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Kids Harness?

Amanda Holden

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This will be our first Cruise with our 2 year old son and I am very nervous. He is really good about riding in his stroller, but I am wondering if anyone uses the backpack harness thingy on their Toddlers to give them a little more freedom but not total freedom on the ship and while in the ports. I have ALWAYS been against these things, but now that I have my own child I can see why people use them. I am just looking for other opinions from parents with toddlers Cruising.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

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I don't know how I feel about this. I guess in most cases the harness would work but there then again the ship does rock. Also on stairs it would be really scarey to use the harness. I think on land it might be ok but I wouldn't use it on a ship. I think people might be more apt to trip because of the movement of the ship. That's just my opinion.


With a toddler, you really do have to be on top of them. They love to climb. They love the metal stairs by the pool and you must make sure to always be with them when climbing there or inside.


I highly recommend using the umbrella stroller. I never opened the door to my cabin without having my son fastened into that. I'd say "Get in your chariot!" and he would be so excited because that meant we were going to explore. He never minded it. I left him out in empty areas where there wasn't much foot traffic. In fact, he loved the empty show lounge. I let him wear himself out.

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We bought the Monkey harness (I think Eddie Bauer) from Target. $10. We used it some with our then 16 month old, but because we didn't try it when he was first learning to walk, we had some issues with him not throwing a fit when he came to the end of his rope.


my suggestion is to buy it and try it on him... I think they are a great idea (although I was against them too many years ago before children). If he doesn't like it, you can always put it back in the box and return it.

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I will also say that while I was a bit nervous, there's nothing really to be nervous about. At least on our cruise, everyone was so helpful - even helping me by providing blockades at the elevators. :) He'll have a great time (you'll get lots of exercise however. :D)

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At 2, your child should be learning to obey his parents. Why do you think a harness is necessary---do you think he'll fly over the railing or something? He won't, unless you toss him!!!

You won't be letting him out of your sight, anyway....a harness is a bit of "overkill". Bring the stroller for the times when alot of walking is involved and do the "hand-holding" thing any other time.

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At 2, your child should be learning to obey his parents. Why do you think a harness is necessary---do you think he'll fly over the railing or something? He won't, unless you toss him!!!

You won't be letting him out of your sight, anyway....a harness is a bit of "overkill". Bring the stroller for the times when alot of walking is involved and do the "hand-holding" thing any other time.


My Child Obeys very well, but this will be his 1st Cruise and our 1st Cruise since he has been born. I was just looking for some options before we get on the ship, since it isn't like I can run out to Target and get soemthing once we board. I don't even recall seeing children on my past cruises because I didn't have any to worry about.

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It really depends on the child whether it's necessary or useful.


Some children are great with harnesses, some aren't. And like everything in life, there are times when a harness can be useful, and other times where it can be a detriment.


My brother was a lightning bolt - off in a flash - so a harness was a life saver for my mother with him. But it wasn't necessary for me.


If you don't use one at home, I don't think one will be necessary (or helpful) for you on a cruise. Go with the stroller that he already knows.

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I'm personally not a big fan of the harnesses (and I am a parent) for myself (or son). However, I say if it works for others, to each their own. Now, if I could get one of those invisiable fence things adapted to work.. :D (just joking for all of you that want to call Child Protective Services)

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OP- dont count the harness out. I used one for my 2 yo DD and loved it. We did not use it all the time, but at times we did. For instance when looking at portraits, some of the strollers really got in the way. It was a very crowed area. My DD was able to stand beside. I held the strap on my wrist and still had both hands free. There were other times that I tought it came in handy too. However, not for ports at all. I dont say completely yes or completely no...just think about it. What will $10 hurt.


