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Live from the Emerald: Many pissed off passengers


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Hey partsman, Didn't mean to stir you up that much. Don't have to shout. Just a little friendly discussion. Have I ever been rude? I remember my wife telling me that I cut in front of someone and it was rude. I really didn't see them and it was an accident, but it was rude. When you travel you are going to run into rude people. Sometimes they don't even know they were rude.

My wife and I once shared a cab with two ladies after getting off the ship, I think in Gdansk, Poland. When we got back, they gave the cab driver what I assumed was 1/2 of the fare and left. The cab driver looked at me and I just covered the extra fare that they didn't pay. The ladies didn't even say nice being with you and see you around. That might have been rude, but I don't think the ladies realized anything.

I do strive not to be the "Ugly American". I used to wear an American Flag pin on my hat on tours. I was being proud, but found out that others did not respect the flag as I did, so I don't anymore.

Tips: I love to tip. I have been told by the people that I tipped that it was too much. Now that is what is known as an honest person. I guess I pegged that person correctly and informed them that in my view the tip was justified.

What kind of money are we talking about. $60 for serving a meal in my cabin and than another $50 because he was going ashore to shop for his kids.

This was in addition to his generic tip.

Everyone here is absolutely correct. These ship workers work hard. Get to know them as to what family they have. Communicate more with them. Sometimes they are embarrassed to talk about their families because it makes them sad when they can't be with them.

I certainly hope that getting old (not for sissies) doesn't mean that I am going to be rude.

How old is old or elderly? It is older than me.:) I'm 71. Ernie Brognine was on our cruise around the horn in 2004. He was 87 and one of the nicest people you ever want to be around. I considered him elderly. He would get on stage and answer questions. Of course someone would ask him about his wives. He would just say "Next Question". He did talk about Alan Ladd and Shelley Winters that he said was a busy body. I sat with him at a table in the lounge and he just wanted to hear about Hyperbaric Medicne. He was sharp and well informed.

Cut us old folks some slack and never be ashamed to say that something is rude if you thought it was. Remember they may not be able to hear well.

Never stiff the people taking care of your food or your personals. If they wanted to they could do you some harm and you would never know it. Treat them with love and respect.




I just love your stories. :D



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OK , I will get serious for a minute.


I just met with a couple who were extrememly upset. They received their disembarcation instructions, explaining how and when to leave their bags outside the cabin on the final night of the cruise.


They were appalled that my company would be so irresponsible as to make it possible for Terrorists and other evil people to place explosives and/or illegal drugs into the baggage of innocent travelers, as it was sitting unlocked in passageways, waiting for pick-up. These passengers claimed to have personally spoken with all or most of the 4,000+ passengers onboard this week and - you guessed it - they ALL feel the same way.


I pointed out that cruise ships have been doing this - rather successfully - for over 100 years, although I admitted that recent developments in terrorism and the declining quality of cruise ship passengers has caused us to be far more vigilant in recent years.


But they would have none of this explanation.


They insisted that we make announcements tomorrow night, warning everyone to be more careful with their bags, keeping them inside their cabins. They further insisted that we set up a reservation system where each cabin can make an appointment for luggage pick-up from their cabin (all 2,000 of them) at their most convenient time.


I started to try reason with these people ( I don't have enough crew or even enough telephone lines to even attempt such a thing), but then my eyes began to glaze over, I started dreaming of my next holiday, I nodded in quiet and sympathetic agreement, and apologized profusely for this oversight.


Wow, do they really believe that? I can see being concerned with your luggage in the airport as there's many people milling about who haven't been through security yet. But it's pretty rare when someone's able to sneak hard drugs onboard a ship. Or explosives.

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May I make ask a small question to the "irate" cruisers who accuse some fellow cruisers of "stiffing" the crew of this ship WHAT ARE TIPS FOR?????. My understanding they are for services rendered above and beyond the standard service given. I have only been on a small number of cruises that warrant my criteria. Most of the "big" ships staff are nothing exceptional, competent yes but very few "put themselves" out for the passengers. I still cannot understand this preoccupation by US passengers with TIPS, they are a privilege NOT a right.

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May I make ask a small question to the "irate" cruisers who accuse some fellow cruisers of "stiffing" the crew of this ship WHAT ARE TIPS FOR?????. My understanding they are for services rendered above and beyond the standard service given. I have only been on a small number of cruises that warrant my criteria. Most of the "big" ships staff are nothing exceptional, competent yes but very few "put themselves" out for the passengers. I still cannot understand this preoccupation by US passengers with TIPS, they are a privilege NOT a right.



