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Everything posted by Lakesregion

  1. Why would they remove French Toast? Simple low cost item. Also do they still offer a snowy nova and a toasted B?
  2. Good to hear but sailing into and out of Manhattan has always been the more interesting.
  3. Just reading the tea leaves but here is my thought on the matter. The QM2 will NOT be making her usual world cruise in 2025. The New "Modern" Queen Anne will take her place and Cunard from that point forward will enter the land of causal in its totality. The dance floor on the Queen Anne is smaller and who knows about afternoon tea etc. So come H or high water I will be making the 2024 QM2 world cruise.(already well booked) It may well be the last of the real traditions. Just my opinion and we shall all see come 2025.
  4. Just wondering if anyone has the scoop on where the QM2 will dock when she returns from the current world cruise. The Red Hook cruise terminal is currently being used by the City of New York to house some 1,000 homeless men.
  5. Be thankful there were 7 agents working the usual complement in LA is 4. US immigration has a formula they work by. The larger the number of passengers on board a ship the fewer agents they send to process them and Sundays are even worse. Welcome to the US government.
  6. Reread what I posted. No one violated the suggested attire in Taste. What I said is that the majority of males that came with well dressed females did not live up to the tone set by their ladies. Not hard to understand if you will read it again.
  7. 12 day on the Getaway in January and I would say 85% of the ladies dressed up to a decently high standard for dinner in Taste. But only 25% of the men did so. Now that is not to say the men violated any suggested dress standard, they simply did not follow their ladies in dressing up to the level of the linen table cloth and napkin, uniformed staff and overall ambiance of Taste.
  8. From that list it would appear that you were frequent visitors to the free laundry service offered by Cunard. Can't imagine you wore that few clothes for that many days with dancing etc without very frequent washes. Cunard does make it easy to travel lightly but the laundry is a time taker away from other more interesting day time events on board.
  9. Sailing on the full world cruise Jan 2024 NYC to NYC on the QM2 and have the following questions. All of these things were available back in 2016 and I would like to know if they are available now. Only Britannia class answers needed, nothing from the high end cabins thank you. 1. Robes and slippers? 2. Daily newsletter from the US and the same from the UK.? This is not the daily program of events but a recap of international news. 3. Nightly turndown service with chocolate on the pillow? 4. Twice daily cabin service? 5. Food from room service still free? 6. Can a second chair be had so two people can dine-in if they wish with out having to sit on the bed? 7. Coffee Maker? 8. Storage of luggage after the under the bed approach has been exhausted? 9. Daily free Fruit Bowl?
  10. If there was ever time to buy travel insurance that guarantees full fare and expenses refunds should NCL shut down ala Thomas Cook with little or no notice. Also prepare for another round of service cuts. If folks are good with only one time a day room cleaning, why not once a week. After all people are really not getting on and off the ship with all the missing ports and extra sea days so they will not begetting to cabins dirty. And another round of increases in the "specialty" restauarns and possibly a reduction in free restaurants to the two smaller ones with the large one going to a pay for the privilege eatery. Large corporations, Covid not withstanding, never seem to listen to the slowing of the music in their sector. Way too many ships chasing way too few passengers and with the Federal government driving up the inflation rate, passengers have fewer real dollars to spend on offerings that keep cutting services..
  11. Excellent job of loyalist rallying around the NCL flag. Never ever post a suggestion that may look like NCL is in the wrong. These folks are will sail NCL to get the low price booze cruise at any cost including being told one thing and get another from ports to services to food and so on. Keep up the great work NCL loves you as you are their major market base. Those folks that expect to get what they pay for are not their market.
  12. But not until the defendant NCL answers the complain and files a motion. Not before. But I only make a suggestion Not as an attorney but as someone who has experience with such courts in my business life.
  13. The courts do not look at the contracts unless an attorney from NCL brings it to their attention with a motion to dismiss. That costs money, Time and bad press. Large corporations generally find it easier to settle quickly and quietly.
