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Kid bashing


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You know, when you think about it, it's not really that surprising that a lot of kids today don't know how to behave in a restaurant. I couldn't quote them, but have you ever heard the statistics on how often American families sit down together as a family and eat dinner at the dinner table? It's like a forgotten art. How is a child who eats most of their meals in front of the TV or riding in a car on the way to soccer going to learn to sit and converse quietly during dinner? Not a good sign of the direction in which our society is heading.

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The people who complain about kids seem to forget that they were once children! Then again, I find that people just like to complain....if there were no kids they'd find something else to whine about.


We cruise with our 3 kids and I could care less what people think. I'm paying full price for them so if someone doesn't like it...that's their problem ...not ours. We'll have a great vacation anyway.


So...here's to happy sailing for you and your family. Maybe one day our kids will meet your kids and we can annoy some more people together!! LOL!!!

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Donna...it would appear that we do agree on certain aspects as you say..:) If he does not teach the child appropriate behavior or does not remove the screaming child as to not disturb others, then yes, he is lazy!

I am certain he would take his little girl out if it was causing annoyance to others.... but you rarely see those Adults causing trouble in such an arena as restaurants where they themselves are the cause of the trouble remove themselves! but alas continue to cause trouble.




some of the things that have reportedly happened such as the Ice throwing at people and the cutting of computer cables is not acceptable on any holiday... but many times kids do get bad press and tarred with the same brush due to the minority.


most kids i have seen do behave themselves but as i know from my work (attacks on firefighters doing their jobs) there are those that would cause trouble in an empty house.


but i still agree with the Op regarding the Blanket comment made in the lift to him regarding kids.

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We cruise with our 3 kids and I could care less what people think. I'm paying full price for them so if someone doesn't like it...that's their problem ...not ours. We'll have a great vacation anyway.


So because you paid full price for your children that gives them the right to be screaming brats? I don't think so! I also paid full price for my vacation and it doesn't say that I have to put up with ill mannered, screaming kids who are the product of ill mannered, lazy parents.

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We cruise with our 3 kids and I could care less what people think. I'm paying full price for them so if someone doesn't like it...that's their problem ...not ours. We'll have a great vacation anyway.


So...here's to happy sailing for you and your family. Maybe one day our kids will meet your kids and we can annoy some more people together!! LOL!!!


And this is the attitude of the young cruiser of today???????????? Oh My!

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As a parent it's your fault if your child is screaming out of control in the dining room or other public places and you don't remove the child from that place. And maybe you can learn to ask a question without the sarcastic rolling of eyes next time? It makes conversations a lot more pleasant.


I've noticed many times on the ships that the parents of the rowdy children are roudy themselves.


It is a small minority of children (and teens) that misbehave on ships. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


For those who defend it - when you get hit in the face simply walking up the steps because teens are dropping cups of ice cubes down the stairwells to see how far they will fall because they have nothing better to do and are unsupervised- then maybe you'll see how the few misbehaving kids are the ones we often remember.

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We have raised three children and took them out at early ages to proper restaurants (we went at early times like 6ish and would eat quicker then we would if we were on a date ;), we taught them to behave and if they started to mis-behave my eyebrow went up, you don't want to mess with me when the *eyebrow* is up.


My kids tell me I gave them "The Look." Maybe that's what's wrong with the parents today-they don't have a "look" or the raised eyebrow!!

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My kids tell me I gave them "The Look." Maybe that's what's wrong with the parents today-they don't have a "look" or the raised eyebrow!!

LOL Yes!!!! The raised eyebrow or look which means you quit that out this second or your life as you know it is over!


Funny I had a friend who didn't tolerate kids then had her own children and decided she couldn't say no to them as it would *break their spirit* She had the son from hell who would bite, push, bully all the other children in our group, if he sensed he wasn't getting his way he would go beserk!!


Once she flew back from Montral and her 2 year old son screamed the whole way, just threw a fit, the flight attendent came over and said she would have to try to keep him quiet. My friend threw a fit that others would think that *her son* was misbehaving....:rolleyes:


She couldn't understand why we didn't want to be around him.. Needless to say none of us are friends with her anymore!!


And I am sorry but if any teen was throwing ice at me or my family or behaving in such a horrid manner as stated....wow I would want to make sure the Captain personally talked to the family!!


As for drunk rowdy extremely rude adults do the ships not have holding cells?? LOL

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Ahhh, The Look! Passed down from generation to generation... guaranteed to bring unruly offspring into sober obedience.

I've also found it to be somewhat effective on other people's offspring.:p

LOL I use it on my niece all the time!!! My sister can not get over how well behaved her daughter (spoiled only child) is around me!!!


