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Always Angry?

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LeeAnn... you took the words right out of my mouth.. there are some people who have such tiny little lives that it seems the highlight of their day is to come on the boards & bash other user's & there opinions...

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Wow, So many really good points:)


Now a question..why are people on the roll call threads so much nicer then the some of the folks on the main cruise line boards?


Seems to be a lot more real information and a lot less opinion on the roll call threads as well.


And it seems to run across at least Carnival, RCI and Celebrity.

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Everything may not be perfect on every cruise but I would rather be on a cruise ship than any other place on this earth that I can think of.

A bad day on a cruise is far better than a good day at work.:eek:


The sad thing is.... the people that complain here probably complain on the ship too.:(

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I kind of think of it like driving on the freeway. People will cut you off, flip you off, drive like maniacs, but if you meet them in person they wouldn't dare be so rude.


I think people get too easily frustrated and take things way too personal on here. Although there have been a very few times I've gotten my feelings hurt here on CC over the years, I try to keep the whole thing in perspective. It's an anonymous message board, people will write things they would never have the courage to speak out loud in person.


On the whole, this subject is not new and has been revisited many times over the years. Over the time I've been here there have been a multitude of people who seem to be here just to argue, just to belittle. I can only imagine them huddled behind their screens with nothing better to do in life, it's a bit pathetic.


I also think that CC is a lot more friendly and personable than many other message boards out there, even with the occasional rudeness one may read.

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I would rather they complain here on the boards then on the ships, i have seen people on cruises treat the staff very unjustly. Let them stay on the boards and complaing and off the ships.

I agree! On our last cruise my wife and I had a table for 2. Only problem was they squeezed it in between two 4 tops, so close there was no way to have a private conversation or miss anything going on at another table. (The waiters even complained about the layout and how hard it was to get between the tables.) A lady at one of those tables started complaining the first night at dinner about the Windjammer lunch. "What must be wrong with the chef mixing those sauces with that food." My wife and I just rolled our eyes and tried to ignore her. We had no idea that she was just getting started! Every night was a new complaint. Absolutely nothing made this lady happy. The head waiter would offer to bring her another meal and sometimes just did trying to stop the drama but he quickly realized nothing would help. She just wanted to make a big deal every single night at dinner! And she did. We felt bad for the wait staff and offered to write a letter in their defense knowing that she was going submit a humdinger of a review! But there is more bad news -- it was a 14 night cruise! Yep every night the food was terrible, the chef could never have had any formal training, how could you pair that sauce with that dish, isn't service slow tonight? On and on! And to give you some idea of how the poor couple who were sitting with them must have felt, we actually heard her ask the other lady at the table as she sat down one evening: "do you wear that top when you cut your husband's hair?" Yes, it was a red and white striped top but had nothing to do with a barber shop! This ladies husband sat there every night like a bump on a log never saying a word about anything, never asking her to "keep it down" or give it a break. Maybe he had tried it before?

So, yes, let them complain here and not ruin it for others onboard.

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My intent is not to have this thread pulled, but it could be, very quickly...


Just a question:

Why are so many posters angry? They either hate RCI or they denegrate a question from a newbie, or they show distain or disgust at another point of view.


Can there be that many truly unhappy people who keep booking and rebooking RCI?


Enjoy life! We get to jump on a cruise ship and go on vacation!!!!!



I think that there are some snobby people on here. They apparently think that they are better than everyone else and they treat people with disdain. Personally, I have no use for snobby people..

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These people seem to have no boundaries to their nastiness – and no rhyme or reason for why and when they dole it out. They are agents of discord, rarely adding anything of value to the conversation. All they do is inspire hurt feelings, defensiveness, and arguments. They forget or ignore the fact that there are real people in here, trying to ask questions, help other members, learn things, pass on knowledge, or just have an interesting discussion about an activity that we all enjoy.


Naturally, one of the key reasons they do this is the anonymity of the board.


This is a "follow the leader" type mentality. Once the flaming has started, they chime in with their opinionns thinking there is "safety in numbers"


I also think that many people who are cruising today have unrealistic expectations. Whether it is their first cruise or if it has been a while since the have cruised, expectations seem to be very high. Let's face it, cruising has changed and it is different than it used to be. People have to realize that if they want a first class experience, you're not going to get pinching pennies. Then when their bubble has burst, they expect compensation. Yes there are real problems and they need to be addresses. If people just would stop and think about how they treat other people as well as the staff, they would realize that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

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Can there be that many truly unhappy people who keep booking and rebooking RCI?

