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Everything posted by pontac

  1. No worries. Leave it to Viking. Your bags will be taken from the coach when it stops at the boat and taken to the room. You could cross out the room number on the tag and write in the new one, or just tell boat reception when you check in. There's not many cabins on a river boat, it's not a big deal.* Congrats on the upgrade! You'll have a great trip (Does not matter where the cruise is going, you'll have a great time). *If you hadn't checked MVJ then the first you'll have known of the upgrade was when you checked in, and they'd have taken care of getting your bags to the new cabin. So, don't worry.
  2. The problem with the Reviews section is that it is primarily a review of the boat, not the itinerary. And if you travel on a line that has multiple boats of identical design then there's nothing to say about the boat on subsequent cruises Some cruise companies have multiple boats on the same itinerary, so there might be a review of the itinerary you are going on posted under a different boat to the one you are going on. I did post in the reviews section on a trip, but now I post a detailed review on this forum (click on the Trip Report links in my signature below). Why not say what itinerary and cruise line you want to know about? Someone here might have done it. I don't understand most of this this, but if you were asked for 2998 last week and only 399 this then it sound like you got a bargain, and the kids have an extra 2599 to look forward to..
  3. Worth asking, but I cannot see a problem. The cruiser departing the UK is the OPs mother and her husband who live in the UK. As far at Viking are concerned the booking is made via a TA for passengers with a UK address and Viking are paid by a UK based TA. Borders only concern is the passports, the plane ticket is booked by Viking and the only concern the plane operator will have is whether the passports are valid for the country visited - usually mustn't expire within 6 months of flight. It's not clear where the UK based couple have UK or USA passports, but either should be valid and neither country is in the EU. I do wish @ByTheOcean success, buying a cruise for relatives is a wonderful and generous gift, and I do hope @ByTheOcean will report back with what eventually happened.
  4. I think the easiest way is as @*Miss G* suggests, or as @Host Jazzbeau says. There aren't many travel agents left in UK but I'm sure that if you do what our host says and Google for UK river cruising agents you'll find one Viking (and others, it's not just a Viking thing) detect where your server is and switch to the website of that country. Thus I am unable to look at US based sites. So hide the location of your server by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). You can find a free one via Google. To answer your question People in the UK can book and pay online. UK prices include flights (and on some cruises the option train travel ) to/from the cruise, gratuities and on some cruises the Silver Spirits drinks packages. Plus full payment isn't due till 11 weeks before travel. So T&Cs are different from the USA
  5. But there are some 6 year old articles still listed. Things change fast, and really any article not dated the current year will be out of date. I read articles on a line I know well - Viking - and on Scenic with whom I've cruised once. It wasn't clear in some articles whether the writer was writing about their own experiences or repeating what the brochures said. And then there were the contradictions. One article said that Viking's menu 'doesn't have as much regional focus as you might expect' (1) (expectations aren't qualified), but another article said that Viking served 'tasty dishes that showcase regional specialties', (2) while another said of Viking 'local cuisine is a big part of the menu.' (3) One article started 'I have been lucky enough to sail quite a bit since the restart of cruising, but not on a river ship, so I was wondering just what things would be like back on board. It turns out that the experience on Viking Radgrid is almost exactly as I remembered it.' (4) If the author had never been on a river cruise, how could his first one be 'almost exactly as I remembered it.' ? He also said the breakfast buffet 'it was nice to have the option of a lavish Champagne breakfast buffet each morning'. (4) I have never known Viking to have Champagne on the breakfast buffet. Champagne is restricted to those that have Silver Spirits package. 