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Everything posted by Donsyb

  1. I had trouble adding mine to a booking my OH made so called and they added it
  2. Related question - where do people store all these bags in the cabin? Is there storage under the bed (thinking of oasis specifically )
  3. I think whilst technically they can ask it’s unlikely. I travel to Spain a lot as my family live there, I’ve been twice so far this year, never been asked for reason for visit, and at Madrid they didn’t even ask for proof of vaccine, although they did ask for that in Palma in May (although now those restrictions have been lifted they may not even ask that).
  4. Maybe a weird question, but looking at the photos of the pool…. Are any of the pools on oasis actually big enough to swim in, especially when full of people? All the pictures I see just seem to be people standing around in the pool talking!
  5. Check the rules for liquids in your carry ons - you might need to put in your checked luggage
  6. I notice your diamond letter still says drinks up to $13 - has that not gone up to $14 with the price increase?
  7. I never said they did. However they have a responsibility to make sure staff in those shops are not mis-selling to their customers on their ships. The person said they specifically asked about customs and was told there was no tax and they didn’t need to fill in a form - they weren’t told Royal would report the sale and they’d pulled aside and questioned at customs. If they had they could have pre-filled the form and would have been prepared for what happened. Royal should be taking it up with the management of the shops.
  8. Someone was complaining on FB about this too, they had bought a ring and had the same situation. They kept saying RC lied to them that they didn’t have to pay tax - not sure of it was just their misunderstanding or if they were missold.
  9. Having not experienced them, what is wrong with the infinite verandas?
  10. Not going to happen, they have already said booking on board is now permanent. There’s a thread somewhere.
  11. St Maarten maybe? There’s the Amsterdam cheese shop.
  12. The flyer only says U.K. and ROI. we booked directly with RC and got this over the phone but we are in the UK
  13. You can get gluten free beer. Not sure if they have it on board but worth asking.
  14. I know! Sounds like they just got someone useless 🤦‍♀️
  15. Anyone here based in the ROI successfully got this promo? Someone is being told it’s only for the U.K. and when they said other people in Ireland had got it was asked for their reservation numbers!
  16. Anyone here based in the ROI successfully got this promo? Someone is being told it’s only for the U.K. and when they said other people in Ireland had got it was asked for their reservation numbers!
  17. Nope, it opens earlier in the app as well. I booked months out in the app, and changed times.
  18. I would tip him just for looking like George Clooney 😂
  19. Same for my November 13th sailing on oasis
  20. Agreed. As people’s income and circumstances can vary so much, what is a lot to one person is pocket change to another. Therefore I don’t think anyone should be telling someone else “it’s only $100 you can afford it” when they don’t know that persons situation. People seem to assume if you’re going in a cruise you are wealthy, but some people will have saved for years to go on one cruise and it may be the only time they get to do it. Therefore IMO the best advice is - it’s discretionary, auto tips will be added to your account, if you are comfortable paying more and think the service received warrants it, then pay what you are comfortable paying.
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