports we will visit on the Navigator this July. No local service is promised or implied or expected. It all depends on the circumstances. Pat

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An interesting take with varying opinions. I have never been on a Regent cruise that charged for shuttle service. Difficult to imagine this, especially on a world cruise. I'm also disappointed in the limitation of 6 items of laundry/dry cleaning per day. I hope this limitation is not a step towards future elimination all together.

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