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Everything posted by BND

  1. We have done 4 b2b's. One in 2016, one in 2021 and two in 2022. We had to get off the ship and back on for all four (Oasis, HOTS, EN, Jewel). We also had to wait a bit in the terminal for all of them. We also always have the same cabin-we won't book a b2b any other way. We have b2b's coming up this Oct, one in Apr 2024 and another in Nov 2024. For everyone, there has been a letter in our cabin a few days before. We have met in the theater, Schooner Bar and Centrum, so it varies by ship. It's pretty much always organized chaos as there's usually a few people who are late getting off the ship which delays the walkoff/walkon for the b2bers. We then walk by Customs, flashed our passports and then waited to reboard. One time we waited all of about 5 minutes and once (HOTS), we stopped three times to wait somewhere (promenade, terminal before customs and terminal after) which meant it took us 1.5 hours to do the process and we boarded right before suites started boarding. On Jewel, we were back onboard 45 min before boarding started. It's never the same.
  2. Well, since the menus are supposed to be on all ships by Feb and our April 8 EN cruise has the new menus I'd say you will too. BTW, lots of people have had their gall bladder out, including me and my DH and outside of knowing high fat can sometimes cause interesting results, that has improved over time to the point it rarely happens anymore. It has never stopped us from eating what we want. I'd say half the people onboard have had their gall bladders out. It's one of the most common surgeries, particularly in women. 12 to 18 hours? Everyone I know with issues from Gall Bladder removal have at most 1 hour before things sometimes happen without much warning. 12 to 18 hours is the normal amount of time to process food in your system. BTW, there are medications to deal with it if it's interfering with her life.
  3. Well, it does kind of defeat the purpose of streamlining the menus. If they allowed everyone to order "off menu" people would just go back to ordering their old favorites and it wouldn't have changed anything. Unless you have an allergy or medical reason, you're probably out of luck. I do think there will be changes and adjustments as they get feedback. We're going on a 12 night in April so we'll get to try most of the menus more than once as they do repeat them on longer cruises.
  4. How the heck is that true? Everyone starts at the "bottom" and works their way up no matter how much money they have. Geez.
  5. Louis Vuitton does that a lot. Coach doesn't.
  6. Outlets carry "outlet" styles. They are not the newest, current, or even ones that were ever carried in the actual stores. My nicest/favorite Coash purchases have been in regular Coach stores.
  7. Yes. I bought a purse on Oasis a few years ago (~2016) and the price was the same in stores on land. I bought it because it was the one I wanted. I carried it until this year when I got a new one for Christmas.
  8. It does make you wonder who knows who. A post quoting THE RCI meteorologist shouldn't be removed. It's not only appropriate for the thread, it's appropriate for the forum as it's about RCI. The fact one poster said something that everyone else has disagreed with/disputed shouldn't be moderated the way it is. The jokes may have been seen as "mean" lol, but the facts are the facts.
  9. Interesting, my post you're referring to went poof. I have yet to figure out how it's decided what stays and what doesn't. Oh well, no one else on any platform that I've seen has reported anything like the OP did at all.
  10. One thing I will let you know is that when I found the 12 night menu under dining and then main dining, I had to select the last listing (My Fair Lady Traditional Dining Room). It was the third one down to see all 12 night menus. The first two listed (Main Dining Room 4 and My Fair Lady My Time Dining Room end at Day 9.
  11. The purpose was to streamline the menus not make huge changes so yeah it is shuffling the deck. No one will starve and there are a few new items and some old favorites that are gone. Although, they have been known to add back old popular items later. Remember vidalia onion tart years ago that was removed with the last major menu change? They got lots of complaints and it came back after a couple of years.
  12. New menus are on the app for our 8 Apr 12 night EN cruise. Menus are repeated to fill the 12 nights. I'm betting they will add a few more menus over time, so we shall see. At least by the time we board, they'll have had a couple of months of feedback.
  13. From all I've seen and heard, all US ships are sailing at capacity. We've done 7 since restart and only the first in Nov 2021 was under 95%.
  14. You can see the schedule here. There are some changes from last year, but T5 is not exclusive to one cruise line. https://www.portcanaveral.com/getattachment/Cruise/Cruise-Lines-Schedules/CPA-Website-Schedule-Jan-May-2023.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US
  15. In the second photo where the cars are parked perpendicular to the fence (outside it) on the black area where the hatchmarks are next to the light pole is where we parked in Nov because not only was the garage full, the parking area inside that fence line filled up just as we got there. We were there for a b2b and made sure our car was still there on turnaround day. If you walk through the corner of the garage towards those blue beams, that's where the ramp you can walk up is located. So, we walked under the corner of the garage next to the stairs and to the ramp. And, they were collecting money as we arrived for the overflow. The guy swore our car would not be towed as we weren't in a real parking area and he was right. It was still there 13 days later.
  16. Did you see the photos and statement from James Van Fleet? I don't think anyone docked there on that day.
  17. I didn't compare each one but it shows menu names repeated. Mainly because it doesn't matter to me. Point is, they have posted them for our cruise. ETA: I just went and looked and yes identical, not mix and match. The Italian menu is the Italian menu regardless of which nights it's on and same for the others.
  18. The new menus appeared today for our April 8th 12 night Enchantment cruise. They're rotating/repeating some of the menus to fill the 12 nights.
  19. We were in Costa Maya in Nov and had waves slamming into the sides of the ships at the pier. Fortunately, not like that at all. Not everyone can run (me included since I had an knee/ankle injury 3 years ago). So, I guess I'd get slammed. Just wow.
  20. Marine Traffic past track shows Disney Wish in open water, nowhere near land the last day or so.
  21. You beat me to it lol I was getting ready for church when it was reported by my friend. Her last name is Boileau
  22. What I was saying the actual entrance to the terminal is on level 2 and because we were parked at ground level we walked up a ramp to get there. We never went in the garage itself, but I know there's an elevator.
  23. I just asked someone who I know that boarded toady. Hoping she responds shortly.
  24. I got the white on on our Nov Jewel cruise. Some sizes go quicker than others.
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