'Dinner is four courses, and usually begins at 7:30 p.m. Breakfast and lunch are buffets' (1) Dinner is usually served at 7pm. This article, dated May 2023 plus others said that lunch in the Aquavit lounge is a buffet and that the lounge served a restricted menu. This was the case, but in 2023 Viking changed to a full waiter service with an identical menu to the main restaurant. The article Scenic vs. Viking River Cruises, updated April 19, 2023 says 'However, with Scenic this fare also included complimentary private door-to-door transfers.',(2) no more alas, 2023 saw the end of this except for those who'd cruised several times previously with Scenic. It's probably impossible to have 100% accuracy as the offerings change frequently, but I'd expect more editorial control over articles to ensure consistency between them and to remove padding. Also I'd like to know if the author has personal experience and whether the cruise was paid for or was complimentary. The site they are on is named CruiseCritic. (1) Viking River Cruise Ships: Everything You Need to Know About a Viking Longship Updated May 11, 2023 (2) Scenic vs. Viking River Cruises Updated April 19, 2023 (3) Viking River Cruise vs. Viking Ocean Cruise Updated February 07, 2020 (4) Sailing on a Viking Longship: The European River Cruise Magic Is Still There in 2022 Updated March 24, 2022
  6. I was thinking last night about cruising vs off-boat excursions. Some here say that off-boat excursions are the most important thing about a cruise to them. in other words the boat is used as a floating hotel to take passengers from site to site. I understand and sympathise with that view. As I've said. I cannot recall a cruise of the 13 I've taken that didn't have at least one excursion a day. But for me the excursions are incidental, I don't choose a cruise by the excursions offered*. For me, the cosseting and relaxation of the cruise is the attraction. And I prefer excursions to take place after lunch, I like a leisurely breakfast reading the newspapers rather than an early start to get on an excursion. So, the cruise companies are trying to please guests who have different priorities. *OTOH I cancelled a cruise (Viking's Great Lakes, Duluth to Toronto) when I found out how strenuous their excursions were
  7. I've cruised past those castles three times (so far), but sailing the middle Rhine to view the castles takes just half a day; there's a stop with excursion during the other half. It's Koblenz on Rhine Getaway cruise (afternoon Basel>Amsterdam direction, in the morning the other direction)and Mainz in Treasures of the Rhine.
  8. Then such a cruise is easy to avoid before booking by looking at its itinerary on the cruise company's website or in its brochure. I cannot recall taking a cruise that has a day without a stop and excursion.
  9. Forgive me as I've not done a sea cruise, but doesn't 'sea day' mean a day when the ship is crossing an ocean and all there is to see in any direction is sea? That's different from a day cruising on a river where there are river banks on either side to view. On the Mosel in April we didn't take an included excursion to Trier so we could stay on the boat as it cruised along the Mosel and we admired the ever changing views on both banks, like below
  10. I've been on that cruise. If you are interested in wine then it's great to be in the world's largest fine wine region. With the Viking cruise you have dinner one night in Ch Kirwan, a third growth in Margaux, where they served their top wine. It was a highlight of the trip. You're worried you'll be the only ones not retired. I guess you really mean will other guests be decrepit, sitting mumbling and dribbling. No. All guests will have had to travel - from the American continent or Australia is a long haul and not something decrepit do, plus there's a lot of activity on a river cruise. Meal times are free seating, so if you share a table with people you don't get on with, don't sit with them again. I took the cruise of Bordeaux when I was retired - but I retired in my 50s. There's not many cruise companies operating the Bordeaux cruise. I've been with Viking and Scenic. Viking have a better designed boat, seems more airy and spacious. Scenic use a narrow gangplank from their high reception with rope hand 'rails' to access the boat, which I did not like. Viking's lower floor reception matches the levels of landing stages. You are not the first person to post fears of being the youngest guest on board, if you look back through the forum you'll find the threads with responses from members of this board. I think you'll enjoy the cruise and you won't even notice the ages of other guests. Cheers Me with Champagne, Blaye castle in background. There's a comprehensive wine shop operated by the Blaye wine association showcasing all the wines from Blaye facing the castle entrance
  11. So true. So if you sleep naked, don't pull open the curtains when you get out of bed in the morning. There could be someone else's window alongside yours 😁
  12. That's true. Boats of same design can walk through reception area, but moored to a boat that doesn't have a reception area that aligns means - if that other boat is between yours and the river bank - going up to sundeck, crossing over to the other boats sun deck then down their stairs.