I have often used it on other children around me and to my amazement it works!!! That tells me that THEY know they are acting badly!!


the odd time it hasn't I complain to someone in charge and they can deal with the brat LOL

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Oh boy you guys....I NEVER said my kids were screaming brats. I was simply agreeing with the OP. As far as I'm concerned, kids should be well behaved whether they are in a supermarket, restaurant, etc...or a cruise.


I was simply responding to people who complain that their ARE kids on a ship...simply because they are kids. Not that they are necessarily misbehaving. I do pay full price and truly don't care if others don't like my kids being there. (Who do behave very well mind you.)


I do believe that there are people in the world who will complain about almost anything...and in my experience if they don't have one thing to complain about...in this case kids...they'll find something else. Does that make more sense?


Maybe my wording was off...for which I apologize....long day....brain drain...etc..


Wasn't trying to heat up the debate.

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Ahhh, The Look! Passed down from generation to generation... guaranteed to bring unruly offspring into sober obedience.

I've also found it to be somewhat effective on other people's offspring.:p


Pain compliance is a wonderful tool, unfortunately the have made that illegal.

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Pain compliance is a wonderful tool, unfortunately the have made that illegal.


You must have met my Italian Grandma who had "The Pinch"!!!! You'd better behave or else! She also passed down "the Look" to my Mom who passed it on to me. My daughters, who are parents now, are also developing the "Look".

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You know somehow I can't remember or imagine my sweet, little, short Grandma giving The Look.(However she did yield a handy "switch".) Now my Mother was the master of The Look and she also had eyes in the back of her head. I never could figure that one out until I became a mother and then, as if by some miracle, I suddenly developed eyes in the back of my head too....

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My kids tell me I gave them "The Look." Maybe that's what's wrong with the parents today-they don't have a "look" or the raised eyebrow!!


This is the type of comment I find hurtful and causes parents to get defensive. You are implying that somehow we parents today are deficient in our parenting skills. There have always been bad parents and kids who don't behave and there always will be. But most parents I know are wonderful, involved, dedicated parents and they are raising great kids.


Parenting presents different challenges today than when I was a child, but it also presents different opportunities. It's not easy, but it's the most gratifying job my husband and I will ever have and I guess I would love to see a post where someone, ANYONE, gives parents raising the future generation a little credit. We really do our best and we like to take vacations and we like to cruise and we don't want our children on a separate wing of the ship because our goal is to spend time together. Do kids misbehave sometimes, do parents make mistakes sometimes, do we all as fellow human beings step on each others toes and annoy each other sometimes? Of course! But I think most people do the best they can and I would love to see more of a tolerant, understanding, supportive, encouraging position by some here towards we parents who are doing our level best to raise good kids into good adults.

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Oh boy you guys....I NEVER said my kids were screaming brats. I was simply agreeing with the OP. As far as I'm concerned, kids should be well behaved whether they are in a supermarket, restaurant, etc...or a cruise.


I was simply responding to people who complain that their ARE kids on a ship...simply because they are kids. Not that they are necessarily misbehaving. I do pay full price and truly don't care if others don't like my kids being there. (Who do behave very well mind you.)


I do believe that there are people in the world who will complain about almost anything...and in my experience if they don't have one thing to complain about...in this case kids...they'll find something else. Does that make more sense?


Maybe my wording was off...for which I apologize....long day....brain drain...etc..

Wasn't trying to heat up the debate.


Thanks for the clarification. :)

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Oh boy you guys....I NEVER said my kids were screaming brats. I was simply agreeing with the OP. As far as I'm concerned, kids should be well behaved whether they are in a supermarket, restaurant, etc...or a cruise.


I was simply responding to people who complain that their ARE kids on a ship...simply because they are kids. Not that they are necessarily misbehaving. I do pay full price and truly don't care if others don't like my kids being there. (Who do behave very well mind you.)


I do believe that there are people in the world who will complain about almost anything...and in my experience if they don't have one thing to complain about...in this case kids...they'll find something else. Does that make more sense?

Maybe my wording was off...for which I apologize....long day....brain drain...etc..


Wasn't trying to heat up the debate.


OMG I am so sorry!!!!


I didn't mean to imply that your kids were screaming brats,,,,,and I actually agree with you!!


One morning we sat down with two elderly couples for breakfast on the Diamond. One of the couples were pi**ed off to see our son (aged 14 years old) sitting at the table until they realized he was polite, ate properly with out food falling out of his mouth, etc, etc, could be enaged in polite conversation and was a well mannered polite teen. They did a complete turn around!

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OMG I am so sorry!!!!


I didn't mean to imply that your kids were screaming brats,,,,,and I actually agree with you!!


