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Everything posted by terrierjohn

  1. I thought you were attempting to say it was easier for cruise ships to inflate prices compared with equivalent land based hotels. I disagree and think both would be judged by the value for money they give.
  2. Hopefully only to help members post in the correct area,
  3. I did say all inclusive resorts, where most people want to get full value for their holiday, those who can afford to utilise non resort restaurants, would not be too bothered about increased prices on board ship.
  4. I was looking at their website, I assume. Ooops you're right, I must take more care in future.
  5. They really have no more of a captive audience than any all inclusive holiday resort.
  6. It seems that the Randox certifly antigen self test is now from £20, and my android phone does not let me place an order, it just says Android coming soon. Good job I bought 2 spare ones so have enough for my October cruise, if testing is still needed.
  7. Do we all believe that oil and gas prices can remain high as inflation starts to hit the world economies. Once that happens demand is going to reduce, and we all know that the market always tends to over react and commodity prices tend to plummet, let's hope!
  8. You should be able to stock up your spirits cupboard, as well as bring back some perfume for Xmas presents.
  9. It definitely made the atrium seem very bare from how it normally looks when the shops are open.
  10. Of more concern would be a change of on board shop franchise, we were on on Ventura when that happened and the shops started packing up with 3 days to go, and were shut completely on the last day.
  11. We were on Ventura prior to a refit a few years ago. Some contractors did join us while we were in the Caribbean, but their work, wherever it was, went unnoticed. The first we saw of any work was contractors ripping up the rubber flooring on the balcony as we departed the ship.
  12. My fault really, I fell into the trap of using the forum as a 2 way chat room with the op, I must try to learn to be more precise in future.
  13. It was the serenity pool area that I was saying was free.
  14. I assume the little extra refers to the retreat which is forward of the serenity pool area. There was certainly no charge for using this area last month.
  15. This means a guaranteed cabin of the grade you have paid for.
  16. Its only your opinion that they're meaningless. I would imagine greater than 97% follow the rules, and of the rest only a few will be genuinely positive. So with only that level of potential infection, you minimise the potential for covid to spread. .
  17. I don't believe the cruise lines are trying to prove it's safe to cruise by having pre cruise tests. They are only trying to minimise the number of people who catch covid while on board. How their sales team spin this information is a totally separate issue.
  18. If you can use a pc or laptop to post on this forum and do internet searches, then you have all the expertise needed to do the same on a smart phone, and the P&O "App" is actually only a webpage, just like the CC forum, so you can already access one of these.
  19. The prices change so frequently so I suppose that's why they dont quote them.
  20. I can honestly say I have never been happy to leave a cruise, not even our first cramped inside cabin on Carnivals Carnivale.
  21. My investment company has just upgraded its systems, supposedly to provide a better service to customers, however their statements no longer display my name or any code. The previous version did, but also contained any other investments in my portfolio requiring lots of editing out. My previous company which, was taken over by the current one, did enable me to print off a statement, but it was extremely tiny print. Fortunately both offer(ed) the facility to pass my holding info to Carnival along with the booking data which I gave them, and so far I have had no problems getting the shareholder OBC added to my booking.
  22. But it can be and is far simpler than trying to find a statement that would suffice on very many investment companies websites.
  23. There was a programme on TV about the firm that makes these, from memory they are by far he largest supplier of these in the UK, making for anyone who uses them.
  24. From that graph it does seem that stock markets are a bit like Westminster, when the herd moves, it seems to move in unison!
  25. Wowzz, I wonder if P&O still allow you to switch bookings between Carnival brands, might be worthwhile asking your TA?
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