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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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great stories everyone just thought id add one of my own.


well my parents decided to bring me and the rest of my family(5 in total) on a cruise since trips to florida were getting old. "let's see something new this year" my mom would always say. So me being 7years old and going on a big ship i thought it would be awsome. So we get on the ship and just after sailaway my family and I were walking around the ship checking out what the ship had to offer so my eyes were wide open looking side to side and as im walking past the ping pong table I look over to see an older couple probly late 60's playing. Well me being 7 never saw a breast before and lets just say the lady definetly showed me "something new" while she swung and her breast came flying out of her shirt. My parents thought I was sea sick for the rest of the cruise because I didn;t want to leave my room little did they know about my first time seeing breasts in real life.

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Two come to mind:


1) First cruise with our two daughters, ages 13 and 8 at the time, on the Norway. Oldest daughter, who will remain nameless, meets Billy on the first day at sea. Billy was the living end, the cat's meow, every young girl's dream (and a year or two older, too).

Every day is an emotional rollercoaster as she experiences unrequited love on the high seas. Of course, we never see this young boy, but we hear almost every moment of every meeting during our meals together. One night after dinner, my wife and I return to the cabin to get some cash for the casino and she bursts through the door in tears!

As those of you who have, or have had, teenage daughters can attest, she was completely unintelligible for the first several minutes between boo hoos. Turns out that Billy had cheated on her and she caught him kissing another girl!!!

Took us another hour or so to calm her down where she finally promised she wouldn't kill Billy. The next day, suave and smooth Billy charms his way back into her heart. By the end of the cruise, she was heartbroken that she would never see Billy again and cried as we waited to disembark the ship.

We get on the bus in Miami for the airport and, lo and behold, Billy gets on the bus and sits right behind her. She is a basket case and refuses to talk to him because she'll never see him again. She finally breaks down when we get to the airport and talks to him, but cries most of the way on our flight home.

The next night at home having dinner, we are talking about the cruise and she says he wasn't even worth it. I would have killed her if I weren't laughing so hard! Our daughter had her very own episode of the "Love Boat" in just seven days at sea. Captain Stubing, Gopher, Doc, Isaac and Julie would be proud!


2) The following year, the same daughter is now 14 years old, and we are sailing on the Rhapsody of the Seas. Being the strict parents we are, we tell the girls that they should not, under ANY circumstances, take anyone back to our cabin unless Mom and/or Dad are with them.

On one of the sea days toward the end of the cruise, I go back to our cabin to change clothes to head to the gym. When I get get to our cabin door, I notice a pair of sneakers, a notebook and a pen on the floor in the hallway outside our door. I walk in and find no one there. After changing clothes, I walk down the hallway toward the aft of the ship to take the stairs up one flight to the gym. I hear some mumbles and look to the right and who is in the hallway but the same oldest daughter, making out with this week's boyfriend!!! I say something to the effect of "Don't forget your sneakers and notebook in the hallway" and keep on walking. You'll never see two more embarrassed teenagers than my 14-year old and her "boyfriend".

I never miss an opportunity to remind her of her hallway makeout session. Of course, I give her credit for not taking him into our cabin....

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cruizinrican, it looks to me like a made up story trying to tell a funny story. I highly doubt that anyone would be able to "snook" a dog on a cruise ship.


And nbastats, I really don't like to comment on others parenting, but I'm shocked that you would allow a 14 year old to make out with a boy on a cruise ship.

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Gee, some people forget that they were once 14 too. And fortunately or not, as we age, we experience some revisionist history, so as not to be embarrassed by our own behavior. :rolleyes:


My mother would have reacted the same way as nbastats, and it probably saved me from becoming a rebel.:) Parenting isn't all about policing. My mother certainly knew how to embarrass me into doing the right thing!:D


But, if I'm honest, the things I did on cruise ships as a teenager!:eek: I survived, and was better and more mature for the experience.


Sounds as though your daughter- must be in her 20's by now, is suitably embarrassed by her behavior, and did a little growing up with your gentle hand.



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Well the last thing I want to see when I'm on a cruise is two 14 year olds making out.


