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Do you tip shore excursions guides

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hmmm...that makes around 90 people who...in your own words on the other thread...'need to get a life' for being critical of your methods.


So you'll lie about the numbers too. There were really only about four people who became grossly disrespectful or mis-stated the facts of my orginal post. There were a total of 47 responders who indicated a problem with some part of the "gratuity education" process, most of whom had no problem with the sign.


I put an honest question out in my post and most people responded politely, even as they expressed their negative opinions. And I thanked them for their input; with their help I'm considering rewording a few parts of what I say. A handful characterized my 35 seconds of talk about tips as: constant, incessant, begging, extortion, coersion. My comment to "get a life" was not directed to those who kindly shared their thoughts, it was to that very small number who found it necessary to inslut me. They implied that I am unhappy with my job; I love it. They implied that people are leaving my tour feeling guilted into giving me a few dollars; in eight years, (over 900 tours) I've never had a complaint to me or to my company about any aspect of my service.


The only part of my experience with this tip talking post that has upset me are the people who have mis-stated the facts about what I say and do. Honest, feedback has been apprecaited and considered.

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So you'll lie about the numbers too. There were really only about four people who became grossly disrespectful or mis-stated the facts of my orginal post. There were a total of 47 responders who indicated a problem with some part of the "gratuity education" process, most of whom had no problem with the sign.


I put an honest question out in my post and most people responded politely, even as they expressed their negative opinions. And I thanked them for their input; with their help I'm considering rewording a few parts of what I say. A handful characterized my 35 seconds of talk about tips as: constant, incessant, begging, extortion, coersion. My comment to "get a life" was not directed to those who kindly shared their thoughts, it was to that very small number who found it necessary to inslut me. They implied that I am unhappy with my job; I love it. They implied that people are leaving my tour feeling guilted into giving me a few dollars; in eight years, (over 900 tours) I've never had a complaint to me or to my company about any aspect of my service.


The only part of my experience with this tip talking post that has upset me are the people who have mis-stated the facts about what I say and do. Honest, feedback has been apprecaited and considered.


erm...your thread has grown some since your last visit to it yesterday.

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At any rate at the end of the "tour" the guide said the usual "Tips for

your guide (him) and your driver (he named the name) are always appreciated." First of all this guy did nothing except smile and chat

and told us where we passing on the bus. The driver drove.


I did not feel that a tip was in order for either of them.


So all the tour guide did was give you commentary.


All the bus driver did was to drive the bus?


Just curious, what did you expect the bus driver and tour guide to do?

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emm... not that much. Seven more posts, three by repeaters.


I'm out.


Incase anyone is wondering why there is a problem with the opinion stated by the quoted member, here is their opening post on their original thread..


I am a tour guide in Niagara Falls. After eight years of experimenting I have found routine that produces the highest income for me, but I was wanted to hear from travellers at what point does a guide's mentioning of tips really start to take away from your enjoyment of the trip? By the way, I drive a mini-bus that seats 32, but my average group size is 18. So I am both a driver and a guide. Here's my routine:


1. The bus has two small signs (one in front and one in back) that say "If you enjoyed the trip, please don't forget the tip. (15% is customary) Thank You"

2. At the beginning of the trip while I talk about what we will be seeing and doing, I also say, "And just so everyone knows, the tour bus drivers and guides here in Niagara Falls, as with drivers and guides all around the world, really do depend on the tips that they recieve for the lion's share of their income. So I'll trust you to read the signs on the bus and at the end of the trip you can be the judge at how I did at giving you all a great time today."

3. At the end of the trip as I'm saying a bunch of thank yous I say, " So when we get to each of our drop offs please let me step off of the bus first, I'll help you down off of the bus, I'll give you a good handshake, and I'll thank you for your tip at that time."


Those three items are the only mention of tips during a 5 hour tour. I have found that if I leave any one of them out, my average tip per person drops from $6.61 to $3.82. If I say nothing many people give nothing and most only give a dollar or two.


So would you be bugged on my tour? When would you start to be irritated? I've only had one complaint in 8 years.


There follows over 100 replies, the majority of which are none too impressed with the signage, the content of the signage and especially the handshake comments at the end of the tour given by the member.


After that post was made, around 90 or so people replied, the majority of whom were far from happy with the methods used by this particular member. Later in the thread, the same member posted...


