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Everything posted by sfaaa

  1. Best decision Carnival made. Total waste of staff time and laundry cost.
  2. sfaaa


    Mex soldiers and police are quite friendly with tourists. They would post for pictures if you ask them nicely.
  3. I guess we will know more about these cruises when flights are scheduled to show up for booking through X in a few weeks.
  4. sfaaa


    PV cruise pier is located right next to a large Mex naval base. Cartels better bring with them a lot of fire power if they plan to attack and overrun PV.
  5. US$1pp per trip. Bus stop is located right outside the cruise pier.
  6. In case you are unaware, that hotel is haunted. Prefect place to be at Halloween though.
  7. A big box online TA is giving out coupon book. I have one coming to me on my April cruise.
  8. No good. A lot of cruisers are going to miss their flights going home.
  9. I didn't know about the free passport bus in LB. Thanks for the tip.
  10. Labadee is safe because Haitian gangs decided it is to their benefit to leave the place alone, not because of the flimsy chain-link fence, the odd armed guards or 4 hour drive from their gang hoods.
  11. I concur with the poor signage at Lido chow line. The signage was not well placed or very noticable. I had to tell a few people who cut in front of me to go line up at the other end. It was annoying.
  12. They don't? Let's compare some facts. In Mexico, town mayors, elected officials, police chiefs, judges and LEO are often killed for standing up to drug cartels or refusing to be bribed. In Mexico, drug cartels have access to military grade hardware like RPG, 50 cal HMG, grenade launchers and plenty of automatic assault rifles. These folks have no hesitation to take on Mexican army and police. Some cartel leaders and members are in fact former military and police who decided to switch side for money. Is this happening in US? If so, it is certainly news to me.
  13. Forget this refund thing. Go spend your time with your wife and take good care of her.
  14. COVID may not be as deadly as before but it remains highly contiguous and constantly mutating to evade vaccine and natural body immunity protections. That's what make COVID a dangerous virus. Besides, who would want to get sick and end up ruining his/her vacation by Day 5 of the cruise.
  15. Rowdies don't dig scenic glaciers, Alaska nature talks and cold weather. They want to hit the beach, party down hard and drink themselves silly. Alaska cruise is not for them.
  16. Not surprised. Many cruisers are acting like COVID is over and throwing caution to the wind.
  17. So much for this little maneuver. You just spilled the beans and tipped off AMEX.
  18. Everyone has the right to say NO if he/she doesn't like the deal. My conscience is clear.
  19. Yeah like the 70's college dorm on weekends. Stale beer and pot smell in the hallways. Loud rock music blaring (mostly BTO, Led Zeppelin etc). Hate the pot smell now.
  20. When things are in your favor, just take the perk and don't ask question.
  21. You may be jumping to premature conclusion. I have never witnessed any unruly behavior on my Alaska, New England and Panama Canal cruises but I saw enough of that on Caribbean cruises. It has a lot to do with ship itineraries and month of the cruise, not necessary the cruise line.
  22. The blue zone seems like a nice area since the streets and houses around there are well kept and in good shape.
  23. Precisely. I had the displeasure of dealing with one vendor who did not like the price I countered and said something to me in his native language. Judging from his demeaner and body language, it was something rude or insulting.
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