14.....24......34....44.......54.....64........74........84, OK I wouldn't mind 2 84 year olds living it up on the ship but I have to say that I just don't want to see ANYONE making out while I am on a cruise ship or on land or on a plane or in a train or in a box or with a fox or in a house or with a mouse!!! I do not want to see it!!!



Sam I Am

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O.K. this is my embarrassing story. I finally got my husband to go on a cruise, but he didn't want to spend to much money in case he didn't like it, so we got an inside cabin. Well on the third night or so I woke up at 7:05 took a shower got dressed woke up my husband and told him I was going to get us some coffee. I got up on the Lido deck and there was an omlette bar and I noticed people still in there tuxes and gowns and thought they were up all night, but then I noticed that it wasn't light out yet and at first I thought it was the time difference but it didn't look like it was even starting to get light out so I checked my watch again (it was a watch with lines, it didn't have numbers :o ) It turns out when I woke up it was 1:35 A.M not 7:05. Moral of the story is always bring a watch with numbers. (and my husband loved the cruise and we've never stayed in an inside cabin again!)

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O.K. this is my embarrassing story. I finally got my husband to go on a cruise, but he didn't want to spend to much money in case he didn't like it, so we got an inside cabin. Well on the third night or so I woke up at 7:05 took a shower got dressed woke up my husband and told him I was going to get us some coffee. I got up on the Lido deck and there was an omlette bar and I noticed people still in there tuxes and gowns and thought they were up all night, but then I noticed that it wasn't light out yet and at first I thought it was the time difference but it didn't look like it was even starting to get light out so I checked my watch again (it was a watch with lines, it didn't have numbers :o ) It turns out when I woke up it was 1:35 A.M not 7:05. Moral of the story is always bring a watch with numbers. (and my husband loved the cruise and we've never stayed in an inside cabin again!)


I can imagine myself doing such a thing....although I normally don't get up until I see sunlight anyway :)

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Disney has wonderful sail away parties (think Big Fat German, Polish, Greek wedding reception kind of party). The deck is packed and most everyone, all ages, are dancing - YMCA, Hustle, ChaCHa Slide, Conga line, you name it- everyone in the family is dancing. Anyway, during the week we were leaving either Grand Cayman or Cozamel and the family pool was not covered like it had been for the leaving the port party but the crowd level was just about the same. One of the entertainment staff was dancing and walking around the edge of the pool coaching and trying to get everyone involved when out of no where "dad" with his 3 or 4 year old daughter in his arms swung around and accidentially knocked the crew member right smack into the pool. This guy, the professional that he was, got right out and continued his bit until a replacement crew member came and took over his mike.


We laughed about it the rest of the cruise.

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:) I'm sitting here laughing so hard I'm crying, peeing my pants, falling off the chair. I CAN'T WAIT until my cruise. My heart truely goes out for those on the injured list but between the parot and Superman and the Wheelchair I can;t stop laughing. I'm glad to see there are other people in the world that relise that life doen't wait for anyone. Enjoy it. :D

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I have just read the whole thread today, and my coworkers wondered what an earth I was doing with all the chuckling going on 'til I started emailing bits.


Reading the story about the "husband and wife game" about the where did you... made me think about the one we had on our last cruise. They had 3 couples one on their honeymoon (second marriage so they had teenage kids) fairly regular couple in their 40s and the longest married couple (I think over 50 years).


Of course they asked the question so when was the last time....? Newlyweds was 2 weeks ago!, couple 2 yesterday or this week. But what brought the house down was the straightlaced grandparents who proudly announced this morning!



Was that a Caribbean Cruise 1998...Carnival Sensation? If so, that older couple was our parent, celebrating their 50th anniversary...We were in the audience and we never laughed so hard!

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cruizinrican, it looks to me like a made up story trying to tell a funny story. I highly doubt that anyone would be able to "snook" a dog on a cruise ship.


And nbastats, I really don't like to comment on others parenting, but I'm shocked that you would allow a 14 year old to make out with a boy on a cruise ship.


I am right there with you about not wanting to comment on others peoples kids, but I must say if her DD is 14 and only making out the mom is ahead of the game. So many girls these days are sexually active and pregenant and/ of have STDs these days.