  14. Don't know how things work north of the border, but here in the US, we have small claims courts in very county where one can without an attorney bring suit for generally up to $5,000 against a person or a corporation for loss of money, failure to fulfill promises etc. It will cost NCL more in attorney fees Corporations can not represent themselves but must have an attorney unlike individuals) to have one file the necessary court papers and attend a court session than it will be to simply pay you. Also if they lose in court it sets a precedent that other similarly aggrieved people can file similar claims. Settling keps the matter on a one to one basis.
  15. Hopefully by next year's QM2 world cruise Cunard will have found a few employees that understand tradition and act on it. It is not only Cunard but in most everything on shore these days. Those that know and appreciate tradition are retiring and the new employees have zero idea about such things and go about setting up events for an older crowd just like they would enjoy it with the rest of their 20 -40 something friends. One hopes the good CEO went back home and fired the person or persons who put together that disaster in Singapore. No excuse for such shoddy work unless as I stated they simply do not understand tradition and a better level of what should have been a formal evening with a fine sit down dinner, good dance music that played throughout dinner and long afterward as was the practice with past world cruise gala.parties.
  16. They now only have one time a day room cleaning. but with the raise, passengers no longer need to feel required to add an extra $100 tip for less service.
  17. Plan on at least one hour from Red Hook to Penn Station, then 15 minutes in the station. I always book a 2 pm train headed to Boston . If you arrive earlier than your booked train you can always try to change the ticker to an earlier train. Why ruin a relaxing cruise with a heart ending ride from Red Hook to Penn Station after pushing trough customs and all the rest of the debarking hassle.
  18. I guess if one is willing to stand in Time Square for 8 hours with no bathroom break among thousands of other people to watch a ball drop on New Year's Eve, cruising with 4-6,000 people in a tight space works.. No ship can properly handle that many people with any level of grace. NCL is fighting for its very economic life and is cutting every corner they can. If they lose a few thousand "Old" loyal customers but can market to a few more thousand newbies who have no point of referene, cuts will continue.
  19. Maybe you could explain why discussing people dressing to fit the ambiance of a particular restaurant or not dressing to fit is considered by you to be talking down to the people. What I still want to know is why do the ladies dress to fit the ambiance but their male escorts do not. I know that NCL has no real dress code and anything goes, yet on my recent 12 day cruise 80-90% of the women dressed way above the NCL minimums but the men stayed more to the middle which made them stand out as not complimenting their ladies. I can not understand that type of logic. Please explain it and do not get all defensive as I am not talking down to anyone just seeking knowledge.
  20. Fine but was your wife also very casually dressed or was she in an outfit that more fit the fine dining room ambiance. That was my question about why men whose wives dress up prefer not to complement her but dress down.
  21. Could be. Do you have pictures so we can all vote?
  22. Just returned from an NCL 12 day cruise out of NYC on the Getaway and was answering a few questions from folks who might be uncertain to what they were possibly signing on for. Best to be forewarned than to be disappointed and out cash for something they will not really care for. Always find it amusing that so many people get defensive when someone comments about attire and manners. If they were comfortable in what they were doing they would not have to constantly object to others who wish to elevate the atmosphere. On my 12 day, I was pleasantly surprised that 90% of the ladies made a sincere effort to rise to the level of ambiance NCL offered in their main dining rooms. Saddened that their male escarts did not make the same effort. Yes they with very rare exception did meet the very low standards set by NCL but they did a great dis-service to their partners by not looking like a couple. Maybe, you could explain that type of behavior to me so I could better understand the thinking.
  23. So very true that is why there are a multitude of cruise lines. Sadly too many of them are in a race to the bottom of the market place and try to please eveyone, which never works in any line of endeavor.
  24. Pretty harsh view of Cunarders. Dressing to fit the ambiance of a ship, restaurant etc. is not strutting around like a peacock but good manners, Evidently something that your up bringing left out -sad. As to the rest of your screed. Must be hard waking everyday looking for something to be annoyed at. But then maybe NCL is your brand of folks. Who knows and for one who really cares. I did my NCL time and was released without probation. May god bless you and keep you!
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