  13. Rafting is getting more common owing to the huge increase in cruise ships. It only happens when boats are moored (obs) and that is usually at night. If moored during the day guests are probably on an excursion. The biggest detraction is if one has a cabin with a balcony as the other boat's cabin balcony my be right alongside yours, and inhibiting sitting outside. And the other boat obstructs your view. However, it's just one of those thing. The amount of cruise ships now, and thus the number of cabins available, means there's fierce competition for passengers and prices are less than they'd be than if there wasn't so many boats. Has it been a big detractor to our cruising enjoyment? No.
  14. Depends on journey, and whether you want to speak or email a query in English. A simple point to point, e.g. Paris to London via Eurostar is easy to book direct with Eurostar on their website. A more complex journey where there are several options, connection and rail services and you want advice maybe you'd get a better service from a specialised TA*. Also depends on ones confidence in choosing the route and dealing with websites not in English. *this board says you need a TA to book your river cruise. That's something I've never done, always booking direct with cruise line. So, what do I know? 🙂
  15. My Mum always took her own pillow wherever she travelled. I thought that weird. I don't now..... Amawaterways website eventually (it's very slow) came up with Deluxe hotel-style bedding with Egyptian linen, down pillows and duvet I take 'down' to mean feathers. There must of been previous passengers who were allergic to feathers, so, as @CastleCritic said, seems a call to them is necessary to see what alternatives they offer..
  16. Eurostar trains are limited see article here Adieu Mickey Mouse: Eurostar’s shrinking ambitions seven years on from the Brexit vote | Eurostar | The Guardian Suggest tickets are bought in advance via rail travel experts. Ffestioniog Travel in the UK is one such specialist and they can give up-to-date advice in English. Another CruiseCritic forum user that I met on a Ukraine cruise* has been travelling in Europe and books her tickets in the USA with Ffestinniog as have I. Tickets are digital now, so you can do it all with email. I haven't given link as while I know one cannot recommend cruise travel agents I don't know about train travel agents. *happy days, great cruise from Odesa up the Dnipro to Kyiv, so sad what's happened.
  17. I don't know what you're expecting @JustKeepCruising23 but I don't think what is on the site is a 'list' nor that the same wines will appear on every boat, on every route and throughout the year. Indeed they state 'Please note drinks may vary by itinerary and ship' If we look with a critical* eye at that list: Chardonnay, France - France is a big country. It's more likely to be a co-operative or branded wine from Languedoc than Burgundy or Chablis, indeed they would state so if it was. Pinot Grigio, Italy - there's a huge amount of this wine made and most is very cheap Sauvignon de Loire, France - note, not Sancerre or Pouilly Fume Pinot Noir, USA - well.... why would Americans drink wines they can easily get at home. Be aware that US wines are more expensive in Europe than in the USA Rioja, Spain - Probably the most reliable, as has to be bottled in Rioja and bear an official seal showing quality level Merlot, France - France is a big country. It's more likely to be a co-operative or branded wine from Languedoc than Bordeaux, indeed they would state so if it was. Shiraz, Australia - unlikely to be from Barossa Champagne - many Americans think any wine with bubbles is Champagne, so if Champagne is your thing insist on seeing the bottle. Only bottles with a label that states Champagne are.. Prosecco - huge amounts made, some very good, but this is unlikely to be Conegliano Valdobbiadene. Few cruise passengers are interested or knowledgeable about wine, but the wines available will be poured generously and be palatable. They promise the local area’s finest. Those advertising wine have a different perception of what finest means to those consuming the product. *The board is called Cruise Critic