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These stories are so funny I almost pee in my pants. I am still laughing. You know I am kind of the man with the lifevest on. After hearing about the captain that abadoned ship to save his own skin..I started thinking that maybe i should wear the lifeboat vest all during my trip. Then I read this on this thread and I cracked out laughing when I read this. How ridiculous I would look going to formal night with a vest on. So thanks for your stories. They are hilarious. Yes, there are all kinds of people in this world. Funny.

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These are so funny. I almost pee pee on my pants. I am still laughing. Especially the story about the man with the vest. I was thinking of wearing mine too all through the trip after hearing about that story with the captain that abandoned the ship to save himself and did not care a hoot about the passengers. lol, lok, how funny these stories are. This world is made up of all kinds of people. Keep those stories coming. I enjoy a good laugh.

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friedshrimp - that was funny! (Your spelling response!) Yes, she does have a vision problem. Legally blind. Angelrmt - can't wait to meet you on our cruise! Thanks for reminding me about this sight. I read it over a year ago and as I read the rest of them today they really made me laugh!

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About the big text. My husband is also legally blind, however he can use the computer as long as he is close to it. I just wanted to remind people that others do have issues and please be aware of it when posting (some people with eye conditions can't see that beautiful pale pink color or whatever it may be). I know we can't live our lives for others, but just remember there are those out there that need extra assistance.


BTW, I absolutely love this thread (which was another reason for my posting - I wasn't attempting to be up on a soap box!). I love all of your stories, please keep them coming!!



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14.....24......34....44.......54.....64........74........84, OK I wouldn't mind 2 84 year olds living it up on the ship but I have to say that I just don't want to see ANYONE making out while I am on a cruise ship or on land or on a plane or in a train or in a box or with a fox or in a house or with a mouse!!! I do not want to see it!!!



Sam I Am


Making out on deck, under a romantic moon, after a splendid day in an exotic port, the day capped by a wonderful dinner, a show and dancing? How could anyone EVER consider doing that? They would have to be crazy, someone might see them!

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About the big text. My husband is also legally blind, however he can use the computer as long as he is close to it. I just wanted to remind people that others do have issues and please be aware of it when posting (some people with eye conditions can't see that beautiful pale pink color or whatever it may be). I know we can't live our lives for others, but just remember there are those out there that need extra assistance.


Well, I'll get on a soapbox about reading tiny type. Using

Mozilla browsers, I can increase the font size by holding

the CRTL key and pressing the "+" key on the right

side of the keyboard. Can make smaller by CRTL and

"-" key.

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Well, I'll get on a soapbox about reading tiny type. Using

Mozilla browsers, I can increase the font size by holding

the CRTL key and pressing the "+" key on the right

side of the keyboard. Can make smaller by CRTL and

"-" key.


However, those using explorer can not do so that easily. In fact, for some reason I can't increase the text size at all probably because there are frames or something on the page. But thank you for the hint if someone is using a Mozilla browser.


Now back to the stories...



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However, those using explorer can not do so that easily. In fact, for some reason I can't increase the text size at all probably because there are frames or something on the page. But thank you for the hint if someone is using a Mozilla browser.


Now back to the stories...




Not to highjack this thread but Mozilla Firefox is free and MUCH safer for surfing online than Explorer. I learned the hard way.


Now, back to topic-


My sister was married on the Glory March 2004. My 4 year old niece was the flower girl. At the reception we were all dancing and my niece decided the pole in the dance floor would make a great partner and she rolled all over the floor and shook her booty. One of the staff commented "If all else fails she'll make a great stripper.":p(she was being funny, not mean) When we got home my niece was looking through the pictures and said, "See Mommy, I TOLD you I was a good dancer!"


IMHO she will be an actress or lawyer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few years ago my wife and I got married on cruise and they had a reception for all the honeymooners/anniversary people. They pair up the couple married the least amount of time with the couple married the longest. We were married negative one day and they (Ben and Judith) were married 58 years. Anyway, we get to talking and it turns out that the Ben used to be in the underwear business and had a factory in San Juan (the port we were pulling into.) It also turned out that he was the guy who invented days of the week panties and he told us the real reason why there was no Sunday - but i'll never tell.

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