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Everything posted by BND

  1. I have a friend onboard. The Captain has announced he'll let them know once he knows something. The fact, that less than 12 hours after the tragedy, people are calling. They can't get info until decisions have been made. Calling just jams up the phone lines. The people answering certainly have no idea.
  2. People are calling Royal. I knew this would happen. Just be patient. We all want to know how it affects our cruises, but give them a chance, geez.
  3. Tell that to all those people who think that Vision class only has a couple of feet of clearance, sigh.
  4. My DH said he heard that the ship went dark right before, so a loss of power could easily have caused it. There were 2 pilots onboard who know the harbor.
  5. Roanoke? That would be interesting considering where it's located. I assume you meant Norfolk.
  6. Even at 130am there is traffic. They are saying on our local news (Wash DC) that there is possibly a tractor trailer that went in also. There was a work crew on the bridge at the time. Also, just as an FYI, Vision is due to leave for drydock on 20 April.
  7. We're booked on Vision for 4 and 12 April. There are at least 7 people missing. I know they'll work to clear the channel as soon as possible. Not sure when the Carnival ship is due in but Vision is in 9 days.
  8. We started cruising in suites. With Royal, we started in JS, quickly moved to GS for several and when the deposit rules changed years ago, we went back to JS. We did GS mostly on EX when she was in NJ which meant longer itineraries. When the deposit went from $900 to $1800,we said nope. We didn't want Royal having almost 2K of our money for that long. Part of the issue is back then deposits were refundable. So, people would book a GS 18 months out so if we wanted one, we had to do the same, and then they would cancel later (we never did) so RCI's answer to that was to double the deposit amount on GS and above. We have done JS ever since. This was all before Suite lounges and CK. We've flown first class a few times. Most recently to DFW from IAD in Nov on a 737. Seats are wider and we were fed pretty good food. We took our sons to CA in April 2001 in Business class on a large wide body plane(can't remember which but it wasn't a 747) and the food was really good and the seats comfortable. It does help that DH is a million miler with United and we used points for one ticket to TX. He doesn't travel for work anymore so points are almost gone.
  9. We just met with our CFP. He suggested shaving off some of our profit from our RCI stock. We both said "NO"!!. He forgot we need to have 100 shares. So, for us, it's a placeholder. We don't need the money, but he likes to protect as much as he can now that we're retired (well DH works two days a week). We currently have all our booked cruises (8) with the credit applied.
  10. Not a chance. The visual of being "so close" to getting something pushed over the edge is too addicting for some. Just like all gambling, the house always comes out ahead. For every person that comes out ahead there are plenty who don't.
  11. We saw two bald eagles in Jan in PC after we boarded Wonder. They flew right past the Solarium while we were sitting there. As for medical evac, I'd rather be in FL than most of the islands for care.
  12. I should know that as we've been on Anthem twice. But, that said, the onion rings aren't worth it.
  13. I just cancelled our Hideaway reservations for our Apr 4 Vision Cruise. After watching review videos, we decided it's a no. We'll just do our usual pool lounger in the shade near food and bathrooms.
  14. On the smaller ships with Centrums, there is a dance band there almost every evening. We watch people dance sometimes. There's always a couple or two that obviously have taken ballroom dancing lessons. You can almost see them counting in their heads lol.
  15. I have never seen onion rings in the WJ. At Johnny Rockets, you have to pay a cover charge and honestly, they are frozen mushy ones. On ships with Playmakers they make them fresh and are among the best I've ever had.
  16. That was ONE poster. You could just ignore them.
  17. OP said "friend" which I took to mean just that, a friend.
  18. Not unless she qualifies for them herself. Sharing a cabin makes no difference.
  19. It was kind of an open ended question. OP didn't ask where it might be allowed.
  20. Who exactly was mean? People just posted they don't want to smell or inhale it. You have every right to complain about drunk people if they are interfering with you. There's a reason the laws about where people can smoke changed you know and it's not because people are "mean".
  21. In Jan, there was a group in front of us and two of the men lit stinky cigars. Someone also posted on our fb roll call that there were others on the beach doing the same thing. Why do they think that's okay? I don't want to smell that (or inhale it). There are obvious designated smoking areas with benches and usually covered/shaded. Just because they were outside doesn't mean that smoking can be done just anywhere.
  22. I have a small cube that has two usb outlets in it as well as a usb charging cord with different connections. We have yet to have any issues charging things. We plug our phones in overnight, our laptops when we are using them and our kindles and smart watches as we need to. Smart watches charge in a very short amount of time.
  23. Vision was built long before they started offering suite amenities like CK. If you want that experience on Royal, you have to book a ship that has those amenities, as in were built for them. I don't get it when people have expectations without doing research. MDR is the same across the fleet. We're on Vision for a b2b in 2.5 weeks in a JS. We've been on GR 7 times, EN 7 times and Vision once before (all the same class) out of Baltimore. We personally love the class.
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