One morning we sat down with two elderly couples for breakfast on the Diamond. One of the couples were pi**ed off to see our son (aged 14 years old) sitting at the table until they realized he was polite, ate properly with out food falling out of his mouth, etc, etc, could be enaged in polite conversation and was a well mannered polite teen. They did a complete turn around!


And you know I just don't get this. I guess I could understand someone thinking that if a 2 year old were at their table it might be disruptive. But if a 14 year old sat at my table I would just expect that they would sit politely and probably add to the conversation. I guess everyone has different experiences and expectations but why do people always assume the worst?

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This is the type of comment I find hurtful and causes parents to get defensive. You are implying that somehow we parents today are deficient in our parenting skills. There have always been bad parents and kids who don't behave and there always will be. But most parents I know are wonderful, involved, dedicated parents and they are raising great kids.


Parenting presents different challenges today than when I was a child, but it also presents different opportunities. It's not easy, but it's the most gratifying job my husband and I will ever have and I guess I would love to see a post where someone, ANYONE, gives parents raising the future generation a little credit. We really do our best and we like to take vacations and we like to cruise and we don't want our children on a separate wing of the ship because our goal is to spend time together. Do kids misbehave sometimes, do parents make mistakes sometimes, do we all as fellow human beings step on each others toes and annoy each other sometimes? Of course! But I think most people do the best they can and I would love to see more of a tolerant, understanding, supportive, encouraging position by some here towards we parents who are doing our level best to raise good kids into good adults.


Actually I am thinking that the look or eyebrow was meant o be given out more when a child is being horribly disruptive and the parents are not doing anything to control the child....like my ex-friend letting her son scream and throw a fit for hours on end on the plane or having a child in the dining room throwing food around the room, running around annonying stranngers...... that kind of thing


Wasn't meant to be a slight to you :)

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This is the type of comment I find hurtful and causes parents to get defensive. You are implying that somehow we parents today are deficient in our parenting skills. There have always been bad parents and kids who don't behave and there always will be. But most parents I know are wonderful, involved, dedicated parents and they are raising great kids.


If you read the whole thread and especially the posts before and after mine, you will see that the comment wasn't meant to be hurtful at all-just playful and going along with the flow of the post which did get a bit off track. Certainly, the majority of parents do a wonderful job of raising their children. It is the lazy, uninvolved "me generation" parents that raise ill mannered brats that we are addressing in this thread.

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And you know I just don't get this. I guess I could understand someone thinking that if a 2 year old were at their table it might be disruptive. But if a 14 year old sat at my table I would just expect that they would sit politely and probably add to the conversation. I guess everyone has different experiences and expectations but why do people always assume the worst?


To be honest my posts might sound like I hate kids...I don't, I love my children so much that DH and I are taking our first holiday without them this coming up Sapphire cruise :) They range from 23 20 16....:eek:



I truly do love children, I am a sucker for babies and toddlers in the shopping line-ups and elevators :)


I just won't stomach when they misbehave and the parents do nothing to stop them.

I didn't mean to offend anyone !

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You must have met my Italian Grandma who had "The Pinch"!!!! You'd better behave or else! She also passed down "the Look" to my Mom who passed it on to me. My daughters, who are parents now, are also developing the "Look".


After several encounters with my mother's pain compliance techniques, she regressed to the "Look". I knew that after the "Look" came the pain, so the "look" was all it took from that point on.


Some of today's parents are trying to be their child's "best friend" or BFF. I do not know where this thinking started, but as far as I can see, it DOES NOT work. The "look" followed by Pain Compliances does.


We have found that if we do the following, it minimizes our exposure to children on cruise ships:


NEVER cruise during school breaks (summers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter or President's Week breaks.


Take longer cruises. The longer the cruise, the fewer the kids.


Don't cruise Disney or Carnival.


Book late seating dinner. After boarding, check with the maitre d' as to the ages of our table mates. If there are kids, ask to be moved to an all adult table.


I hope others will add to the list. It will help us "Escape Completely" as the Princess ads state they provide.

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After several encounters with my mother's pain compliance techniques, she regressed to the "Look". I knew that after the "Look" came the pain, so the "look" was all it took from that point on.


Some of today's parents are trying to be their child's "best friend" or BFF. I do not know where this thinking started, but as far as I can see, it DOES NOT work. The "look" followed by Pain Compliances does.


We have found that if we do the following, it minimizes our exposure to children on cruise ships:


NEVER cruise during school breaks (summers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter or President's Week breaks.


Take longer cruises. The longer the cruise, the fewer the kids.


Don't cruise Disney or Carnival.


Book late seating dinner. After boarding, check with the maitre d' as to the ages of our table mates. If there are kids, ask to be moved to an all adult table.


I hope others will add to the list. It will help us "Escape Completely" as the Princess ads state they provide.


LMAO you have en on carnival 10 times.

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