  18. The Douro cruise covers a short distance - from Porto to the Spanish border and back. Once you leave Porto you are in a very rural region. The Douro is in a gorge, so while you can see the river banks, you can't see the country beyond them from the ship. The gorge gets steadily narrower and close to the Spanish border there are occasions the boat can just squeeze through, with rock cliffs seemingly within touching distance either side. Wine is the business here, and the steep sides of the gorge are terraced to grow vines, and you are sure to visit a winery. The Douro is home to the fortified wine Port (Porto in the USA), and there are also forests of the oak trees whose bark is stripped for cork.. Whether that's attractive is a matter of personal choice. As others have said, you don't travel at night, and we enjoyed sitting on the sun deck watching the scenery pass. It was a relaxing trip. The river was not navigable until recently when rapids were dynamited an huge locks built. Thus I don't think one need worry about water levels. The Douro is a long river and the stretch sailed on is the closest to the outlet to the sea and controlled by locks. I was going to book a second trip there, this year with Scenic who are advertising (in the UK) that the second person sails for free. But it wasn't the bargain it initially seemed as flight, port fees and taxes had to be added, but primarily the only vacant date was end of November, Our cruising friends recently went on their second Douro cruise and said such was the increase in cruise companies on the river they were rafted most nights and had the other boat's exhaust blowing on their cabin. All the same, I think it is one of the most scenic cruises, and relaxing. However, I don't like long coach rides, so I won't be booking a holiday that commences in Lisbon, and although Salamanca is a historic and attractive city, I am not sure I'd spend another 3hrs in a coach to visit again
  19. I haven't stayed in one, and I doubt I will. If one is looking for downsides, possible ones are that they sell out fast, and they're located over the engine room and the crew smoking area is on the sun deck right above the suites. The engines are very quiet and vibration free.
  20. No. And I don't drink spirits anymore. My indulgence is fine wine..
  21. I couldn't see how to make a booking on TUI River Cruise website, but they have an app and that lets one book and pay for cruises. And you can book a cruise without the travel to/from boat element The TUI app | Download Now | TUI.co.uk MORE REASONS WHY YOU NEED THE TUI HOLIDAY APPThe TUI app’s like having a holiday expert in your pocket. Here’s a little more about why it’s a must for your holiday… More about browsing and booking breaks There’s no quicker way to start your holiday search than with the TUI app. Flights, beach breaks and excursions are all at your fingertips. • Filter holiday options to fine-tune your results, and search for flights from local airports. • Get instant info on room upgrades, board details and flight extras. • Check out and pay, or set up a Direct Debit, all from the palm of your hand.
  22. The answer is easy to find on Riviera's website What soft drinks and mixers are included? A wide selection of soft drinks and juices are available, including Coca-Cola, Sprite, Bitter Lemon, Ginger Ale and tonic water. Juices include orange, apple, grapefruit, pineapple and tomato. The exact selection of soft drinks and juices may vary by itinerary and ship. source Superior drinks on us | Riviera Travel
  23. I haven't been on Rinda - built in 2013 - but I'd have no worries about its age. It is identical to the rest of the Longships, and each winter the Longships go to a shipyard where they are inspected and any wear & tear is repaired or replaced. I also don't have recent experience with this route, as it's new this year. I went on Viking's Passage to Eastern Europe, from Budapest to Bucharest and thoroughly enjoyed it. Many of the stops are different, but I can recommend the optional Hungarian Horsemen excursion. I am not a 'horsey' person but the show was astounding. He's driving a team of ten horses standing on the backs of two of them. Excursion available from Budapest on your cruise. Re Thermal Baths: there is a fairly recent thread on this forum about doing it on your own cheaper. The baths are near the mooring spot, within walking distance. Note that Bucharest is some distance from the river and as the roads are in poor condition and the traffic in Bucharest more than the roads there can cope with, it took a very long time to make the journey from the boat into town. Now there are different stops I may be joining you in 2025!
  24. I did my first cruise with Scenic in August 2022 and didn't get any OBC but even if I did, I wouldn't know what to spend it on, as there are no optional excursions to buy and drinks are included. But that was last year and things change; for instance last year we got backpacks and a free chauffeured car to/from airport, but this year first time travellers get neither.
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