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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. Best way to catch up on all the details of my friend’s recent Europe trip - do a walk together around the harbour from Cremorne Point Wharf to Taronga Zoo Wharf. We were very fortunate that the heavens opened at the very end of the walk when we had reached the cover of Taronga Zoo Wharf.
  2. My dad and his friend both have a whole wall of these flowers. When they bloom all at once - it’s spectacular. My dad gifted me one and when it bloomed, my son did a time lapse video. Unfortunately, DH has since killed it with his whipper snipper 🙄
  3. I hope Susan’s Covid symptoms are mild. Love the eye pop photo. My eyes would do the same if I got that cheesecake drink.
  4. @Keksie your cat cuddle photo is the best @grapau27 Happy Birthday to Father David. I love that your church has proper tea cup & saucers for functions.
  5. @HBE4 Enjoy your cabin time. Sounds fun & relaxing. Would love to see some photos of the area, if you care to share, on your return.
  6. @Sea Dog Lovely photo of Linda and your gorgeous pups. So pleased the op went well. Agree that bathroom tasks will be the hardest & putting on her bra. Ideas: baby wet wipes Use bath instead of shower home visits by hairdresser for shampooing or weekly visits to hairdresser for shampoo etc Keep Linda away from cooking initially until she becomes adapt at using her left hand. Not being able to chop or lift saucepans is frustrating. If driving causes your knee pain to flare, maybe reach out to friends and neighbours, to assist with the driving if Linda needs to be driven somewhere. My fav part of having a cast on my hand was being chauffeured everywhere. All the best to you both as Linda recovers. That lovely October cruise will be here before you know it.
  7. I had a melanoma in situ removed and was charged a small additional cost when I declared it. Reading posts like yours Re insurance costs, confirms that I need to cruise more regularly before I retire.
  8. Your photos bring back happy memories of things I used to do with my kids in the school holidays. What is the dessert?
  9. Ring your insurer and request a cover letter stating that you are covered for Covid & the South Pacific ports you are going to. It’s what I did because my cover didn’t specify Covid cover. Short phone call & it was emailed through immediately
  10. Sending hugs to all those in this group who need it today. @jagsfan sorry to read you are unwell. Hope you feel better soon.
  11. @Luckynana Congratulations to Erin. I hope she enjoys her very first week as a RN @A&L_Ont Congratulations to Owen & the team @Sea Dog All the best to Linda @sgmn Love that Gary is following the road trip from a favourite movie. Hope you share details of the trip when you return.
  12. @grapau27 Graham, do you have pet bunnies or are they wild visitors to your beautiful garden? @sgmn Enjoy your roadtrip. I like your style travelling in Gary’s jag. Is Gary not watching the Tour De France?
  13. How does the Celebrity Edge compare in size to the Majestic Princess?
  14. As previously mentioned, they didn’t offer any compensation before I cancelled but the refund came through very quickly.
  15. We’ve had photos of sunrises & sunsets. Have we had a rainbow photo recently? From Waterton, Alberta And a nice view from the sun road in Glacier NP.
  16. @h20skibum kids doing cartelwheels is always a sign of happiness to me. Great mini golf set up. Used to love playing mini golf as a kid, as did my kids but the set ups were never as elaborate as this. You are giving your grandkids a great summer holiday, as always.
  17. That would be such a thrill to see. Lucky you!
  18. Took me a minute - Le Wal Marte. love it. My mum always called Target “Tarjay”. Not surprised Zoey got lots of compliments- she’s adorable.
  19. Gosh, you were lucky not to have been caught up in that. Tragic that a young life lost although sadly there might be more. Stay safe.
  20. Yesterday afternoon, I had just parked my car and I looked up and saw this lady heading my way. Didn’t recognise her, so I started replying to a phone message. Next thing, same lady was at my driver’s side door with her car key fob in her hand and trying to open my door. I made eye contact and raised my eyebrows. She was startled and then extremely apologetic. Her car was parked directly behind mine. Oops. I will admit that I’ve done the same in a carpark but thankfully the car was empty at the time…
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