Now, just to stir things up a little: Many of my colleagues have tip signs that say: "Your Driver/Guide is performing TWO important jobs for you today. He insures your safety as a driver and your enjoyment as a guide. It is customarry to tip him a total of 25% for the TWO jobs he is doing for you today." Those guys don't usually mention tipping verbally, but IMHO, the sign is much more guilt driven and greedy than my aproach.


And later still....


I'm not at all ashamed. I'm never begging. I spend thrity five seconds of a five hour tour mentioning tips. I've had local newspapers accompany me on my tour and do fabulous write ups of my total presentation (and yes I did my regular tip talk knowing that they were with me).


I actually discussed this thread with my supervisor this afternoon. His exact words were, "most of our drivers make tips a bigger deal than you do. The ones who don't don't last very long because it's not worth it." He sees my presentation of the matter as understated and appropriate.


Now, as I have said on the other thread, I will say again here. This attitude is unprofessional and the majority of those who responded on the other thread also said your were unprofessional and rude.


So before you start throwing your toys out of the playpen, accusing me of misquoting or not understanding you, perhaps you should read what you said in your thread 'When Does Tip Talk On a Tour Get On Your Nerves? ' in the 'Ask a cruise question' section which I posted a link to earlier in this thread.

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I am sorry but after reading the two threads I would feel intimidated if a tour operator mentioned tips and as for putting a sign up well thats incredible.

I think I would get of the bus and forgo the tour I would be that offended by the signs and the reference to tips.

But again thats my opinion and as far as I am aware we are all still entitled to that.

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So all the tour guide did was give you commentary.


All the bus driver did was to drive the bus?


Just curious, what did you expect the bus driver and tour guide to do?


What I ment was that the host and driver did nothing special. People were stating that they had hosts/ drivers who did special things or gave them

special courtesies. THe driver drove and the host yapped . I felt compelled to give a tip as everyone did after the hosts mentioned that tips were appreciated.


My point is: we paid for a bus-driven tour and thats what we got.


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I am a tour guide in Niagara Falls. After eight years of experimenting I have found routine that produces the highest income for me, but I was wanted to hear from travellers at what point does a guide's mentioning of tips really start to take away from your enjoyment of the trip? By the way, I drive a mini-bus that seats 32, but my average group size is 18. So I am both a driver and a guide. Here's my routine:


1. The bus has two small signs (one in front and one in back) that say "If you enjoyed the trip, please don't forget the tip. (15% is customary) Thank You"

2. At the beginning of the trip while I talk about what we will be seeing and doing, I also say, "And just so everyone knows, the tour bus drivers and guides here in Niagara Falls, as with drivers and guides all around the world, really do depend on the tips that they recieve for the lion's share of their income. So I'll trust you to read the signs on the bus and at the end of the trip you can be the judge at how I did at giving you all a great time today."

3. At the end of the trip as I'm saying a bunch of thank yous I say, " So when we get to each of our drop offs please let me step off of the bus first, I'll help you down off of the bus, I'll give you a good handshake, and I'll thank you for your tip at that time."


Those three items are the only mention of tips during a 5 hour tour. I have found that if I leave any one of them out, my average tip per person drops from $6.61 to $3.82. If I say nothing many people give nothing and most only give a dollar or two.


So would you be bugged on my tour? When would you start to be irritated? I've only had one complaint in 8 years.



I don't mind a verbal reminder at the end of a tour (e.g., if you enjoyed the tour, tips are welcome) or even the ubiquitous tip jar, but this would be over the top. Would I complain to the company about it? No. Because it is passing irritant during what should be a good time, why extend it by spending more time on it? But I would never use that company again or recommend it to others. Would I tip? Yes but half of what I would normally simply because as Ms. Manners is fond of saying, being rude to rude people is rude.

Edited by gxchan
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I am a tour guide in Niagara Falls. After eight years of experimenting I have found routine that produces the highest income for me, but I was wanted to hear from travellers at what point does a guide's mentioning of tips really start to take away from your enjoyment of the trip? By the way, I drive a mini-bus that seats 32, but my average group size is 18. So I am both a driver and a guide. Here's my routine:


1. The bus has two small signs (one in front and one in back) that say "If you enjoyed the trip, please don't forget the tip. (15% is customary) Thank You"

2. At the beginning of the trip while I talk about what we will be seeing and doing, I also say, "And just so everyone knows, the tour bus drivers and guides here in Niagara Falls, as with drivers and guides all around the world, really do depend on the tips that they recieve for the lion's share of their income. So I'll trust you to read the signs on the bus and at the end of the trip you can be the judge at how I did at giving you all a great time today."