The reason I get upset is because when some people make statements when In fact they do not know what they are talking about! That would be everyone who does not hold the same views as i do. See the fact is I know everything, if someone holds a different view, then they must be wrong. Only one person can be correct and that person is me! If anyone thinks I am right please speak up as you are right also. If someone thins I am wrong, that makes you wrong because like I just said I am right on every item! ;)
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The reason I get upset is because when some people make statements when In fact they do not know what they are talking about! That would be everyone who does not hold the same views as i do. See the fact is I know everything, if someone holds a different view, then they must be wrong. Only one person can be correct and that person is me! If anyone thinks I am right please speak up as you are right also. If someone thins I am wrong, that makes you wrong because like I just said I am right on every item! ;)


I know you are being funny, but I think you hit the nail on the head!!

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You just started a complaint thread about posters:mad:


I don't think the OP is complaining about complainers. I think he/she is commenting on how nasty some posters can be.


"Why are so many posters angry? They either hate RCI or they denegrate a question from a newbie, or they show distain or disgust at another point of view."

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The reason I get upset is because when some people make statements when In fact they do not know what they are talking about! That would be everyone who does not hold the same views as i do. See the fact is I know everything, if someone holds a different view, then they must be wrong. Only one person can be correct and that person is me! If anyone thinks I am right please speak up as you are right also. If someone thins I am wrong, that makes you wrong because like I just said I am right on every item! ;)



I agree with you! So by your logic I'm correct and you're wrong! ;)

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Wow, So many really good points:)


Now a question..why are people on the roll call threads so much nicer then the some of the folks on the main cruise line boards?


Seems to be a lot more real information and a lot less opinion on the roll call threads as well.


And it seems to run across at least Carnival, RCI and Celebrity.


I think the people on roll call threads are much nicer because they are interested in meeting new people and are most genuine folks. Not to mention they may also meet the people in person seeing they will most likely be on the same cruise. Dont want to arrive at a meet & Mingle where no one really wants to meet you after being a j--K on these boards.

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My intent is not to have this thread pulled, but it could be, very quickly...


Just a question:

Why are so many posters angry? They either hate RCI or they denegrate a question from a newbie, or they show distain or disgust at another point of view.


Can there be that many truly unhappy people who keep booking and rebooking RCI?


Enjoy life! We get to jump on a cruise ship and go on vacation!!!!!


You are correct. There are people on these boards that keep cruising with RCI and yet they always have to nit pick at something. Why can't people just be happy that they have the means of cruising and enjoy it. If it's not the food, it's the shows. If it's not the shows it's a cabin. I say be happy you are able to cruise and enjoy yourself for a week or two. Do you know how many people can't afford a cruise or maybe are unable to travel due to illness. TEXASMUNK, I am in complete agreement. If people don't like RCI book with another company. Is there a gun to your head that you RCI bashers always have a bad rap for RCI. Grow up.


Photo Cruise Tips: http://www.shutterflyhittheroad.com/essentials_take_great_travel_pictures.php


P.S. I has anyone ever enjoyed their RCI cruises?



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You are correct. There are people on these boards that keep cruising with RCI and yet they always have to nit pick at something. Why can't people just be happy that they have the means of cruising and enjoy it. If it's not the food, it's the shows. If it's not the shows it's a cabin. I say be happy you are able to cruise and enjoy yourself for a week or two. Do you know how many people can't afford a cruise or maybe are unable to travel due to illness. TEXASMUNK, I am in complete agreement. If people don't like RCI book with another company. Is there a gun to your head that you RCI bashers always have a bad rap for RCI. Grow up.


Weeellllll.....my concern with the above statement is that it seems to invalidate ANY complain that anyone has with their cruise...and I just don't think that's entirely fair. Granted, we all know those people who have to nitpick and complain unreasonably, but there ARE sometimes people with valid issues and complaints.


What bothers me is when people who DO have a valid issue get attacked by all those afore-mentioned "cruise line apologists", sometimes like a hoard of voracious piranhas. Not EVERY complain is invalid. The fact is, we pay a pretty large amount of money for our cruises, and we have a right to have some basic expectations met. I'm not saying that we can expect every meal to be gourmet, or every moment to be superlative. But we SHOULD be able to expect that we will have a clean cabin, a working bathroom, and not get charged for things we didn't purchase (to give some examples of valid complaints).


I can't count the number of times I've seen people come on here and post completely valid complaints, and watched them get torn to pieces and called liars (and MUCH worse). The reality is that I WANT to hear about these types of issues. I WANT to know when a cruiser has had a bad experience, so that I can be a better-educated consumer. It might help steer me away from a particular ship, or port, or excursion...or provide me with some knowledge to help me avoid the same fate.


Unforunately, the cruise line apologists often drive these people completely off the boards. Hey, nobody wants to have their basic character called into question, especially when they have done nothing to deserve it other than report something that happened to them...to people who ostensibly would WANT TO KNOW.