We have been travelling with a lovely couple from Blackpool, Eng for 10 years, and we always have this discussion. He is always saying, why don't they just pay them more rather than make them depend on tips.

Well, I always say the customer has some control over the quality of service this way. The worker's supervisor may not be able to watch the worker's quality of service as closely to be sure it is done well. He or she may not go into each cabin every day to see that a good job has been done, but the customer sees it.

If you feel that the service has been below par, I think you should at the end of the cruise address a letter to the cabin steward's boss and tell them why you do not feel that a tip is indicated, but be fair to the worker.

If you continually ask them to do something and they do not do it, find out why they didn't do it. It may be against policy. Communicate with your waiters and cabin stewards.

I once had a cabin steward continue to put the daily paper in my cabin in Spanish. It took me three times before he got it right. The cabin next to us was Spanish and he just go confused. :confused:

Always ask for something extra. I like ice twice a day. I like certain shaped cocktail glasses in the room. I might like an extra table on the veranda.

I always tell them that they are to put two copies of the daily programs in the room, one for the wife and one for me. That may be routine now, but in the past they only put onecopy as a routine, and you could get an extra one at the reception desk Now if I'm tipping why should I walk down there every day for the extra copy.

I'm going to make use of this cabin steward so I will feel good about their tip.

I think I have tipped in a restaurant in England, although not as much as is recommended in the states. :rolleyes:

BTW, when we meet we always have to have the discussion about Soccer and Football. He is always telling me the rest of the world calls it Football.

He is always on to me about "The World Series". He is telling me that we think the U.S is the World, and I am always saying it is my world.:) You are just envious because we are just the colonies and you lost some of your tax base when we had a Boston Tea Party.:)

Well of course it is a misnomer. :(

We have much fun looking for stuff to rib each other.:p

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Joe, (Scapel) you are a very wise man. I enjoy your posts, and love your point of view. Many people can learn from you. Some people around here just like to stir things up...and not pass any real info. Thanks for being you.


I guess I don't understand why everyone was mad about the surcharge thing. Princess laid down the policy, and went by it. If the price went above...the price went above. Was there something in the policy that said there would be an exception?

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Brian - I think the point was that irate cruisers were removing tips from the crew (no matter how stellar the crew's services) to get even with Carnival the Company, which makes no sense as Carnival the Company doesn't losde money, the crew does. ken

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For those of you who do not believe in Karma, please see below:


We know a couple who could best be described as thrifty. They booked a RCCL cruise and paid the fuel surcharge. RCCL has eliminated the charge as of 1/1/09. They departed on 12/19/08. When the announcement came, the husband made all kinds of phone calls and sent all kinds of letters saying how unfair it is...but to no avail.


Wouldn't you know that the wife's bag didn't make the plane, and the ship sailed without it. She will be without most of her things for 4 days.



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For those of you who do not believe in Karma, please see below:


We know a couple who could best be described as thrifty. They booked a RCCL cruise and paid the fuel surcharge. RCCL has eliminated the charge as of 1/1/09. They departed on 12/19/08. When the announcement came, the husband made all kinds of phone calls and sent all kinds of letters saying how unfair it is...but to no avail.


Wouldn't you know that the wife's bag didn't make the plane, and the ship sailed without it. She will be without most of her things for 4 days.





Maybe he/she didn't tip the porter.

That has been known to happen too. :eek:

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Joe, (Scapel) you are a very wise man. I enjoy your posts, and love your point of view. Many people can learn from you. Some people around here just like to stir things up...and not pass any real info. Thanks for being you.


I guess I don't understand why everyone was mad about the surcharge thing. Princess laid down the policy, and went by it. If the price went above...the price went above. Was there something in the policy that said there would be an exception?


I think the irritated pax were mostly annoyed since the surcharge was removed during the cruise itself for other sailings.

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I don't believe it is right to stiff the crew. While I hate auto tipping, I'm not gonna screw the crew out of their well deserved pay.




Future: Diamond Princess Aus/Nz 01/09

Emerald Princess Med/Trans Atlantic 10/08

Celebrity Constellation British Isles/Norway 07/06

Celebrity Summit Alaska Repositioning 05/05

Celebrity Summit Panama Canal 10/02

Rhapsody Of The Seas Alaska 09/01

Spledour Of The Seas Baltic 09/99

HAL Veendam Eastern Caribbean 07/96

Carnival Holiday Western Carribean 07/93

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scapel I agree with some of your comments , on our recent Cunard cruise we did have converse with the cabin stewards "supervisor" about her "slack" service.It did improve but not so much as to warrant payment of "tips".The breakfast restaraunt service was dire as well, we spoke to the head waiter and got a sickly" All I can do is apologise" no action was taken.So that is my main reason for withholding my hard earn pennies.Should the staff do a good job they will be rewarded. By the way are you paid a salary, given clothing,food accommodation and flown home after your tour of duty??????