3. At the end of the trip as I'm saying a bunch of thank yous I say, " So when we get to each of our drop offs please let me step off of the bus first, I'll help you down off of the bus, I'll give you a good handshake, and I'll thank you for your tip at that time."


Those three items are the only mention of tips during a 5 hour tour. I have found that if I leave any one of them out, my average tip per person drops from $6.61 to $3.82. If I say nothing many people give nothing and most only give a dollar or two.


So would you be bugged on my tour? When would you start to be irritated? I've only had one complaint in 8 years.



I don't mind a verbal reminder at the end of a tour (e.g., if you enjoyed the tour, tips are welcome) or even the ubiquitous tip jar, but this would be over the top. Would I complain to the company about it? No. Because it is passing irritant during what should be a good time, why extend it by spending more time on it? But I would never use that company again or recommend it to others. Would I tip? Yes but half of what I would normally simply because as Ms. Manners is fond of saying, being rude to rude people is rude.


I don't know if I'd consider the above rude, but it IS a bit over the top, with the two signs AND the TWO reminders. But it's a tough call since apparently people don't tip very well unless they're overly reminded. I don't remember ever being "reminded" to tip before the end of a trip, but I may have also seen a sign (never two).


I'd stick with one sign and a reminder at the end...beyond that get's annoying. Sorry. :(

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For me it comes down to this: The people on the ship who are tipped earn about $50 per month in salary.


Wow that is absolutely shocking! Why not pay them nothing and tell them to suck it up and work for their tips. That is outright exploitation.

Edited by mochuck
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So all the tour guide did was give you commentary.


All the bus driver did was to drive the bus?


Just curious, what did you expect the bus driver and tour guide to do?


In a tour bus, I'd expect them to provide service with a smile, helpful tips, courteous answers, patience and understanding, helping hand for elderly, kids and disabled and for bags. If they do all this thats worthy of a tip.

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Any tipping guidelines I've ever seen published recommend tipping tour guides and drivers a percentage of the tour. Of course, tipping is not mandatory and you can tip or not tip at your discretion. However, it is appropriate and likely expected.


I think the reason we are reminded and signs are posted is because many people do not realize that tips make up a substantial percentage of income for these workers.


What I'm not sure of is whether or not a tip is expected if the tour guide and/or driver is also the owner of the company. We had this situation once and we did tip him because he provided exceptional service.

Edited by debmarie
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  • 5 years later...
We usually tip our tour guides and the bus driver - yes we are from the UK and we tip :rolleyes:.


We just tip a few Euros depending on how good they are.

Hi, Carol, Regarding tipping on excursion, some of the St. Petersberg top tour operator websites specifically mention that tipping should adhere to Western standards of around 15% of the package. What's your opinion or experience with your previous shore excursions?


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So what I don't understand is what difference does it make if the tour was ship sponsored or private??! I have always tipped both! :confused:


Absolutely. The people conducting the tour are doing the same thing regardless whether they are independently arranged or if the cruise company hires them.


I see many tipping threads and invariably there are all sorts of rationales for not tipping. If you don't want to tip, don't tip. But realize you are simply penalizing the working man or woman who depends on your gratuities and don't try to justify it.


Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl

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If we are satisfied when we get back to port we will give a tip. There are 3 of us and it is usually one great tip.


However, on occasion we have neglected to tip because we felt pressured or the tour was not up to our standards.


Sea Ya

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We were on a Royal Caribbean excursion last year in Saint Thomas and our driver forgot to pick us up and left about 15 people stranded. Luckily there was a cab driver from Godfrey Tours who said he would bring us back to the Oasis of the Seas. He never asked for a full fare, but we gave him the money that we would have tip the other driver.

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Hi, Carol, Regarding tipping on excursion, some of the St. Petersberg top tour operator websites specifically mention that tipping should adhere to Western standards of around 15% of the package. What's your opinion or experience with your previous shore excursions?



Hi there, and welcome. You've chosen a 5 1/2 year old thread for your first post, and I do know that the person whom you quoted no longer posts here by choice. She will not be replying, just so you know.



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Though an old thread, DW and I normally tip both the driver and guide. I look at it from the perspective, we are blessed to be able to afford the cruise, we are on vacation and book directly with the tour operators and not through the cruise line. We've yet to have a bad experince. The drivers and guides have been informational and courteous, you would expect that any way but we have a great time interacting with them to get the local customs/atmosphere of the visit. I've never felt the pressure to tip but do get joy out of doing so.

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