Yes, I agree that we should all be grateful that we can cruise. But that doesn't mean that I should just happily accept poor service, or a bad product. I have a right to have a reasonable expectation that I will get what I paid for...and if I don't, I would hope that other cruisers would want to know about it.

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I agree! On our last cruise my wife and I had a table for 2. Only problem was they squeezed it in between two 4 tops, so close there was no way to have a private conversation or miss anything going on at another table. (The waiters even complained about the layout and how hard it was to get between the tables.) A lady at one of those tables started complaining the first night at dinner about the Windjammer lunch. "What must be wrong with the chef mixing those sauces with that food." My wife and I just rolled our eyes and tried to ignore her. We had no idea that she was just getting started! Every night was a new complaint. Absolutely nothing made this lady happy. The head waiter would offer to bring her another meal and sometimes just did trying to stop the drama but he quickly realized nothing would help. She just wanted to make a big deal every single night at dinner! And she did. We felt bad for the wait staff and offered to write a letter in their defense knowing that she was going submit a humdinger of a review! But there is more bad news -- it was a 14 night cruise! Yep every night the food was terrible, the chef could never have had any formal training, how could you pair that sauce with that dish, isn't service slow tonight? On and on! And to give you some idea of how the poor couple who were sitting with them must have felt, we actually heard her ask the other lady at the table as she sat down one evening: "do you wear that top when you cut your husband's hair?" Yes, it was a red and white striped top but had nothing to do with a barber shop! This ladies husband sat there every night like a bump on a log never saying a word about anything, never asking her to "keep it down" or give it a break. Maybe he had tried it before?

So, yes, let them complain here and not ruin it for others onboard.

Was her name Ann? Sounds like the fun tablemate we had on one cruise. It got so bad when we saw her coming we would try and avoid crossing her path because evey word out of her mouth was a complaint.:eek:

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I think the people on roll call threads are much nicer because they are interested in meeting new people and are most genuine folks. Not to mention they may also meet the people in person seeing they will most likely be on the same cruise. Dont want to arrive at a meet & Mingle where no one really wants to meet you after being a j--K on these boards.



I totally agree. Many of the negative posters wouldn't dare say to someone's face what they post here. Also, quite a few of the more offensive posts are just personal attacks that don't add anything productive to the topic being discussed.

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What bothers me is when people who DO have a valid issue get attacked by all those afore-mentioned "cruise line apologists", sometimes like a hoard of voracious piranhas. Not EVERY complain is invalid. The fact is, we pay a pretty large amount of money for our cruises, and we have a right to have some basic expectations met. I'm not saying that we can expect every meal to be gourmet, or every moment to be superlative. But we SHOULD be able to expect that we will have a clean cabin, a working bathroom, and not get charged for things we didn't purchase (to give some examples of valid complaints).


I can't count the number of times I've seen people come on here and post completely valid complaints, and watched them get torn to pieces and called liars (and MUCH worse). The reality is that I WANT to hear about these types of issues. I WANT to know when a cruiser has had a bad experience, so that I can be a better-educated consumer. It might help steer me away from a particular ship, or port, or excursion...or provide me with some knowledge to help me avoid the same fate.


Unforunately, the cruise line apologists often drive these people completely off the boards. Hey, nobody wants to have their basic character called into question, especially when they have done nothing to deserve it other than report something that happened to them...to people who ostensibly would WANT TO KNOW.


Yes, I agree that we should all be grateful that we can cruise. But that doesn't mean that I should just happily accept poor service, or a bad product. I have a right to have a reasonable expectation that I will get what I paid for...and if I don't, I would hope that other cruisers would want to know about it.


You're right on the money there! Some people get attacked for pointing out some issues they have. Unfortunately there are too many people who come on exclaiming they're never going to sail RCCL again because their steak was a little tough. Then when people do come on with a valid complaint they get attacked like they said they were never going to cruise again. The apologists believe that just because cruising is less expensive, generally, than other forms of travel vacationers should put up with rude staff and such. Often the two extremes collide and unfortunately there is spillover to the legitimate complaint.

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I have suggested this before, but no one has followed up on it.


Let's take all of the angry complainers and put them on one ship on a "cruise to no where". They can complain about the food, the lack of enforcement of the dress code, the inability not to be able to smoke anywhere they choose, etc., and just be miserable and complain to one another during the entire trip!

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I really don't have anything to add to this little rant, but a quirky little observation.


Does anyone but me find it humorous that a thread about why are people angry has a bunch of people labeling members of the forum as all sorts of things, from keyboard cowboys, chronic complainers, almost trolls, cowards, snobby, cruiseline apologists, and a few other similar things in the first 50 or so posts. I can't wait til it gets to a few 100.


O, I lied, I do have one thing to actually add....


I think a lot of people think because someone doesn't agree with them that they are wrong or wrong headed, and therefore they must be angry.





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