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Everything posted by uktog

  1. Where two are in a room one is moved to another room. Along from us are several rooms where people have covid. We see people in hazmat suits delivering meals. Looks like for 1 so I’m assuming the infected people stayed in the balcony room. What surprised me is Azamara is not testing these people daily. We also know people have dreadful coughs but not got tested. We heard some people had tested positive using their own tests but had said nothing. There was a lot of I don’t want to lose days of my cruise when I’ve only got a soar throat overhead by a friend on a tour. So some very responsible people interspersed with a few idiots.
  2. It is. Emails come as soon as they accept your offer. This can be as late as 72 hours before sailing
  3. Although it doesn’t speed up your bags I’d go to Apple in Amsterdam and get AirTags. At least you’d know where your bags are then. check in lines are horrendous but no point in going before the check in for your flight opens
  4. I did indeed and i would advise your sister in law to come prepared. We only upgraded our drinks package after supplies were secured 😀
  5. That route was a black hole for me before this cruise
  6. That is truly appalling I would wait until they rang you now!
  7. It is as Belfastman stated (embarkation 25 July)
  8. Not offered on Quest it’s only NF for the Ultimate
  9. It’s all about revenue generation forget any sense of logic or fairness in that 😀
  10. Not quite. That would have been something else!
  11. The Azamazing evening on quest this week was very enjoyable. It was held in the cabaret lounge and involved Norwegian singers and a fiddle player. The performers were well known in Norway having represented their country in Eurovision. The compère spoke very good English and was also a very good singer. There were two shows so you could either dine before or after the show. Drinks were served involving Norwegian spirits and some Norwegian cinnamon cakes were also offered What was very nice was that we all got a lovely gift to represent our stay in Norway delivered to our staterooms. Sometimes in the past when we have had these things they were low quality but here it was obvious budget had been spent and we have a lovely Norwegian cheese slice which is useful as it was something I was planning to buy myself anyway. I genuinely believe given how high calibre the acts were that there was not a budget reduction by having the event onboard when you take into account all the extras we got
  12. Currently on Quest. It’s a different chef from April and the food so far is cooked much better and the menu choices more varied. It’s also way better than pre pandemic. I think as well as personal taste the particular ships can make a huge difference as to whether a dish ticks the box for you or not depending on their approaches to spicing and seasonings.
  13. One of the confusions on Quest is unlike in April there’s a new policy. No drink menus on tables and bar staff don’t have them in some bars. So new cruisers have no idea what they have included etc.
  14. That’s my experience and my agents experience regardless of when we call.
  15. Flam is no longer possible for most ships due to changes in restrictions on fuel and types of power.
  16. Today onboard Quest we can see an advantage in booking ship tours. We were supposed to be in Vik from where many were planning to go on the Flam railway some through the ship and some independently Last night we were advised there been a rockfall on the road so tours could not get to the train. We are now going to a tiny place 30 miles away so the tours can still go ahead. It’s somewhere Azamara has never been (nor has our Norwegian captain) it’s that small and remote. They have helped guests travelling on independent tours reach their provider but some are saying the providers can’t make the trip to get them. Flam railway is one often discussed as diy vs expense of the ship. It sells out early. It’s unfortunate today for those who opted for independent and have now no tour.
  17. I was only reporting the situation on Quest and the views of officers there. I will be on Onward later in the year and will form a final view then. But I am certainly not short of places to enjoy a drink on Quest and I enjoy the Library as a place to sit especially on the first day when the weather wasn’t so good
  18. I’m on Quest just now. There have been folks using the library every time I have been there. There are also 4 groups onboard including Music at Sea. They are holding events from time to time in the Library. There was also a Sabbath Service there the other night. The Hotel staff are rightly unsure how all these groups could be accommodated if the library became another bar. A bar would not be an appropriate setting for some.
  19. Data consideration 75% of guests do not occupy suites On our current cruise it’s the highest number of repeat cruisers since the pandemic (over 67%) A large % of them are not in suites Non suites therefore work for many - you could even say the majority
  20. Onboard the ship now it’s very clear the guidance masks are not required. You can wear them if you want and they ask that each group respects the views of the other. I would say on this sailing of 550+ less that 10% are wearing masks. It’s the “new normal”. The next step will be to remove the mandate for crew who have to wear them indoors in guest areas only. They hope to do that soon.
  21. 2024 UPDATE: After being stuck for several years [thanks, Covid!], @LoonBoarder has graciously created a new spreadsheet in Google Sheets and promised to keep it up to date. [Thanks so much!] Azamara Staterooms Spreadsheet [Here is a link to @mchell810's June 2021 updated version: Cabin%20Reviews%202021.pdf [And here is a link to @uktog's original version up to 19 Mar 2019: Azamara cabin spreadsheet 19 Mar 2019.pdf In the meantime, please continue to follow @uktog's helpful instructions on how to report cabin information in a consistent manner: On the Celebrity board, there is a very useful spreadsheet kept up to date by one of the cruisers where others can search for information on a cabin. Here on Azamara, we have to try and search and trawl for information and I am offering to create and maintain with say forthnightly updates a similar spreadsheet. For it to work, everyone has to post information in a consistent way and also only use the thread to post information, not to engage in debate (pop over to the Celebrity board if you want to see more on how it works) For Azamara, I would suggest the information should be Cabin Number Ship Month/Year sailed Would you choose this room again Y/N Is noise an issue Y/N Balcony size Normal/Larger/Smaller Any other comments (keeping these succinct so the spreadsheet does not grow too much) How do others feel about this - if you think we do not need it here, please say, I will not be offended!!!!
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