Re football versus soccer, like all these things we are 2 countries divided by a common language. As for the colonies we left most of them in good stead,if we were so bad why do a lot of them wish to come and live in the UK.Finally the US should thank their lucky stars we Northern Europeans got a hold of the land otherwise you all could be speaking Spanish now, and being run like some South American state, hasta la vista baby.

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We are recently ashore from a Wonderful and Delightful Emerald Princess cruise from Dec 10 -Dec 20.


Our comments:

  • Our stateroom steward, Allan, was the best of all our cruises!
  • We ate at the Cafe Caribe and the food and dining experience was outstanding!
  • The service at Cafe Caribe was fantastic, and we recognized (You Made a Difference!) Marcela (from Mexico) for main dining room quality of service and personal interaction.
  • Our complaints about the ship and crew: none.
  • We knew about the surcharge beforehand, and like buying anything with variable pricing (stocks, real estate, airfare, etc), accepted it as part of the cost.
  • We witnessed many passengers as complainers. Our favorite was the lady who complained that she couldn't find anything she liked to eat :rolleyes:.
  • We took several Princess excursions and were well pleased with all except for a speed boat used in Barbados for a snorkeling trip.
  • The Captain did a marvelous job of steering the ship around some storms during the 2 sea day return leg of our journey. The effect of weather on our comfort and enjoyment were minimal - and he used EXTRA fuel to extend the journey around the storms.

All said, it was a marvelous cruise, worth every penny (including extra tips for outstanding service).



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scapel I agree with some of your comments , on our recent Cunard cruise we did have converse with the cabin stewards "supervisor" about her "slack" service.It did improve but not so much as to warrant payment of "tips".The breakfast restaraunt service was dire as well, we spoke to the head waiter and got a sickly" All I can do is apologise" no action was taken.So that is my main reason for withholding my hard earn pennies.Should the staff do a good job they will be rewarded. By the way are you paid a salary, given clothing,food accommodation and flown home after your tour of duty??????

Re football versus soccer, like all these things we are 2 countries divided by a common language. As for the colonies we left most of them in good stead,if we were so bad why do a lot of them wish to come and live in the UK.Finally the US should thank their lucky stars we Northern Europeans got a hold of the land otherwise you all could be speaking Spanish now, and being run like some South American state, hasta la vista baby.

Hey Brian,

Didn't say you were so bad, after all you are most of our ancesters.

Good thing you saved us from speaking spanish or you would spreche a Deutsch.

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If it's the same Allen who was serving the Aft cabins on Baja, then I have to agree that he is a treasure!
B331, forward of midships - and he was a treasure. I wouldn't doubt there are more than one...


... on our recent Cunard cruise we did have converse with the cabin stewards "supervisor" about her "slack" service.It did improve ....breakfast restaraunt service was dire as well,

Should the staff do a good job they will be rewarded. By the way are you paid a salary, given clothing,food accommodation and flown home after your tour of duty??????

Next time try Princess Cruises - the crew and staff is a cut above.


Breakfast and Lunch service in the main dining room on my Emerald Princess cruise just ended was in the good to excellent range.


Regarding the "benefits" you quote - where else would you also be required to work > 10 hours a day consistently, with insufficient time to catch 8 hours of sleep in a night?

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We are recently ashore from a Wonderful and Delightful Emerald Princess cruise from Dec 10 -Dec 20.



Our comments:

  • Our stateroom steward, Allan, was the best of all our cruises!
  • We ate at the Cafe Caribe and the food and dining experience was outstanding!
  • The service at Cafe Caribe was fantastic, and we recognized (You Made a Difference!) Marcela (from Mexico) for main dining room quality of service and personal interaction.
  • Our complaints about the ship and crew: none.
  • We knew about the surcharge beforehand, and like buying anything with variable pricing (stocks, real estate, airfare, etc), accepted it as part of the cost.
  • We witnessed many passengers as complainers. Our favorite was the lady who complained that she couldn't find anything she liked to eat :rolleyes:.
  • We took several Princess excursions and were well pleased with all except for a speed boat used in Barbados for a snorkeling trip.
  • The Captain did a marvelous job of steering the ship around some storms during the 2 sea day return leg of our journey. The effect of weather on our comfort and enjoyment were minimal - and he used EXTRA fuel to extend the journey around the storms.