I will admit when the harnesses first came out..I was one of those poeple that said," my child would never wear that" WELL.. never say never.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I concur that I also told people I would never buy one of those harnesses for any kid of mine after seeing a coworker "walk" her daughter. BUUUTTT, I did get one. I took my daughter to the Omaha zoo with my sister and my 3yr old niece. The 3yr old ran off into a crowd (not exaggerating) and disappeared. I was pushing my 14 mos old dau in stroller. I ran through the crowd after her and scared someone would snatch her before I could find her. I finally latched onto her and walked her back to where I had left my stroller and my stroller was gone. It took me a few minutes to discover my sister had pushed it aways. I NEVER want to have my heart hit my feet again. It was a situation where you probably had to be there to totally understand what a chaotic incident it was. I went out and bought the monkey harness shortly afterwards and I do use it on shopping trips every now and then. Older women I find tend to give me "the look" and younger women give me sympathy. My daughter is at the age where she wants out of the stroller so she can walk. I prefer to have her tethered to me so I don't lose her. She takes to it well enough and she likes wearing the backpack that it becomes. Sometimes I tuck the tail/leash into the pack and give her a chance to mind me but in situations where I can't give her my full attention and I need both of my hands, I've got the leash around my wrist. Nobody is going to snag her and she isn't going to get very far. If my husband is around, we usually take turns watching her anyways. 90% of my travels with my daughter, I'm flying solo.


If your child will hang out in the stroller and not get fussy then you probably won't need it. My daughter will sometimes stay in the stroller but once she is out of the stroller once, she wants and asks to walk. I'm cruising in two weeks and I'm bringing the monkey. We may or may not use it, but at least I've got it.


If you're going to try it, you should probably get the child use to it before the cruise. I let my daughter play with "Mr. Monkey" as a stuffed animal for awhile as the tail/leash removes easy enough. He always rides in the car with her and now she looks forward to seeing him when we go on car rides. She now likes carrying Mr. Monkey when we go to Wal-mart and Sam's Club.

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Well, I'm over 60 and was a "wanderer" as a child. Yup, mom got a leather harness and leash for me after spending an hysterical 30 minutes trying to find me at an amusement park. On our last cruise, there was a couple down the hall with a toddler. The minute their cabin door would open, he'd be like lightening down the hall - then the harness would come out. I can definitely see where he could disappear real fast. Better safe than sorry.

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I am one of those "older" moms that don't think a child needs to be "tethered" so I don't lose them. I never "walked" my son, we did go out for walks but he was in a stroller if I felt it was safer for him. He was also allowed to walk and explore if the situation allowed.


We all have to do what we think is best for our own kids and not judge the choices others make. At 2 or 3, my son did not walk through a store, he was in his stroller or a shopping cart. The one time he did wander at a supermarket was when he was with both my husband and myself.:rolleyes: We were at the checkout and my son walked right out of the store, my husband found him between the two sets of automatic doors.:eek: My husband had taken him out of the carriage so they could load the bags, he turned for a second and poof.


Do what works best for you, they didn't have those backpack harnesses back in the olden days when my 18 yr old was growing up.;) I wonder if they come in an XXXXL?:D

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I agree that the stroller is a must for most situations. However, you are not allowed to use it during the drill. I bought a leash for my 2 year old and it was worth every cent for the drill alone. I agree that he should listen, but in a crowded situation it buys peace of mind that he will not run ahead and disturb others. We did get a couple of 'looks' from people who didn't seem to approve of the leash. I've never been a believer in them either, however, I will use it again when we take our 2 year old on his 5th cruise next month. Trying it out a home first is a must. Have a great cruise.

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I just saw a baby, maybe a year old or so, on our cruise with the backpack leash. I thought it was a great idea. The leash wasn't that long. I couldn't imagine it getting in the way of others. I plan on buying them for my next trip. Why would people give you dirty looks for using one? I don't get it. I'd rather have a child on a leash than running away from their parents and being in danger.

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I was one of those dirty look givers because it looks like you are walking your child like most people walk their dogs. Most of us in the office gave my coworker a lot of grief after she used one. She stopped using it shortly after. But that was me pre-baby. It can look cheesy if you have no experience with kids like I did. And no one had ever seen anything like that before.


Now that I finally have my first one, I've changed my mind on several things regarding children. My peace of mind at knowing where my child is outweighs any strange looks we get. And I can pay for things in stores with both hands rather than trying to write a check or sign my name one-handed while holding onto her. Besides, she is getting a little on the heavy side, too.


