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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. My daughter and her best friend have been trying for 6 years (including the two years they lived in London) to get tickets to the annual Glastonbury music festival in England. Last night was their second and final attempt to obtain tickets for 2023. So, at 8pm on the dot when the second round of tickets were released, she had her phone, her laptop, my phone, plus her dad and her brother with their devices all set up in a family room. Her best friend in Sydney was doing the same at her house as was her best friend in England… From 8pm onwards, I would open the door to the room every 15mins and get a sad shake of heads. At 7.50pm, DH came out and said it’s not happening. At 7.55pm, I heard a shriek. Yes, her Sydney BF had finally secured 3 tickets, 5 mins before the event sold out.
  2. My son has been away for the weekend in the Hunter Valley winery region which is about 3hrs north of Sydney. A mob of locals checking my son out as he went for an early morning walk: I have always seen mobs of wild Kangaroos on our previous visits to the Hunter Valley region and my son said they were everywhere on the weekend.
  3. Headland views, a garden that appealed to me, another rockpool with a bit of wave action And a “life aquatic salad bowl” with a large Chai latte that was a delicious way to finish off our walk at Avalon Beach - in the one of the many cafes in Avalon village before we collected our car nearby.
  4. Anyways, the reason we were on the bus was because we were doing a one way 7km walk from Palm Beach to Avalon Beach. Beautiful coastal views, 3 headlands, beautiful homes and 3 lovely beaches & rockpools: Palm Beach & Rockpool & first set of stairs:
  5. Well, my word for today is glorious. DH and I stepped off the bus at Palm Beach on a beautiful sunny Sunday in Sydney and I looked at the sparkling beach and clear water and turned to DH and said “ oh my goodness, isn’t this glorious ?” Then I left hubby on the bench whilst I popped into the ladies and the lady washing her hands in the basin next to me turned to me and said “isn’t it just glorious? - we are so lucky to be here today”. I could only agree. Then as DH and I started walking to the other end of the beach, we overheard an older gentleman who had just come out of the water turn to his friends and say “isn’t it just glorious? The water is so clear”. So there you have it, the beach that the actress Nicole Kidman holidays at every summer and gets papped, is glorious😀
  6. Sounds like you have some beautiful items in your wardrobe that you will not be taking with you. What will you do with them?
  7. Had bad hay fever this week. Been taking a tablet every morning when I get to work which is unusual for me. I usually only need a couple of tablets during all of spring. In the news today, hay fever suffers to be aware that there is currently a high pollen count due to the current warm weather after all the rain.
  8. The burglars from Home Alone? Hope you share photos later of all the Christmas decorations you put up. Sorry you knee is giving you grief but with your love of Christmas I can understand that the pain is not going to stop you decorating the house for Christmas.
  9. That is frightening. We were very lucky that he headed up the road to escape, rather than straight into our yard and banging on the front door. Two policemen remained in our driveway watching over the car until the tow truck arrived.
  10. It’s almost midnight on a Sat night in our usually very quiet suburb and this just happened - short version - male driver high on meth & ice - crashed his car into the telegraph pole out the front of our house - got out of the car and staggered up the road. Resisted arrest and got tazered. He is currently surrounded by four police while they wait for the ambulance. His smashed up car is littered with drugs…. I hate that people like this are on our roads.
  11. @dani negreanu no dinner for me tonight after our lunch + that cheesecake. DH was happy to have baked beans for tea, so instead of cooking dinner tonight I went for a very long walk across several suburbs to attempt to walk off all that deliciousness. When you or you DH make the burnt cheesecake, please post a photo here.
  12. Yep we love our clothes lines. Guess because we have such long hot summers. Love washcloths. Most families I know have them in their bathrooms including us.
  13. Lovely sunny Saturday in Sydney. Had a long Christmas lunch with a group on friends on the verandah of a lovely cafe. Food was superb. Never had a burnt Basque cheesecake before. Very nice. (Not the best photo). Drove back through a smoke haze. Unfortunately there was unannounced hazard reduction on this afternoon (normally we get advance notice) so all the dried washing including sheets & towels has a smoky smell. *hazard reduction - controlled burning of the bush*
  14. Max, keeping my daughter company while she fruitlessly attempts to buy Glastonbury tickets on 4 devices at 3am in the morning…. Daughter then wanted to go to bed but he refused to move off MY blanket so she sent me a photo and said “sorry mum, this was the best I could do” (the rule is sofa covers must go on if Max sleeps in the room….)
  15. Dani, I am very sad to read that the change in “climate” will have such an impact on your lives. I know you have many wonderful long term friends and your family in Israel so this is probably going to be a no but I have to ask if moving countries would be a consideration for you at some point?
  16. My daughter and I have upcoming flights to Brisbane which I booked. She loves the aisle and I want the window. That is what I booked.
  17. Bargain! Great idea to source from the charity shop. DH donated a couple of his good suits to a charity shop recently. Hope you have a great time at the event.
  18. I didn’t sign up for VIFP on my first Carnival cruise. I’ve got one now for the upcoming cruise but even logging into Carnival with my VIFP, there aren’t any of these great offers available to me. So it s definitely the case of them not being available to everyone.
  19. Agree. That is what kept me watching the show. I stopped watching at the end of Season 9 though and I doubt I will watch any of the spin offs.
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