All said, it was a marvelous cruise, worth every penny (including extra tips for outstanding service).




Well said Bob. Steve and I agree with you 100% (except for the room stewards name... remove yours, insert ours). We had a great time, enjoyed the food and the tours that we took. I honestly think that this thread was just started to stir up problems. I personally did not talk to anyone who was upset about the fuel charges. Yes, it would have been a nice thing to have gotten it back, but we didn't... the rules were in place when we booked. I was taught to play by the rules. It was a gamble...win or lose. It wasn't like they surprised us with this charge after we boarded.


We did encounter some unhappy passengers, but it was the normal compaints that these folks have...they are just unhappy people who always have to complain. We were on a beautiful ship on beautiful islands with people waiting on us. What a great way to vacation!


We also appreciated the extra effort that Comodore Romano took to keep us in smoother seas and sunny skies.

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We are recently ashore from a Wonderful and Delightful Emerald Princess cruise from Dec 10 -Dec 20.



Our comments:

  • Our stateroom steward, Allan, was the best of all our cruises!
  • We ate at the Cafe Caribe and the food and dining experience was outstanding!
  • The service at Cafe Caribe was fantastic, and we recognized (You Made a Difference!) Marcela (from Mexico) for main dining room quality of service and personal interaction.
  • Our complaints about the ship and crew: none.
  • We knew about the surcharge beforehand, and like buying anything with variable pricing (stocks, real estate, airfare, etc), accepted it as part of the cost.
  • We witnessed many passengers as complainers. Our favorite was the lady who complained that she couldn't find anything she liked to eat :rolleyes:.
  • We took several Princess excursions and were well pleased with all except for a speed boat used in Barbados for a snorkeling trip.
  • The Captain did a marvelous job of steering the ship around some storms during the 2 sea day return leg of our journey. The effect of weather on our comfort and enjoyment were minimal - and he used EXTRA fuel to extend the journey around the storms.

All said, it was a marvelous cruise, worth every penny (including extra tips for outstanding service).




Very well said my friend...........




Future: Diamond Princess Aus/Nz 01/09

Emerald Princess Med/Trans Atlantic 10/08

Celebrity Constellation British Isles/Norway 07/06

Celebrity Summit Alaska Repositioning 05/05

Celebrity Summit Panama Canal 10/02

Rhapsody Of The Seas Alaska 09/01

Spledour Of The Seas Baltic 09/99

HAL Veendam Eastern Caribbean 07/96

Carnival Holiday Western Carribean 07/93

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While I certainly don't agree with stiffing, the staff I too just got off the DEC. 10th-20th sailing of the Emerald and I have to say after sailing her in March of this year I too noticed the decline of food quality and portions in all eateries. Also after losing some of their more experienced help to the Ruby the service wasn't as good. I hope this is not a trend in the cruise industry as My wife and I love to cruise.

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I was on this cruise and I heard the funniest complaint being made from a couple.

I was at passenger services getting some change when I see this couple irate that in the Princess Patters there was a typo on some pirate discussion that started at 1:30..But the patters has it listed at 11:30. The 11:30 listing was in the 1:00pm to the 2:00 pm range..so one would figure it out pretty quickly that it was a typo. Anyhow this older man was giving the line to passenger service rep "I have sailed RCL and was told Princess is a great line etc" He was saying that he and his wife was embarrassed that they showed up at 11:30 for the pirate thing and everyone was looking at him like he was out of it. He was demanding some type of compensation for this. He was so irate..It is funny to see how people complain over trivial things.

Btw this cruise was one of the best that my wife I have sailed. The old thing of greeting the people who are happy to serve you with a hello and thank you does go a long way for them. I found that all of the staff on the Emerald was pleasant and very professional. It is unbelievable that some always look for the wrong.

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I completely agree that those people are being ripped off and don't blame them if they cancel excursions, spend less on the ship, whatever, but it is NOT right to punish the crew by taking away their tips!


The reason the "remove the tip" issue seems to drive everyone on all these boards so nuts is that the 'autotip' is really not a tip at all. The charge is actually just a portion of the crew members' basic salary. By implementing these charges the cruise lines are simply having us pay a portion of their salary expense as a separate line item; it lets them advertise their cruises at seemingly lower prices. Most of us just figure it in when we decide the total cost of a cruise, and then provide tips like the old days for exceptional service.

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