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mom says

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Everything posted by mom says

  1. I haven't been on either of those tours, but have done land trips to Sorrento and the AC a few times. If your cruise is any time between late spring and mid fall I would avoid any bus ride along the AC. Traffic is bumper to bumper on a very twisty, turny, narrow road, and jams are the norm rather than the exception. OTOH, the drive from Naples (once outside the city center)to Salerno should be on the autostrada, so should be OK. Travel by boat is definitely the most scenic way to go, and Amalfi is a lovely, if touristy, little town. But IMO the boat ride misses the most picturesque portion of the coast, which is further west. As for Pompeii, we've never spent less than 6 hours per visit there. You would barely have time to see a few of the more famous sites. For me, I'd pick either the AC boat excursion or do a DIY to Pompeii and the Archeologivpcal Museum back in Naples. The second option listed is way too much time on a bus and not enough time actually AT the places you want sto see.
  2. Surely you haven't already finished hand embroidering the designs on all the group specific t shirts that you are going to include in each of their gift bags- a different shirt for each excursion.
  3. Yes, but the refund may come as OBC instead of being returned to your CC. Usually they want the cancellation 24 hr or more before the excursion time.
  4. I'd say go for it. Buy adequate medical and evac insurance just in case. Everyone recovers differently from knee replacements, but if you are diligent with your exercises at home you should be fine to cruise. In the first few months I still used a cane when I needed to walk or climb over uneven terrain, but that was about it. My PT and Ortho both emphasized starting strengthening exercises before the surgery and scrupulously adhering to the exercise schedule post op.
  5. As stated, yes you can ask to share. For a 2 top there may be a wait at very popular times. However a 3rd option is to make a reservation for your desired time (assuming you aren't in Blu or Luminae).
  6. I edited it out. Had 2 windows going at the same time. And good luck getting any satisfaction from the customer relations address. OP could just head for the top - and try jpadgett@princesscruises.com
  7. Welcome to Cruise Critic. You'll likely get more, informed, answers if you ask this on the Celebrity subforum: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/16-celebrity-cruises/ Short answer: yes you can dine in the diffrent MDRs. Just speak with your Mautre d' ahead of time.
  8. I'm so sorry. Were you unaware at the time of starting your small business/ hiring on to work that you wouldn't have the large volume discounts that are available to larger businesses or groups? Business is business.
  9. If you don't like the T&Cs there's a simple solution. Don't use that insurance coverage. Get a travel insurance policy elsewhere that does give you the coverage you want. We never rely on credit card insurance coverage for international travel due to the limitations and exclusions, which are plainly spelled out within the T&Cs.
  10. Yes, you still have the option of going to different MDRs. Just speak with the Maitre d'. But if you aren't notified about a change to Anytime Dining before the cruise, go to the Maitre d's desk on embarkation and ask to be switched. There are usually 2 shows in the theatre each night, to accommodate early and late diners. Times for all entertainment will always be printed in the daily paper that is left in your cabin the night before
  11. Ignore it. It's an old and outdated hangover that has never been edited. Blu doesn't have assigned times OR reservations.
  12. Of course it's allowed. But it would be more prudent to transfer it to your carryon bag before boarding the ship.
  13. Seems to me you could go to any of tye large online cruise TAs to do a price comparison of the cruise lines and itineraries you are interested in. Prices are all over the place, depending on what you want.
  14. No, it's not more complicated. You have a flight that can get you there the evening before departure. So take it.
  15. You do realize that this "perk" still comes with a cost to the member, yes? As a very large organization they can negotiate favorable terms with the insurance company. Just like any other large corporation. My daughter works for a world wide company and has access to a similar type of travel insurance that isn't available to nonemployees. So I'm not sure what your issue is.
  16. We haven't done aqua, but all of our stateroom thermostats seemed to work fine, as in, we could alter the coolness or warmth to our liking. Did you keep your balcony door closed? Did you ask your steward to have the thermostat checked?
  17. What time are you supposed to arrive?
  18. Try asking on the RCI forum: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/51-royal-caribbean-international/
  19. Like Fouremco, we have had the annual policy for many years and are pleased with it. We've only needed one claim, but it was handled very promptly and satisfactorily.
  20. OP, as mentioned, none of the existing Princess ships have a ship within a ship setup. Nor do the suite amenities or perks (or even the suites themselves) compare with the other lines you mentioned; especially against the Celebrity suites. Princess does have other things going for it, which some may rate higher than comparable lines, but those are more general, and applicable to all pax. Sanctuary is a "for a fee", adults only reserved relaxation area. Anyone can use it if they pay for a reservation. More info here: https://www.cruisecritic.com/articles.cfm?ID=2284
  21. It has long been said, and oft repeated on CC that if a port is of great importance to you, then don't cruise there. Do a land vacation instead. And it's true. Ports can be canceled for many reasons. Well in advance or with very short notice. Anything is possible, but don't hold your breath. It might be added back, or a different port day may be added, or you may be stuck with that extra sea day. I am unfamiliar with Aussie booking regulations, but if it's still this far out can you cancel without penalty?
  22. You do you. Personally, we aren't Elite, and considering our last cruise, doubt that we ever will be. I don't eat breakfast, other than choking down a croissant or 2 with my cappuccino on port day mornings. So IC is sufficient. I dislike the buffet crowds at lunch, and wandering around searching for a table while my food gets cold. I'd rather eat in the MDR where I already have a table and don't have to search for something I may want to eat. And we prefer dinner in either the MDR or specialty restaurant where we can have a relaxed multi course meal with wines in an atmosphere we enjoy. The only exception is if we return late from an excursion and are too tired to do more than grab a quick bite and retire for the night.
  23. You are aware of the issue so take steps to protect yourself. Crew can't force other pax to be responsible and wash/ sanitize. So keep your personal bottle of sanitizer or pack of wipes with you and use them after sitting down at your table with your plate, before starting to eat. Voila, problem solved.
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