I don't use it everywhere we go but it works for us and it allows her some freedom of movement. The leash is detachable and you can always "round 'em up" if the situation warrants it. After a few uses, my daughter figured out just how far she could get from me. She fussed the first time she wore it because she kept finding the end of the leash. Now she has no problems and actually tries to put the monkey on herself.


In addition to the monkey is a dog. They both have a pocket that you can stuff small things into hence it's a backpack/harness leash system. I got mine at Wal-mart.


I don't want my daughter running loose anywhere on the ship except in our room. But that's me. And, I too, had difficulty manuevering my stroller in the photo section because of the congestion. I'm not sure a leash would work there unless you shortened it up.

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Ack. Ignore the nervous nellies and the naysayers. Get (and bring) the monkey harness. Used it, loved it, using it again next week. Trust me. After 2 days, you'll ignore any looks you get because you and your child will be enjoying things so much.

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I had not thought of our leash in years! My oldest was a RUNNER! I can still remember him dashing down the main hall of a mall in Tennesee. A couple on the second floor called to me and said he's running! I can still see those fat baby legs flying as he was laughing over his shoulder at me. I was hoping that someone would trip him...LOL! A nice lady did head him off and we bought a leash that day! Little ones can be impulsive and that can be a heart attack for a mom or dad. Add to that the chaos of a cruise ship...forget about it! Buy one off Ebay for a few bucks and let your little one get used to it at home before it is cruise time.


Someone else had written about their child disappearing into a crowd. There is nothing more heartstopping and sickening than those moments where you can't see your child. Every horror story and tragedy that you have ever heard of or imagined comes slamming into your head. Even the most vigilant parent can have a moment like this because they happen so fast. Don't let anyone make you feel bad concerning your child's safety.





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Chelle - your story made me chuckle. :D


It also reminded me of another story that happened ME. We were in a hotel. Some friends of ours brought their older child along who was the same age as my oldest. We were all walking down the hall. Their child ran up ahead and hit the button for the elevator. My youngest was 2 at the time and she is a runner. I heard the elevator bell ding. I yell to my oldest "Do not get on THAT elevator" - it was around the corner and we couldn't see it. I round the corner just as I see my 2 year old run onto the elevator and the door shut. :eek:


I lunged for the button and the door re-opened. PHEW! :eek:


They are fast little buggers.

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At 2, your child should be learning to obey his parents. Why do you think a harness is necessary---do you think he'll fly over the railing or something? He won't, unless you toss him!!!

You won't be letting him out of your sight, anyway....a harness is a bit of "overkill". Bring the stroller for the times when alot of walking is involved and do the "hand-holding" thing any other time.


Great solution since all 2 year old kids are identical robots and always mind what people tell them to do. Why is a harness overkill but a stroller isn't. Shouldn't they be learning to "obey" and never stray 1 foot from your side?


Heck, why childproof your house? After they get into a cabinet and drink comet, or stick a object in a socket, or fall down a stairway with no gate they should've just obeyed you.


Some kids, especially 2 year olds, are just a little more active than others.

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All children are different. When my oldest was young, one of my dear friends had a son the same age that was a runner, a real escape artist. I can't remember one single outing when that child did not get away from us. It was always terrifying. One time in particular we were at one of those Thomas the Train events, with 20,000 people and a real STEAM TRAIN on the tracks. She finally bought the harness for a trip to Disney and frankly, I thought she should have bought it MUCH sooner, lol! That child is a very well behaved, well adjusted high school student now. His mother is a wonderful mother, and very fortunate her son survived the toddler years.


I tried a harness one day at disney when my daughter was 2. We have pets, and my child insisted on holding the parents end of the "leash" herself. Needless to say, it really didn't work out as I hoped. I should have used it before the trip to make sure she was used to it. Strollers are wonderful, but kids need to get out and stretch their legs. On long excursions, it isn't good for them to be cooped up in the stroller. I can understand why some kids run off as fast as they can when let "loose". I think a harness is especially important in really crowded areas. I'm sure there are times on a cruise when you just don't want to take a stroller along, but don't want to loose your child, either.

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