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Everything posted by uktog

  1. Pre covid it could be used as gratuity added to a bill in the specialities but you are correct not for the crew fund. I agree staff are the losers here especially towards the cruise end when you might be more generous to use up obc after a meal.
  2. Thanks. Hope you enjoyed your cruise
  3. uktog

    Heike's new home

    I believe she will have an onboard role, suspect moving to each new ship as it comes out.
  4. uktog

    Heike's new home

    It is reported here
  5. uktog

    Heike's new home

    Just seen a sign of the times - Pursuit is expecting to be met by protestors in Bordeaux who are unhappy about cruise ships coming up the river
  6. Good to see you have a different DJ - July Quest had got a "wrong hire" for sure. Have the Fantastic Beats gone home from the Living Room? They were amazing but as they were on in April as well I am guessing they were about due a rest. I also see a change in The Den. Anyone on Journey - who are the entertainers there? Thats my next "port of call" so beginning to anticipate things. I know there is a bit of change before the 24th there as the cruise before is a charter and that usually signals some changing around as the charter folks bring their own entertainment.
  7. uktog

    Heike's new home

    Indeed, I suppose as we would not want a shock landing we have been dallying elsewhere and will do so both in terms of oceans and rivers in the coming few years. At least we will then know who has a tick and who does not. (Oh and MSC Yacht Club certainly does not get a tick but I'm hoping Explora Journeys is that step up they are claiming it is or our experimental booking will be a one and done!)
  8. uktog

    Heike's new home

    I suspect some ports will actually limit ships access anyway and you are going to have to be under 250 passengers to get in never mind the technology and environmental boxes you need to tick. That’s already happening in Norway and Spain and France are reconsidering their river access rules. It’s only a matter of time before we lose Rouen and Seville to all but river boats. So it’s probable looking ahead that even at 700 guests Azamara is “in trouble”. If we want to be very close in, it’s going to have to be niche lines. I remember Larry Pimintel talking about the economics of ships sizes in terms of build cost and fixed running costs. He highlighted then that a fully qualified and experienced all round cruise ship master commands the same salary regardless of vessel size. If you read between the lines in that presentation to stay small but best return on investment 900-1000 is the sweet spot. Having sailed Viking (and let’s ignore for the minute the crew interaction levels) from an all round guest experience that size is perfect- big enough to offer more overall guest space and small enough to avoid feeling like a number whilst still accessing pretty good parking spots. A Viking vessel with Azamara crew would have an awful lot to commend it.
  9. Yes a video supervised test is accepted
  10. Boy does she deserve it, she did the heavy lifting at Balmoral last Wednesday and Thursday
  11. We too have just returned from seeing the cortege. We went to what we thought would be a quieter spot - it was an amazing experience - it was reckoned there were well over 1500 people in this small road leading to the back of the airport. Here are the crowds a few minutes before hand. I did not take photos of the cortege, it felt wrong. Princess Anne and her husband were in the car behind. Princess Anne looked very strained and tired. She has been by her mother on all her journey since Balmoral
  12. Unbelievable Phil helped me (thanks star I’ll buy you a drink- oh wait it’s Azamara ) mine are correct
  13. I think you had the patience of a saint given you were having to call following Azamara's error. Its not great - not everyone can call at 0830 or whatever I know my own TA says his current experience of wait times for Azamara is some of the worst and it can mean some of his staff might encourage guests to book elsewhere to avoid spending so long on hold for one guest so they cannot "sell" to others
  14. uktog

    Heike's new home

    Heike has now made it public, her new home is Explora Journeys in a fantastic senior role Good luck Heike we will all be following with interest and some of us will be testing one of your early voyages
  15. That would send me running out of the bar never to return, smoking cocktails or not
  16. They do not, they are onboard only and the higher OBC benefit ($300) only applies for the first half of the cruise thereafter it is $200
  17. Paying by credit card gives good protection for UK guests. Hope it is the same elsewhere
  18. Today we are due to have our family silver wedding tea (we will be on Azamara on the actual day) just us sons and grandchildren but it’s now a logistical nightmare. 2 Sons who rely on buses stuck one side, son 3 now a maybe as grand daughter back up the hospital yesterday (sadly something we live with) so we will not manage to also go out today but might think about Tuesday afternoon. Fingers crossed our neighbour who is on stand by is able to get our first all family picture and we are not eating a replica cake on our own 😂😂
  19. We went and laid some flowers from our garden at the Palace of Holyrood yesterday. It was a lovely day and a beautiful experience. Not maudlin, everyone was reflecting and chatting sharing their memories. The little children bringing handmade cards were delightful. The police and palace staff directing everyone were so nice. I’m glad we went. We would have liked to go and see the cortège as it drives to Edinburgh today but logistics just will not work. I think as she drives through Scotland there will be crowds every step of the way.
  20. So disappointing it’s like they think we are mugs. Can’t remember the replacement SB in Norway it came with the usual this is better. Mr Google said no and my palate said never. I drank rose all trip as a result. And if the ship is full the patio should be open at night bWhat’s the new excuse?
  21. Anyone on Pursuit what’s the story about a being stuck in Rouen? I read it on another site. Something to do with someone not bringing in a line right?
  22. Answered on your other post - in summary yes no problem
  23. Yes. We bought one previously go to guest relations the charge goes to your account which your obc clears
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