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Everything posted by sogne

  1. on our 28n Southampton round trip to Caribbean this Jan we got a second helping after leaving Tortola this was also the case on our 21 n round trip in 19 via Iceland Canada and NY, second 8 hours after leaving NY this was of course under the old system
  2. Not with P.O. but with cunard have booked b4 boarding and rebooked on board with OBC and original payment refunded 2 cc.
  3. passed this at 0600 approx june 23rd
  4. June this year we had 2 departures at 0800 and 0200 approx both passed Cuxhaven in daylight and bright sunshine?
  5. I think this qualifies as a sail by as the captain on departing a maiden call said "we will cruise slowly as we sail by this wonderful scenery"
  6. . Internet. Husband is a happy bunny as Sky News and Sports are on the television, which we have on ( deep joy and Sports is banned) at breakfast time, and when he’s resting. is TV working in port we had no TV in Hamburg. Bergen, and Stavanger on Mary
  7. correct except taken from QE last September
  8. the ship in with QE Nov 21 was Costa Diadema not Aida she left on the evening of our overnight stay
  9. I think that is QE Nov 21 with largeAida ship behind we arrived Midday after aborting Cadiz. It appears wet on cam and indeed there was heavy rain for a time.
  10. this just qualifies as a sail by although you have to stay up late to see it
  11. https://www.aftenbladet.no/lokalt/i/G3j1OV/webkamera-sjekk-folkelivet-i-vaagen-akkurat-naa Stavanger today
  12. Engine control area but engine room.
  13. Recent social media comments from pax on Mary quotes WC rep indicating Oct
  14. The grade of fuel used is known as are its compoments and emissions.
  15. In June the captain said in his broadcast that Cunard and the Norwegian authorities had been in discussion for sometime and the final decision had been made after ship left Southampton. Skjolden is not a poor substitute still sail length of Sogne fjord.
  16. Flam cancelled going 2 Skjolden instead according to FB postings
  17. quite right my neigbour has a 16 year old mongrel still going strong despite the heat and will play with anybody. He runs rings round my 20 month GS who is probably the softest one I have had. The oldest pedigree GS I have had (8 in total ) got to 13 y 6 months. We are on QA second voyage and will make our own minds up. Much the same was said about QV when he started. Both Mozart and Beethoven were looked upon in dismay in their day.
  18. Do you member Slim Whitman?
  19. On port webcam clearly windy white wave crests all round the new berth is very exposed with no shelter
  20. Gib 2024 schedule has both Iona, Ventura and Britannia calling there in addition to Aurora and Arcadia https://www.gibraltarport.com/cruise
  21. If docking at the usual berth you will have view blocked by buildings but for entering Amsterdam the main city area will be starboard as you pass main railway station
  22. 8 hours 4 diamond old system used new on QM2 in june we logged in our laptop alternatively on sea days for 24 hours allowance so watching minutes go by on slow download etc on old system no longer matters on port days we used our mobile data allowance neither of us used our full diamond allowance
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